Anyone else looking forward to the reset?



  • Doqui - Raging Tide
    Doqui - Raging Tide Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    they did little to no work they bought there gear and lvls how is that work and like ive said before 90% of em outa there OP cashopped gears are useless in a fight and can be beaten with ease there is no tw tactic its run down the middle with most op peeps and wtf pwn crystal you lil person are about as smart as a bag of sand good day

    Cashshopping requires farmin in rl

    I'm happy our grandparents didn't have your lazy attitude. imagin them walking up to hitler and say "look we could team up and fight you, but that requires effort so let's just reset the map"


    *Lollipop Chainsaw Addict sinds 05-2012*
  • knightsdarksoul
    knightsdarksoul Posts: 265
    edited June 2012

    I'm happy our grandparents didn't have your lazy attitude. imagin them walking up to hitler and say "look we could team up and fight you, but that requires effort so let's just reset the map"

    Or God forbid they could have been like a lot of those in the #1 factions

    " Hey Hitler I'm to lazy to try and fight you, I want the glory without the effort can I come join you instead ? "

  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    There's many more players who don't cash shop in big factions. Every 2x they are farming, everyday their cat shops are running. Such people spend time and get nice gear simply because they want to fight well in TW. It's **** and completely unjustified to just label everyone as cash shoppers.

    I can name a lot of players in my faction and opposing factions that don't cash shop, yet have very good gear.

    On the other hand, there's probably less than 20 people that straight cash shopped from my faction and even my opposing factions combined. A lot of players in the big factions (especially the *******s) are college-aged, it's ridiculous to think everyone actually has the money to straight cash shop. Really use some common sense.

    As for the really rich players...they're accomplished people IRL. Go get your law degree, go own a company, then you can straight cash shop multiple R9 characters too. What's the big deal who cash shops and who doesn't.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Cimon - Harshlands
    Cimon - Harshlands Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    What's the big deal who cash shops and who doesn't.

    the big deal is it adversly affects the game theres no skill involved in this game anymore no epic fights and tw is a joke simple fact is that yea maybe some went ahead and farmed there gear but i assure you that at least 80% or better bought it. now you can say o no wait my buddy so and so farmed it da da da da da. yea chances are your being lied to ive been farming for about three years and still have **** gear to show for it i get the same drops and same items as any other farmer and yet magicly my stuff doesnt get me r 9 + 12 if you think this game can be farmed legitimitly your lieing to yourself period this game is a cash sink thats all anyone who thinks otherwise is more then like a friggen moron
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig
  • Doqui - Raging Tide
    Doqui - Raging Tide Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    What's the big deal who cash shops and who doesn't.

    the big deal is it adversly affects the game theres no skill involved in this game anymore no epic fights and tw is a joke simple fact is that yea maybe some went ahead and farmed there gear but i assure you that at least 80% or better bought it. now you can say o no wait my buddy so and so farmed it da da da da da. yea chances are your being lied to ive been farming for about three years and still have **** gear to show for it i get the same drops and same items as any other farmer and yet magicly my stuff doesnt get me r 9 + 12 if you think this game can be farmed legitimitly your lieing to yourself period this game is a cash sink thats all anyone who thinks otherwise is more then like a friggen moron


    *Lollipop Chainsaw Addict sinds 05-2012*
  • Cimon - Harshlands
    Cimon - Harshlands Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    sounds like youve run out of shet to say.

    oooo i cant think of anything legit to say let me go back to a QQ or a u mad bro or a cool story bro lalalalalala im a ****ing derp

    thats what you sound like ijs
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig
  • Doqui - Raging Tide
    Doqui - Raging Tide Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    sounds like youve run out of shet to say.

    oooo i cant think of anything legit to say let me go back to a QQ or a u mad bro or a cool story bro lalalalalala im a ****ing derp

    thats what you sound like ijs

    suck to loose doesn't it, maybe you should spend some time to learn 2 play intead of making a fool out of yourself on the forums

    *Lollipop Chainsaw Addict sinds 05-2012*
  • Cimon - Harshlands
    Cimon - Harshlands Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    lolololol i won though you still sound like internet trash and probably trash in game too
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig
  • Cimon - Harshlands
    Cimon - Harshlands Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    maybe if you actually tried to use your brain and came up with something besides smart *** remarks that come from whatever abuse you undertook as a child you would be able to make any kind of a valid point
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig
  • Doqui - Raging Tide
    Doqui - Raging Tide Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    maybe if you actually tried to use your brain and came up with something besides smart *** remarks that come from whatever abuse you undertook as a child you would be able to make any kind of a valid point

    learning 2 play also includes gearing yourself up, you obviously failed at that part b:bye

