Need advice about money making

ado1989 Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2012 in Assassin
hi i started this sin 1 month ago,have a barb and veno 65+ .
I am lvl 69 here is my build
I saw some friends with sin dealing a lot of dmg,so i decided also to make 1 and i realy like it.
I was reading all the forums,i know which build i am going,what i want at endgame etc.
Just what i wanted to ask is what are good ways to earn coins.
I know about farmin mid/high mats i do it sometimes i have also some good places but they are often taken,because a lot of people are farming :) .
So what could i else do,grinding,doing quests?
I was reading the guide about money making,but i want to know are there any tips or advices u can give me :)
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