Drop rates

iexze Posts: 239 Arc User
edited November 2012 in General Discussion
How do you get the best drop rates? How does level affect things? I am currently 27 on my alt killing level 25's for there rough fur but am not getting a single drop :/.

Is it better to squad up with a level 1, would that help drop rates?

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • _HealzYou - Archosaur
    _HealzYou - Archosaur Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    You can check the best monster to kill for certain items here: http://www.pwdatabase.com/ -

    This is the monster drop table for Rough Fur. Click here for the table.. - I use this often and it helps me alot!

    -- Being by yourself in a squad is better, you get the EXP from the monsters and if your party is set to "Random" the other members might collect the item you're looking for, unless they're very nice and will give you it. :3

    I hope this helps you!
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "Kitties will rule the world one day!"
  • Nariin - Dreamweaver
    Nariin - Dreamweaver Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    iexze wrote: »
    Is it better to squad up with a level 1, would that help drop rates?

    Squadding with someone doesn't help at all.
    I think drop rate stars falling when you are more then 3 levels above enemy, so your level is fine. Maybe you are killing mobs with low drop rate on fur.
    There isn't really anything that increases drop rate, exept server 2x.
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  • augustfinknottle
    augustfinknottle Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Squadding with someone doesn't help at all.

    And it can actually nerf the drop rate - squadding with someone too high or too low for those mobs, for instance. Also nerfs xp/spirit.
  • iexze
    iexze Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hmm ok thanks, the current drop rate is 11%, I haven't received a single drop yet :/, the mobs are still white named though.
  • Jaabg - Sanctuary
    Jaabg - Sanctuary Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    iexze wrote: »
    Hmm ok thanks, the current drop rate is 11%, I haven't received a single drop yet :/, the mobs are still white named though.

    Rough Fur Default drop rate 10.7322% Real drop rate 5.9757%

    That rougly translates as 1 drop for every 16~17 mobs you kill, maybe. Drop rate seems fine.

    Here is the secret to drop rate everyone knows. When you are farming a specific item, the drop rate is close to zero. When you see other people farming the same item, the drop rate is close to 80%, when you are questing and not looking for drops it is around 60%.
  • Nariin - Dreamweaver
    Nariin - Dreamweaver Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Here is the secret to drop rate everyone knows. When you are farming a specific item, the drop rate is close to zero. When you see other people farming the same item, the drop rate is close to 80%, when you are questing and not looking for drops it is around 60%.

    b:laugh so true
    Want a custom faction/fav icon? Look no further! Visit my 👿 Icon Repository in the Fanatics Forum.
    ^ but please, for the love of god, read the first page before making requests (UPDATED)
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Maybe wait at level 37 to farm it from mobs that have 17% chance to drop it.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • MagicEmpress - Lost City
    MagicEmpress - Lost City Posts: 795 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    iexze wrote: »
    How do you get the best drop rates? How does level affect things? I am currently 27 on my alt killing level 25's for there rough fur but am not getting a single drop :/.

    Is it better to squad up with a level 1, would that help drop rates?


    This is what I discovered when farming on my lower level toons:

    If you are as much as 1 level below the mob you are trying to kill the drop rate is dramatically reduced.

    I have a barb holding at at level 29 for a bit (blue named on a PvP server) and was killing level 30 mobs for DQ 31 (for my bank) and purified oil and the low level thread mats. The Decaying Ghouls and spiders around Silver Pool give those, and the antelopes give hay.
    I must have killed 30 of each and got 1 drop oil, 1 hay and 5 threads.
    The ghouls where level 29 the same level and gave the % drop rate they was suppose to but the level 30 mobs are awful. Same drop rate with DQ 31, anytime I hit a lvl 30 mob they would drop nothing.

    Then a level 32 ep showed up and was killing mobs around me and was getting the oils and hays to drop real fast. We squaded up (he needed the mobs for culti and quests) which is how I knew his level and as soon as the party level average was now 30/31 those level 30 mobs started dropping DQ and hay and oils for me too. As soon as he was done and left and I was alone again the drops clawed back down to a third or fourth of what they were.

    This might have been something PWI has done to punish low level bots or something. I have no idea if a level 89 goes out and kills level 90 mobs if they would see this drop rate reduction.