    *Lollipop Chainsaw Addict sinds 05-2012*
  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    maybe if you actually tried to use your brain and came up with something besides smart *** remarks that come from whatever abuse you undertook as a child you would be able to make any kind of a valid point

    Oh the Irony.
    a archer a ranged mediocre dps char
    Please use that brain to know about classes and the playerbase before you make another stupid post.
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • Cimon - Harshlands
    Cimon - Harshlands Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    umm actually no it has nothing to do with gear being able to use your skills effectivly against whatever target is what rates a player your gear is meaningless other then to promote your life and dmg output but you can have both of thoose things and have no clue what your class is for example: fist bms with only fist as a weapon so please lil girl **** you just looking stupid on here and your not even funny i imagine you should be replying to this soon at wich time ill continue to make you look dumb as a bag of sand
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig
  • Cimon - Harshlands
    Cimon - Harshlands Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Oh the Irony.

    Please use that brain to know about classes and the playerbase before you make another stupid post.

    are you dumb or something? the archer is exactly that a mediocre ranged dps and can not out dps a sin or bm so what exactly was wrong with my statement
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig
  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    umm actually no it has nothing to do with gear being able to use your skills effectivly against whatever target is what rates a player your gear is meaningless other then to promote your life and dmg output but you can have both of thoose things and have no clue what your class is for example: fist bms with only fist as a weapon so please lil girl **** you just looking stupid on here and your not even funny i imagine you should be replying to this soon at wich time ill continue to make you look dumb as a bag of sand

    Horrible grammar and...
    a archer a ranged mediocre dps char
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • Cimon - Harshlands
    Cimon - Harshlands Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    lol this is exactly my point when you fools cant come up with anything u run back to smart *** remarks like omg look at his grammer seriously who the **** cares about my grammer if u dont like it then dont read it my points and statements are valid if your just gunna sit here and be all like omg his grammer omg then honestly your opinion maters less then that of a **** bullfrog squirl baby made of crackers gtfo suck my balls and have a nice day <3
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig
  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    lol this is exactly my point when you fools cant come up with anything u run back to smart *** remarks like omg look at his grammer seriously who the **** cares about my grammer if u dont like it then dont read it my points and statements are valid if your just gunna sit here and be all like omg his grammer omg then honestly your opinion maters less then that of a **** bullfrog squirl baby made of crackers gtfo suck my balls and have a nice day <3

    a archer a ranged mediocre dps char
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • Cimon - Harshlands
    Cimon - Harshlands Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    wow just wow fail moar pl0x
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig
  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    wow just wow fail moar pl0x

    I'm sorry but when you can out DPS my archer. Then you can insult the "dps of an archer"

    I keep agro easily from 5.0 +12 BMs with G15 Nirvana Claws. Please Go press those 2 hotkey buttons more as your brain can't compute further then that.

    a archer a ranged mediocre dps char
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • ZoracGallant - Raging Tide
    ZoracGallant - Raging Tide Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Ha. Vicious wouldn't even exist today had there never been a map reset. At least not in its current form. Y'know being trapped in the corner and having lost a good deal of its members? The first map reset breathed new life into Vicious. And afterwards the faction got competitive. Map resets help competition.

    Laziness isn't people wanting to have competitive TWs. Laziness is players joining top factions that steam roll most, if not all, the other factions on the map.

    I would prefer more than one faction being capable in TW. If there were four or so factions of equal strength being the top factions at a time that would most likely mean the smaller factions would be able to fight their way onto the map. I remember RT having 4 or 5 competitive top factions. And the TWs were much better at the time.

    The map resetting every six month might not be that great. Because different factions have thrown together alt factions for extra TWs (at least on RT). And they have prevented other factions from growing naturally.

    That's odd, I seem to remember us being the only ones to challenge qqme before the reset for the EG expansion, and we were winning, gaining ground against the dominate faction. After that reset we overthrew qqme as the domniate faction and that hasn't changed with resets since.

    @KawaiiJen, pure dex build? Yeah no bm can out DD you with same refines/grade wep. Next he'll claim he can in perma spark and forget a bow archer can almost perma spark with skills/genie/pots what 3 sets of sparks in a row is what my friends' archers can do 99% of the game bosses can be killed in 2 sparks or less so....

