People Wanted! Merge Servers ASAP!

Posts: 1,643 Arc User
edited June 2012 in Suggestion Box
Merging Servers with Account/Character Transfers

We all want the game to be fun, so don't just merge servers. Allow established accounts/characters to be transferred for free with the server mergers. People havent invested real money in this game, and real time in this game, just to risk losing it all with a server merger to help make any new players comfortable and happy.

The Issue of Needed Name Changes

This would only leave the problem of a few players needing to change their names, and logicly preference for that should be given to the player who has held that name the longest, no matter which server they are from. It's only fair!

It may be a somewhat cumbersome task for the staff of PW, but there probably wouldnt be all that many names to change.

Also, any character name changes should be player-approved, and not randomly selected for that player. No one wants to see what's already here leave the game over something that trivial.

Why Should I Care About Getting New Players To Stay?

We all need people to play with. Whether new or old to PWI, you need people to play with! Your faction needs new members, but if you dont want nothing but a select few alts for members, where are these new members coming from? What's going to keep them active in YOUR faction - when you know all the social groups in your faction were established quite a while ago?

Players are complaining all over the forums about 'ghost towns', even on allegedly well-populated servers.

Every developer knows people are not going to keep playing a game if they cannot build relationships within that game. They simply won't have fun and won't stay.

Old skool players already have long-standing friendships in PW. Many feel no need to even talk to players outside of their gear class, or existing social network, and you know what? Why should they have to?

They have bought their R9 +12, and feel they have done enough to support the game. Of course, its nice to help others, and some people find it fun. But, generally speaking R9 + 12 types don't even want to do a silly BH with anyone who is not comparably geared. Let's face it!

Okay, so how can we get more players in the game?

New players need to see other people in their spawn cities, but there are too many servers to randomly bump into them by chance like you could a year ago. If they don't see anyone there, they will just assume that the game suzes and move on to another one.

Merging the servers would give new players less options for a starting server in this game, and increase their opportunity to randomly bump into other new players and make friends.

Making friends with other new players will keep them logging in again and again, and make the game an infinitely more pleasureable experience for them, as well as provide the potential for a more profitable experience for PWI as a business. New players can have Credit Cards and can buy game cards just as easy as the Old Skoolers can. And, they also have the potential of bringing their own real life friends to the game with them.

More people = better gameplay!

What's In It For PW & The Developers?

One thing I know from other games, programmers simply love to write programming. <3

If nothing else, it satisfies their need to keep getting new features and material into a game, and it also gives them more reference material for their CVs and/or Resumes. Enough said there.

PW not only gets the opportunity to do something pro-active to benefit their existing player base, with creating a more feasible opportunity to increase that player base, but also has the option of later charging players as much as $15 or more a pop to transfer accounts/characters upon request at any time, should they deside to make that option available.

Same deal goes for name changes. I might give myself a name when I first started playing, cause I thought it was cool. Then, look forward 3 years, and that same cool name, on what is otherwise an OP character, embarasses the stuffings out of me, and Im even willing to pay to have it changed!

Simply put, more opportunity to make a profit!
Post edited by Brillance - Raging Tide on


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  • Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Reserved for if needed. Feel free to post!
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I support this as I said in the other topic. You have my support on it. Gotta get the community informed of the idea in our own various ways, l'll do my part in it.
  • Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    This idea is magical. I have been to places where you would normally expect tonnes of players to be on my server (Archosaur) because of the high amount of quests that pass through the town, and there's no one. No one else to help you or join you to help you. They're all in Archosaur or the other big cities.

    I would fully support this if we got to transfer our account once to a new merged server for free, one that is one of any known alternatives for multiclienting. b:pleased
    The Doctor - Speak his name, and he will come. No matter where he is in time or space, if you need him, he will come.

    Umbramagis - Celestial Sage Cleric 101/101/101 - Full G16 - Main
    Impedim - Celestial Sage Sin 101/8x - Full G16
    TerraEnsis - Demon Seeker 100/8x
  • Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    1. Three of the servers are already grouped into small databases so that in the case of a few merges, there would not need to be name changes. Like, say, the name Jeremied is taken on Sanctuary. There can never be a Jeremied on Heaven's Tear or Archosaur, because it's already taken on Sanc and the three servers run on the same name database. These three are the only ones known to be in a database though. There may be a second one for the two EU servers.

    2. wth is all this talk of server merges? <_< Even if they were merged, what in world makes you think it'll increase the lower level population of the servers and smaller towns?
    Chance? People will still be lazy and powerlevel, and the starter towns will still never be as crowded as they were back in 08. However, it's not like those towns are completely barren, at least not from what I've seen. There's always 5-6 newbies running around, asking questions and having fun.

