Best skilled players through servers

chuckleisme Posts: 2 Arc User
edited September 2013 in Twilight Temple (West)
So I go out in pk areas and those who used to be the best players aren't as good now that others have caught up with gear, but I been seeing new ppl that are good, anyone here able to list their best players of their server would gladly appreciate. I know there's threads of this already but they are old and not recent or just troll threads. Ps name server then list to make it less confusing. Example: server name. Bm,wiz, seeker,etc, feel free to add more than one person
Post edited by chuckleisme on


  • tuckyken
    tuckyken Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    From my point of view: lost city server
      1. Bm: haven't seem any in action
      2. Wiz: mooooo,
      3. Seeker: murderfists, kriegscott
      4. Mystic: have not seen any in action
      5. Psychic: psychotic, sumwun
      6. Sin: rinc, death strike , bait
      7. Barb: apachi in 1v1s, flashman
      8. Veno: oouinee, Azura(spellcheck does it auto sometimes i dont see :()
      9. Archer: reckurworld, have not seen to many
      10. Cleric: ahira, mizeral
    1. Kremia - Lost City
      Kremia - Lost City Posts: 507 Arc User
      edited November 2012
      tuckyken wrote: »
      From my point of view: lost city server
        1. Bm: haven't seem any in action
        2. Wiz: mooooo,
        3. Seeker: murderfists, kriegscott
        4. Mystic: Kremia
        5. Psychic: psychotic, sumwun
        6. Sin: rinc, death strike , bait
        7. Barb: apachi in 1v1s, flashman
        8. Veno: oouinee, Acura
        9. Archer: reckurworld, have not seen to many
        10. Cleric: ahira, mizeral

        Fixed b:pleased
      1. Calvin - Lost City
        Calvin - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
        edited November 2012
      2. Wadzio - Lost City
        Wadzio - Lost City Posts: 308 Arc User
        edited November 2012
        tuckyken wrote: »
        From my point of view: lost city server
          1. Bm: haven't seem any in action
          2. Wiz: mooooo,
          3. Seeker: murderfists, kriegscott
          4. Mystic: have not seen any in action
          5. Psychic: psychotic, sumwun
          6. Sin: rinc, death strike , bait
          7. Barb: apachi in 1v1s, flashman
          8. Veno: oouinee, Acura
          9. Archer: reckurworld, have not seen to many
          10. Cleric: ahira, mizeral

          BM - Calvin, Jungleboy
          Mage - QuFeng, Leviat_imp, original Questro
          Seeker - Nniotora, 2HandedAOE
          Mystic - skillwise LookMyFace but his gears so poor...
          Psychics - _Psychotic_ and MageFizban while he played
          Sins - Rinc, Bait
          Barbs - in deed Apachai is very skilled and has good combos
          Venos - Azura and then nothing else
          Archers - there is plenty of good ones. Actually too many to call names
          Clerics - for god sake how can u put Mizeral (0,4 kill per death ratio says all) Ahira, Jesya

          Main problem as usual is the fact that ppl mix gears with skills. If u think like that then You would need to say LDaVinci and Hexstar are the best, along with moooo. But then PWIC tourney comes and they are the first to die... Also its like the 100 th topic abt it... and never gets old...
          Because size really MATTERS!!!
        1. tuckyken
          tuckyken Posts: 22 Arc User
          edited November 2012
          well jesya and ahira have jades and really great gear, any with that kind of gear from anohter class would kill good. Miz does good with her gear, ahira and jesya i dont see play much. Ep are just to squishy , they are not meant for killing. Nntora isnt all that good, he doesnt have many combos. Two is good 2, but Murder is best from what i see and his geartype. He has endless combos, heard he hit wishes without dragon for 53k which is pretty op to me. i dont see calvin or jungleboy much either in pk, but i know calvins good in group pk. As for moooo, hes not all gear and if u get to fight him u would know. Most ppl do the same thing over and over but he changes up so not as predictable, he's always been good on wiz but tbh never thought he was good on psychic. Davinci isnt good and it can be seen nowadays with more r9s, hexstar isnt good at all though, i was on a blue name and saw him die to zev. The fact that a 3rd cast nv bm had dd to kill 3rd cast r9 psychic just proves hex dont really use his defensive skills properly. And yeah i know theres good archers but i havent seen one kite as good as reck so far, maybe transcend but i think she quit. Yeah i forgot bout magefizban to ty for putting that there but most of these are ppl that dont play no more : (, but think the main point was to put players that still played quite a bit.
        2. Nniotora - Lost City
          Nniotora - Lost City Posts: 446 Arc User
          edited November 2012
          tuckyken wrote: »
          well jesya and ahira have jades and really great gear, any with that kind of gear from anohter class would kill good. Miz does good with her gear, ahira and jesya i dont see play much. Ep are just to squishy , they are not meant for killing. Nntora isnt all that good, he doesnt have many combos. Two is good 2, but Murder is best from what i see and his geartype. He has endless combos, heard he hit wishes without dragon for 53k which is pretty op to me. i dont see calvin or jungleboy much either in pk, but i know calvins good in group pk. As for moooo, hes not all gear and if u get to fight him u would know. Most ppl do the same thing over and over but he changes up so not as predictable, he's always been good on wiz but tbh never thought he was good on psychic. Davinci isnt good and it can be seen nowadays with more r9s, hexstar isnt good at all though, i was on a blue name and saw him die to zev. The fact that a 3rd cast nv bm had dd to kill 3rd cast r9 psychic just proves hex dont really use his defensive skills properly. And yeah i know theres good archers but i havent seen one kite as good as reck so far, maybe transcend but i think she quit. Yeah i forgot bout magefizban to ty for putting that there but most of these are ppl that dont play no more : (, but think the main point was to put players that still played quite a bit.

