Basic Info About Venos

Latokona - Lost City
Latokona - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
edited July 2012 in Venomancer
This is my first guide, any tips to help me improve are very appreciated! New Venos would make good use of this guide. Long time Venos might want to look at a more in depth guide. This one is to help newbie Venos know this classes capabilities, limits, etc.

Table of Contents
.Picking a Build
. Using Your Build
. Venos in PvP
. Venos in PvE
. Pets in PvP and PvE
. Credits For the Info

~~~~Picking Your Build~~~~

The Pros and Cons of Each Build:

Heavy Armor:


. Able to take physical hits very well

. Gets more hp from refines than the other builds

. Can utilize fox form curses easily. (You don't have to go fox, cast a debuff and change back)

.Not many people expect a heavy armor Veno coming in PvP, you will most likely surprise a PKer.


. You have to put a lot of shards in your armor to make up for lost magic defense. Def lv shards work if you have a lot of coin, if you don't then magic defense shards work fine.

. You have to refine your weapon very high to do as much damage as an arcane Veno, putting physical attack shards or att lv shards in your weapon works as well.

. You have to buy a tome for magic if you want to make up for your lost magic defense or a strength tome for more attack power. You could always take the easy way out and get a Love: Up and Down to save you the trouble.

. This build is pretty expensive. Considering all the refines, gems to put in your armor and weapon and your tome.

. Human form is pretty much useless because of the miniscule amount of magic this build uses.

. Your pet heals are very weak if you go heavy armor

This build is NOT for noobs! Before making a heavy Veno, at least have some basic knowledge about their capabilities and limits using this build. If you go Heavy, you won't do as much damage without refines and shards but you will have better physical defense and you will have the worst magic defense of all the other builds. Also know that you can tank by yourself to an extent, don't start thinking you can tank bosses by yourself. TW will love you, having your fox form curses in quick access will make you vital for debuffing people.

Light Armor:


. High crit rate

.pretty even defenses on both sides

. Like heavy armor, most people won't expect a light Veno in PvP

. The ability to choose fox form or human form. You don't have to pick one or the other

. High accuracy


. Not as much physical defense as heavy armor or as much magic defense as arcane armor

. Refine armor high and use gems to make up for lost defenses on both sides

(If I can find any more cons I'll put them here) This is a pretty balanced build. You get good attack on both sides and good defense on both sides. A pretty high critical hit rate and accuracy is a plus because of all the dexterity you are going to be using if you go with this build.

Arcane Armor:


.Very high magic damage

. Can use rank equipment

. Superior magic defense

. Can be VERY deadly in PvP


. Horrible physical defense

. Very low hp from refines

. Fox form is pretty much useless except for debuffs and for higher physical defense

. Arcane is what most people expect you to be wearing in PvP, it takes away the element of surprise on your part

~~~~Using Your Build~~~~

Heavy Venos, your human form is pretty much useless except for your buffs. Use your fox form for your attacks. That is what the heavy build is for, to make the best use of fox form. Buff yourself in human form and then go into fox form.

Arcane Venos, if you want higher damage, stay in human form. Only go fox to cast a debuff and change back. If you are using fox form for more physical defense you are sacrificing a LOT of damage you could be doing in human form.