    Anyways if your low level kill only mobs of your level or slightly lower than you or your drops are going to suck. BTW rough fur is best from level 27 Snakevalley Bloodwolf just north of orchid temple. The sharks in the water actually have a slightly higher drop rate but they are mid level 30 mobs so if you're still 2X stick with the wolves, but make sure your at least 27 to avoid the drop rate penalty.
  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Also note that farming mobs of your level for drops, works better when you have the playing field all too yourself; if your in an area with a **** load of other players, that in itself will leech your drop possibilities... Thats why I will normally only drop farm when hardly anyone else is on & in the area...

    I also pick up most of my other drops (whether they be coin or potions) I learned early on that the least amount of other drops you leave on the field the faster you get new ones...

    Though to be honest, that part always bewildered me, being as how many drops certain classes of mass mobs can swamp you with in only a few kills??? and then they give you even more during zhens & etc. (I mean the amount of drops can practically look like its a carpet, because there can be so many of them) ~b:faint~
  • Cotillion - Dreamweaver
    Cotillion - Dreamweaver Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    seitori wrote: »
    Also note that farming mobs of your level for drops, works better when you have the playing field all too yourself; if your in an area with a **** load of other players, that in itself will leech your drop possibilities... Thats why I will normally only drop farm when hardly anyone else is on & in the area...

    I also pick up most of my other drops (whether they be coin or potions) I learned early on that the least amount of other drops you leave on the field the faster you get new ones...

    Though to be honest, that part always bewildered me, being as how many drops certain classes of mass mobs can swamp you with in only a few kills??? and then they give you even more during zhens & etc. (I mean the amount of drops can practically look like its a carpet, because there can be so many of them) ~b:faint~

    The part in purple is absurd. As if the game is calculating how many people are in your area and lowering drop rates because of it? Of course its going to seem like more if you empty the field. 10 drops on an empty field looks like a helluva lot more than 10 drops on a full one.

    Sounds like a lot is in your mind. A zhen yields a lot at one time because (if youre doing it right) you're killing vast numbers of them you wouldn't achieve yourself. What you get in an hour by yourself may drop in a fraction of time in a zhen. The drop rates themselves arent affected. Just the sheer amount of them that get killed at one time does.
  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The part in purple is absurd. As if the game is calculating how many people are in your area and lowering drop rates because of it? Of course its going to seem like more if you empty the field. 10 drops on an empty field looks like a helluva lot more than 10 drops on a full one.

    Sounds like a lot is in your mind. A zhen yields a lot at one time because (if youre doing it right) you're killing vast numbers of them you wouldn't achieve yourself. What you get in an hour by yourself may drop in a fraction of time in a zhen. The drop rates themselves arent affected. Just the sheer amount of them that get killed at one time does.

    b:scorn__Lets get this bit straight right now... The part in Purple was noticed not only by me but lots of other players like myself in (08-09') and was one of the other main reasons why {PWE} Added so many (New Servers) so quickly back then (to spread out the populace back then that {PWi} had back then (and if you'll continue to read on here you'll find that many decently designed game programs do have {self-regulating game subroutines} and you'll find out not only why they do have them, but also truely even have too have them, if you choose to read on...

    Many complained to {PWE} constantly back then too them about it, it wasn't just the lagg of too many players online all at once... It was also that the existing servers were topping out on how many variable identifiable (chari & drops vectors) that they could handle and have on the field all at once (after all thats why the lagg itself was forming aswell ~ because the servers were hitting an active variable saturation limit, when so many of us were on the field all at one time (and the drops began to quickly fill out & over saturate the last of what the servers could process in the areas back then {Any Decent Gaming Programming group worth anything will recognize such possibilities for over saturation and will put in safeguard limiter programming into their programs that will Nerf the possibilities of over saturation of the future Servers programming possibilities (otherwise the game programs would crash & seize and fail horribly, once they hit their limits (another words the closer you get too the possibility of {over-saturation} the less new Variable Active Items the sub-routines & programming will let come into creation during those times)} and theres still a varying form of that, thats actively crops up even to this day (mostly do to the newer {higher grade ~ textures mapping & graphics package} upgrade that its had since last year) that upgrade itself took up alot of the processing slack that the servers had gotten, when the player populace started thinning out, even though the players thinned out alot since that time, the new graphics package required much of that free'd up processing capacity just too let us have a more graphically high end realm too play in) I'm suprised you didn't periodically (think about) realize / or / notice that ~ yourself) being as you started around about (9+ months) after I did...b:puzzled

    And thats not even including the further strain on the servers processors, that inter-reacting with so many of our Users home computer systems does too its processing capacities (Its not just our home systems that are having to do all the work for that data interchange... The servers are having to make sense of a minimum of thousands (if not 10's of thousands) of active user interfaces all at once aswell... All of that is cumulative strain on both servers and game programming alike, and is the reason such limiter subroutines are an absolute necessity within gaming/server programmings ~ in order too limit the chances for over-saturation of Server safety protocols...