          just lol you know hex only got 3rd cast rank9 last week right and that i learned murder all those combos its not my fault everything i hit is over 15k lol ppl die to Rock Splitting Cleave b:bye
          100% F2P legit 105 since starting this game. Full rank9 jaded +12 seeker. gona hate cuz they cant play a game
        3. Longknife - Harshlands
          Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
          edited November 2012
          Longknife. All classes, all servers.
          I <3 AGOREY
        4. Nurfed_You - Harshlands
          Nurfed_You - Harshlands Posts: 754 Arc User
          edited November 2012
          Longknife for best ever
        5. Calvin - Lost City
          Calvin - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
          edited November 2012
        6. Mooooooooo - Lost City
          Mooooooooo - Lost City Posts: 377 Arc User
          edited November 2012
          youtube channel:
        7. Starr - Harshlands
          Starr - Harshlands Posts: 331 Arc User
          edited November 2012
          Longknife. All classes, all servers.

          quoted for truth. if tunnel snakes ever goes to Lost might have some good pvp again.
          the good Starr
        8. Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
          Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
          edited November 2012
          Longknife. All classes, all servers.


          b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
        9. Daemon_Imp - Lost City
          Daemon_Imp - Lost City Posts: 76 Arc User
          edited November 2012
        10. tuckyken
          tuckyken Posts: 22 Arc User
          edited November 2012
          just lol you know hex only got 3rd cast rank9 last week right and that i learned murder all those combos its not my fault everything i hit is over 15k lol ppl die to Rock Splitting Cleave b:bye

          u learned murder all those what lol? idk but if u mean u taught him combos dont know why u dont use any of it. all i see u do most of the time is normal hit, didnt know that was a combo ;l
        11. ASS_ASS__IN - Lost City
          ASS_ASS__IN - Lost City Posts: 84 Arc User
          edited November 2012
          I approve this.

          calvin did u get my message in game?
        12. Calvin - Lost City
          Calvin - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
          edited November 2012
          no I haven't log in, msn me or tell phar/teo/kelbin they all could reach me

          I told teo to return ur ringz. thanks for lending me da marriagez ringz
        13. Terrastrike - Lost City
          Terrastrike - Lost City Posts: 103 Arc User
          edited November 2012
          This thread again? >.>
          I swear we get a new thread like this every week.
        14. AntiCure - Lost City
          AntiCure - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
          edited November 2012
          usagi for best veno he/she has harpy wraith as pet b:fatb
        15. DrakolaD - Lost City
          DrakolaD - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
          edited December 2012
        16. mah002
          mah002 Posts: 5 Arc User
          edited December 2012
          tuckyken wrote: »
          well jesya and ahira have jades and really great gear, any with that kind of gear from anohter class would kill good. Miz does good with her gear, ahira and jesya i dont see play much. Ep are just to squishy , they are not meant for killing. Nntora isnt all that good, he doesnt have many combos. Two is good 2, but Murder is best from what i see and his geartype. He has endless combos, heard he hit wishes without dragon for 53k which is pretty op to me. i dont see calvin or jungleboy much either in pk, but i know calvins good in group pk. As for moooo, hes not all gear and if u get to fight him u would know. Most ppl do the same thing over and over but he changes up so not as predictable, he's always been good on wiz but tbh never thought he was good on psychic. Davinci isnt good and it can be seen nowadays with more r9s, hexstar isnt good at all though, i was on a blue name and saw him die to zev. The fact that a 3rd cast nv bm had dd to kill 3rd cast r9 psychic just proves hex dont really use his defensive skills properly. And yeah i know theres good archers but i havent seen one kite as good as reck so far, maybe transcend but i think she quit. Yeah i forgot bout magefizban to ty for putting that there but most of these are ppl that dont play no more : (, but think the main point was to put players that still played quite a bit.

