Three of Protection

HrunsPanda - Archosaur
HrunsPanda - Archosaur Posts: 1,136 Arc User
edited September 2012 in General Discussion
It sais every 60str points adds 1s duration.

It heals every 3 seconds for a 6second duration.

Does than mean i need to have 180 !!! points of str before its gonna heal me a 3th time ? (is 180 even possible?)

Also, the duration for the max hp enhancement is shorter than the duration of the healing. Does only the first heal do extra healing from the enhanced HPs but not the second ?

And do both the times get increased each 60 str points ? So 60str would make the enhanced HP last long enough for the second heal to benefit while 180str would be needed for a third heal and 240 (lol) would be needed to have the third heal be enhanced by max hp ?

please explain me :)


  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    It sais every 60str points adds 1s duration.

    It heals every 3 seconds for a 6second duration.

    Does than mean i need to have 180 !!! points of str before its gonna heal me a 3th time ? (is 180 even possible?)

    Also, the duration for the max hp enhancement is shorter than the duration of the healing. Does only the first heal do extra healing from the enhanced HPs but not the second ?


    For example, with no str nor dex, a level 10 ToP says to heal 20% once every 3 seconds, with a 5 second HP buff of 30%. This means that the first heal will be for 26% of your normal max HP, with the second one being for 20%, for a total of 46%.
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