    You should have noticed its tendancies to do that atleast once in your whole time on game? Because many others, other then myself did notice that also?? b:bye

    I wasn't just talking about the basic Zhenning squad run concept; but was mainly saying that I'd noticed during Zhen runs, that some mobs tended too have their drops rates fall off drastically ~the more we mass-ganked them~ but other types held constant drop rates ~during the same (times and rates) that we did gank them~

    Which is why I said that part always bewildered me (for example: the squads I was on back then always not only had better, but had constant (sustainable) drop rates at Pirates // Where as the Rockin Wolves squads had their drop rates fall out quite a few times for us, even though we could also pull the Oreleiths aswell as the Wolves, during those runs......) b:byeb:bye
  • microalgae
    microalgae Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I don't know if anyone has said this yet I don't feel like reading everything.

    Sometimes when I farm DQs I find suddenly I stop getting many drops. I log out and wait a little bit and log back in and the drop rates go back to normal. I don't know why, it just works. It's most noticeable during 2x. b:bye
  • Cotillion - Dreamweaver
    Cotillion - Dreamweaver Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    seitori wrote: »
    Incoherent Rant
    That could only have been made that incoherent on purpose.
    And for that was said, you may as well have made an incoherent rant about the merits of using pumpkinhead pills to increase boss drop rates. Throw enough babble, bizzare use of punctuation and brackets at it and it'll look legit. b:shutup

    All I've noticed over the years is some people have theories, ideas, complaints and superstitions about drops and drop rates. All ranging and different. Much like refining.
  • Lucrecia - Momaganon
    Lucrecia - Momaganon Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dont know if someone wrote this already (its pretty hard to read some posts here hehe)
    but before genesis came out some mobs dropped better depending on the time.

    I used to grind on my veno at those 50+ mobs near the city above valley of disaster . (Those mini-farrens) I wanted to get some compound oils and ghost charms when the npc-prices werent changed yet. And I noticed:

    If i kill them in the afternoon till evening (local time)i got more of the items in 1 hour than i usually got in 3 hours. And the reason wasnt double drop, i used to do that over 2 weeks and it worked always.

    But I dont know if they changed it.
    Do you believe in life before death?
  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    That could only have been made that incoherent on purpose.
    And for that was said, you may as well have made an incoherent rant about the merits of using pumpkinhead pills to increase boss drop rates. Throw enough babble, bizzare use of punctuation and brackets at it and it'll look legit. b:shutup

    All I've noticed over the years is some people have theories, ideas, complaints and superstitions about drops and drop rates. All ranging and different. Much like refining.

    b:pleased__No refining rates just sucked pure and simple...

    I don't even think god could ever figure that 1 out....b:surrender
  • iexze
    iexze Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Haha it's crazy how people think drops are calculated, like time of dat, how many players in an area. I knew about the drop rates I was just never sure what affected them.

    Well I hope this thread provides use for other people as well :), thanks for the answers.
  • Jaabg - Sanctuary
    Jaabg - Sanctuary Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    seitori wrote: »
    b:scorn__Lets get this bit straight right now... The part in Purple was noticed not only by me but lots of other players like myself in (08-09') and was one of the other main reasons why {PWE} Added so many (New Servers) so quickly back then (to spread out the populace back then that {PWi} had back then (and if you'll continue to read on here you'll find that many decently designed game programs do have {self-regulating game subroutines} and you'll find out not only why they do have them, but also truely even have too have them, if you choose to read on...

    Many complained to {PWE} constantly back then too them about it, it wasn't just the lagg of too many players online all at once... It was also that the existing servers were topping out on how many variable identifiable (chari & drops vectors) that they could handle and have on the field all at once (after all thats why the lagg itself was forming aswell ~ because the servers were hitting an active variable saturation limit, when so many of us were on the field all at one time (and the drops began to quickly fill out & over saturate the last of what the servers could process in the areas back then {Any Decent Gaming Programming group worth anything will recognize such possibilities for over saturation and will put in safeguard limiter programming into their programs that will Nerf the possibilities of over saturation of the future Servers programming possibilities (otherwise the game programs would crash & seize and fail horribly, once they hit their limits (another words the closer you get too the possibility of {over-saturation} the less new Variable Active Items the sub-routines & programming will let come into creation during those times)} and theres still a varying form of that, thats actively crops up even to this day (mostly do to the newer {higher grade ~ textures mapping & graphics package} upgrade that its had since last year) that upgrade itself took up alot of the processing slack that the servers had gotten, when the player populace started thinning out, even though the players thinned out alot since that time, the new graphics package required much of that free'd up processing capacity just too let us have a more graphically high end realm too play in) I'm suprised you didn't periodically (think about) realize / or / notice that ~ yourself) being as you started around about (9+ months) after I did...

