PWI dying rapidly?

dog10240 Posts: 108 Arc User
edited August 2012 in General Discussion
PWI needs a complete change and to do something content-wise to draw people back in, just recently my TW faction is suddenly seemed to nearly meet its doom, because people are tired of PWI for many reasons:

1)Cash shopping consumes too much, Pay to win.
2)Content sucks bad, the only good update this year was EG race and AEU, everything else is just fail time-wise to spend on PWI.
3)Other MMo's attracting people.
4)TW is barely fun anymore-top factions 5-10min Roll another and you win.
5)Relfective Zone/FC babies

1)I am certainly NOT against catshop. I myself have spent over $800 on this game over the last year, and I do not regret it. I am against the fact that it sells the OP items(R9 mats as an example) to make the OP gear in game, but for those who don't catshop are at a big disadvantage as they need to spam FC/TT/Whatever else all day long to buy just one costly R9 mat piece after having achieved buying 300k rep. PWI makes so much money from fashion, mounts, Marriage Packs, Stat Resets, Charms, and so much more. Maybe moving the R9 mats to a farmable-mode like Nirvana gear raps/cannies would give a better balance, I love the cash shop, I just wish they'd sell certain OP items as a farmable thing instead and keep fashion, mounts and stuff in cash shop instead. Unless you have godly determination, you won't last a month of non stop farming for R9, the boredom becomes too much.

2)Morai update sucked badly, don't get me wrong, I LOVE the Morai scenery and the weapons but it only brought a few daily quests that I can do it like 15 mininutes then I'm bored standing in arch doing nothing, Iit's nice to own a 5aps sin and 4aps sage bm and with being so close to buying a Pangu to make my BM 5aps sage, but that motivation is dying out due to repeat of endgame content. Daily BH that only lasts 10-1hour, Morai(15mins), BQ(10mins), and such.

3)Players are getting ready to move on for other MMO's, which saddens me because a lot of these people are good friends and faction members I've ran TW/dungeons with for a long time now and PWI isn't doing anything to keep people attracted to it, and it's gonna have a lot of people leaving unless they implement a huge update like new classes or something huge that can give us time-consuming/time-worthy content to spend our time on.

4) I remember when TW used to be fun, lasting an hour minimum or more, but now its all a 5min dominance of OP factions on weak ones unless its a multi-way gank, I hope PWI's new 7 way gank update will stretch this to make them last longer. I'm not a PVP fanatic, I'll be honest about that but I did enjoy TW nevertheless and going back to boredom after 5-10 minutes is not fun.

5)....And the worst of all. Power lvl'ing/AFK lvl'ing. This is killing the fun of having to lvl up like your supposed to every lvl in an MMORPG and learn skills on the way, I remember playing my wizard/veno/BM from lvl 1 and I truly had fun before, a LOT more fun, but now I find myself unable to lvl up normally, I pull out my 5aps sin and FC my alts and I can't stop myself. It's like a drug you can't stop due to impatience when you know theirs an alternative way to lvl/you want to put that alt in end game gear and then what? Spam FC or TT nonstop? And with the new reflectition zone, even worse then FC, I understand its help those who can't play much due to RL busyness lvl up, but this is also doing harm to people at the same time, as it will just allow them to lvl up without learning their class skills until end game, ultimately ending up in not enjoying the game content at low lvl that was once fun and making it seem as if it should just be removed and you should just power lvl.

If PWI is going to draw people in, they need a VERY STRONG comeback, if they tend to keep a good deal of people away from other MMO's, and endgame content fun.

PWI is showing hope tho, for balance:

*TW 7 way gankings(much more fun)
*AEU-style dungeons(1 of 3 different caves, more dungeons like these will be great)
*Buffed/changed BH bosses, to make squads work together again for a real challenge.
*Seekers being limited to Swords(Otherwise we'll have everyone dual clienting a seeker and sin for everything, sin just to BP seeker, and vortex'ing mobs to death and aps'ing bosses down)

Edit: Removed MMO's names...
Post edited by dog10240 on


  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Mentioning other MMOs by name is a no-no.
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge:
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • Trinica - Momaganon
    Trinica - Momaganon Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Another buhuhuhu thread?
    How quaint.
  • Cubbsey - Raging Tide
    Cubbsey - Raging Tide Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Now where have I seen this before b:shutup b:bye
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    *Cast a rezz on PWI* Here we go, fixed, enjoy. b:bye

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    *Cast a rezz on PWI* Here we go, fixed, enjoy. b:bye

    bring a Mystic in case PWI solos its BH
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • SpiritDivine - Sanctuary
    SpiritDivine - Sanctuary Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The game been dying for 4 years now according to dramatic players. Somehow the game seem to be going stronger than ever before right now.
  • Kinjeto - Raging Tide
    Kinjeto - Raging Tide Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Mentioning other MMOs by name is a no-no.

