Vit cap on Seeker?

JcZerk - Dreamweaver
JcZerk - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
edited September 2012 in Seeker
When should I stop putting points into Vit or should I even invest in Vit at all? My goal is to be mainly PvE oriented.
Post edited by JcZerk - Dreamweaver on


  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    i capped mine at 40
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • shopitup
    shopitup Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I capped mine at 30, then recently decided to take it to 50 for a little more tankiness.

    I'm not sure if PvE versus PvP makes as much difference in this as the question of, "do you want to tank/pull groups more, or do you want to be more of a DD". Do you want to be the guy who keeps all the aggro, or would you rather get their HP down faster?
  • Vesemr - Sanctuary
    Vesemr - Sanctuary Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    It's really up to you. If you ll have enough money later to make some refines and shard your equip, you can go with 30~50
    But if you like to see high HP but haven't got too much money put more into vit.

    I personally stopped at 45 vit but my friend hit 80 or 90. Of course his attack power is lower but he's still very good puller and.. seeker.
    Join date: 24 December 2008

    Safeng, thanks for syg <3

    Look how I care, that you don't like my English ,,|,,
  • Cody_tylor - Sanctuary
    Cody_tylor - Sanctuary Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Personally I don't see why would you cap VIT on a seeker class... your strengths come from your skills and not your weapon attack. Also it is pretty sad that I met some seekers with low VIT (HP literally) Can't tank well because their HP pool is low and actually ask for higher levels in squads to tank (Sure they like to DD, but what's the point on doing damage if you can't take hits well on a tanking class?) ... Which is not the way to go at all. Even on my veno they expect me to tank than them. Recently I did a BH69 with randoms (was not really intentional because I wanted to solo pyro for her BH quest and I wined it, so she thought it was good that I get all the bosses there too) I knew the squad was terrible due to pyro where I asked everyone to stop attacking, someone died before pyro did. Until we lure polearm, both the seeker and cleric was not doing well at all, seeker seems to have never used QPQ and he was squishy (he even let a sin try tanking which was before he tried but sin got owned which dies faster than him) and cleric did not bother purifying, I tried to stay close to the water so I don't get affected by squad wipes which happened like 6 times already.

    I decided that I go pure VIT on a seeker instead of capping my VIT, BMs are fine without VIT because they are better being DD/CC than a seeker and not really the best tankers until refined to at least +5. Seekers on the other hand, they don't rely on refines much (like barbs and venoes) because their survivability is high (defense levels with HP works really fine). I should be happy that I don't go a DD build like a lot of people are doing on their seekers (I do not like having the same as everyone else and I am more comfortable with higher survivability than killing power)
    WTB PWI 2008 where people were thinking more about doing good rather than pretending to be.
  • shopitup
    shopitup Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Skills are a seeker's strength, true, and using the right ones at the right times in the right sequence is key to good seeker gameplay. But looking at the skill descriptions you'll see pretty much all of them deal damage equal to "base physical damage plus (something or other)"; and base phys dmg is calculated based on strength. Hence, capping vit in order to pump str will increase a seeker's DPH output.

    Whether to call seekers a "tanking class" or not is debatable. Seekers can tank, of course, especially if they have a fair deal of HP, but I'm unconvinced that that is the only or even the main thing the class was designed for.

    Then again, even a seeker who wants to tank will need both HP and strength. Too little of either and you won't be tanking, either because you'll be dead or because your aggro will be stolen. So it's a balancing act trade-off, really.
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Personally I don't see why would you cap VIT on a seeker class... your strengths come from your skills and not your weapon attack. Also it is pretty sad that I met some seekers with low VIT (HP literally) Can't tank well because their HP pool is low and actually ask for higher levels in squads to tank (Sure they like to DD, but what's the point on doing damage if you can't take hits well on a tanking class?) ... Which is not the way to go at all. Even on my veno they expect me to tank than them. Recently I did a BH69 with randoms (was not really intentional because I wanted to solo pyro for her BH quest and I wined it, so she thought it was good that I get all the bosses there too) I knew the squad was terrible due to pyro where I asked everyone to stop attacking, someone died before pyro did. Until we lure polearm, both the seeker and cleric was not doing well at all, seeker seems to have never used QPQ and he was squishy (he even let a sin try tanking which was before he tried but sin got owned which dies faster than him) and cleric did not bother purifying, I tried to stay close to the water so I don't get affected by squad wipes which happened like 6 times already.

    I decided that I go pure VIT on a seeker instead of capping my VIT, BMs are fine without VIT because they are better being DD/CC than a seeker and not really the best tankers until refined to at least +5. Seekers on the other hand, they don't rely on refines much (like barbs and venoes) because their survivability is high (defense levels with HP works really fine). I should be happy that I don't go a DD build like a lot of people are doing on their seekers (I do not like having the same as everyone else and I am more comfortable with higher survivability than killing power)

    I agree(d) with you for a long time. I personally didn't cap vit on my seeker for a long time and hit level 100 with 97 vit. I think we get 17hp per vit point and combine that with our defense levels its like we get 23 hp per point which is pretty smexy. Barbs get about that when they take their 18 hp and go into tiger form, but seekers are easier to heal because even though we have less hp we have defense levels and lose less hp so it's easier to replace with a cleric or bloodpaint.

