Should I give this game a try? (Need some proffesional feedback)

zajzololz Posts: 0 Arc User
edited September 2012 in Arigora Colosseum
Hello, first off I am writing in this section rather than the newbie section, because I feel that my questions are more pvp related than they are newbie related.

Anyhow long story short I am trying to find me a "decent" game after having played WOW competitively for around 8 years or so, and I've done some quick digging on this game and this has raised some concernes from me as most of the feedback and comments about pve, pvp, gear, balances etc. have been somewhat negative.

So before I bother to start this game for real I want to have some questions answered if would be so kind :)


Q: *As this will maybe be my first micro-transaction game, I am very worried that CS influences too much in the endgame, namely talking about pvp situations... will I be DOOMED to always loose against someone who is asuming on the exact skillcap as I am, just because he's CS'd?

Q: *Just how epic is the task of getting say...full R9 gear without dishing out real-money for some OMGpixels? And how would I go about to do this in short (like, spend 1 year to get 100+, spend another year to get enough stuff for r9 inb4, r10 gear is released and GGpwned xD... or?

Q: *Is getting R9 efficiently about who is actually the best pvper? or is it a grindfest of mobs/items/playerkills?

Q: *I've read that there are safe zones and there are non-safe zones, but is there any hotspot for pvpers outside of that i.e. any form of Battleground/Arena style'd zone? or is it all about world pvp ganking?

Q: *How would u say gear influences the outcome in pvp in general? "Like omg carried by gear", or actually more on player skill...?

Q: *How would u say the current state of class v class balance is right now? (again asuming everyone is on the exact skillcap) I've read that this beats that and that beats that... is the game really that bad!? or are they random outdated comments by trolls?

Q: *Are there any more prominent PvP servers of choice or are they all pretty much the same?

Q: *Any ideas on how long it usually takes to get Level 100+ with any of the more dps oriented classes?

Q: *And lastly but not least... I am wondering if any of you could re-direct me to some good pvp movies from ANY class really, because the ones that I've seen so far have been ('stand in 1 spot spam mouseclick spells') player.

(that I pray is NOT the definition of a endgame quality skills here.)

(edit: Preferably from Cleric, Sin, Wizard.)

[Final words] I am not so much into RP and PvE... so should I give this game a try? or is the game just another dying Cash-Shop game for rich-kids?

Thank you for reading, hope to hear from you soon.
Post edited by zajzololz on


  • Yulk_owns - Lost City
    Yulk_owns - Lost City Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Q: *As this is will maybe be my first micro-transaction game, I am very worried that CS influences too much in the endgame, namely talking about pvp situations... will I be DOOMED to always loose against someone who is asuming on the exact skillcap as I am, just because he's CS'd?

    CS always dominated everything, not just endgame. Gear already outweighed skill in this game. You have no chance to beat the CSer even if he is an idiot.
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Q: *Just how epic is the task of getting say...full R9 gear without dishing out real-money for some OMGpixels? And how would I go about to do this in short (like, spend 1 year to get 100+, spend another year to get enough stuff for r9 inb4, r10 gear is released and GGpwned xD... or?

    Merchanting takes luck / patience, and you want to be lucky enough to gain billions of coins within a year just to get full R9? GL with that. R10 isn't out (hopefully they do not bother trying to implement that)
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Q: *Is getting R9 efficiently about who is actually the best pvper? or Is a grindfest of mobs/items/playerkills?

    Basically items most likely.
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Q: *I've read that there are safe zones and there are non-safe zones, but is there any hotspot for pvpers outside of that i.e. any form of Battleground/Arena style'd zone? or is it all about world pvp ganking?

    Used to be in arena, now it is just open PK and a few PVP enabled areas. Yes it is all about PVP ganking, you're playing the wrong game for a 1 vs 1 fight.
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Q: *How would u say gear influences the outcome in pvp in general? "Like omg carried by gear", or actually more on player skill...?

    It is because of how much advantage the gears like, let's say full R9 gives an overwhelming amount of attack and defense levels. Which is why it is so difficult to kill / survive against them.
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Q: *How would u say the current state of class v class balance is right now? (again asuming everyone is on the exact skillcap) I've read that this beats that and that beats that... is the game really that bad!? or are they random outdated comments by trolls?

    Veno/mystic have unfair advantage until people refine gears (mainly people do that at endgame) now it is who have the bigger wallet / numbers. Sins may have it easy in PK against squishes or almost mediocre def, but that is about it.
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Q: *Are there any more prominent PvP server of choice or are they all pretty much the same?

    Have only been on Lost city for a little, can't say.
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Q: *Any ideas on how long it usually takes to get Level 100+ with any more dps suited class?

    Depends on how you level... You can get to 101 in a week or two.
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Q: *And lastly but not least... I am wondering if any of you could re-direct me to some good pvp movies from ANY class really, because the ones that I've seen so far have been ('stand in 1 spot spam mouseclick spells') player.

    (that I pray is NOT the definition of a endgame quality skills here.)

    (edit: Preferably from Cleric, Sin, Wizard.)

    Look on youtube.
    zajzololz wrote: »
    [Final words] I am not so much into RP and PvE... so should I give this game a try? or is the game just another dying Cash-Shop game for rich-kids?

    Thank you for reading, hope to hear from you soon.

    If your not into RP or PVE. Then I suggest you play a different game unless you want to blow money on this game, go ahead and knock yourself out.
    I, II and III spark is the most cheesiest skill in PWI and it should be removed or massively nerfed.

  • Zsw - Dreamweaver
    Zsw - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Q: *As this is will maybe be my first micro-transaction game, I am very worried that CS influences too much in the endgame, namely talking about pvp situations... will I be DOOMED to always loose against someone who is asuming on the exact skillcap as I am, just because he's CS'd?

    CS do influence a lot end game. While the monetary cost of complete end game gear goes up in the thousands, there are people who are willing to spend such. If you are extremely skilled with decent gears against someone with really good gears but not as skilled, it is possible to kill them. However, if you two are equally skilled, then the person who has CSed will win more often than now. At the same time however, it is possible to be as rich as someone who has Csed without spending a dime. It just takes a lot of dedication in farming, or very smart merchanting.