    3. It's summer, more people are coming into the servers and my faction has already had 20+ complete newbies to the game invited this past month. If you think your servers are empty, you're not looking hard enough. =)
    One thing I know from other games, programmers simply love to write programming. <3

    If it was the original dev team, Archosaur, I would trust this statement. However, the Archosaur dev team that originally made this game is long gone and rolling in their proverbial graves at what the current programmers have done to their game. Not to mention they refuse to touch the old codes, probably from fear of breaking the game irreparably.
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    There's already a thread about it here:
    "Eternal chaos comes with chocolate rain." b:cute
  • Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Uhm I don't totally get it, whats exactly the idea behind all this O.o If it means I can get my 100 barb from an American to a EU server, I join. If it means more low lvl's to help and explain things, I join. If it means more lazy 5 aps ppl coming to ruin the game more, I'm not sure...
    I do not need much,
    I do not have much,
    I do not miss much,
    I have love and friendship,
    To compensate for that!
    Dragoneast-rb1-soon to be 100 again- sanctuary
    Back in pwi, always returning to my first real mmo
    Started in genie patch :)
  • Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    1. Three of the servers are already grouped into small databases so that in the case of a few merges, there would not need to be name changes. Like, say, the name Jeremied is taken on Sanctuary. There can never be a Jeremied on Heaven's Tear or Archosaur, because it's already taken on Sanc and the three servers run on the same name database. These three are the only ones known to be in a database though. There may be a second one for the two EU servers.

    Thanks. And thats great that 3 of the servers are already grouped in a known database, would make the job of name changes that much less for the staff to deal with. I didnt know about any databases, but I figure just based on language and imagination, there wouldn't be that many that would require it. Hopefully, that would include the rest of the servers to that really do need a merger, as the one's you state are already in a database, and are the same ones new old skool players would claim are doing just fine. However, at least in regard to HT, you see plenty of posts about ghost towns from players.

    2. wth is all this talk of server merges? <_< Even if they were merged, what in world makes you think it'll increase the lower level population of the servers and smaller towns?
    Chance? People will still be lazy and powerlevel, and the starter towns will still never be as crowded as they were back in 08. However, it's not like those towns are completely barren, at least not from what I've seen. There's always 5-6 newbies running around, asking questions and having fun.

    Well, you see, my suggestion is directed to helping people like me. Not new alts, but new players. I haven't really noticed where old skool players need help in developing social networks, as their friends base seems to have been established long ago.

    I have 1 level 100 char, and about 5 or 6 that are level 30 or less. The Mystic was started last year around April or May, and there were plenty of new players on my server to interact with - I would easily say at least 2x what there are now in total server population (old skool & new players total), and it would seem probably more. Tusk Town was just as crowded as Snowy Village back then. Now, Snowy Village is sparce and Tusk Town seems abandoned.

    The Mystics friends list last month had about 80% of friends made removed simply because those names were dead. Never seen again since the early Winter. I have joined factions, including TW factions because I love BGs in any game. And, in either case, found them filled with players that can only be asked to even say 'hi' to their established friends.

    New players dont know anything about FF/FC or Hyper Stones, and dont have the high leveled friends to run them through it yet, so new players, especially if they are alone in the game, will not be powerleveling any time soon. They don't know about it, and dont have anyone to tell them about it yet.

    I was invited to my first FC heads run at level 75 (for free), when my server was much more active. I never went back until level 85, because I didnt have what was then 400K and sometimes more, to pay for the runs. Which okay, that worked out well, as it made me pretty good at playing my Mystic.

    Now you see people trying to sell heads (and sometimes bosses too) for as little as 200K on my server. You hardly ever see TM runs for capes being offered anymore.

    I figured I'd make alts to try to make friends in the game. The fact none of them are above level 30 clearly shows what I found when I made them. My Psy joined a leveling faction, who's few members wanted to stand on a rock while I grinded their quests for them. I stopped playing it around level 29. My Assassin encountered the 5 - 6 of which you speak, who were probably someone's new farming alts and werent interested in knowing anyone either, stopped playing it around level 30. My barb (also 30) literally never saw another person up until that level.

    To answer you question, yes. By chance. Nothing is perfect and guaranteed. But as said, less options for places for a new player to start in this game increases that chance dramaticly. And, sorry for the complete essay here, but I can really only speak about my experience, and what I read is the experience of others like me all over these forums, and on all servers.

