TW Tournament

sundale2 Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2012 in Suggestion Box
Here's a wild idea. Remember that PVP tournament we had a while back across the whole of PWI and beyond? What about a TW tournament on the same scale? Think about it. Factions could test themselves against factions from other servers, other countries. I think it'd be a lot of fun.

Now I know the big question. How do you decide a winner in the case of a stalemate? I had some thoughts on that. Not all of them good I'll admit, but I like to consider all, then decide which might actually work

1)If after 3 hours there is no victor, whoever did the most total damage to the enemy crystal wins. I don't mean who got the crystal lowest. I mean the grand total of all damage done to the crystal during the TW. (seams the most fair and feasible to me.)

2)Best 2-3 matches. Normal TW setup, each faction gets a turn defending, then, if it's needed, round 3 is random. (not the most ideal I'll admit)

3)There is no defender, or time limit. You must win to end it. (Can we say 10 hour TW's?)

As for making the TW teams, factions must submit their list of 80 fighters, plus 10-20 alternates should members not make it for what ever reason. Only factions that currently hold land may participate. A deadline would be set for the list, and members that didn't have 100 hours as of that deadline would not be allowed to participate. However, this deadline should be set so that splinters of the same faction can regain their power members under one official flag in time for them to have the 100 hours required.

On the day of combat, each faction will have 60 minutes before the match to set up squads, pass out charms, apoth, replace no-shows with alternates, basically prepare for the fight however they do so. Some basic supplies (Simple pots and the like) may or may not be provided/for sale via NPC. You will have access to whatever is in your player's bank just like normal.

If such a thing were done, I think, especially in the spirit of the Olympics, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes should be awarded. I also think each server champ should get something that's actually worth something.

Those are my thoughts on such an idea. You may now argue about them. (Since we all know no matter how much I ask you to not, you still will. :D )
Post edited by sundale2 on


  • sirrobert
    sirrobert Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    If they do this they need to do it just like the PWIC, with everyone the best gear there is.

    Other than that, sounds awesome