    Recently, PWI has introduced a set of gears that is much cheaper than full end game gear but is almost as good and is farmable. This is a step in the right direction.
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Q: *Just how epic is the task of getting say...full R9 gear without dishing out real-money for some OMGpixels? And how would I go about to do this in short (like, spend 1 year to get 100+, spend another year to get enough stuff for r9 inb4, r10 gear is released and GGpwned xD... or?

    It really depends on how dedicated you are. A person on my server has full r9 +12(max refines) with all JOSD (best shard possible) just by merchanting. Others have gotton really good gears by spending hours in TT and nirvy (instances that people farm to get mats then resell for coins). If you aren't planning to be dedicated in either, then it may be really hard. Full r9 gear is worth about 1.5K USD.

    In terms of how to do it, you can get to 100 easily in matter of days through powerleveling. But if you prefer to do it the old fashioned way, it may take a few months. Then either spend a few days studying the market and have a shop up 24/7, or spend hours farming everyday.
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Q: *Is getting R9 efficiently about who is actually the best pvper? or Is a grindfest of mobs/items/playerkills?

    I don't understand this question too well. R9 takes reputation to get, but it's only reputation by name. You can buy these reputation from the cashshop. So essentially, you are buying r9, as opposed to earning it by killing people etc.
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Q: *I've read that there are safe zones and there are non-safe zones, but is there any hotspot for pvpers outside of that i.e. any form of Battleground/Arena style'd zone? or is it all about world pvp ganking?

    It is server based. On Dreamweaver, people pk outside of West Archosaur (a major city). On other servers, there may be more world pvping.
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Q: *How would u say gear influences the outcome in pvp in general? "Like omg carried by gear", or actually more on player skill...?

    It depends. If one person is in TT99 while another is in R9 for example, the TT99 won't win even if the R9 person had no idea how to play their class. But if its say, G16 nirvy vs r9, it would depend on who is more skilled. Gears help a lot. But if you pass the line where gears simply completely outpower you, it is possible to win with better skill.
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Q: *How would u say the current state of class v class balance is right now? (again asuming everyone is on the exact skillcap) I've read that this beats that and that beats that... is the game really that bad!? or are they random outdated comments by trolls?

    Sins are really OP 1 v 1 due to their insane damage output and a skill than last a minute which pretty much negates half of the status effects thrown at them. However, if you are looking for group pvp and not 1 v 1, I'd say that with good teamwork anything can happen.
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Q: *Are there any more prominent PvP server of choice or are they all pretty much the same?

    I think Lost City is the prominent pvp server.
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Q: *Any ideas on how long it usually takes to get Level 100+ with any more dps suited class?

    You can get to 100 in matter of days if you have people to power level you. If not, it may take a month or so.
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Q: *And lastly but not least... I am wondering if any of you could re-direct me to some good pvp movies from ANY class really, because the ones that I've seen so far have been ('stand in 1 spot spam mouseclick spells') player.

    (that I pray is NOT the definition of a endgame quality skills here.)

    (edit: Preferably from Cleric, Sin, Wizard.)

    I play an assassin and an archer on the dreamweaver server. I'm not considering myself good, but I try my best to make these videos. I hope they are helpful to you:

    Channel of a rather famous archer:

    zajzololz wrote: »
    [Final words] I am not so much into RP and PvE... so should I give this game a try? or is the game just another dying Cash-Shop game for rich-kids?

    Some people will love it some people will hate it. It really depends how you view it.

    Thank you for reading, hope to hear from you soon.
    Zsw -104 Sage Assassin
    TehZsw - 100 Demon Archer

    All Luck No Skillz PvPer:
  • PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver
    PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,507 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    hey Mr Z ^_^
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Q: *Is getting R9 efficiently about who is actually the best pvper? or Is a grindfest of mobs/items/playerkills?

    you dont gain any points by killing other players or something like that to get R9 (if that's what you ask). in fact, gear is totaly unrelated with pvp and, besides the occational gear drop (which is quite rare since people can bind items, using guardian items to prevent item drop or simply use a game mechanism to prevent item drop for free), you gain nothing from open world pvp.

    there is an pvp-enabled daily event (theater of blood) where you farm various items that can be exchangees for stuff, weekly wars for land (some cities provide special potions) and a pvp tournament where you can get a decent helmet (but i wouldnt say it's end-game now)

    all in all, to get R9 you buy items from the cashop with gold; you can buy gold with in--game coins (you can also buy those items from other players)

    btw, they have already released recast r9 and recently second recast r9 which could be viewed as r10, r11 (i believe that they dont want to name them that way). however, very few people have r9 recast and I dont know (but doubt) that anyone has r9 second recast yet.
    you only purge once #yopo
  • Eeyes - Harshlands
    Eeyes - Harshlands Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    CS always dominated everything, not just endgame. Gear already outweighed skill in this game. You have no chance to beat the CSer even if he is an idiot.

    Merchanting takes luck / patience, and you want to be lucky enough to gain billions of coins within a year just to get full R9? GL with that. R10 isn't out (hopefully they do not bother trying to implement that)

    Basically items most likely.

    Used to be in arena, now it is just open PK and a few PVP enabled areas. Yes it is all about PVP ganking, you're playing the wrong game for a 1 vs 1 fight.

    It is because of how much advantage the gears like, let's say full R9 gives an overwhelming amount of attack and defense levels. Which is why it is so difficult to kill / survive against them.

    Veno/mystic have unfair advantage until people refine gears (mainly people do that at endgame) now it is who have the bigger wallet / numbers. Sins may have it easy in PK against squishes or almost mediocre def, but that is about it.

    Have only been on Lost city for a little, can't say.

    Depends on how you level... You can get to 101 in a week or two.

    Look on youtube.

    If your not into RP or PVE. Then I suggest you play a different game unless you want to blow money on this game, go ahead and knock yourself out.