    I even thought to leave behind the money and time I have invested in RT server, and reroll on HT. After seeing a few posts reporting Tusk Town to be a ghost Town on HT, I realised the issue was bigger than just my server, as old skool players report HT to be doing great - and that can only be because their long established friendships kepp them busy enough not to see the complete emptiness anyone new to PW sees.

    3. It's summer, more people are coming into the servers and my faction has already had 20+ complete newbies to the game invited this past month. If you think your servers are empty, you're not looking hard enough. =)

    Im glad your faction got lucky. Sure, on RT too, in a few old skoolers that have returned to the game. On my server, even the TOP faction - whose standards were historicly aimed at the best, had to lower its level req for a bit, which would also include lowering its gear standards. Many others have had to as well, and a couple of the oldest factions on my server are pretty close to dead at this point, although they hold on.

    If it was the original dev team, Archosaur, I would trust this statement. However, the Archosaur dev team that originally made this game is long gone and rolling in their proverbial graves at what the current programmers have done to their game. Not to mention they refuse to touch the old codes, probably from fear of breaking the game irreparably.

    You may be right about the devs, I certainly would not know. They still <3 to write programming. Whether they are capable of picking up and working with what you say others have created before them or not is a whole nother question. I would think to at least to some degree they are capable, otherwise Morai and AEU would not exist.
  • Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    There's already a thread about it here:

    Its mine. And its not as well thought out, so I started a new thread. It originally focused on trimming the leaves of a tree, when in reality its roots were dying, so to speak, lol. Hopefully that thread will be allowed to die. If there is a place to request it be locked, I dont know where that is, and previous requests posted on that thread went unanswered. They were removed with the first draft revision for this thread.

    If anyone needs proof that its my thread I wish to see die, just look at the first Bugs Bunny quote on both Avatar's signatures. Brill is a mystic, Agiya is a cleric, and they are both mage chars whose owner thinks Bugs rocks!
  • Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Uhm I don't totally get it, whats exactly the idea behind all this O.o If it means I can get my 100 barb from an American to a EU server, I join. If it means more low lvl's to help and explain things, I join. If it means more lazy 5 aps ppl coming to ruin the game more, I'm not sure...

    You get it! That's it! Heck, the 5 APS people would probably not stand out so much IF their were more new players for people to interact with. I dont know if the 5 APS have ruined the game or not, but I know they stand out like a sore thumb in these times of so little coming in for the rest of us to work with.

    Now its even gotten more select, with R9's only wanting to run with R9's, and R8's only wanting to run with R8 or better - and for a silly BH nonetheless, lol.
  • Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    This idea is magical. I have been to places where you would normally expect tonnes of players to be on my server (Archosaur) because of the high amount of quests that pass through the town, and there's no one. No one else to help you or join you to help you. They're all in Archosaur or the other big cities.

    I would fully support this if we got to transfer our account once to a new merged server for free, one that is one of any known alternatives for multiclienting. b:pleased

    Thanks for the support Umbramagis! b:thanks
  • Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    eso wrote: »
    I support this as I said in the other topic. You have my support on it. Gotta get the community informed of the idea in our own various ways, l'll do my part in it.

    Thanks for the support and your suggestions on the previous thread, eso. b:victory
  • Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Doesn't work.

    First, a server merge wouldn't magically increase the lower level population.

    And second, the name changes are just impossible. Yea, there are shared named name databases and that is the only way it would work.

    You can technically change a name but it would **** everything up. Knowing someone who had his name changed years ago, I know that the server randomly decided for every viewers client if it shows his old or new name. Now imagine there's another person with that name. Database crash anyone?

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Pointless idea is pointless. Pointless thread is pointless.

    What would a server merge actually bring?

    More high leveled players into 1 spot
    More QQ for GMs
    Higher gold prices
    No new players only old faces interacting with other old faces

    So yeah pointless. Stop trying to get Raging Fail to merge, we don't like you and we don't want you polluting the other servers.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Pointless idea is pointless. Pointless thread is pointless.

    What would a server merge actually bring?

    More high leveled players into 1 spot
    More QQ for GMs
    Higher gold prices
    No new players only old faces interacting with other old faces

    So yeah pointless. Stop trying to get Raging Fail to merge, we don't like you and we don't want you polluting the other servers.

    I think your letting your personal prejudice of players in, failing to see the big picture in general. The servers have vast empty fields everywhere with no players around barely, we just want the game to be lively again, and especially dungeon crawls that lot of people have abandoned now. No I do not believe it will raise gold prices because you would have more players throwing more coin around now and crafting things(I'm only guessing on that). The idea certain equips/items will become abit more common than it was in the past. Now the Boutique shop? Talk to the devs, they run it, I honestly don't think they know what they are doing when it comes running that abomination.