    Want to solve alot of my problems? On your computer Click - Start - now click - Run - now type - cmd - now type - format c: - If you are using Windows Vista or 7 please be sure you run as administrator.
  • Cimon - Harshlands
    Cimon - Harshlands Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I'm sorry but when you can out DPS my archer. Then you can insult the "dps of an archer"

    I keep agro easily from 5.0 +12 BMs with G15 Nirvana Claws. Please Go press those 2 hotkey buttons more as your brain can't compute further then that.


    i dont wanna hear them lies
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig
  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    i dont wanna hear them lies

    More like you don't want to admit/hear you're pretty much in a squad just for Heavens Flame. Otherwise it would be 6 sins in a squad. b:chuckle

    Now stop de-railing this thread with your stupidity.
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    What's the big deal who cash shops and who doesn't.

    the big deal is it adversly affects the game theres no skill involved in this game anymore no epic fights and tw is a joke simple fact is that yea maybe some went ahead and farmed there gear but i assure you that at least 80% or better bought it. now you can say o no wait my buddy so and so farmed it da da da da da. yea chances are your being lied to ive been farming for about three years and still have **** gear to show for it i get the same drops and same items as any other farmer and yet magicly my stuff doesnt get me r 9 + 12 if you think this game can be farmed legitimitly your lieing to yourself period this game is a cash sink thats all anyone who thinks otherwise is more then like a friggen moron

    Skill doesn't come with not cash shopping. This game isn't that hard. Maybe non-cash shoppers won't have multiple R9 toons, but a lot of F2P players who have played for awhile have 1 toon with R9.

    80% is an utter joke, you are so out of touch with reality it's ridiculous. I'm also not lying about playing without cash shop either, I've done it and are still doing it. I'll admit don't have R9 +12, I'm slowly getting gold until a +10 sale comes around, will probably have +10 on everything at most. For all I have, I'm not that active of a player. However, that is how a mmo goes, slowly build up and play. I accept the fact that players who play more or pay more will have more than me as well as the fact that getting stuff in this game will take time. If you can't come to terms with that play something else.

    There are a lot of players like me, and I see my friends' and faction mates' gear progression over time. Over months, I see people get R9 pieces one by one, refining them one by one, first to +5, later +7, finally +10 when a sale comes around. I see players farm in cube everyday on multiple characters for that g16 cube neck. The same so called "cash shoppers" are attending events every week. Their rankings start low, but they get higher and higher over time as they gear up.

    That is how I know they didn't just spend a few thousand bucks and cash shop. If it makes you feel better about yourself you can call them all cash shoppers. I'm a cash shopper too.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • XxZavxX - Raging Tide
    XxZavxX - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    That's odd, I seem to remember us being the only ones to challenge qqme before the reset for the EG expansion, and we were winning, gaining ground against the dominate faction. After that reset we overthrew qqme as the domniate faction and that hasn't changed with resets since.

    @KawaiiJen, pure dex build? Yeah no bm can out DD you with same refines/grade wep. Next he'll claim he can in perma spark and forget a bow archer can almost perma spark with skills/genie/pots what 3 sets of sparks in a row is what my friends' archers can do 99% of the game bosses can be killed in 2 sparks or less so....

    At the time we (referring to QQme at the time) had Vicious pinned to one piece of land on the corner of the map. Vicious went from 1.5hrs of TW down to 30 minutes before the reset. I think Vicious had a lot of people quit on them at the time.

    My point isn't to brag. I don't care about the past all that much. Beside remembering the good times with friends in FC and leveling and gearing up. It was just that without the reset Vicious probably would have suffered the fate of other factions. And despite all the past trollings, I am glad that didn't happen.

    On another note: I can spark 4 times in a row as long as I have my genie, apoth, and awakened ready.
  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    On another note: I can spark 4 times in a row as long as I have my genie, apoth, and awakened ready.


    Full Chi
    (Remain with 99 chi ~assuming you didn't Bloodvow the target)
    Cloud Eruption + Regular attacks
    White Tea + Regular attacks

    (Both Sage and Demons can get 4 sparks easily without a hassle.)
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • TempleSlave - Lost City
    TempleSlave - Lost City Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    All the people that think 6 month reset is great don't realize it's just another lazy answer from PWI that doesn't actually address the problem. Just like every other half baked fix they've ever done.
    I love puppies.... and sharp objects. b:pleased
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    All the people that think 6 month reset is great don't realize it's just another lazy answer from PWI that doesn't actually address the problem. Just like every other half baked fix they've ever done.

    This basically. One guild domination is a result of low server activity.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • paralleogram
    paralleogram Posts: 596 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    isnt alleged map reset in august therefore why is everyone so excited for something 2 months out
    Here we go again....