    I can't begin to describe how wrong you are... R9 is not oped.. IM LEVEL 71 AND I KILLED A R9 CLERIC I've never spent money on the game,, and if you think it's possible to get to 101 in a week or 2 your a ****ing rich *****. That means you will get ***** in PvP if you Power Level.. For PvP you have to learn your class, your weaknesses and your enemies Weaknesses. And venos and mystics do not have a unfair advantage.. Why you think that>? beecause they have pets? Learn to target them and not the pets.... It does not only count on your gear, for instance A claw bm cannot win in 1v1 against a axe bm, so you have to have a stradegy... Learn the game before you post stupid stuff
    Leave no one behind

  • Aerilya - Sanctuary
    Aerilya - Sanctuary Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I can't begin to describe how wrong you are... R9 is not oped.. IM LEVEL 71 AND I KILLED A R9 CLERIC I've never spent money on the game,, and if you think it's possible to get to 101 in a week or 2 your a ****ing rich *****. That means you will get ***** in PvP if you Power Level.. For PvP you have to learn your class, your weaknesses and your enemies Weaknesses. And venos and mystics do not have a unfair advantage.. Why you think that>? beecause they have pets? Learn to target them and not the pets.... It does not only count on your gear, for instance A claw bm cannot win in 1v1 against a axe bm, so you have to have a stradegy... Learn the game before you post stupid stuff

    While you are right to an extent, r9 is incredibly OP. I have seen an R9 Wizard with enhancements and shards walk into a territory war and just gank the entire enemy team in a couple spells. True, if you know how to play your class and can get the right skills off in time, you can take out R9 easy enough, skill does play into it somewhat, but generally an R9 will win every time against non-comparable gear. With a level 95 nix and Lunar gear I hardly put a dent in a lvl100 r9 cleric. That's not even a question of skill so much as sheer DPS.
  • zajzololz
    zajzololz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Yulk_owns - Lost City

    Look on youtube.

    Thank you, but I've checked youtube and all I find is what would seem as horrible pvpers? I was asking for names, rather than from what source I could find good pvp movies on this game. :p Sorry if I wasn't clear on this.
    Zsw - Dreamweaver

    CS do influence a lot end game. While the monetary cost of complete end game gear goes up in the thousands, there are people who are willing to spend such. If you are extremely skilled with decent gears against someone with really good gears but not as skilled, it is possible to kill them. However, if you two are equally skilled, then the person who has CSed will win more often than now. At the same time however, it is possible to be as rich as someone who has Csed without spending a dime. It just takes a lot of dedication in farming, or very smart merchanting.

    Recently, PWI has introduced a set of gears that is much cheaper than full end game gear but is almost as good and is farmable. This is a step in the right direction.

    Thank you for going more into depth about this, would you be so kind to touch briefly on what this "merchanting" is, and what this "cheaper version" of the end game gear is?
    Sins are really OP 1 v 1 due to their insane damage output and a skill than last a minute which pretty much negates half of the status effects thrown at them. However, if you are looking for group pvp and not 1 v 1, I'd say that with good teamwork anything can happen.

    Ok, I am more of a 1v1er (or in worst case 2v2/3v3er), more so then I am about brainless 1shot zerg mass pvp. Are there any classes I should look into more for this particular purpose if so?

    (If it helps you advicing me, I have over 8 years of competitive-pvp experience play on Rogue, Mage and Priest classes from WoW. I dunno if this is anything you guys are familiar with, but I felt I just had to throw it in there so that maybe you guys could give me a more accurate advice on what class I should roll here, that would suit my playstyle and purposes.)
    I think Lost City is the prominent pvp server.

    Anyone care to argue on this statement or is it a fact?
    You can get to 100 in matter of days if you have people to power level you. If not, it may take a month or so.

    How would would I go about to do this? Is it some form of mob-tagging, or even instance related in some way? Are there people offering this kind of service for ingame currency (not CS Gold.)

    I play an assassin and an archer on the dreamweaver server. I'm not considering myself good, but I try my best to make these videos. I hope they are helpful to you:

    Thank you very much! But I have to ask, why do you only have a few keybinds? Why do you click alot of your abilitys/items/spells or whatever they are, is there any form of restriction on how limited one is to customizing the gameplay? (as I've seen more videos of mouseclickers than I've seen people using adequate keybindings)

    I am sorry if this question offends you in any way, please be assured that is not my intentions.
    Some people will love it some people will hate it. It really depends how you view it.

    I find it very ODD to say the least, on why this game is (or have been), one of the more popular free2play mmo's out there, since from what I've gathered thus far is that the game developers strongly forces a player to either spend IRL-currency or interact with someone who has.

    This ofc raises a question in my head, to wether most casual people are either oblivous... on how much gear impacts on the endgame content or is it maybe simply that people do not mind in most cases to get farmed by rich Cash-Shop kids, with the arguements that ("Hey, atleasts it's free! xD.")
    PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver

    you dont gain any points by killing other players or something like that to get R9 (if that's what you ask). in fact, gear is totaly unrelated with pvp and, besides the occational gear drop (which is quite rare since people can bind items, using guardian items to prevent item drop or simply use a game mechanism to prevent item drop for free), you gain nothing from open world pvp.

    there is an pvp-enabled daily event (theater of blood) where you farm various items that can be exchangees for stuff, weekly wars for land (some cities provide special potions) and a pvp tournament where you can get a decent helmet (but i wouldnt say it's end-game now)

    all in all, to get R9 you buy items from the cashop with gold; you can buy gold with in--game coins (you can also buy those items from other players)

    btw, they have already released recast r9 and recently second recast r9 which could be viewed as r10, r11 (i believe that they dont want to name them that way). however, very few people have r9 recast and I dont know (but doubt) that anyone has r9 second recast yet.

    Ok, thank you! I was under the false impression that logically? Someones gamingskills and dedication determined the rankings rather than; random-lol-luck factors or the size of your IRL-wallet, in which would seem to be the case in this game..

    What is this "recast", you're talking about, is that some form of higher tier within the tier?

    Just how rare is people with rank9 gear? Do you need to get them in a particular order or do you get the entire set at once, once you've meet up to the pre-conditions?