          mooooo was best at his sin, he never were good on both psychic and mage, we can see from PWIC tournament, Rinc and Bait def best sin along with ***_***__IN, Davinci is ok, but i see him just suicide and go front line all the time, best wizard would be Questro.Nniotora is tanky, i saw 8 ppl ganked and he didnt die and killed all, i saw MurderFist got 2 shotted so thats poo for me specially for seeker. best psy would be KindaBusy, and i saw Hexstar oneshoting ppl alot, MuajMeej is good too. as for archers i saw Trascend get oneshotted alot, maybe Yoshiki is best archer atm. Reck is just attacking from stealth and goes back to sz. mystic no idea, BM would be Calvin and JungleBoy, best barb would be Wishess and Apachai. best veno would be Savor and Azura.
        17. Zombywoof - Lost City
          Zombywoof - Lost City Posts: 39 Arc User
          edited December 2012
        18. Zombywoof - Lost City
          Zombywoof - Lost City Posts: 39 Arc User
          edited December 2012
          i will shhitt in a vase
        19. Daemon_Imp - Lost City
          Daemon_Imp - Lost City Posts: 76 Arc User
          edited December 2012
          how is "oneshotting" a measure of skill? isnt that more of a measure of gear difference?
        20. ReckUrWorld - Lost City
          ReckUrWorld - Lost City Posts: 59 Arc User
          edited December 2012
          Lol people QQing about archer stealth. Funny shiit.
        21. Obilic - Lost City
          Obilic - Lost City Posts: 76 Arc User
          edited December 2012
          nice spelling llololol
          acura lolololol nice car brand

          Nice prepube voice! lololololololololol
          Because making sense is too mainstream.
        22. Asurzzo - Lost City
          Asurzzo - Lost City Posts: 17 Arc User
          edited December 2012

          o looking in the mirror again lol
        23. Savor - Lost City
          Savor - Lost City Posts: 252 Arc User
          edited December 2012
          I would just like to point out that Wadzio called an EP out for having a low kill death ratio.. you know EPs aren't supposed to be killing people right? This is why you can't have nice things..
          My main was Susamajii The Lost City Barbarian.
        24. FluffyRoar - Heavens Tear
          FluffyRoar - Heavens Tear Posts: 103 Arc User
          edited December 2012
          I would just like to point out that Wadzio called an EP out for having a low kill death ratio.. you know EPs aren't supposed to be killing people right? This is why you can't have nice things..

          Obviously he's right, seeing as how he's LC's best wizard.
          Just getting ready for Christmas.


          I post pictures of myself in every post I make. Maybe it's in relation to what I'm talking about, maybe it's just a random picture of me showing off. Who knows!
        25. Wadzio - Lost City
          Wadzio - Lost City Posts: 308 Arc User
          edited December 2012
          I would just like to point out that Wadzio called an EP out for having a low kill death ratio.. you know EPs aren't supposed to be killing people right? This is why you can't have nice things..
          Yes, leaving sz in pvp without buffing herself - something she does all the time. Metal maging all the time instead of healing and buffing her squad. Last not least You should watch breezee video from NW, where Laziz whispers Breezee at the end that EP sucked big time. Im sorry, but she is terrible and even ppl from ur guild knows it. Im far of calling myself pro, im average wizard, but honestly Mizeral is one of the worst eps on the server.
          Because size really MATTERS!!!
        26. Cupac - Lost City
          Cupac - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
          edited December 2012
          Back in my day gear wasn't overpowered.
          alot of people ask me am i affraid of death...
          hell yea im affraid of death
          i dont wanna die yet
          alot of people think that i worship the devil..
          that i do all types of **** ****
          look i cant change the way i think..and i cant change the way i am
          so if i offended you
          GOOD coz i still dont give a ****