    Everywhere I go there's always a vast field of monsters, but no players ever active barely, there's very little activity, that's a sign a MMO in general is doing something wrong. I honestly think they spread their servers too thin and now everyone is spreaded out too much with a small population. The issue I have that there isn't enough low-level players, the issue I have that there is not enough players in general.

    Other causes which is beyond PWI's Control, players left for the following reasons:
    2.)Better MMOs coming out
    3.)Drop rates are ridiculous compared to others
    4.)Grinding,Grinding,Grinding. Other MMOs aren't this bad about it
    5.)The Quests are not unique enough, it's usually a rehash over and over with similar objectives.
    6.)Balance Issues obviously
    7.)Certain Bosses impossible to kill, thus Warsong isn't done too much
    8.)Bugs that have been refused to fix unless it really get's a devs attention enough to warrant it, basically kicking them out of their chair and fix it because know they have to do it. I really do sense lazyness on their part, either that the new guys just don't know how to code.
    9.)Unfinished Content, that is very unprofessional though the least cause for people to leave
    10.)Market Manipulation caused by mercantilism, it's there and apparent. Seems like people are taking advantage any way they can, certain MMOs have fixed this issue and has become more user friendly.

    I don't know the more problems I find with this game over the years I have played, the more I feel like this game was done by amateurs.

    I'm not out to get you Melvin, I just want you to see the big picture and my point of view what has been going on and why population has been dropping. Thus some of us feel a server merge might band-aide the situation for right now for those of us that want to make the game fun as possible for people who still want to play PWI. Also you know what's funny, I often wonder to myself if this is the reason they made Forsaken World, they are trying to back away from this game that had become a mess, looking for a way to start over.
  • Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    eso wrote: »
    I think your letting your personal prejudice of players in, failing to see the big picture in general. The servers have vast empty fields everywhere with no players around barely, we just want the game to be lively again, and especially dungeon crawls that lot of people have abandoned now.

    A server merge will not fix this problem, the majority of the PWI player base are already level 90/100+ and no one ever grinds anymore no matter what server. With people able to sell FF heads/big room why would someone grind exp a lot slower than just running one of those runs? Plus once you reach 70+ on an alt BH2 rewards from BH100s pretty much level your character onwards. So again server merge will not fix this problem.

    No I do not believe it will raise gold prices because you would have more players throwing more coin around now and crafting things(I'm only guessing on that). The idea certain equips/items will become abit more common than it was in the past.

    Not all servers have the same gold price, merging 2 servers with different gold prices will potentially cause inflation because why would the players from the higher priced gold want to sell their gold for less? Yes some players would be happy with the lower gold price to buy meaning they buy more which means the gold sellers sell more gold driving the price up.

    Everywhere I go there's always a vast field of monsters, but no players ever active barely, there's very little activity, that's a sign a MMO in general is doing something wrong. I honestly think they spread their servers too thin and now everyone is spreaded out too much with a small population. The issue I have that there isn't enough low-level players, the issue I have that there is not enough players in general.

    Again a sever merge would not increase the amount of low leveled players in this game, the problem is PWI do not advertise as much as they used to, I remember seeing advertisements on youtube videos, youtube banners and other banners on various websites now I see promotions for other games.

    Other causes which is beyond PWI's Control, players left for the following reasons:
    2.)Better MMOs coming out
    3.)Drop rates are ridiculous compared to others
    4.)Grinding,Grinding,Grinding. Other MMOs aren't this bad about it
    5.)The Quests are not unique enough, it's usually a rehash over and over with similar objectives.
    6.)Balance Issues obviously
    7.)Certain Bosses impossible to kill, thus Warsong isn't done too much - Player laziness is the issue here, players don't know their class, they don't know what they are capable of and do not know how to get around issues without being told. They think 5APS beats all and when it doesn't QQ occurs

    8.)Bugs that have been refused to fix unless it really get's a devs attention enough to warrant it, basically kicking them out of their chair and fix it because know they have to do it. I really do sense lazyness on their part, either that the new guys just don't know how to code.
    9.)Unfinished Content, that is very unprofessional though the least cause for people to leave
    10.)Market Manipulation caused by mercantilism, it's there and apparent. Seems like people are taking advantage any way they can, certain MMOs have fixed this issue and has become more user friendly.

    The rest are pretty accurate.

    I don't know the more problems I find with this game over the years I have played, the more I feel like this game was done by amateurs.