    Is there anyone of you that could re-direct me to a guide of some sort to the full length of getting Rank9 & Gear? (If that's written somewhere)
  • PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver
    PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,507 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    there is a reputation system implemented in the game.
    at certain reputation levels npcs give you some special gear
    for example, at 100k it's rank 7 and you get some armor, 200k is r8 and you get armor and a weapon

    now, one upon a time, reputation was gained by helping others with certain instances and by doing tons of griding quest; also some rare items gave rep. then it became a bit easier, you could buy rep with tokens. it was over 1k$ to get r8 and very few had it. then one day they put rep items in the boutique and r8 was ~1k$ (i think). next week they lower the price (claiming that there was an error) to 78$ for r8 (they refounded people that bought rep the previous week). naturally, everyone got r8 (which give a veery nice weapon) and r9 became viable (with the addition of some others items in the boutique too)

    now, rank 9 is a bit more special: first, you need 300k reputation
    then, you trade some (cashop) items for the ring
    then, you can trade the same items (different amounts) for armor, belt and weapon; you can get them in any order you want

    however, there are some quite powerful set bonuses

    for r9 recast you trade some mats that come from instances mainly and you can increase the power of your r9 gear. it is generally considered overpriced for the gained power

    about r9 second recast i'm not really sure but i think it involves mats from instances

    regarding powerleveling: it's instance based. basically there is an instance that gives tons of exp and people usually do it at 85+. most of the exp gained comes from a room (big room) so people solo/duo/etc the instance till that room and then sell it for in-game coins. on the other hand, if you are completely new i would suggest to avoid leveling by only doing that. btw the cost is fairly low and when you reach 80+ it might be actually more efficient to grind/farm for coins and then buy a room instead of doing the instance yourself.
    you only purge once #yopo
  • laloner
    laloner Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    The PVP obsessed players spend the most money on the game. So the chances of them making non-CSers able to compete with CSers in PVP is zero.
    AKA PermaSpark, Heartshatter
  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Q: *As this is will maybe be my first micro-transaction game, I am very worried that CS influences too much in the endgame, namely talking about pvp situations... will I be DOOMED to always loose against someone who is asuming on the exact skillcap as I am, just because he's CS'd?

    yes , without cashshopping , all you can do is watching Rank 9 people from safezone

    Q: *Just how epic is the task of getting say...full R9 gear without dishing out real-money for some OMGpixels? And how would I go about to do this in short (like, spend 1 year to get 100+, spend another year to get enough stuff for r9 inb4, r10 gear is released and GGpwned xD... or?

    1 year , burning your brain in this game , utilizing you every possibly money making way , provided you have reached 100 and have farmed all the necessary gear-skills-learned the game. With good sales , yes , maybe , or some more months. maybe 2 years if we talk about zero cashshopping. More if we talk about refining said gear to +12

    Q: *Is getting R9 efficiently about who is actually the best pvper? or Is a grindfest of mobs/items/playerkills?

    When everyone has the same stuff - build , that is where game skill comess into play

    Q: *I've read that there are safe zones and there are non-safe zones, but is there any hotspot for pvpers outside of that i.e. any form of Battleground/Arena style'd zone? or is it all about world pvp ganking?

    TW , PK world Ganking-fair fights with ganking , and ofc all settlements have safe zones.

    Q: *How would u say gear influences the outcome in pvp in general? "Like omg carried by gear", or actually more on player skill...?

    It is sad but sometimes gear can jsut wipe out everything with little skill (see assassins). however , anyone who is skilled even as Rank 8 can kill a Rank 9 who is absolutely an idiot

    Q: *How would u say the current state of class v class balance is right now? (again asuming everyone is on the exact skillcap) I've read that this beats that and that beats that... is the game really that bad!? or are they random outdated comments by trolls?

    Assassins are on top , though they have some weakness that only skilled people can take advantage of , When rank 9 comes into play , you have good chances t owin , again , you need skill and combos of genies + your own in-game skills.

    Q: *Are there any more prominent PvP servers of choice or are they all pretty much the same?

    Lost city , don't know , i heard better things about it

    Q: *Any ideas on how long it usually takes to get Level 100+ with any of the more dps oriented classes?

    Depends , will you go from 1 to 80 via FF like any common idiot or care to lvl like a normal man/woman. This purely depends on your own desire to lvl and time that you will provide.

    [Final words] I am not so much into RP and PvE... so should I give this game a try? or is the game just another dying Cash-Shop game for rich-kids?

    It is but in the end , it is your life you will spend in this game

    Thank you for reading, hope to hear from you soon.

    short , maybe cynical but you asked for opinions. Good Luck
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • Aerilya - Sanctuary
    Aerilya - Sanctuary Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    zajzololz wrote: »

    I find it very ODD to say the least, on why this game is (or have been), one of the more popular free2play mmo's out there, since from what I've gathered thus far is that the game developers strongly forces a player to either spend IRL-currency or interact with someone who has.

    This ofc raises a question in my head, to wether most casual people are either oblivous... on how much gear impacts on the endgame content or is it maybe simply that people do not mind in most cases to get farmed by rich Cash-Shop kids, with the arguements that ("Hey, atleasts it's free! xD.")

    Perfect World was one of the first MMO's to offer the size, quality and content comparable to a P2P MMO like WOW. Since it first began (The Chinese and Malaysian servers are much older than the US or International servers, by several years in China's case and a couple for Malaysia), PW has continued to come out with expansions that add enormous amounts of content to the game. When PWI first came out it was a free to play free to win game, and for the first 90 or so levels it still is. But it has become a pay to win endgame with the R9 gear, unless you have mad marketing skills and can make profits off of the market through items or gold trading (as opposed to buying gold with real money).
    Another reason it is so successful is the insane amount of stuff to do at endgame, if you look past the P2W mentality there. At lvl100 you can grind Lunar, Twilight Temple, World Bosses, Cube, Dragon Temple, Nirvana and a **** load of other stuff, and that is all just PVE. There are Territory Wars and open world pvp as well, which really kicks into high gear at higher levels. And it is like that throughout the entire game! So many things to do, it's crazy! If you are a PVE person, there is a ton of stuff that you can do where R9 loses

    The reason why is it so popular is because even today, with all the MMO's out there, most of them still trapped in the WOW type gaming, with a few originals breaking out, PWI is one of the most expansive, innovating and original Free to play MMO's around. Very few games can match its success. It's the reason why I keep coming back years later, even though the pay to win has made me mad and frustrated more than once.
  • Zsw - Dreamweaver
    Zsw - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Thank you for going more into depth about this, would you be so kind to touch briefly on what this "merchanting" is, and what this "cheaper version" of the end game gear is?
    Merchanting, basically playing the market. Buy low sell high. If you are good you can make millions easily by just afking. The cheaper version I'm talking about is commonly known as G16 nirvy or nirvy third cast. It has the damage and defense potential of full r9, but it is about 80% cheaper and must be farmed. For physical classes you loose out on some useful effects, but for arcane classes it is pretty much just as good.
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Ok, I am more of a 1v1er (or in worst case 2v2/3v3er), more so then I am about brainless 1shot zerg mass pvp. Are there any classes I should look into more for this particular purpose if so?

