A litle help with Rep/Money Making

GrazieElis - Heavens Tear
GrazieElis - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
edited November 2012 in Dungeons & Tactics
Im sure this question has been asked many times befor, but I would just like to know of any other money making tips you can give me beside what I alredy know. The reason for this is becous im trying to earn coins for Rep. My old method was just to grind DQ but thats pointless now that they reduced its prices to 1c. I was never very good at merchenting and gathering herbs becouse Im a Apoth and like to keep all my herbs to make usefull pots for myself. If you can pls shair some techniques that I may have not thought of I would be so gratfull. Maby some better Merchenting tips, I read a gide on it a while back. It didn't help me out very much and sounds like it would take weeks to get even a million. Pwi wants me to have 5k worth of rep doesn't sound like much but if trying to buy it >,..,< I did every quest to my lvl and only have 1383.

-ps. I am actualy a lvl 62 cleric for some reason the site wont let me post with her b:beatup if that makes any diffrence-

Clerics are the ones for me..
~Not that hard to see~
Post edited by GrazieElis - Heavens Tear on


  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited November 2012
    Two easier ones off the top of my head is farm mats (the ones from mobs) and do the dq quest for orders and sell the orders.

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  • GrazieElis - Heavens Tear
    GrazieElis - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Okay thanks i'll try that :) Well I never rily thought of doing DQ quest becouse I was told a long time ago that it was just a waist of time and coins. What are these orders you speek of?

    Clerics are the ones for me..
    ~Not that hard to see~
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Or the DQ items for the bank quest to expand the safe, that sell good for 1 coin items, I made 2.5m in 2-3 days so far just with that.

    Since multi-client is allowed I suggest you to make a shop with a second account, so you can sell stuff while your farm.

    At the start sell low DQ items for bank quest, mats & herbs you can dig and mats that drop from mobs like glue, rough fur, purified oil. Than check what you sell the most, if you notice example that you sell the DQ item Dull Claw really fast at 7.5k than set your shop to also buy them at 1k. That's easy merchanding, buy low sell highest.

    You just need to be patient and the money your shop make stay on your shop, for buy items and resell. It's why many people fail at merch they take the profit to buy stuff as fash, pets or w/e, the profit need to be use to buy stuff and make more money.

    So start with little items you can farm yourself.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • GrazieElis - Heavens Tear
    GrazieElis - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands

    Since multi-client is allowed I suggest you to make a shop with a second account, so you can sell stuff while your farm.

    I would do that but for some reason I can't open my second account. It says Client Running Unable to Proceed Update. Is there any way to fix this?

    ~Heh I'v been haveing all kinds of trubles lately >,..,<~

    Clerics are the ones for me..
    ~Not that hard to see~
  • Lucy_a - Sanctuary
    Lucy_a - Sanctuary Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I would do that but for some reason I can't open my second account. It says Client Running Unable to Proceed Update. Is there any way to fix this?

    ~Heh I'v been haveing all kinds of trubles lately >,..,<~

    U will have to go to your Perfect World Folder >>element>>elementclient.exe
    That will open another client for you.

    Also about money making...you could farm lower level (25-35) materials like rough fur or purified oil and sell it to catshops for 15k each b:chuckle
    Thank you for the awesome siggy Silvy <3

    // LVL. 8x Mystic // LVL. 8x Cleric // LVL. 8x Veno //

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  • GrazieElis - Heavens Tear
    GrazieElis - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Ok ty I got it working :) I'll just make a new toon and use her to grind Rough Fur and oil

    Clerics are the ones for me..
    ~Not that hard to see~
  • piranhakeet
    piranhakeet Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    True, farming low grade mats and herbs is one way. Entry level money making with low return in a long process of waiting.

    First, familiarize yourself with how much things generally sell for. Check catshops and auction, after awhile you begin to see the constants. For example, Immaculate citrine 50hp is usually 1m to 1.3 on the high side. So if you see it under 800k, buy it, resell it. Mounts that usually sell for 7m to 9m for sale at 5m? Buy it, resell it for 7 or 8. Fashion that goes for 4 and 5m? See it for 1.5 or even cheaper? Buy it, resell it.
    Same for weapons, armor and dye. Dye can be very profitable. Especially when I find dye in ah for 100k or 125k when it usually sells for 400k or 500k, and more. Sometimes I find them for 50k ea. Good colors too, like Sapphire 700k to 800k, Pink 800k to 1m or cream at 1m. (not sure who had that catshop in city of lost last week but I bought you out) Now some dyes dont sell well and always cheap, like Lime green. Always 125k to 200k, you'll never sell for higher. Dont invest in the low profit colors unless you get them dirt cheap.
    Honestly, I'm always looking for ah and catshop deals where they needed the money so selling real cheap, or my favorite, people that don't know what they have. And that's the best ones there. Player ignorance is windfall profit for me.
    So, again, familiarize yourself with prices. Mens and womens fashion. Mount prices, dye prices. Economics 101, buy low, sell high.
  • piranhakeet
    piranhakeet Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Taking money making to the next level involves spending coin. This can be profit from catshop or simply buying gold or packs. But it's been said, it takes money to make money.
    Packs! yep, this is where you can really make a profit. Assuming the PWI gods smile upon you. Take making money to the next level. Talking 45m to 85m in 1 day. Sometimes more. Depending on what you win from the packs. Of course many will debate this as packs can leave you madder then trying to refine with mirages and cursing PWI up one side and down another. (there have been days I wanted to reach through my monitor and strangle this game)
    But, Dye packs might get you some whites, blacks, creams, sapphire, violet red, red, or pinks. Or, you get mango and lime, lol. Actually I've done good on dye packs. I always make my money back and more. Dragon orb packs, you might might get one or two really good ones that sell for millions. (buyers market, not everyone has spare 45m and up for a high dollar D orb, may be sitting on it awhile.)
    Some pack items to look for, Lunar Glade Insignia sells for 35 to 45m. Wing Trophy Lunar Glade is selling at 55m to 65m for example. Diamon of Tiger atk +1 or Diamond of Dragon Def +1 catshop for 38m to 40m. (of course catshop buy price is 17m, lol)
    Or you may win a mount to sell. Plus other stuff, you can really make big money off packs if you get lucky. And once you start making this kind of money, take some profit and buy more packs. Now, you're in the game.
  • piranhakeet
    piranhakeet Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    As of last week Nation Wars really opened the door for dumping millions into the pockets of players. The tokens can be used to make mats for resell. Mostly Rapture Crystals. These usually go for 1m or so. I catshopped them for 850k ea and cleaned up.
    Not bad for two hours of CTF.
    I sold them to strike while hot. I'm undecided on how this will play out. I think the law of supply and demand will quickly take over here driving the prices down as the market gets flooded with inventory. I wonder if the mad rush making rap sellers rich was a bunch of people already in the process and simply needed more. So all these people have now got what they need. And after this rush is over, things will slow down and more people will be trying to sell raps for 999k then there are people needing them.
    And as NW continues, the market will be flooded. Period. So we'll see how the economics of this play out. Not to mention all the people that now have pockets full of money. And/or the ability to make good money now, This will no doubt effect the economics of this game. Unaffordable and barely obtainable items just became available.