    I'm not out to get you Melvin, I just want you to see the big picture and my point of view what has been going on and why population has been dropping. Thus some of us feel a server merge might band-aide the situation for right now for those of us that want to make the game fun as possible for people who still want to play PWI. Also you know what's funny, I often wonder to myself if this is the reason they made Forsaken World, they are trying to back away from this game that had become a mess, looking for a way to start over.

    By PWE making other/better games it will instantly make people play those, PWI is now 4 years old and other games have come out since and are coming out soon, it is sadly going downhill and will probably within 2 years be empty, a server merge still won't fix this.

    My replies are obviously in green.
  • Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    Originally Posted by MrMelvin:

    A server merge will not fix this problem, the majority of the PWI player base are already level 90/100+ and no one ever grinds anymore no matter what server. With people able to sell FF heads/big room why would someone grind exp a lot slower than just running one of those runs? Plus once you reach 70+ on an alt BH2 rewards from BH100s pretty much level your character onwards. So again server merge will not fix this problem.

    You are missing the point of the thread. Its not about making things better for the steady population of high levels, or any of their alts. PWI has done plenty for the higher leveled players, even the new Morai area you need to be 95+ to take advantage of, and let's face it, the established high levels rarely step outside of their existing group of friends to do anything with anyone else. Many of them only log on for weekend TWs now, so to continue to only think about them is folly for PWI.

    This thread is about making things better and more inviting for NEW players.

    Why should you care? Well, if you read the thread - so you have people to keep your leet faction leet. People always leave - they get jobs, accepted to universities and colleges, married, stationed overseas, they freaking die, and multitude of other reasons that they wake up one day and say,"I dont have time for MMOs anymore." - but if your faction can't replace them, where does that leave you?

    The established high levels already have long established social networks, and a multitude of quests to keep them tightly packed and snuggled up inside their little communities within this game. If you can keep up with all the events, instances, faction and other quests, grind in Morai for spells, etc, etc, then you are doing better than most and deserve the title "No lifer!" (That's a rhetorical 'you', and not you personally.)

    Not all servers have the same gold price, merging 2 servers with different gold prices will potentially cause inflation because why would the players from the higher priced gold want to sell their gold for less? Yes some players would be happy with the lower gold price to buy meaning they buy more which means the gold sellers sell more gold driving the price up.

    How do you know? And, why would you speculate such negativity? I personally dont mind selling my gold for a reasonable price when I can purchase what I need at a reasonable price. I dont speak for everyone - just everyone that has a life, and doesnt have the time sit around figuring out the best way to **** the next guy, nevermind an entire server, lol. Doesn't more NEW people mean more sales too? Or, in your mind is continuing to increase prices on less people the best route to take?

    Again a sever merge would not increase the amount of low leveled players in this game, the problem is PWI do not advertise as much as they used to, I remember seeing advertisements on youtube videos, youtube banners and other banners on various websites now I see promotions for other games.

    Again, how would you know? And, why would you speculate such negativity? How could you possibly know how many people in this big over-populated real world of ours create an account, log in, see no one and leave?

    There are plenty of youtube videos focused on TW, PK and PvE created everyday, and posted on youtube. Okay, the company may or may not be actively advertising in your estimation, but its easy to find out about PWI when looking for a MMO to play.

    By PWE making other/better games it will instantly make people play those, PWI is now 4 years old and other games have come out since and are coming out soon, it is sadly going downhill and will probably within 2 years be empty, a server merge still won't fix this.

    How do you figure everyone is suddenly going to up and run out of this game to go sink money into another PWI game? Everyone hasn't, have they? If I leave, Im definately not moving to another PWI game. I didnt leave a PWI game when I started playing this one. When I started playing the game I left to come here, I didnt move from another of their games to do so. I didnt go from RS years ago, to another game that company makes.

    Thats right! If the Ford I was driving really does end up "Found On Road Dead", Im not buying another Ford, lol.

    Maybe you would, I dont know and I can't speak for you - and I wouldn't even attempt to.

    This thread is about making things better for NEW players, and I get the impression you neither are one, nor do you seem to care about any in your post.

    Everything you have spoken about so far doesn't mean diddly to a NEW player.

    All they want is a fun game and to see people to play it with. They aren't going to see anyone the way things are - but if their options of servers to create a character on are limited their chances of seeing someone is increased dramaticly.

    PW is a fun game, although I can see how someone who has spent a few years playing it might grow bored of it one day and move on. That doesnt = death of the game!

    RS has survived for 10 years, and that game is complete ****. GW has survived for 7 years, and it looks like they intend to survive longer with what seems like the massive new expansion coming with ***. WoW is about as old as RS and its still going.

