Why 2x Sucks



  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    bet he lies a **** ton IRL too b:chuckle

    this is what i told myself early on in the game.
    If no ones doing it for you then you gotta do it yourself.

    In this case, most of the times it means to make your own squad. Eventually youll see which timeframes gain more pple
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver
    SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,225 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    mm2000 wrote: »
    I can tank with my own chars, why would I need a barb (or another one if I play one too?)? I always stock myself with charms, apoth and crab meats, why would I need a cleric / mystic for healing? I have not died once in this game, revive / resurrect is useless to me. I can get other DDs but why would I do that if they can't catch up with me?

    So from the beginning of this game, you can tank with your own characters, eh? Well. You're only allowed to have two active characters at a time, so I know that you didn't somehow run a squad at once of your own characters. Like the rest of us, you didn't know squat about this game, so yeah....you couldn't have done that either. But tell you what...I'll humor you?

    How was your fb19? Considering that you mentioned PLAYING a barb, this is your field...tell me, how'd that go, since you did it alone?

    What about your fb29?...you know...the one that you aren't worthy of a bh for until level 40, but receive the bh for at 29? How'd that go?

    How about your fb39? You know...the one where farren AOE's your characters physically, calcid does a magic burn, and herc lightning strikes your barb into the ground..,not the mention the plethora of different mob types in there.

    What about fb51? Where Fushma is a runner, Rankar one shots any mages and lays the pain on your barb...and wyvern eats you through his amp..since no one is there to heal/purify you since you're doing it alone?

    What about fb59? You know...the one where this is a MAGIC dungeon...you know...what your barb is NATURALLY WEAK to? How about Glutt's amp that should be debuffed? What about drake burning you to death?

    What about fb69? Where Pyro proved himself a pyro and burned you to the ground? Where Nob amped you, and obliterated you? Where Cennques Polearm showed you that he has R9 already and reduced your physical and magical defense to 0, then one shot you for over 10k?

    What about fb79? Where the random walker in the beginning killed you upon entry?...How Hooli, Brig, Styg, and Linus took you and smacked you all around...you do know that a lot of people use BB in that instance right? But given that its you, I guess you don't.

    How about in fb89? Where you've gotta do pulls?...especially in brim. Tell me how the bosses ate you. Tell me, are you sage or demon?

    What about fb99 and fb 100. How you fell off the bridge in SOT dual clienting. How you died to everything in there and left in disgrace.

    Tell me how you fared Lunar, and how you suffered to the end?

    Tell me how you did delta, and how the mobs can and had a party with you.

    Tell me how you get into nirvy which requires 6 people, and how you stand at the gates looking sad.

    Tell me how you have to do the same at TT, and how emp's throne still his not been toppled by you, how you stayed awake during minister, and how arma destroyed you.

    Tell me how you got past all the fc bosses, and how you didn't need BB for Holeen, how hands clapped for you, how runewolf blasted you into nothingness, how the shocktrooper showed you his version of BB, and how the first boss's circle of life became your circle of death...not to mention all of the other bosses.

    Tell me how you're working on aware of harmony. Hint: You MUST DIE to continue your cultivation, so we all know you're lying.

    Tell me how you valiantly charged at Sonic Oppressor and all of the other world bosses. Tell me how you no doubt tried your best to resist their onslaught...and tell me again how you no doubt failed.

    I have been with such people who either just take too long to go to an instance and they end up way behind me wasting my time with them. I don't like waiting for people, I am usually the first to fourth person to enter, even for BH, I just go for the boss and not care about the other people in my squad if they take more than 10 minutes to come inside the instance, if they didn't get the kill, too bad for them, join another squad.

    You mean that if you didn't get the kill because you were insta-kicked you joined another squad, and how you were brutally destroyed if you're on a pvp server. But wait...your statement contradicts itself. You know why? It's because you needed a squad. You know? A bunch of leeches. b:scornb:beatenup

    If they take too long (faction member, random or recent friend you barely know) is too obvious that they will bring down the squad. Before I had level 80 chars with TT80 gold / nirvana,

    You managed to equip nirvana at level 80? Really? Tell me how. I'd be impressed if you equipped TT99 gear, let alone lunar, or even TT90, but you got nirvy...at level 80....That's an accomplishment.

