Just a question.

crenshaw198 Posts: 11 Arc User
edited July 2012 in General Discussion
Is altering the looks of the class/character and using the looks of another class bannable?
what i mean is, for example having an Elf with Earthguard eyes and hair bannable?

Some people may say it obviously is, but i ask this because remember the character costumization contest a while ago where players had to submit a good looking character preset which would be looked at and voted for winner, and well some "altered" presets won, for example for the Barbarians there is a preset of a slim body barb with huge head and huge bulb Earthguard Eyes.. so i thought maybe GMs and Developers do not concider this as bannable.

So tonight i'm asking if it is or not already.
Post edited by crenshaw198 on


  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Is altering the looks of the class/character and using the looks of another class bannable?
    what i mean is, for example having an Elf with Earthguard eyes and hair bannable?

    Some people may say it obviously is, but i ask this because remember the character costumization contest a while ago where players had to submit a good looking character preset which would be looked at and voted for winner, and well some "altered" presets won, for example for the Barbarians there is a preset of a slim body barb with huge head and huge bulb Earthguard Eyes.. so i thought maybe GMs and Developers do not concider this as bannable.

    So tonight i'm asking if it is or not already.

    Oh for the good old days! When that contest was made....b:surrender

    But yes, swapping Racial presets from '1 races dedicated styles' to 'another race' for customization is considered not only bad, but bannable by {PWE's} admins & GMs; (As some people have been sadly finding out recently.)........b:thanks

    But as for the specific reasons as to why!? Only {Frankie} the {GMs} or the {ADMINs} "Maybe some of the {MODs} aswell??" Can link you the Exact Specifics, as to why..........

    PS: one of the reasons that I would guess at off the bat, is the fact that if the modifications weren't done with extreme (caution & expertise) in making them absolutely compatible... They could end up causing some way bad (Servers & Systems) crashes..... (BTW. this is coming from someone who used too play around alot on the 'Old Stlye~HEX EDITORS' back in the (1990s to early 2005) just on the (single player) 'Offline' computer games though...... loLOvOLol!!)
  • oxytorch
    oxytorch Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    So much worse things they should be banning for....
    b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry We love this game STOP RUINING IT !! b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry

    "Sometimes the strongest are the ones that walk away . Enough is Enough ".
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The reasoning behind the multi-client rule change was not "to be more like China", but to account for the fact that modifying game files was no longer necessary to multi-client.

    Editing game files has always been against the rules, and I don't foresee that changing anytime soon-

    It's the rule because it's always been the rule.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • crenshaw198
    crenshaw198 Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    seitori wrote: »
    Oh for the good old days! When that contest was made....b:surrender

    But yes, swapping Racial presets from '1 races dedicated styles' to 'another race' for customization is considered not only bad, but bannable by {PWE's} admins & GMs; (As some people have been sadly finding out recently.)........b:thanks

    But as for the specific reasons as to why!? Only {Frankie} the {GMs} or the {ADMINs} "Maybe some of the {MODs} aswell??" Can link you the Exact Specifics, as to why..........

    PS: one of the reasons that I would guess at off the bat, is the fact that if the modifications weren't done with extreme (caution & expertise) in making them absolutely compatible... They could end up causing some way bad (Servers & Systems) crashes..... (BTW. this is coming from someone who used too play around alot on the 'Old Stlye~HEX EDITORS' back in the (1990s to early 2005) just on the single player computer games, though.... loLOvOLol!!)

    Thanks for the answer.

    About the contest, i am not sure of the exact date it happened but you can always check for yourself that there are new presets for classes like humans and untamed, it is evidence that it did happen, since you are an old player i believe you can spot the new stuff. Also you can try asking around.

    About the ban for such ridiculous reason, at least a warning should be sent, altered or not, time and most importantly.. Money is spent on the characters of the account.. ban without warning or reason in my opinion is beyond stupidity and brutality.. If i had read well the part of the ToS that said: PWE MAY SUSPEND, TERMINATE, MODIFY, BLOCK ACCESS TO OR DELETE THE SERVICE OR ANY ACCOUNT AT ANY TIME WITH OR WITHOUT REASON, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE. I would have never accepted and joined this game. So authoritarian.

    But anyways the last paragraph is just a side opinion, nothing to do with the main topic.. i would understand though why this topic could be closed, it is a little snowball at the tip of the mountain, sooner or later more victims of this barbaric act would come and rage.
  • Mimiroppu - Heavens Tear
    Mimiroppu - Heavens Tear Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    seitori wrote: »

    But as for the specific reasons as to why!? Only {Frankie} the {GMs} or the {ADMINs} "Maybe some of the {MODs} aswell??" Can link you the Exact Specifics, as to why..........

    I like you, but the purple fonts break my eyes, sometimes.