    What do all of their parent companies have in common? They all offer multiple games to play too. This game can easily survive too, IF someone takes the time to consider the problem of no one NEW coming in to replace the old as they leave.

    Thanks for your post MrMelvin. I see the points you are trying to make, however, as said before, your points dont mean diddly to anyone NEW.
  • Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Doesn't work.

    First, a server merge wouldn't magically increase the lower level population.

    And second, the name changes are just impossible. Yea, there are shared named name databases and that is the only way it would work.

    You can technically change a name but it would **** everything up. Knowing someone who had his name changed years ago, I know that the server randomly decided for every viewers client if it shows his old or new name. Now imagine there's another person with that name. Database crash anyone?

    If the devs in RS figured out how to do it WITHOUT that game crashing, what makes you think no programmer in the world can do it for PW?

    I think in that game you can change your name weekly or monthly or something insane like that - not that my idea approaches it from a level where EVERY single player would need to change their name.
  • Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    If the devs in RS figured out how to do it WITHOUT that game crashing, what makes you think no programmer in the world can do it for PW?

    I think in that game you can change your name weekly or monthly or something insane like that - not that my idea approaches it from a level where EVERY single player would need to change their name.

    A member on RS is able to change their name as often as they like provided they remain subscribed as a member. This is provided that the name they choose is not already taken. Although I have never changed my RS name, so I don't know the exact amount per day.
    The Doctor - Speak his name, and he will come. No matter where he is in time or space, if you need him, he will come.

    Umbramagis - Celestial Sage Cleric 101/101/101 - Full G16 - Main
    Impedim - Celestial Sage Sin 101/8x - Full G16
    TerraEnsis - Demon Seeker 100/8x
  • Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I'm going to ignore the whole wall of text because you just annoy me the more you go on.

    A server merge will not keep new players in the game. The starter towns will be empty no matter what, there is no hype for this game to attract new players in because PWE does not advertise as much which I have already said.

    More advertisements = more interest = new players = more people into the game = better game play.

    People don't just google games to play, interest is normally drummed up by adverts, even RS is advertised on TV!!

    I would just like to point out that RS creators are British, that is why such things as name changes are able to happen.
  • Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    If the devs in RS figured out how to do it WITHOUT that game crashing, what makes you think no programmer in the world can do it for PW?

    How long did it take for them to fix magic shell? How long has it taken them to fix the MODEL problem with bushy tailed fox venos? Have they fixed the hole in FB39? How about the holes in archo? How about the ones in 1k? Have they bothered translating the skills here properly yet or do archers still have an 8 second range stun that's actually an immobilize?

    It's not a question of whether or not it's possible. The problems are that our devs kinda suck and for the company's flagship game, it doesn't get that much attention.

    Frankly, what needs to be done to increase new player population is advertising AND doing things right with their game so it can stop having such a negative reputation. A server merge would just make things much worse in a few aspects while not dealing with the root of the problem.... which is a horrible way to go about attempting to fix things.

    .... And in hindsight, it being a horrible way to attempt to fix things means it's far too likely that it would be something attempted at some point in time instead of them fixing their game.
  • Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I'm going to ignore the whole wall of text because you just annoy me the more you go on.

    Don't lie, the fact I live and breath annoys you, lol

    A server merge will not keep new players in the game. The starter towns will be empty no matter what, there is no hype for this game to attract new players in because PWE does not advertise as much which I have already said.

    More advertisements = more interest = new players = more people into the game = better game play.

    People don't just google games to play, interest is normally drummed up by adverts, even RS is advertised on TV!!

    Where lol, in Britain? Ive seen WoW advertized on TV, but then, they have an actual product for you to buy.

    "I would just like to point out that RS creators are British, that is why such things as name changes are able to happen."

    May I ask what you mean by that last statement?
  • Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    truekossy wrote: »
    How long did it take for them to fix magic shell? How long has it taken them to fix the MODEL problem with bushy tailed fox venos? Have they fixed the hole in FB39? How about the holes in archo? How about the ones in 1k? Have they bothered translating the skills here properly yet or do archers still have an 8 second range stun that's actually an immobilize?

    It's not a question of whether or not it's possible. The problems are that our devs kinda suck and for the company's flagship game, it doesn't get that much attention.

    Frankly, what needs to be done to increase new player population is advertising AND doing things right with their game so it can stop having such a negative reputation. A server merge would just make things much worse in a few aspects while not dealing with the root of the problem.... which is a horrible way to go about attempting to fix things.

    .... And in hindsight, it being a horrible way to attempt to fix things means it's far too likely that it would be something attempted at some point in time instead of them fixing their game.