    However, endgame vit is such a small portion of overall hp because refines make up 80-90% of it that I found I'm wanting damage more now. Seekers have higher dps potential than your old axe barbs and can be decent DDs with a fair combination of dph/spike and dps. It's true that our skills are based more on our weapon damage but many skills are "base damage+..." and that is affected by strength. Skills like Ion Spike convert physical damage to metal damage, so you are able to increase some elemental attacks this way too. You also have to consider that if you are attempting to tank or hold aggro then you need DD to do that since we have no aggro skills (pssh, Battousai doesn't count as a real aggro skill) and our aggro and squad surviviability depend on our damage output.

    Lastly, strength is a better def multiplier than vitality. You'll lose some mdef by statting strength instead of vitality but overall you'll gain more pdef. This was okay with me since yes we do fight at range alot but the overall bulk of the time we're melee and taking physical melee damage. Plus, we still have def levels to cover our mdef losses.

    So I'd recommend adding to vitality until you have decently refined gear. You are a tank, or at least a backup tank so be prepared for it. Finding FCC squads with 90+, 95+, 99+ seekers that can't solo FCC room without bubble is sad. I'd say stat 53 vitality prior to 100, then spend the 5 gold (about 7m) or 3 gold during a sale (about 4.5m) when your refines are decent to restat down to 3 strength.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • sirrawrsalots
    sirrawrsalots Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Seekers do need str to keep aggro, as with any tank, but there are other ways to gain aggro, just because battousai dosen't auto-bump you to the top of the aggro list does not mean it isn't helpful, It does help with tanking, and its also our only spammable metal skill. I for one am going to try for 100 vit, 255 str and 160 dex for 101 base stats Seekers can learn the genie skill alpha male, and battou being spammable does help keep aggro in some way, you have to take in account for channeling on skills, so i tend to shy away from heartseeker and G.slash when i tank unless blade affinity is on cooldown. So basiclally its not easy for a seeker to hold aggro, but it can be done. And im pretty sure you can get blood-crazed blitz now, it really should help in some way.b:surrender
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Seekers do need str to keep aggro, as with any tank, but there are other ways to gain aggro, just because battousai dosen't auto-bump you to the top of the aggro list does not mean it isn't helpful, It does help with tanking, and its also our only spammable metal skill. I for one am going to try for 100 vit, 255 str and 160 dex for 101 base stats Seekers can learn the genie skill alpha male, and battou being spammable does help keep aggro in some way, you have to take in account for channeling on skills, so i tend to shy away from heartseeker and G.slash when i tank unless blade affinity is on cooldown. So basiclally its not easy for a seeker to hold aggro, but it can be done. And im pretty sure you can get blood-crazed blitz now, it really should help in some way.b:surrender

    Alpha Male is not a real aggro skill. It resets aggro and gives you the tiniest, itty-bittiest amount of aggro and a reflect buff for a few seconds. About the only thing it does is prevents heal aggro. The next DD that happens will get aggro, and then its the strongest DDer after that will hold it.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • _eVeReL_ - Sanctuary
    _eVeReL_ - Sanctuary Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I agree(d) with you for a long time. I personally didn't cap vit on my seeker for a long time and hit level 100 with 97 vit. I think we get 17hp per vit point
    I'd say stat 53 vitality prior to 100, then spend the 5 gold (about 7m) or 3 gold during a sale (about 4.5m) when your refines are decent to restat down to 3 strength.

    Umm, Sakubatou im pretty sure seekers get 15hp per vit point, and yes i do agree with u in the str section, i put about 75 vit in at early game and i hav since restatted into pure str simply bcuz the extra phys def u get from str and the higher dmg givs u higher healing with bp on mobs and makes u more of a threat during pk so ya i recommend u do not go pure vit bcuz seekers rnt proffesional tanks, they dont hav invoke and no extra hp from true form so focus on being a DD
    I crack myself up!! b:laugh b:chuckle b:pleased
    Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the first one.
    - Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
    This be the reason why this guy is so smart!! b:surrender
  • Asassinate - Raging Tide
    Asassinate - Raging Tide Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    My Seeker is still low level, but I remembered reading something couple of days ago. Extra str only gives you 3% in damage.

    At higher levels it could be reasonable increase but not considerable, let alone drastsic increase. Personally I think wearing HA you'll have more than enough Pdef, having no reason to put extra str in. But Barbs or other seekers can best elaborate on it.

    This option as mentioned above will also be cheap.