    (If it helps you advicing me, I have over 8 years of competitive-pvp experience play on Rogue, Mage and Priest classes from WoW. I dunno if this is anything you guys are familiar with, but I felt I just had to throw it in there so that maybe you guys could give me a more accurate advice on what class I should roll here, that would suit my playstyle and purposes.)

    Hmm, I don't know anything about that game, but I'm guessing Rogue is like Assassin, Mage is like Wizard, and Priest is like Cleric?

    Assassin are the class designed to 1v1 and kill single targets easily. They have high damage dealing power and a lot of control skills. As an Assassin, you can either play the auto attack style, which massively surge your damage per second, but makes you extremely squishy when you get hit. But if you play it well and utilises your control skills right, your damage per second is so high that it is possible to kill someone much better geared than you. Alternatively, you can play the skill spam style which focuses more on hitting hard at the right moment, but it is less popular since it is more difficult to play and doesn't kill people as easily. This style also makes you more viable when getting ganked compared to the auto attack style which is almost purely small scale only.

    Wizard are an arcane ranged damage dealer. It takes a while for them to use their skills compared to most other classes, but they hit extremely hard. For this reason they are also good for mass pk since they have strong area of effect skills that can kill people in 1 hit. They are decent 1 v 1 as well since they have a self buff that allows them to have extremely high physical defenses as an arcane class and they also have a skill called distance shrink that greatly aid them in kiting. A downside is that they do lack control skills. This class takes skills to play well.

    Cleric is the healer class of this game. However, they have some damage dealing skills too. Clerics are generally infamous for their sleep skill which can disable someone for up to half a minute while the cleric prepares for a really hard hitting skill. They aren't made for damage dealing however, so in mass pk people would want you to heal, as opposed to DD. But in 1 v 1 situation, they can kill people if they do it well but their lack of damage dealing skills may hinder that somewhat.

    zajzololz wrote: »
    How would would I go about to do this? Is it some form of mob-tagging, or even instance related in some way? Are there people offering this kind of service for ingame currency (not CS Gold.)

    Nowadays there are a lot of people willing to run FC (an instance that grants massive amounts of exp) for little cost for ingame coins. They will generally sell the big room (the room in the instance that gives about half of the exp of the entire instance) after clearing all the other rooms. If you have a hyper exp stone (an item that you can buy with tokens, or buy with CS Gold) which increases your exp earned by 1200%, you can level really fast really easily. But it may be costly if this is your first character. For someone who played for a while, the price is almost nothing.
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Thank you very much! But I have to ask, why do you only have a few keybinds? Why do you click alot of your abilitys/items/spells or whatever they are, is there any form of restriction on how limited one is to customizing the gameplay? (as I've seen more videos of mouseclickers than I've seen people using adequate keybindings)

    I am sorry if this question offends you in any way, please be assured that is not my intentions.

    You can bind your keys from numbers 1 to 9 and function key F1 to F8. However, my keyboard allows me only to reach from 1 to 5 and F1 to F5 which is why I tend to click my other skills. A few months ago they introduced the ability to allow you to change the keys binds to keys other than F1 to F8 and 1 to 9, but since I been doing it this way for so long I just didn't want to change it.
    zajzololz wrote: »
    I find it very ODD to say the least, on why this game is (or have been), one of the more popular free2play mmo's out there, since from what I've gathered thus far is that the game developers strongly forces a player to either spend IRL-currency or interact with someone who has.

    This ofc raises a question in my head, to wether most casual people are either oblivous... on how much gear impacts on the endgame content or is it maybe simply that people do not mind in most cases to get farmed by rich Cash-Shop kids, with the arguements that ("Hey, atleasts it's free! xD.")
    Ill take Aerilya's answer for this one!
    Zsw -104 Sage Assassin
    TehZsw - 100 Demon Archer

    All Luck No Skillz PvPer:
  • zajzololz
    zajzololz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Aerilya - Sanctuary
    But it has become a pay to win endgame with the R9 gear, unless you have mad marketing skills and can make profits off of the market through items or gold trading (as opposed to buying gold with real money).

    Here's the thing though.. I am looking for a game that is fairly skillbased competitive..

    (meaning skill>gear, or atleast equals.)

    If I were to nolife grind stuff all day and then just spend my time trying to sell it, what makes me different from your average 'Chinese-Gold-Farmer-Company' out there?
    Another reason it is so successful is the insane amount of stuff to do at endgame, if you look past the P2W mentality there. At lvl100 you can grind Lunar, Twilight Temple, World Bosses, Cube, Dragon Temple, Nirvana and a **** load of other stuff, and that is all just PVE. There are Territory Wars and open world pvp as well, which really kicks into high gear at higher levels. And it is like that throughout the entire game! So many things to do, it's crazy! If you are a PVE person, there is a ton of stuff that you can do where R9 loses

    But, I am not PVE person? ...
  • Yulk_owns - Lost City
    Yulk_owns - Lost City Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I can't begin to describe how wrong you are... R9 is not oped.. IM LEVEL 71 AND I KILLED A R9 CLERIC I've never spent money on the game,, and if you think it's possible to get to 101 in a week or 2 your a ****ing rich *****. That means you will get ***** in PvP if you Power Level.. For PvP you have to learn your class, your weaknesses and your enemies Weaknesses. And venos and mystics do not have a unfair advantage.. Why you think that>? beecause they have pets? Learn to target them and not the pets.... It does not only count on your gear, for instance A claw bm cannot win in 1v1 against a axe bm, so you have to have a stradegy... Learn the game before you post stupid stuff

    *looks at server* Oh yeah sure you did... Care to share screen shots of your SRZ BZNZ killing an R9 cleric? LOL. How long did it take you to kill an AFK R9 cleric? Learn to play your class against a heavy CSer... ROFL LOL. And yes, of course venoes and mystics ruled PVP before refines above +3 or 4, L2R before you post. Targeting them? Doesn't matter, they have pet's stun with a seal / stun. Then faceroll on their keyboard with pets/summons doing full damage on you. Strategy...? LOL... Go play a real PVP game and then we talk. Talking serious on an MMORPG... Just stun lock and face roll and win. That's it. Either that or swipe your credit card. That so teach you how to play your class. I think you need to learn the game and take a chill pill before you post b:laugh .
    I, II and III spark is the most cheesiest skill in PWI and it should be removed or massively nerfed.

  • zajzololz
    zajzololz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Zsw - Dreamweaver
    Hmm, I don't know anything about that game, but I'm guessing Rogue is like Assassin, Mage is like Wizard, and Priest is like Cleric?

    Aye.. It would seem that they are the most comparable after having quickly looked trough their base faq and skill trees.

    Thank you so very much for your valuable input on their pros and cons about each one of them, I will be sure to try to digg out some pro videos on each, to see more in depth on how they actually playout off the paper. :)
    If you have a hyper exp stone (an item that you can buy with tokens, or buy with CS Gold) which increases your exp earned by 1200%, you can level really fast really easily. But it may be costly if this is your first character. For someone who played for a while, the price is almost nothing.

    Yes, hehe I've only quickly made some very low lvl chars, so that I could check out the skilltrees, so I guess 'ill be stuck leveling up the old-fashioned way! :/

    Again thanks for the HyperXP info, wasn't aware of this game mechanic.
    You can bind your keys from numbers 1 to 9 and function key F1 to F8. However, my keyboard allows me only to reach from 1 to 5 and F1 to F5 which is why I tend to click my other skills. A few months ago they introduced the ability to allow you to change the keys binds to keys other than F1 to F8 and 1 to 9, but since I been doing it this way for so long I just didn't want to change it.

    Aight. :)

    One question though, as off writting this I am trying to figure out how exactly the action bars works..

    Why are 2 of the extra bars that I can create/toggle, duplicates!? I fail to see the purpose of this.

    Wait... so... am I only allowed to hotbind just 2 actions bars worth of keybindings, BUT not the 6 other Hotbars? Am I forced to mouseclick like a tard on all of the rest or what? I do not understand the logic in this...
  • Aerilya - Sanctuary
    Aerilya - Sanctuary Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Aerilya - Sanctuary

    Here's the thing though.. I am looking for a game that is fairly skillbased competitive..

    (meaning skill>gear, or atleast equals.)

    As a lot of people have mentioned, PWI really comes down to gear vs. gear, and then skill vs. skill. When gear is equal and skill is not, the more skilled wins, but when skills are equal and gear is not, the better geared wins. And again, if A has better gear (R9) but worse skills than B, A will typically win unless B has good Nirvana or R8, but B still needs to be really damn good.

    If I were to nolife grind stuff all day and then just spend my time trying to sell it, what makes me different from your average 'Chinese-Gold-Farmer-Company' out there?

    The question is, do you want to spend your time doing that rather than enjoying the game? I did that for about a month in order to make the money required to buy my first legendary pet, it sucked, but in time it payed off for me. It was a means to an end for me the first time, I wouldn't do it again though because I don't consider that playing the game.

    But, I am not PVE person? ...

    I figured since you posted this in PVP. Expect to spend a lot of time learning how to make money in this game, and then making it, or expect to spend real money. I think this is the gist of what people have been saying.

    Ultimately, the decision to play this game depends completely on you. However, let me just say that this game is one of the most enjoyable MMO's I have ever had the pleasure to play. I have 3 accounts and 14 characters, and have played every class up to lvl40, some well beyond that point. I've sunk more hours in PWI than anything else, well over 4000.

    I think that you would greatly enjoy playing this game. There will come a point in your gaming though that you will wonder if it is worth investing more time in to become a competitive endgame pvper. So the real question is not should you play this game, but when should you stop?
  • Zsw - Dreamweaver
    Zsw - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    zajzololz wrote: »
    One question though, as off writting this I am trying to figure out how exactly the action bars works..

    Why are 2 of the extra bars that I can create/toggle, duplicates!? I fail to see the purpose of this.

    Wait... so... am I only allowed to hotbind just 2 actions bars worth of keybindings, BUT not the 6 other Hotbars? Am I forced to mouseclick like a tard on all of the rest or what? I do not understand the logic in this...

    If you press the arrow at the left, it will duplicate. Instead, click the icon below the arrow (looks like 2 trapezoid stacked ontop of each other) to expand the skill bar without duplication.

    You can only make keybinds to the first row. However, if you look at the extended rows, you will notice a circle to the left of it. You can press the ` key for the number bar and the v key for the function bar to cycle through the rows with a filled circle. This will kind of let you bind 4 rows as opposed to two, but you will have to remember to switch back each time or you may loose track of which row you are on. The only purpose i see of the duplication is that it allows you to adjust the switching of the first row as well.
    Zsw -104 Sage Assassin
    TehZsw - 100 Demon Archer

    All Luck No Skillz PvPer:
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Don't waste your time. Not only is the PvP here dominated by expensive pixels, but the company doesn't give a sht about its playerbase and the devs do not give a sht about class balance.
  • zajzololz
    zajzololz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Aerilya - Sanctuary
    The question is, do you want to spend your time doing that rather than enjoying the game? I did that for about a month in order to make the money required to buy my first legendary pet, it sucked, but in time it payed off for me. It was a means to an end for me the first time, I wouldn't do it again though because I don't consider that playing the game.

    Yeah, me too I don't consider hardcore grinding stuff day and night like some chinese-gold-farming BOT, to be considered "Playing the game" nor' enjoyable either.
    I think that you would greatly enjoy playing this game. There will come a point in your gaming though that you will wonder if it is worth investing more time in to become a competitive endgame pvper. So the real question is not should you play this game, but when should you stop?

    Ok thanks, great input. I did not think of it in that way, I will definately take this into consideration once I've collected some more feedback on the topics at hand.

    I am considering to either;

    A. Take my time grinding the normal way, and check things out along the way, untill I get to the point of where PvP comes into play and then just quit the ****.

    B. Do A, but instead of quitting, go into NI HAO-mode and farm the cheap version of R9 (G16 or whatever it was called.)

    C. Not bother with this game at all, because the endgame seems HORRIBLE.

    Zsw - Dreamweaver
    This will kind of let you bind 4 rows as opposed to two, but you will have to remember to switch back each time or you may loose track of which row you are on. The only purpose i see of the duplication is that it allows you to adjust the switching of the first row as well.

    Ahh I see it's like hotbar swapping..uuuh how annoyingly inefficient, so if I lets say want to reach ability 6 on hotbar 3 I have to, tab 3 times and then press 6, and to get back to my 'original' hotbar destination I have to tab 2 more times?... instead simply being allowed to bind it with just say, Cntrl+R and boom I am there, no 200 000 tab bar swaps no imba nuisance, nothing. LOL?

    What's the point of even having extra hotbars.. if I can't utilize them properly?
    I don't even..

    VoItaire - Harshlands
    Don't waste your time. Not only is the PvP here dominated by expensive pixels, but the company doesn't give a sht about its playerbase and the devs do not give a sht about class balance.

    Wow.. I get the feeling that the essence of this game is a 'Game made purely for rich-kids, by rich-kids'. Though it would explain why this chinese company have 10 000 random "CreditCard2Win"? Games,
    rather than 1 very good one?

    Edit: Could anyone either say or give me a link to a guide on the full walktrough of getting either the "Cheap version of R9", or the R9 gear itself?
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Wow.. I get the feeling that the essence of this game is a 'Game made purely for rich-kids, by rich-kids'. Though it would explain why this chinese company have 10 000 random "CreditCard2Win"? Games,
    rather then 1 very good one?

    Edit: Could anyone either say or give me a link to a guide on the full walktrough of getting either the "Cheap version of R9", or the R9 gear itself?

    There are people who have actually farmed/merched their r9, but keep in mind these are pretty much people who have been playing since the game started and even then it is still a very small number. The armor itself is actually not that expensive(compared to other gear). The price range is pretty similar to nirv armor. Keep in mind you'd have to make the ring before getting any of the armor, and then the weap and belt are more expensive. Idk if you happened to stumble upon a thread that mentions the goon glitch, but it was a major glitch that allowed people to gain max lvl in a very short amount of time. Keep in mind it took about two years since the game's release for ANYONE to hit max lvl. It was stated as a bannable offense, but the offenders merely got a slap on the wrist. This glitch has really imbalanced PvP any further and made the game even less friendly for new players, because it was fixed(quite poorly) so they no longer have the ability to utilize in order to catch up. It really sucks because you can't use detect pots or skills for finding sins, and you'll do reduced dmg to anyone 3 lvls higher than you, so it's a pretty big advantage. Pretty much a slap in the face to all the players who didn't abuse a "bannable" glitch.

    This game is really, REALLY not new player friendly. I just don't want you to waste your time, but if you still want to play anyway, and don't plan on charging large amounts of cash(Three Thousand USD) to get fully sharded/refined end game gear, here's a highly revered merchanting guide that doesn't even help most people anyway. Merching takes a lot of patience. It's probably one of the few skill-based things left in the game if there are any.
  • risingblood
    risingblood Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    If you're willing to put hours in farming, or the time to merchant money for gear then yes you could play this game...

    Ignorant people could say that the game is 100% pay 2 win...but I know plenty of people who have farmed their r9/3rd cast nirvana. People are just lazy in this game and not willing to put the effort into farming, instead they sit around in forums qqing and complaining.
  • risingblood
    risingblood Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    If you want nice pvp videos look up:

    1) Transcend lost city pvp (She recently came back and posted 3 new videos)

    2) Boogiepanda007 (Watch his TW videos on archer and 1 on 1 solo complimentaries with his wizard)

    3) One of my friends videos which I really enjoyed...look up "PWI Mystic PVP" KorokingPWI

  • zajzololz
    zajzololz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    (Watch his TW videos on archer and 1 on 1 solo complimentaries with his wizard)

    Wait a minute, are those consumables that he is using... in an ordinary duel? I Hope I am wrong.
  • Zsw - Dreamweaver
    Zsw - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    zajzololz wrote: »
    Ahh I see it's like hotbar swapping..uuuh how annoyingly inefficient, so if I lets say want to reach ability 6 on hotbar 3 I have to, tab 3 times and then press 6, and to get back to my 'original' hotbar destination I have to tab 2 more times?... instead simply being allowed to bind it with just say, Cntrl+R and boom I am there, no 200 000 tab bar swaps no imba nuisance, nothing. LOL?

    What's the point of even having extra hotbars.. if I can't utilize them properly?
    I don't even..

    As far as I know yeah, thats the only way. Thats why most people probably resort to clicking instead

    However, I will propose my counterarguments to the common view that the company doesn't care about class balances.

    In my opinion, the company have been making steps in the right direction. Take the morai expansion for example. People complained that the auto attack sin style was too OP due to its insane DPS. They introduced a new skill to wizards that makes them auto kite and purifies them when they are hit with an auto attack. They gave barbs the ability to increase their damage everytime they get hit which makes the strength of auto attacking it's very weakness.

    The end game armour set for end game sins don't have the required attributes to allow them to play an auto attack style, again forcing sins to either be really squishy with auto attacking, or give up that style to allow more survival.

    Before last month, R9 was the only true end game option and costed about $1100 USD worth. Now G16 which is almost just as good costs only about 20% of that but must be farmed and not bought.

    People probably also forgot, sins used to be able to triple spark (A skill that every class have which pretty much doubles the damage you deal on someone) in stealth, now they can't anymore.

    In my opinion the company have been making attempts to balances classes, but simply not in the way that some people like (removing the auto attacking style all together is the common arguement).

    As for how to actually get r9 or g16, I'll explain briefly.

    R9 gears can technically be farmed, but it is extremely inefficient. Instead, people prefer to buy it through the cashshop (You can legally trade in game coin for gold through the in game auctioneer NPC).

    You need to save up about 1000-1500 gold worth of coins (Gold prices varies depending on the server), then wait for an announcement for a General Summer Sale. You need 205 General Summers Token (Each one = 9999 mysterious chips, so you need 2,049,795 chips in total), buy enough mysterious chips pakcs for them from the cashshop (each pack gives 10, so you'll need 204980 packs). Buy 19 medal of glory from the cashshop. Buy enough reputation badges to get 300k reputation (each badge is 25 rep, 12,000 badges total).

    Then go to the south side of the Archosaur city (technically south west), there will be an NPC (can't think of the name off the top of my head) that lets you turn your badges into reputations. After you done that, go to 1000 Streams (a city in the northwest), talk to the mysterious merchant and trade all your chip packs into mysterious chips. Go back to the same place in Archosaur and talk to General Summers to trade all of your Mysterious Chips into general summer tokens (Alternatively people will sell these tokens directly for about 20-40% more than what it costs to buy chips from the cashshop). Then talk to the previous NPC in Archosaur to get your full r9 gear set. (You don't have to get all of them at once, but you must get the ring first. It is 32 general summer token for the ring, 32 for the belt, 14 for the chest, leg, boots and wrist, and 85 for the weapon).