    I noticed this, when the squad member was the actual threat to the squad I kept my caution and actually avoid the squad wipes when my gear was not +8,

    it was +4 max

    So you didn't solo anything then basically. Krixxix massacred you, and beat you so badly you thought that you won. No. That's not how it goes.

    and I had no idea how to refine properly then. Leeches hinder you, not contribute by doing their role.

    Ok. So, since you made yourself sound like a leech, I know who not to invite in squad. Lol.

    In final response to you.... b:scornb:beatenupb:cool

    My responses are in blue.
    "Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."

    Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.

    (Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)
  • SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver
    SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,225 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    truekossy wrote: »
    Guys, mm2000 is a troll and an idiot who talks a lot but can't actually back it up.

    Just ignore its posts and move on.

    True. I couldn't resist though. Lol. b:laughb:victoryb:surrender
    "Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."

    Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.

    (Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)
  • Sneaker - Dreamweaver
    Sneaker - Dreamweaver Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    i have np with 2x on niv i usually take my 104 bm and my 105 sage sin and just duel it or sometimes i just solo itmy sin but when i was little i can certainly empathize with you .... unfortunately my 105 r9 x2 is on another server or i would use her here b:cute closed beta was an awesome place to start b:cute
    Sneaker 105 sage sin

    "Memory is the guardian of all things"

  • BerserkBeast - Sanctuary
    BerserkBeast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    i have np with 2x on niv i usually take my 104 bm and my 105 sage sin and just duel it or sometimes i just solo itmy sin but when i was little i can certainly empathize with you .... unfortunately my 105 r9 x2 is on another server or i would use her here b:cute closed beta was an awesome place to start b:cute

    If you're THAT awesome as you say, I wonder why you even bother with trivial things like farming (especially in an instance like Nirvana that can be done with TT90+ equips).
    The only way to beat a troll is....to troll him back b:angry
  • Zhu - Lost City
    Zhu - Lost City Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    There's way too much negativity in this community now. Thank goodness I quit.
  • Reliea - Sanctuary
    Reliea - Sanctuary Posts: 685 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    2x is farm time :D
    You farm whatever it is you can do at your level, to make money for the times when it is less profitable to do so. I don't really care what it is, but I do love rolling around in piles of loot b:chuckle
    Certain things get shuffled to the side for a few weeks, but eventually things turn back around.

    This time around there are a lot MORE things going on than on the old 2x times. Since no one really vanas anymore, there's more time to other stuff. A lot of people abandoned Delta too though, so I can see why that might be hard to find. Bh89 is also hard, since people at that level often skip it in favour of FCC. I personally stop Bhing regularly during bh69-89 til I'm into Bh100. It's also one of the places where books are cheapest, so more people would rather do full bh abba or seat instead.
  • mm2000
    mm2000 Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Bull. Either you don't play the game, or you're a nub who does everything on easy mode. Everyone has died. Pro players, R9's, new players, everyone. Dying is pretty much part of the learning experience as you try new things and challenge yourself further.

    Personally I don't mind if my squad is a little slow, undergeared, low DD or w/e. As long as they're friendly it's all good. MMO's are social games, if you get hooked up on efficiency over enjoying the game with others, why even bother playing. I gear myself properly and know my instances and class, but I personally couldn't care if a run takes 10 minutes longer than it could. If I'm having fun and others are too, the experience is worth it. In fact I'll always choose the casual and relaxed squad over the fast gear obsessed efficient-driven one.

    Other than aware of discord quest, I have never died, even in PVP I haven't died yet. Only when things do go bad (before I made +8) I do flee before I die which always succeeded because of the charm and holy path and speed up apoths. I don't care if forum users do not believe me on this, I know from my own experience. Funny how people also think this is my main account because of me posting on this one (fail smart **** attempt again, highest leveled char on this account is 57) , I am pretty sure the majority of people use more than one or two accounts.

    Maybe I have been playing everything on easy mode? I like dealing with efficiency rather than some false "enjoyment." With strangers or even faction members? Lots of drama comes from the randoms, now let's say someone (squad member A) wipes the squad three times from Nob in BH69. squad member B leaves the squad immediately and gives up because it is a hopeless run. Squad member C starts insulting squad member A, and drama starts between A and C, D and E left the squad or just did nothing but enjoy the drama because of the argument over failure to kill nob. F have stayed trying to stop them from arguing and continue trying even though they have needed a better set up. If you think that is enjoyment, then that is you. I have seen "Do not trust -inserts player here-, he/she steals drops!" I rather deal with efficiency over BS anyway.