    Well, let me just empasize that I am NOT looking forward to a server merge, but things have been moving steady downhill for a long time now, and all anyone sees coming in is more content for high leveled players. Im not against more content for bored high level players. I'm just very PRO seeing more people to play with in the game.

    Most of what you point out seems to me to be problems with game aesthetics, and semantics over the translation of a spell. I mean stun v. immobilize - either way you're not moving, right?

    Could the game play better in mechanics? Sure, I dont think Ive ever played a game plagued with so many DC's or larger lag, and Im not sure why they took the route of cutting populations and adding servers to fix that.

    I also dont see them back-tracking on R9. Its simply too late for that. But I dont see why that should stop the game from being playable for others. The only real problem I see is a lack of new to replace the old and gone.

    Even with sales of the most expensive gears I have ever encountered in a game, I cant imagine there is enough in their budget for a worldwide advertizing campaign. Maybe a banner campaign, or a convention based campaign.

    Merging servers is not an original concept created by Brill. I keep reading it over and over again, even claims that it has been done before. If its going to happen, I dont want a 50% refund of the cash I have invested in this game.

    I want my characters...scratch that..I DEMAND my characters get moved in the process of merging servers!

    I gave the time Ive invested freely, but the money Ive invested was NOT a gift to anyone but myself, and its no where near as much cash as many people have invested, but its still a lot for me!

    Thanks for your post, Kossy. You DO make some very good points, the problem is we all have to roll with the flow.

    It took me so long to reply because its actually a very good post, and it gave me a lot to think about.
  • Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    May I ask what you mean by that last statement?

    That if we want something done we do it. You wasn't able to change your name like that at the start but it was worked on and developed.

    RS advert seen on TV

    Now if RS can come up with something like ↑ then surely PWE should also be able to come up with something. They even targeted the correct demographic and the correct time, around 4pm on Cartoon Network after Pokemon.
  • Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    That if we want something done we do it.

    Well, gosh, it's nice to ask for clarity on one vague statement, and get another just as vague for an answer. So, are you saying with the above statement that you are a RS JMod? Or, is that your personal insight on Brits as a people in general?

    You wasn't able to change your name like that at the start but it was worked on and developed.

    Yeah, if I didnt know that already, I couldnt have already said that they did it.

    They dont have graphics like PWI, they dont have character models like PWI, they dont have cool fashions like PWI, their zeal to bust bots is more important than their players experience playing the game, but you can change your name!

    I'm not exactly pro-name changing for PWI, but it is a way to allow servers to merge with free account transfers included, and help keep existing players happy with player-approved name changes. And, once they work it out, it is also a way for PWI to increase profits should they deside to open it up to something they would sell to all players on a regular basis.

    Tired of the name, PoopStain? 5 gold (or whatever) and you can change it!b:chuckle

    RS advert seen on TV

    Now if RS can come up with something like ↑ then surely PWE should also be able to come up with something. They even targeted the correct demographic and the correct time, around 4pm on Cartoon Network after Pokemon.

    Oh they have PWI trailers. Several. Some player made and some official. If they run them on TV at anytime or anywhere I have no clue. *shrugs*

    The most recent, Imperial Fury June 15, 2012, is pretty true to the quality of graphics ingame.

    But the one for Genesis from Jul 2011 is the best! Too bad you have to sit through a 28 second trailer for another game to watch it.
  • Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    That was my personal insight on brits as a brit myself. Normally I would just be honest and say Americans are just too stupid and lazy to sort things out but the devs aren't american.

    Graphics mean nothing, content is everything, for example you could have the worlds most beautiful woman as a girlfriend but as soon as she opens her mouth there is nothing of value. Pointless in my opinion. Although RS has improved its graphics a lot since the last time I played it. Are you also trying to say that PWE puts their players experiences before anything else and RS doesn't? Lol!

    And concerning bots (according to my cousin who still plays and used to bot a lot) the devs have input a system where the ID number for each item changes on a regular basis meaning botters cannot input this code on their bot program and have it working meaning botting is now impossible pretty much. Also while finding the TV advert I saw a video about an upcoming battle system change where the devs will be completely renewing the battle style and gameplay. To me that sounds more inviting than PWI at the moment server merge or not.

    Anyway this thread should be closed, you have made this go way off topic, you said yourself that you do not want a server merge but yet you rally for one. I go back to my original statement that pointless thread is pointless.
  • Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    That was my personal insight on brits as a brit myself. Normally I would just be honest and say Americans are just too stupid and lazy to sort things out but the devs aren't american.