    And thats not even including the further strain on the servers processors, that inter-reacting with so many of our Users home computer systems does too its processing capacities (Its not just our home systems that are having to do all the work for that data interchange... The servers are having to make sense of a minimum of thousands (if not 10's of thousands) of active user interfaces all at once aswell... All of that is cumulative strain on both servers and game programming alike, and is the reason such limiter subroutines are an absolute necessity within gaming/server programmings ~ in order too limit the chances for over-saturation of Server safety protocols...

    You should have noticed its tendancies to do that atleast once in your whole time on game? Because many others, other then myself did notice that also?? b:bye

    I wasn't just talking about the basic Zhenning squad run concept; but was mainly saying that I'd noticed during Zhen runs, that some mobs tended too have their drops rates fall off drastically ~the more we mass-ganked them~ but other types held constant drop rates ~during the same (times and rates) that we did gank them~

    Which is why I said that part always bewildered me (for example: the squads I was on back then always not only had better, but had constant (sustainable) drop rates at Pirates // Where as the Rockin Wolves squads had their drop rates fall out quite a few times for us, even though we could also pull the Oreleiths aswell as the Wolves, during those runs......) b:byeb:bye

    I saw the colour in the post and my eyes went b:faint, so i skipped it. To seitori, if you want people to read your wall of text, make it more reader friendly, otherwise people will just ignore it. Go ahead and experiment with colours, express your individuality in colours, but make it so people can read it. As it stands, i skip all your posts even if they are interesting.
  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    iexze wrote: »
    Haha it's crazy how people think drops are calculated, like time of dat, how many players in an area. I knew about the drop rates I was just never sure what affected them.

    Well I hope this thread provides use for other people as well :), thanks for the answers.

    Yep, yw...b:victory

    I am Sorry about having to counter smoke the lil' flamer on your thread though; I honestly tried to answer your question on your {OP} with what I myself felt was of possible interest too you on your questions....

    So once again, I'm sorry your honest thread got a little heated over the flamer...b:surrender

    I saw the colour in the post and my eyes went b:faint, so i skipped it. To seitori, if you want people to read your wall of text, make it more reader friendly, otherwise people will just ignore it. Go ahead and experiment with colours, express your individuality in colours, but make it so people can read it. As it stands, i skip all your posts even if they are interesting.

    LoLz!!b:chuckle Np....

    I guess it is like an assumed taste too read my posts, but that kaleidoscopic wall I left here on this thread was meant for a very specific person who attempted to snipe & belittle me earlier anyways when I was trying to honestly answer the {OPs~questions} , so don't worry about having to read that 1....

    most my posts aren't usually as long or verbose of a wall, as my quoted 1 was on this thread...b:chuckle

  • Synergise - Raging Tide
    Synergise - Raging Tide Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Look at http://www.pwdatabase.com/pwi/drop and you will see how drop rates are calculated. There is no mention of things like the number of other players in the area, pumpkin head pills or things laying on the ground.
    The reason people come up with theories of what improves drop rates or makes them worse is that people are very bad at remembering and analyzing large amounts of data. Drop rates are a random thing that can vary from nothing to a lot for mobs.
    If you can understand the link above you can maximize your grinding time. To really maximise your grinding time work out what you can kill the quickest as well.
    Have fun b:bye
  • iexze
    iexze Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    That was explained in the the first couple of posts bud, along with that level clearly affects the drop rate otherwise everyone would farm rough fur and sell it for 10k a piece ^.^.
  • Jaabg - Sanctuary
    Jaabg - Sanctuary Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    iexze wrote: »
    That was explained in the the first couple of posts bud, along with that level clearly affects the drop rate otherwise everyone would farm rough fur and sell it for 10k a piece ^.^.

    You mean to tell me that i have to read other people's post first before replying b:shocked, eternal damnations to heavens i will do no such thing b:angry.
  • iexze
    iexze Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I know b:cry