    What about below 80? I never had anything higher than +4, I have two sage chars, both are close to 90, I would have leveled the farmer char first. I don't rush to level and I play basically on an average of 1 hour a day since a month I started the game when it was like beta and do other things outside of MMORPGs / games in general, I would have been 100 by then if I didn't take so many breaks and play within that amount of time even if I did play when it was 2008.

    @ Serenity, facepalm at FB19... I soloed that with my barb and veno when they were level 23, barb was more of a challenge because I had to use apoth and potions. I also used the HP charm on rend razorjaw. For human FB, I have solo with BM, stuns work on those bosses too, so that was really easy.

    FB29, I did with friends there, I never soloed with my veno or barb at that level, but for BH I literally soloed with my level veno when she was 41+ with eldergoth, it was ungodly slow.

    39 I soloed most of 39 except for trioc, Farren is a piece of **** boss to me, his AOE tickles and his hits are so weak, I can just use normal potions instead of charms that time. As a BH was a complete joke for my veno, barb had no problems with most of there.

    51, I actually had a squad for FB because I heard of the amp wyvern does which he did, Fushma was really laughable enough to solo, as a BH, again I had no problems soloing there.

    59... Another easy one, most threatening for that area was just the water valley in there.

    69 was the only challenging so far with nob and pole as it seems because people had most trouble here. Of course, I have not experienced problems with them even though nob's debuffs are very nasty, but my HP was too high because my TT80 gold gear was already +8.

    79....? Are you serious? ROFL LMAO!!! Please tell me you're joking because only complete legendary fails that are a myth die there. I have never seen anyone die there, ever... Who got killed by mobs upon entry? Where? Unless teleport stone changed teleport spot to all the mobs in that room, then okay. I only remember ONE walker which hits weaker than the mobs in BH59 which is also an archer mob. There is no way in hell I would have died to that even if I was AFK. The bosses hit like utter ****, for BH even for 80s was pathetic. This is the most sad instance I have ever been in, not to mention that it is extremely boring and molds are **** too.

    I have done FB89 with friends I knew, yes I have done pulls without the bosses chasing though since I was new to there, I just listened to them because they have done it before. Once again, I have done successful run without anyone dying, it was not hard either.

    I would not speak for 99 / 100, I never have done it yet.

    Lunar I have tried once to see what it was like, nothing that difficult.

    Delta, I have done it before coin reward was removed, that was easier than gamma.

    3-2 wasn't that difficult either.

    I always run FC to offer people for coin, that's another source of income for me to sell heads and forget the rest of the full FC unless I want to trade in those annoying things that pops up in my inventory. Shocktropper has done no BB to me, I have no idea how is that even possible because I completely solo him, sometimes I glitch him when I don't want my charm to tick at all, runewolf sucked and is predictable with his slash, whoever falls for that is slow. First boss, forgot the name... That boss is laughable, the circles were the reason why I can't do marco on him. Even so that is the easiest boss to kill in that instance.

    I'm not even going to comment on others, you are way too delusional. Except for the gear, I was not clear enough, I have had someone make the gear for me for a price I have offered and it was a deal and I refined and sharded it myself. Not equip it, I have full G16 nirvana fully sharded and refined in my inventory. Jumping to conclusions is not going to make the community any better. Getting to +8 on my TT80 gold and nirvana costs under 400k per piece of armor and 800k on per weapon from just mirages alone and the weak refining aids from DQ points?

    Continue to blame people like me for doing what we want in order to get things done right and quickly. Which is why we solo in the first place. I laugh at those who look for a squad to do a run for like a half an hour, for me that is like half of my free time there wasted if I was doing that. We just simply have no time for any burden, it is simply your fault for not changing your ways of this "mmorpg should be about people teaming up together." Have fun looking for a squad for most of your time when you could have done something else.
  • Toliman - Raging Tide
    Toliman - Raging Tide Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    mm2000 wrote: »
    ... I laugh at those who look for a squad to do a run for like a half an hour, for me that is like half of my free time there wasted if I was doing that. We just simply have no time for any burden, it is simply your fault for not changing your ways of this "mmorpg should be about people teaming up together." Have fun looking for a squad for most of your time when you could have done something else.

    Today at the center of Arhonsaur chat was following:

    "LF TT opener"

    There is very small quantity of bh messages (I even not tell about fb messages).