    Well, you can hate on Americans all you want, MrMelvin. Still not over the Revolution yet, eh? What's it been, more than 300 years since they wiped the floor with you? b:chuckle

    Graphics mean nothing, content is everything, for example you could have the worlds most beautiful woman as a girlfriend but as soon as she opens her mouth there is nothing of value. Pointless in my opinion. Although RS has improved its graphics a lot since the last time I played it. Are you also trying to say that PWE puts their players experiences before anything else and RS doesn't? Lol!

    Lol! No they really haven't. I mean you are right in a sense, the current graphics are a step above what they maintained for years in that game. That doesn't change the fact you can still look just like your RS character with a good cardboard box, some scissors, and a red & black magic marker. ^.^

    And concerning bots (according to my cousin who still plays and used to bot a lot) the devs have input a system where the ID number for each item changes on a regular basis meaning botters cannot input this code on their bot program and have it working meaning botting is now impossible pretty much.

    Im sure all the free-to-players are dancing in the streets of Varrock over that! b:victory

    Also while finding the TV advert I saw a video about an upcoming battle system change where the devs will be completely renewing the battle style and gameplay. To me that sounds more inviting than PWI at the moment server merge or not.

    You sure you are not confusing PWI with RS? *giggles* J/k. I wish RS well. I played it for a long time. As I said about PWI, time changes everything, but I seriously doubt they will produce anything thats going to bring any serious players back to that game.

    Anyway this thread should be closed, you have made this go way off topic, you said yourself that you do not want a server merge but yet you rally for one. I go back to my original statement that pointless thread is pointless.

    Can't Brits read anymore? Or is it just you that reads what you want; and, dribbles worthless foam of the mouth everywhere you post??

    Yes, I rally to improve bringing in new players to the game, and giving them something to stay for - like seeing other new players.

    Not my fault your head is too far wedged up your own emo butt to see that, is it? *shrugs some more*

    Cya Melly, take care now, ya hear!
  • Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    That was my personal insight on brits as a brit myself. Normally I would just be honest and say Americans are just too stupid and lazy to sort things out but the devs aren't american.

    et tu, with the lame stereotypes Melvin. Et, tu?


    Name changing messes up their databases and cross server transfers aren't really possible atm. Frankie actually said that if it was possible, they'd already be doing it. So I'm thinking that the only ones able to be merged would be the ones that are already previously set up to do so by sharing a name database. Which would mean possibly the European Servers which isn't likely to happen since the entire point was to give their fairly large French and German playerbase a server in their own language and time zones. And also Heaven's Tear, Sanctuary, and Archosaur share a database as well.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    et tu, with the lame stereotypes Melvin. Et, tu?


    Name changing messes up their databases and cross server transfers aren't really possible atm. Frankie actually said that if it was possible, they'd already be doing it. So I'm thinking that the only ones able to be merged would be the ones that are already previously set up to do so by sharing a name database. Which would mean possibly the European Servers which isn't likely to happen since the entire point was to give their fairly large French and German playerbase a server in their own language and time zones. And also Heaven's Tear, Sanctuary, and Archosaur share a database as well.

    Hey! If it can't be done Venus, then it cant be done. Oh well. *shrugs*

    Its just a suggestion thread. I'm not a mover and a shaker anywhere or anything.

    They had 40 devs working on the Genesis expansion. Some pretty high tech movie type stuff to create the models. I'm pretty sure they can come up with something.

    But other than the fact I play the game, and I like the game, and I absolutely love the Mystic as a character to play - everyone's life will probably go on just fine no matter what happens.

    Thanks for the info & your post!
  • Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hopefully old thread is now properly redirecting people to this one. Sorry for not doing a better job on that.

    propadol1 wrote: »
    I am avid MMO player. I came to PWI on request from GF to try it out.

    Now the realistic review of what I saw: Lowest populated game ever encountered, looks dead in any time of day and seems like project has been abandoned few years ago and few people that play look like Zombies in Resident Evil.

    Merging 2 or 3 servers might help to get players the feel of someone actually playing the game and not being alone.

    Overall this is very bad game for new players because they can not group uo nor get help from others.

    Thanks for your post propadol. Its nice to see there are people who understand!b:thanks
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I am avid MMO player. I came to PWI on request from GF to try it out.

    Now the realistic review of what I saw: Lowest populated game ever encountered, looks dead in any time of day and seems like project has been abandoned few years ago and few people that play look like Zombies in Resident Evil.

    Merging 2 or 3 servers might help to get players the feel of someone actually playing the game and not being alone.

    Overall this is very bad game for new players because they can not group uo nor get help from others.


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