Light armor Venos don't have to pick between the human or fox sides of the skill tree, because of they can utilize both sides and still be useful.

~~~~Venos in PvP~~~~

Venos, no matter what your build, can be VERY deadly in PvP. This is what I know about Venos in PvP.

Arcane Venos, if you want to PK, DO NOT use a tanking pet, have a DD pet for PKing. If you go arcane then physical classes will be able to rip you apart very quickly if they go around your pet, have Summer Sprint on in case that happens because you will probably have to run away if your DD dies. Bramble Guard helps but it won't do much good if they manage to kill your pet before it does considerable damage to them, same applies to Bramble Hood but using Bramble Hood makes you a bit more dangerous. The PKer can wait for Bramble Hood to wear off and attack you when it does.

Light Venos, you have an advantage over heavy and arcane Venos. What is that advantage? High acuraccy and crit rate. Your crits will do pretty good damage and the high accuracy is a must for fox form users. If you use mainly human form, refer to the tactics listed for arcane Venos. If you are mainy a fox form user, use the heavy armor part of the guide.

Heavy Armor: If you go heavy, you should be able to scare arcane users and light armor users considering you have good gear and a good DD pet to help you out. Mages can kill you pretty easily so utilize pet stuns and the stuns available to you if your pet doesn't have a stun. You can scare arcane users because if you have a pet that can stun, they are doomed if you have the right DD pet and Amp Damage them while they are stunned. Heavy users might be a challenge to kill but it isn't impossible. Amplify Damage and any stun you can use will really help you take them out. Make use of the attack Leech to get your health back.

~~~~Venos in PvE~~~~

A Veno is very useful in PvE because they can solo most instances considering they have a good tank pet helping them out. You will still have to be in a squad for FBs your level and BHs but people will want you because of your tank pet. Amp Damage on bosses make it easier on your whole squad, make sure to use it when your squad is having a hard time killing something. If you are fighting a boss that runs away because it uses ranged attacks, use Stunning Blow so you can get them easily.

~~~~Pets in PvP and PvE~~~~

Best PvP pets:

.Baby Blazing Phoenix

.Petite Sawfly

The nix is THE best pet for PvP but if you can't get a hold of one a Petite Sawfly is your next best option.

Best PvE Pets:

.Baby Hercules

.Glacial Walker

Herc has THE best defenses but if you can't get one, the Glacial Walker is the next best pet.

~~~~Credits For the Info~~~~

This section is where I cite my sources to prevent plagiarism.

Information about builds:

Pet Info:
My characters:
I'm making a new Cleric. :P

I get irritated when people call me a guy when I play on my Barb, I'm a girl. -_-

Made some characters on HT-Aug 21, 2012
Post edited by Latokona - Lost City on


  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Sorry you wasted your time making yet another guide that still contains the errors of the others. Kudos for not spamming it with colors and obnoxious sized fonts.
    A Veno is very useful in PvE because they can solo most instances considering they have a good tank pet helping them out. You will still have to be in a squad for FBs your level and BHs but people will want you because of your tank pet. Amp Damage on bosses make it easier on your whole squad, make sure to use it when your squad is having a hard time killing something. If you are fighting a boss that runs away because it uses ranged attacks, use Stunning Blow so you can get them easily.

    Solo ability doesn't equate to helpfulness. (A cleric that can spam IH itself to tank and kill slowly really isn't much help). Veno has to be mega OP to solo BH Aba, SoT, Metal, or Lunar (have yet to see or hear of it, while there are clerics soloing Metal). Veno is useful for amp, purge, and lure. Many Venos downplay the usefulness of a tank pet. I downplay the usefulness of those venos. Regardless; it's not venos tanking bosses with pets anymore.

    Does Stunning Blow actually work on bosses?
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Some minor Overlooks , but not bad in the end. You may want to make it easier to read though , colors , bigger letters etc.
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    Arcane Venos, if you want to PK, DO NOT use a tanking pet, have a DD pet for PKing. If you go arcane then physical classes will be able to rip you apart very quickly if they go around your pet, have Summer Sprint on in case that happens because you will probably have to run away if your DD dies. Bramble Guard helps but it won't do much good if they manage to kill your pet before it does considerable damage to them, same applies to Bramble Hood but using Bramble Hood makes you a bit more dangerous. The PKer can wait for Bramble Hood to wear off and attack you when it does.

    I'm sorry, but if you want to write a guide be sure to put the good information in it.
    Bramble guard doesn't work in PvP.

    No where in the ''guide'' you mention to use purge and it's the most important thing in PvP and it's important on some PvE boss, amplify should be use every time the CD is done not just when the team have a hard time.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute