event times



  • Aowenn - Archosaur
    Aowenn - Archosaur Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »
    The only question Fuzzy would ask to the OP is if they knew the time-zone in which the server was based when they began playing.

    Every event is offered to maximize participation based on the time-zone in which it occupies.

    If you are based elsewhere can you really expect them to offer events around the clock to cater to the entire world?

    Why not? seems as people from all around the world actually play this game
  • Empu - Sanctuary
    Empu - Sanctuary Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    And Empu, what's wrong with my font colour? ;_;

    Pink all the way b:cool
    So I can kinda relate to it, however what specific events are you actually looking at, because none of them really give any one player an advantage for participating in it tbh. It's just another thing to do.

    Yes, it's just for the other thing to do. I'd like to do jungle ruins or tiger event just sometimes, cause of the time I never did it. Same with TW. All the marriages are from midnight till 5~6am. Even PQ are disabled a large time of my day-time. The morai PQ. Dragon temple.

    Ofc, none of them is a big issue. Proof is that I'm not putting my alarm for any of them. Not even TW, because they are way to competitive for my taste. But it would just be nice to at least be able to attend to some events without cutting in sleep or work time. Just for the "another thing to do".

    Only "event" that makes me rage and want to knock a hole in the head of the ones deciding on the times, is the wedding ceremonies. That one really is so annoying and I can't see any purpose at all for the limited available timeslots. That should be around the clock for the options imo.
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I gotta agree with Empu here. The marriage time slots being limited is ****. Not only do they fill up like hell during any sale, no the time zones are also unhandy.

    I'm 'lucky' in that way, since the earliest is 23.00 for me. But I can't attend any weddings of my american friends because they set theirs later of course. And I'm not going to get up at 5am. What's keeping PWE from making the dates available all over the day?

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    So why not have a petition to submit to the GM's to send to the Chinese Devs to include 2 time zone slots. The reason there version doesn't is self explanatory, so I can see why they had no reason to include multiple. (Though I do find it odd that random things like the race had two time slots and not others.)

    I also agree with the wedding times being strict seems silly. But /shrug.
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • PurrFectPets - Sanctuary
    PurrFectPets - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    It was more a problem with OPs rant and advertising other games and such. Like I said, it's a reasonable request. But at the same time we don't know how those events are coded. 9pm is a weird time for many North Americans to have the lucidgold event as well, for example. Perhaps its only allowed to be on for like 4 hours max and they chose the times they do to get a rush. China is the one that makes the NPCs and I'm sure such a functionality isn't necessarily important for them since most of the players actually live there and can participate. Perhaps it can only be turned on once. Perhaps it has to be switched on manually and they certainly aren't going to hire a GM to come on at 3am just for that. In the case of lucidgold they may be trying to limit the influx of certain items.

    Excuse me but maybe you should actually READ the op's posts. I did not Advertise anything I merely answered a reply.... I have not mentioned once what I will be playing. I also would like to add you use a lot of "probably" and "perhaps" because lets face it you have no clue what it takes to code a game so maybe stop responding to posts like you do just try to make an argument out of something which it seems you actually agree with

    Honestly I gave up even bothering with this post after even the mod didn't read before responding but after coming across it again it was nice to see some people agreeing with me, so to all of you b:kiss
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Excuse me but maybe you should actually READ the op's posts. I did not Advertise anything I merely answered a reply.... I have not mentioned once what I will be playing. I also would like to add you use a lot of "probably" and "perhaps" because lets face it you have no clue what it takes to code a game so maybe stop responding to posts like you do just try to make an argument out of something which it seems you actually agree with

    Honestly I gave up even bothering with this post after even the mod didn't read before responding but after coming across it again it was nice to see some people agreeing with me, so to all of you b:kiss

    You dug this thread that was like one day away from being dead just to say that? Well, okay then.

    I did read your post. And it talked up that game alot. It gave the exact date it's coming out, so anyone with half a brain can figure out what game you are talking about. In fact everyone here knows exactly what game it is. You say that as though you didn't give a giant hint that practically screamed the name of it, as a way of getting around the fact we can't name it by name. It talked about awesome their events are, how much better their customer service is to you. You made sure to let us know you were quitting this game to play that one because it's better. That's the kind of word-of-mouth advertising that mmos thrive on and would pay to get. And quite frankly I'm tired of seeing it. If you guys love your other games so much, then go play them. If this game is so much torture to you, than why are you still here?