    For G16 gear, you must first acquire either Lunar Gold Gears or TT99 (TT99 means the gear requirements are for level 99 and are from twilight temple) gold gears (need the chest, leg, wrist, boots, helm and cape, as well as a weapon). You need to craft these gears with mats that drop from their respective instances (Check the forges inside the instance and in Archosaur south west forges to see what mats they are exactly. Use to find out what bosses drop those mats).

    Once you have acquired either set, you need to farm the Palace of Nirvana for Uncanny and Rapture Crystals. You need a total of 1530 uncanny Crystals (if i recall right) and 250 rapture Crystals. Once you have those, recast your armor into their respective G15 version. (There is 2 recasts, you can alternatively choose to recast them into their first version as opposed to going straight to the second version)

    Next, you must farm Warsong or Lunar for the necessary materials needed to recast your G15 gear into their G16 version. Each boss in warsong will have a normal version and an advanced version. You must kill the advanced version to acquire a basic badge which goes automatically into your inventory, as well as a random mold that the boss will drop. You need the correct mold to recast the correct armor and weapon along with a number of basic badges and an essence. The last boss in Warsong will drop an Essence of Offense needed for the weapon while lunar drops an Essence of Defense needed for the armours. You can recast these armour in either instance.

    I hope this helps!
    Zsw -104 Sage Assassin
    TehZsw - 100 Demon Archer

    All Luck No Skillz PvPer:
  • risingblood
    risingblood Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    zajzololz wrote: »

    Wait a minute, are those consumables that he is using... in an ordinary duel? I Hope I am wrong.

    What do you mean by consumables? And he's not dueling...he's out of SZ pvping
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Consumables. Pots, apoths, defense charms. People spam these end game.
  • Doqui - Raging Tide
    Doqui - Raging Tide Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    zajzololz wrote: »

    Wait a minute, are those consumables that he is using... in an ordinary duel? I Hope I am wrong.

    o you are 1 of those QQers, if it's in the game it's oke to use. this aint hello kitty online b:bye

    *Lollipop Chainsaw Addict sinds 05-2012*
  • zajzololz
    zajzololz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    VoItaire - Harshlands
    Pots, apoths, defense charms. People spam these end game.

    Ok, thanks for the info mate. :)

    Doqui - Raging Tide
    o you are 1 of those QQers, if it's in the game it's oke to use. this aint hello kitty online b:bye

    By your logic, then abusing bugs is also ok, aslong as it's in the game? (Just an example)


    Now don't get me wrong, I am very new to CashShop games, and I am new to the fact that consumables play a role in pvp.

    Mind you, I said I am coming from a completly different mmo game (WoW), were this sort of things is not your everyday thing (hence my way of reaction), so don't go personal on me just because I think differently then you or that am stunned and suprised on what people are telling me here.

    I am simply here trying to figure out as much as I can on this game so that I rather spend a couple of days trying to get a clear picture on how this game really is from start to finish, rather than to spend weeks/months just to be disapointed thinking that I have wasted my time.

    So please, noneed to go there. I am not here to make enemys.
  • Doqui - Raging Tide
    Doqui - Raging Tide Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    zajzololz wrote: »
    VoItaire - Harshlands

    Ok, thanks for the info mate. :)

    Doqui - Raging Tide

    By your way of thinking abusing bugs is also ok, aslong as it's in the game? (Just an extreme example)


    Now don't get me wrong, I am very new to CashShop games, and I am new to the fact that consumables play a role in pvp.

    Mind you, I said I am coming from a completly different mmo game (WoW), were this sort of things is not your everyday thing (hence my way of reaction), so don't go personal on me jus because I think differently then you or I am stunned and suprised on what people are telling me here.

    I am simply here trying to figure out as much as I can on this game so that I rather spend a couple of days trying to get a clear picture on how this game really is rather then spend months and months just to be disapointed.

    So please, noneed to go there. I am not here to make enemys.

    My bad, didn't realise you where the OP, thout you was one off those QQ kids XD

    any consumables he uses are completly cashshop free (minus the charms, but you can get those without spending $ aswell).

    In this game we have players that make up stupid rules like, you can't heal yourself, you can't use potions. it's completly ****.

    It's PK, either do everything you can to survive and kill your enemy or go play Hello Kitty Online (my opinion)

    As for the question if you can compete with cashshoppers when you are f2p. Yes, Nirvana tier 3 is almost on par with r9, you just gotta go thru the effort of farming it.

    *Lollipop Chainsaw Addict sinds 05-2012*
  • zajzololz
    zajzololz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Doqui - Raging Tide
    any consumables he uses are completly cashshop free (minus the charms, but you can get those without spending $ aswell).

    In this game we have players that make up stupid rules like, you can't heal yourself, you can't use potions. it's completly ****.

    It's PK, either do everything you can to survive and kill your enemy or go play Hello Kitty Online (my opinion)

    As for the question if you can compete with cashshoppers when you are f2p. Yes, Nirvana tier 3 is almost on par with r9, you just gotta go thru the effort of farming it.

    Ok I see, thank you.

    Zsw - Dreamweaver
    In my opinion the company have been making attempts to balances classes, but simply not in the way that some people like (removing the auto attacking style all together is the common arguement).
    Ahh, so the changes are that fresh, that's quite reassuring that they do infact care abit about peoples opinions, and not just how big their wallets are. :p

    And again can't thank you enough for the detailed information you provide me with. Really really informative and interesting read. <3

    3) One of my friends videos which I really enjoyed...look up "PWI Mystic PVP" KorokingPWI

    Tell your friend he has some awesome music in his videos, but it kind of sucks a little that they are abit speeded up, but anyways nice to see something else then sins and rangers for a change. ;)
  • risingblood
    risingblood Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Couple things I can definitely tell you which will make it really worth your time playing this game is....

    When you really get into it:

    1) You will find that group of friends that you will chat with everyday and entertain yourself and motivate to play.

    2) PVP in this game is extremely fun, because there are so many ways you can approach a situation with your individual abilities for different classes.

    3) When you kill someone that is geared better than you, it's a rush and kind of makes you feel proud.

    Anyway, my last post here, so good luck with your final decision (:

    ~ Harshlands player (:
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