How much channel?

Cotillion - Dreamweaver
Cotillion - Dreamweaver Posts: 671 Arc User
edited July 2012 in Wizard
In all my years in this game, I've never played a true arcane class (my Veno is HA :P) and recently made and have been levelling a Wizard.
Channel times suuuuuck, but I'm loving the class. I'm only in my 60's atm and haven't bothered much with channeling gear, mostly because I'm not keen on spending alot on very temporary gear. Looking ahead to endgame though, what is an ideal total -channel percentage to have for a Wizard used in PvE and PvP both? Taking into consideration all gear options up to g16 Nirvana (excluding rank9).

To be clear, I'm not asking what the max is or could be.....whats a comfortable number people with Wizards have arrived at that doesn't sacrifice from HP or def too much? Does it just get to the point where its not as noticeable any more?
Post edited by Cotillion - Dreamweaver on


  • Hurrdurr - Lothranis
    Hurrdurr - Lothranis Posts: 1,468 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Most R9 wizards have 22%-28% channeling typically, some obviously have more with -chan sharding/helm/cape/crafted gear if they choose. However most R9 wizards go for max attack (icebourne and G15 Nirvana) to one shot consistently.

    Most non-R9 wizards I've met have 30%+ channel and would not really be comfortable with anything less. I guess with -30% channel you have just enough time for sleep MS.

    My wizard has only -19% channel and crit build. I don't think it's that bad in PK. The only real times I notice my lack of -chan is casting MS or BT. Even though my basic attacks do take 100ms longer to channel than a wizard with -30%, I think my crit rate makes my attacks more deadly than a -30% one. Don't forget, one of wizard's most dreaded combos, sutra spark fire combo does not rely on any -chan gears.

    For a non-R9 build I think 27% can be achieved easily. 12% from rings, 6% from chest, 6% from wrist and 3% from helm and you only need 1 more piece of your choice to get the -30% mark. None of those options sacrifice attack or defence. PQ3, R9, R8 and LG rings all have -6%. -6% wrist could be Nirvana, TT99, TT90 gold or OHT crafted ones. R8 chest is a given since most 10x wizards go rank for the weapon. Warsoul of Heaven refines highly and has decent add-ons and possibly the best helm in game for money.

    At the end of the day it's whatever you feel comfortable with. I could get 31% on my wiz just by switching to a -chan belt instead of my jungle, but I wouldn't feel very comfortable playing it after losing ~1.5k p.def since I have demon s.barrier.
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    i can say, 30% channeling is very comfy :3

    mountain seize goes off a lot faster
    mostly i would just let it channel in tw without any channeling-speed-tricks
    aaaand booo, another group stunned (not like anyone dies to that)

    sounds great?

    WTT my gear for full Rank9

    i like potato
  • FaceRolI - Sanctuary
    FaceRolI - Sanctuary Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    94+ or GTFO \o/
    full r999 91% chan wizzy b:kiss

    Current build:
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