what is up with secret passage?

m1234567890 Posts: 20 Arc User
edited November 2012 in Support Desk
been usin my baby cleric to farm silk in there, and on the occaisions of lag killing me (i've gotten to watch myself die occaisionally) i am automatically teleported out i dont even get a chance to hit the buttons, i just end up in the temple. whats up with that.


  • _De_ZeRo_ - Archosaur
    _De_ZeRo_ - Archosaur Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    its cuz of the new patch.. there's a bug there... you've been forced to PvP (PK) there.. soo the reason why u teleport is cuz someone else killed.. donno about other servers though :O
  • m1234567890
    m1234567890 Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    its cuz of the new patch.. there's a bug there... you've been forced to PvP (PK) there.. soo the reason why u teleport is cuz someone else killed.. donno about other servers though :O

    noone killed me except a mob, its not the pk patch glitch in there this is a new bug. if i die i respawn in temple without being able to use mystic rez. timer or something i am gonna guess even though u used to be able to wait indefinately if you chose to wait for a rez.