    Isn't it interesting? I'd say certain company wants to keep certain individuals blind-sided to what their options are. I've seen quite a few other companies that like people to say; what features could be added to make their game better, what they'd really like out of their game and generally what could be added to make the game awesome.

    I'd just say that the free-to-play & subscription delusion is certainly wearing thin. But on the other hand the other major thing is the game play mechanical side of things. What players really want to have in their games? Sure running a dungeon 600 times is 'fun' but what if you ran that dungeon 600 times in 600,000 different ways/paths?

    We're also getting to the point where no one wants to raid for power anymore. Although it does work for certain titles not listed here. I think even the dungeon crawl for power has gone a bit stupid cause now we have wonderful things like gear calculators / theorycrafting. We also have online leveling quest guides and the like.

    On a sidenote: Theorycrafting is another modern-esque plague on the times of the winds of change and works when you have incomparables where one player can't be overpowered by another class and class balance can be one thing that is very hard to achieve. Still if you use imcomparables (For Example: A warrior's stun attack takes a while to wind up, but a wizard can teleport away) but the thing is you have to give players enough time to react. It wouldn't matter how you built that character and so forth people could argue forever.

    On the bright hand side Perfect World has taken the same route as a lot of its' predecessors and its just a pay-for-power and an ongoing power creep leveling fest (In the case of FC -- a get the overpowered class to clear dungeon). Just another standard example of where developers go wrong.

    Sure fixing up the old FB99 dungeons was a general improvement. But here is 'the rub' so to speak; that once you've been through that content and done that content and the drop rates are very shaky (Yes under 25% -- as in 1 in 1000 in some cases) and that content is from when getting from level 80 to 100 was very hard and had an epic stance on it. There is no point in going back there.

    As for PW going stronger than ever: Might it be observed that the Malaysian branch of Perfect World slightly suffered a server closing recently. Also it might be observed that Perfect World's other games it produces are seeing similar results. Maybe not so much Blacklight Retribution which is only published by Perfect World as a corporation. Doesn't have a hand in the developmental side of things seems to be slightly better. But still has that evil stucco or stuccowork pay-for-power cash shop in its interior.

    I'd say this 'power cash' shop certainly is an ongoing theme of Perfect World's acquaintances and then eventually it gets to the point of 'needed cash shop'. Hey everyone has to pay the bills. But you've got to admire their random number generation on the dye instead of just selling the fashion game dyes outright. Value for money? Not quite if you want a specific dye.

    Which brings me back to my main point: IF you're going to be 'a power cash shop', put everything in it. Cause as its been pointed out in previous posts. Being a gambling house is illegal. Without a license; which is also certainly a very gray area for class action lawsuits.

    Time won't wake/make you wiser, but it will definitely wound you.
    b i t . l y /
    I was a man of ideas and action, but at the same time a gentleman. -- S a Z T u R
    Subtly is never my strong point, but I like to find the gaps in walls and the cracks in bricks.
    Are you kind of seeing what I'm saying. b:bye
  • Kremia - Lost City
    Kremia - Lost City Posts: 507 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    bring a Mystic in case PWI solos its BH

    I got it
  • Pinkpearl - Sanctuary
    Pinkpearl - Sanctuary Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    bring a Mystic in case PWI solos its BH
    And maybe a cleric, too b:chuckle
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Somehow the game seem to be going stronger than ever before right now.

    Elaborate plz.
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • xvokcx
    xvokcx Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Well doesnt matter what all these sheep say ,letting go has and will always be so hard for us humans.. SO YES I agree, this game got boring as hell . Nothing to fking do for high levels after bh is done, then what? This is why when it's not 2x i stay away from this game. It's sad, indeed, because the only time this game is worth login in to is in 2x periods and even then it's like meh.. ..
  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Well if people didn't have your attitude of self-centeredness you would see there is so much you can do.

    Just because you might not benefit from it doesn't mean it won't be fun or something to do.