    Where did it say that it's a coding impossibility for them to have it setup that way? I gave some reasons as to why it could possibly be structured the way it is. You don't have to be a programmer to figure out why someone would like large crowds at certain times on their game. You don't have to know about a cause to know why people would choose to march on Wall Street as opposed to nowhereville, USA to protest. There are plenty of legitimate reasons why it doesn't work that way. It's unlikely that they just want to tick off their European customers. They paid the vat fees until it was outlawed. They expended the resources to make two new servers and hire an entire new GM team to cater to the Europeans. Many of the events are able to be used by everyone. ETC ETC Besides that, it's coded by China. So such things are not a concern to them.

    As for server transfers, there are impossible on this version. It interferes with the database. It would have been nice if they issued you guys at least partial in-store zen refunds though on the condition that you delete your old characters. That way you could put the gold on your new chars in the euro servers and at least get started on better footing than a complete newbie.

    But whatever. At the end of the day you should know what you're getting into whenever you're dealing with a foreign company. I don't buy from Europeans and expect the delivery to be as perfect as it is if I do business in my own country. And neither should you. It'd be nice if they did, but I don't feel entitled to it.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • PurrFectPets - Sanctuary
    PurrFectPets - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    you truly are exasperating
    You dug this thread that was like one day away from being dead just to say that? Well, okay then. .
    I only made this post a month ago its hardly necro so sorry I'm not on the forum 24/7 to argue with you
    I did read your post
    Obviously you did not but as you seem intent on rambling on about things that havnt even been said so here is my post again...
    why do we have to keep having events with ridiculously small time slots, its just not fair

    My accounts are on the sanctuary server and I have had them all for a long time....well before they introduced the EU servers . Problem being I am from the UK and every event lately is about 4-5 am for me ( I love games but not that much). So I miss them all
    Some are understandable that you need the most amount of players on-line during a small period of time so the event is full and a success, but some I see no reason why I need to miss out. This trivia one being the one that has annoyed me the most lately, why does it matter what time you answer the questions? It should be simple enough to make it a complete once a day event in the same way bounty hunter is.....the same goes for a the lucid chests there is no good reason why I should need to miss those

    I have had my accounts for ages levelled all classes to at least 70 all have skills etc / inv stones / acc stash in some cases I have spent a fair amount of gold and a decent amount of time over the years to improve my game time so all those who say go make an acc on an EU server i simply say....why should I lose all that and start over.

    PLEASE think about changing the way you do this kind of event I know I am not alone with this problem

    that's a lot of free xp/spirit and socket stones mysterious chips I missed this weekend...nice way to repay my loyalty
    I think it quite clearly states I mean ONLY this type of event that I DON'T want to swap servers has NO mention of re-writing code and has NO mention of another game
    It's just how it is, just like it's how it is with any other game out there, nothing new.
    in response to this I merely said
    Also as for your comment about all other games being the same they are not...where do you think most of the pwi community has gone, I know myself will be gone again come the 28th August when a certain other game gets released
    and as you said this...
    IF you think that other game is going to be any different, than you're probably placing way too high of an expectation on it. They will likely have events that not everyone can attend as well. It's the nature of events.
    i responded to you with ...
    As for that other game its a squeal I have already played the first and when they do events they run over a period of days not hours... I guess some companies actually want to satisfy their customers and not just constantly find ways to make them spend more and more

    I hardly think those 2 comments amount to ...
    And it talked up that game alot. It gave the exact date it's coming out, so anyone with half a brain can figure out what game you are talking about. In fact everyone here knows exactly what game it is. You say that as though you didn't give a giant hint that practically screamed the name of it, as a way of getting around the fact we can't name it by name. It talked about awesome their events are, how much better their customer service is to you. You made sure to let us know you were quitting this game to play that one because it's better

    oh and EVERYONE does not know because it certainly isn't faction battles 2 I had never heard of that game until karmelia mentioned and even if they did know who cares it has absolutely nothing to do with what I was posting about so why go on and on about it

    your only valid point is I started playing a game that isn't in my time zone, but guess what so did lots of other people why do you think they created all those extra servers. I can see you started playing a similar time to me you will know we had none of this stuff back then it was log in do quests have fun with friends and WC was full of people trying to run fb's (and for the exp cos who cared about rep back then)

    I DO NOT hate this game and I will quit and return to it as many times as I see fit, and if I'm naive enough to believe that me posting to hopefully make it better may get more of a response than a bunch of flamers then I guess I'm getting what I deserved
  • Trouty - Sanctuary
    Trouty - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Maybe if the had called this game, Perfect World Americas instead of Perfect World International I may not have even played PWI.

    Changing event times would not be to hard for the programmers, as stated event times are not Euro friendly and it would be a good move as far as i am concerned.

    People who say you should look into things before you started playing ect, are usually from, never mind you get my drift b:chuckle
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
This discussion has been closed.