Did Mystic is for all...?

rynish Posts: 5 Arc User
edited July 2012 in Mystic
Hi im started to play a mystic(im not a new player;)for soloing;)hmm..when i play im bored(yeah i know that at lov lvl every class ar boring)but play mystic is much more boring.
I dont know thats is my style using only 1 attack skills (i think that the my summons fight for me and im only good looking doll;D)I using Absorb soul and Nature Vengance, as pet Devil/Storm mistrees.Dont like using debuffs plants its not my style but few time i using Punishing String.Dont like heal ..just i think mystic is just not for me..before im played a psychic but leave it too fast(on 52lvl...b:crywhy?)and psychic is veru fun char but dont like bh for gold stuff;D.So can u give a tips or other or just say that mystic is not my way and try play....wizard,veno etc(magic class only);P im Waiting for u helpb:victory
Post edited by rynish on


  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    If you're not going to use everything, then it's probably not the class for you.
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    If you don't like the way your mystic handles, try an AA Veno. They still use pets (which can tank better than mystic pets at earlier levels), they cost almost nothing to grind with because of low repairs (level 10 pet heal for venos only costs 95 mana), you won't be expected to heal people in instances because you're a veno, and they're fun!

    My favorite part is that when your mp gets low, you can switch your mp and hp and you can keep going forever with minimal use of potions.

    The only real downside is that you will have to grind to keep your pet properly leveled. But you get to choose your own pet for your own play style.
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    For solo on veno you will need pets too, so that part is like mystic, if you don't like debuffing i guess you wont like purge & amplify which in some squad veno are take just for that.

    If you don't like do BH on psychic, i don't think you will like it on wizard as well, plus you can't really solo stuff on wizard.

    If you don't like mystic you won't like cleric for sure.

    You look like to want to be a DD that can solo stuff without need to debuff, you should try a sin.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Hot_pho - Heavens Tear
    Hot_pho - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    all class sucks at lower lvls you have to get higher than 80 when you have access to most of your skill and better gear to know what they are really like. except psychics cos they are hax. lol i find no difficulty raisin a psy at lower lvl they are the most fun at low lvlb:thanks
    special thanks to silvy for the sig
  • LuciferV - Raging Tide
    LuciferV - Raging Tide Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    all class sucks at lower lvls you have to get higher than 80 when you have access to most of your skill and better gear to know what they are really like. except psychics cos they are hax. lol i find no difficulty raisin a psy at lower lvl they are the most fun at low lvlb:thanks
    nah Psys sux, mystic ftw!
    Don't F. with me, I F. back ;)