    Think it's all too easy? Play a new character and do it all the hard way. You'd be surprised how much fun I've had doing FB's and other group quests with people at or near level to it. Can't wait for zhens and TT >_>
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • Rauldaman - Sanctuary
    Rauldaman - Sanctuary Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    In my server for tw, you're either axe or Gtfo.

    I don't know which server you're on, that the main faction rolls you, but maybe you should switch servers.

    Come to mine, Legendary And Vindicate have 3 hour TWs.

    Warning though, most of us are r9 and OP.

    As for fun I agree with the person that commented above me, just because it doesn't benefit you doesn't mean it's not fun.

    Have you tried helping other get their goals?
    Have you explored things like jungle, which is very fun, or maybe tried cube?

    Also there's tiger event, there's the Friday event, the pk arena, city of abominations.

    I can keep talking about a whole bunch of **** PWI does for high levels to be entertained.

    You think it's people getting bored that's killing PWI ?

    No, it's actually closed-minded people like you who don't explore and look towards other options.

    Bh and dailies is not all you can do in this game FFS.
  • Sagek - Sanctuary
    Sagek - Sanctuary Posts: 1,156 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    As for PW going stronger than ever: Might it be observed that the Malaysian branch of Perfect World slightly suffered a server closing recently.

    Uhm... didn't they just re-open the Malaysian server?

    Now why do you suppose they would Re-open that server if this game was doing so poorly? Seems counter productive to re-open it just to close it down a few months later, don't you think?
    xvokcx wrote: »
    Well doesnt matter what all these sheep say ,letting go has and will always be so hard for us humans.. SO YES I agree, this game got boring as hell . Nothing to fking do for high levels after bh is done, then what? This is why when it's not 2x i stay away from this game. It's sad, indeed, because the only time this game is worth login in to is in 2x periods and even then it's like meh.. ..

    And what makes you think your opinion matters? Fact of the matter is People are still playing this game, they are releasing new expansions, they just re-launched the Mala server.. yes yes these are all signs of a dying game.. =/

  • bearyflair
    bearyflair Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    dog10240 wrote: »
    PWI needs a complete change and to do something content-wise to draw people back in, just recently my TW faction is suddenly seemed to nearly meet its doom, because people are tired of PWI for many reasons:

    1)Cash shopping consumes too much, Pay to win.
    2)Content sucks bad, the only good update this year was EG race and AEU, everything else is just fail time-wise to spend on PWI.
    3)Other MMo's attracting people.
    4)TW is barely fun anymore-top factions 5-10min Roll another and you win.
    5)Relfective Zone/FC babies

    1. Cash Shopping is present in every free to play game, it's not something that's exclusive to PWI.
    2. That's your opinion, no wonder you're bored.
    3. Again that's not something that's exclusive to PWI. I'm sure many ppl actually came here after playing some other MMOs.
    4. Start a new char on another server and do TW there if it's too easy on your current server.
    5. I highly doubt that the new Reflection Zone will have much impact on the noobs that powerlevel. As for FCC the only way to stop powerleveling is to stop selling to low levels and for PWI to make it so only the lvl75+ can enter.
  • katteryne
    katteryne Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    If you're writing novels on PWI's forum you obviously aren't bored enough.
  • TempleSlave - Lost City
    TempleSlave - Lost City Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    dog10240 wrote: »
    4) I remember when TW used to be fun, lasting an hour minimum or more, but now its all a 5min dominance of OP factions on weak ones unless its a multi-way gank, I hope PWI's new 7 way gank update will stretch this to make them last longer. I'm not a PVP fanatic, I'll be honest about that but I did enjoy TW nevertheless and going back to boredom after 5-10 minutes is not fun.

    Real TW died when they announced forced server resets. Nobody wants to put 100% effort in when that effort will just be wiped away.

    This change was to let all the babies in the nub factions have a land or two for a week or so to make them feel special.

    It killed real competition.
    I love puppies.... and sharp objects. b:pleased
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    dog10240 wrote: »
    1)Cash shopping consumes too much, Pay to win.

    Merchants are better off than most CS'ers. Don't make false excuses for your fail.
    2)Content sucks bad, the only good update this year was EG race and AEU, everything else is just fail time-wise to spend on PWI.

    Then move on: we won't notice you're gone.
    3)Other MMo's attracting people.

    Go get 'em tiger!
    4)TW is barely fun anymore-top factions 5-10min Roll another and you win.

    Was never fun for me.
    5)Relfective Zone/FC babies

    Again; miss-allocated blame. Sucky players are sucky players no matter how long they've been playing.

    Biggest problem? -They tolerate these crappy blame game qq posts by ignorant people. Please just go away.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Let's put it this way...everyone who tries to get R9 has pretty much gotten it already. It's one thing to want's another to try. Even the dumb people on my server have gotten at least some of it by now, you know the kids that farm and farm and don't even know how gold works and buys **** from cat shops...I can tell because I am the cat shop.

    I've watched people in both Vind and LG go from non R9 gear to R9, one piece at a time, one piece refined at a time...I am very sure they did not pay the whole 1.5k. People need to shut up about the cash shopping. There are a handful of people who just breaks out the money, but I don't see how those people make or break the TW in a 80 vs 80. Blah blah blah pay to win, I guess if you were never in a big faction with really motivated players, you wouldn't understand.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Walpurga - Dreamweaver
    Walpurga - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,028 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    thumbs wrote: »
    Biggest problem? -They tolerate these crappy blame game qq posts by ignorant people. Please just go away.

    You go away; players have the right to QQ if the company's management is bad.

    Let me tell you a looonnnnggggg story:
    on a different game that I play, whose name shall not be mentioned, there was a company that was worse; way worse than PWE. The concept of nerfing was virtually non-existent. The way to get stuff was to gamble money on virtual slot machine types of things. People threw in 300, 400 dollars every update, usually got nothing worth mentioning (weapons and piles of crappy mats), and those who did saw their purchases invalidated the very next patch, when the company introduced the next big broken thing. Instead of nerfing, they put out something--in the cash slot machine--that utterly destroyed the OP thing before. The rampage ended with a character with infinite ammo stunlocking, ranged-weapon-jamming, large AoE maximum range homing nukes, the equivalent of plume shell that you could give to teammates, melee that jammed the target's melee, a second one with infinite stealth (sins' shadow walk minus mana cost and the ability to be knocked out of it) that gave immunity to stuns, melee that jammed other people's melee, a shield that gave 100% defense against everything, invincible and immune when in attacking animation.

    Now the players finally had enough, and multiple servers went into full blown protest mode in the common area. The old cashers ragequit, taking all their money with them. The company didn't get it, buffed the OPs, released a couple more even more broken things, released their latest OP for free, which was 99 second of anti-homing flying faster than the maximum speed cap in a game where air types had 10 second flight times, mounting infinite ammo homing AoE 6-lockons-at-the-same-time AoE-reel-in max range max damage nukes. Population dropped to about 120 people on at peak time, all the old players quit, new people quit after being teamwiped from the beginning of every match by some fgt with the ability to repeatedly click, more cashers quit, the players rage, finally the company gets it and makes nerfs. People started coming back, but the damage was beyond done. Community was full out brainless, refuse to learn, started being proud of having no brain and no skill, original fun game was gone.

    tl;dr: If no outside pressure is applied, then the probability of the game appealing to the less skilled, less patient crowd in need of instant, cheap gratification approaches 1, while the sustainability of the game and its fun approaches 0, due to the company's tendency to crave instant profit as opposed to long-term survivability of the game, much like the entropy of a system. Energy in the form of negative player feedback is the only way to keep this trend from developing.

    youtube .com/user/WallyPWS Active

    youtube .com/user/tehnewblife Semi Inactive
  • Kawaiiiii - Raging Tide
    Kawaiiiii - Raging Tide Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    You go away; players have the right to QQ if the company's management is bad.

    Let me tell you a looonnnnggggg story:
    on a different game that I play, whose name shall not be mentioned, there was a company that was worse; way worse than PWE. The concept of nerfing was virtually non-existent. The way to get stuff was to gamble money on virtual slot machine types of things. People threw in 300, 400 dollars every update, usually got nothing worth mentioning (weapons and piles of crappy mats), and those who did saw their purchases invalidated the very next patch, when the company introduced the next big broken thing. Instead of nerfing, they put out something--in the cash slot machine--that utterly destroyed the OP thing before. The rampage ended with a character with infinite ammo stunlocking, ranged-weapon-jamming, large AoE maximum range homing nukes, the equivalent of plume shell that you could give to teammates, melee that jammed the target's melee, a second one with infinite stealth (sins' shadow walk minus mana cost and the ability to be knocked out of it) that gave immunity to stuns, melee that jammed other people's melee, a shield that gave 100% defense against everything, invincible and immune when in attacking animation.

    Now the players finally had enough, and multiple servers went into full blown protest mode in the common area. The old cashers ragequit, taking all their money with them. The company didn't get it, buffed the OPs, released a couple more even more broken things, released their latest OP for free, which was 99 second of anti-homing flying faster than the maximum speed cap in a game where air types had 10 second flight times, mounting infinite ammo homing AoE 6-lockons-at-the-same-time AoE-reel-in max range max damage nukes. Population dropped to about 120 people on at peak time, all the old players quit, new people quit after being teamwiped from the beginning of every match by some fgt with the ability to repeatedly click, more cashers quit, the players rage, finally the company gets it and makes nerfs. People started coming back, but the damage was beyond done. Community was full out brainless, refuse to learn, started being proud of having no brain and no skill, original fun game was gone.

    tl;dr: If no outside pressure is applied, then the probability of the game appealing to the less skilled, less patient crowd in need of instant, cheap gratification approaches 1, while the sustainability of the game and its fun approaches 0, due to the company's tendency to crave instant profit as opposed to long-term survivability of the game, much like the entropy of a system. Energy in the form of negative player feedback is the only way to keep this trend from developing.
    send a ticket, thats where you complain. b:bye
    +10 w/ Tisha:
  • Walpurga - Dreamweaver
    Walpurga - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,028 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    A ticket and forum rage are both forms of protest that can get to the ears of the devs

    youtube .com/user/WallyPWS Active

    youtube .com/user/tehnewblife Semi Inactive
  • scarfaceclaw
    scarfaceclaw Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Cry me a river and then build a bridge and get over it
    What kind of fool pays for a free game.
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    xvokcx wrote: »
    Well doesnt matter what all these sheep say ,letting go has and will always be so hard for us humans.. SO YES I agree, this game got boring as hell . Nothing to fking do for high levels after bh is done, then what? This is why when it's not 2x i stay away from this game. It's sad, indeed, because the only time this game is worth login in to is in 2x periods and even then it's like meh.. ..

    i hate greedy player like you and i would hope they would stop 2x completly so we do not have ppl like you **** the market when ppl like you dont even play the game.

    why even play if you only come on 2xb:shutup
  • dog10240
    dog10240 Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    In my server for tw, you're either axe or Gtfo.

    I didn't mean TW-wise. PVE-Wise your either a APS BM or don't bother logging your axe bm except for tw, delta, and self-farming/zhen farming. Specially on x2, all people want are 5APS Bm's, for BH Sot/Snake/Abba you need APS too to kill bosses fast, and be on your way. Say your a axe BM for a BH, watch yourself get rejected....I'm glad TW, Delta, and maybe AEU in certain parts requires axes more then APS, it gives me something more to do then 5aps a mob/boss all day long.
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Cry me a river and then build a bridge and get over it

    I tell that to my students all the time :3
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge:
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • Nure_onna - Dreamweaver
    Nure_onna - Dreamweaver Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    we lost allot of player and low lv BH is hard to find but i wont say they game is dead yet, i am sure we gone get 1 or 2 more years from it and then i hope they have a brand new Perfect World ready for us b:pleased Perfect World 3 here we come
    "Red wine with Barbs, white wine with Sins."
  • laloner
    laloner Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I remember last January when ppl said the Kirk/Spock game was going to kill PW.
    AKA PermaSpark, Heartshatter
  • _Thia_ - Dreamweaver
    _Thia_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The day they put rank9 on the boutique this game is no longer a game, there is no diference now between pwi and its private servers. lvl fast and buy gear. But worry not because this "game" will never end for one reason, because it's not a game, it's an expensive 3d chat, where wannabe players that cant play real games pretend they play and have serious conversations about the gear they bought and the gems they bought to imbue in them and the orbs they bought to refine them, the fashion they bought to the wives who's marriage packs they bought. In here all u need is...a credit card. That simple.
  • xvokcx
    xvokcx Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The day they put rank9 on the boutique this game is no longer a game, there is no diference now between pwi and its private servers. lvl fast and buy gear. But worry not because this "game" will never end for one reason, because it's not a game, it's an expensive 3d chat, where wannabe players that cant play real games pretend they play and have serious conversations about the gear they bought and the gems they bought to imbue in them and the orbs they bought to refine them, the fashion they bought to the wives who's marriage packs they bought. In here all u need is...a credit card. That simple.

    There you go!! Can't describe this game better. This should be put in the 'About' Section of pw.