is there a new way of improving account security?

m1234567890 Posts: 20 Arc User
edited September 2012 in Suggestion Box
i ask with this idea in mind. is there any way to set a limit in how many trials to log into an account before it locks you out for a period of time? i mean, if these advertising blogs are able to continually run a password cracking program against an account till they open, how are we going to stop innocent people from being banned? banning from forums and annoying the players who don't come to these forums to update their sports news, seems like, oh whats that old addage, shutting the coop after the chickens have flown.

we can change our passwords all we like, but it makes no difference when old cracker programs like password miners, still work here. i didn't like it when this account was banned for spamming, it took almost three weeks before i was allowed to post again with my primary account. i mean i can put a password like 1Hywd&D98!) as a password or c7aWXGeSNc@^y but if A PROGRAM CAN KEEP TRYING to log in what good will it do to change my passwords?

though for those who get drunk or stoned before trying to log in, you may want to type a little more ummmmm slowly and accurately.
Post edited by m1234567890 on


  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    we can change our passwords all we like, but it makes no difference when old cracker programs like password miners, still work here.

    You seem to be confused - keyloggers are found on people's computers with bad security, and it has nothing to do with the PWE website unless someone clicked a malicious link posted on the forums by an outside source..

    Accounts get "****" (a better word would be compromised) by the account owner's lack of computer security or knowledge, clicking suspicious ads and spam, or sharing their account info.
  • m1234567890
    m1234567890 Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    so i will not say security programs are useless, nor will i say everyone is visiting the same sight, and it has the mother of all stealth key logger programs running in it, because THAT IS THE IMPRESSION i get from every interaction we've had so far. avg, spybot search and destroy, and ad-aware are three of the best programs out there according to the research i did a long time ago(5-6+yrs), and i run them every 2-4 days. there are probably better programs out there now, i don't know. i don't wish to think about things that will crank up paranoia and pass them on, till i take the time to find a solution.

    i am not going on about a banning that YOU helped me get lifted, that only helped open my eyes to a POTENTIAL PROBLEM. i'm looking at it from a PURELY SIMPLE ANGLE; defense. password generators are old programs not that complex in nature; that start with the minimum amount of characters, systematically generating passwords and bouncing them against an account until it finds one that will work like (123abc456DeF) or ($sfGjk603%^Dh), and walla, its in. the game doesn't do anything to prevent that AT THE MOMENT. i'm only SUGGESTING this: is it possible, that a limit be placed on the AMOUNT OF TIMES the wrong password can be ENTERED until a manditory time limit be placed on the next log in. i know, according to gm's and the like, it's ALWAYS OUR FAULT. even though key loggers need to know where the account name and passwords are used, G.U.I.'s have a tendency to prevent that. i am tired of hearing blame placed on the players, especially when all i am saying is you have a weakness in game security. i am only anticipating then suggesting a way to close that security problem, that is all i am intending with this SUGGESTION.

    chaoticshelly, i am not trying to start a fight. again, i do appreciate the help you gave me getting the ban lifted on the forums section of this account. but when i've changed a password and lost the paper i wrote it down on, or had difficulty logging on when i found my keyboard beginning to wear out. i had always been able to make numerous tries logging in to my account UNHINDERED in the past. because of that particular feature, until i either remembered the password, or picked up another keyboard when i was out, it was never an urgent matter to ask for help from game or website. so, why can't a cracker take an old password generator program to any random account, and apply that old technology to exploit that weak feature of website and game security?