    The reasoning that I remember (can't quote off the top of my head), is that the Admins/GMs do not have enough time to follow everyone who edits. It's lazy, I know. What I don't get is that... If China and all of the other servers are allowed to freely edit, does that mean that the US servers are losing Admin team members?

    Maybe one day, we'll get proper reasoning and everyone will let it go... MAYBE.
  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Thanks for the answer.

    About the contest, i am not sure of the exact date it happened but you can always check for yourself that there are new presets for classes like humans and untamed, it is evidence that it did happen, since you are an old player i believe you can spot the new stuff. Also you can try asking around.

    About the ban for such ridiculous reason, at least a warning should be sent, altered or not, time and most importantly.. Money is spent on the characters of the account.. ban without warning or reason in my opinion is beyond stupidity and brutality.. If i had read well the part of the ToS that said: PWE MAY SUSPEND, TERMINATE, MODIFY, BLOCK ACCESS TO OR DELETE THE SERVICE OR ANY ACCOUNT AT ANY TIME WITH OR WITHOUT REASON, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE. I would have never accepted and joined this game. So authoritarian.

    But anyways the last paragraph is just a side opinion, nothing to do with the main topic.. i would understand though why this topic could be closed, it is a little snowball at the tip of the mountain, sooner or later more victims of this barbaric act would come and rage.

    Yep, Yw.....

    Sorry about hearing about your ban though....

    I like you, but the purple fonts break my eyes, sometimes.

    The reasoning that I remember (can't quote off the top of my head), is that the Admins/GMs do not have enough time to follow everyone who edits. It's lazy, I know. What I don't get is that... If China and all of the other servers are allowed to freely edit, does that mean that the US servers are losing Admin team members?

    Maybe one day, we'll get proper reasoning and everyone will let it go... MAYBE.

    Yes, hopefully one day they'll choose to either be like the other {PW Varients} and allow the editing; or they'll atleast explain to us why the Bans are truely needed indepth, so people could clearly understand......b:thanks

    PS: Sorry about the Purple Font's "I just got completely bored of the standard textings long ago, and decided to go completely Stir Crazed~Skittlez on my texts, after that."....b:chuckle

    Though it does make it alot easier to find my Posts on the threads now a days!! !b:dirty


  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Crenshaw198..... I don't know if you've read the other thread on the ban subject yet?

    But incase you haven't yet... frankieraye just Updated some info for those players who were banned for doing {.ini Changes} to their characters.... So I'll Paste his postings too you here, on your own thread subject. Just incase your still looking at it occasionally, so you can read about how people can reverse the bans on the characters,........b:thanks

    Hope these adds from frankie, is able to help you out with your current thread subject...b:victory

    Gonna re-open this because that forum rule is really referring to people posting about specific bans to specific players.

    Discussion about ban lengths in general should be ok.

    So as to your questions--

    1) for .ini edits, the character is banned until they ticket in, at which point they are given a choice between either agreeing to use a Makeover Scroll to go back to within what is possible in-game, or they can move all items to a different character before being re-banned for good.

    2) Goons punishment was not at all how we wanted it to go. As I stated in the thread about it, we weren't confident enough in our information to severely ban people. When it became obvious that some of the worst offenders were not picked up by our tools, we felt that we had no choice but to unban everyone, in the effort to be fair across the board.

    3) the punishment for fake bidding can vary, based on whether or not the player has had prior rule violations.

    I hope that clears things up, and let me now if you have other questions.

    I agree with you, changing an eye color is not damaging to the game in any way, and it's unfortunate that so many Customer Service hours are spent on enforcing the rule in this way. The thing is, the rule exists because such changes are covered in the whole "You're not allowed to modify any game files" rule. There have been exploits in the past that involved editing other client-side game files, so that's why the rule exists in the first place, and unfortunately purely cosmetic changes fall under it as well. Another part of it is the possibility that modifying certain game files will keep you from being able to log in to the game.

    Honestly, we'd love to allow the harmless cosmetic .ini changes, since it would one allow our GM team to focus on far more important issues like **** accounts etc, and two it would let players achieve higher levels of customization to their own characters, which they obviously are interested in doing. Doing so, though, would require a re-wording of that "modifying game files" rule, along with further clarification into its various shades of grey. Still it's definitely something that's being looked at right now.

    Kk, Hope these worked for ya? Have a good 1......b:byeb:pleasedb:bye
  • fuzzywuzz
    fuzzywuzz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    oxytorch wrote: »
    So much worse things they should be banning for....

    Hardly the point....

    Is altering the looks of the class/character and using the looks of another class bannable?
    what i mean is, for example having an Elf with Earthguard eyes and hair bannable?

    Fuzzy would point out that if you read the Terms of Service you would not need to ask. Yes, this is something you can be banned for.

    Like it or not, there it is.

    [SIGPIC]Need to talk to Fuzzy?[/SIGPIC]
    Sig by NowItsAwn
This discussion has been closed.