Casual Veno Build, Pets

TheHanDevil - Sanctuary
TheHanDevil - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
edited June 2012 in Venomancer
Hello all!

Post is pretty much what the title says. My veno is currently a low-level alt, I started her for fun and never really made up my mind on whether or not I enjoyed this playing style. So far I've been keeping it casual, I don't want to spend immense amounts of money, but if the day comes when I need her to help out or something, I don't want her to be a terrible character either. I was hoping to grab some tips (build, choice in pets) from the forum, please and thank you? b:beg b:thanks

Build: Currently AA but am considering LA; still not sure. I've read about the pros/cons of each, and since I'm used to playing toons high in mag, AA seems to be the best way to go.


Land: Currently a Glacial Walker. I understand that the general consensus is that GWs are great tankers but are okay at keeping aggro. However, he's just too big and slow for me (gets in the way all the time) not to mention kind of unattractive to me. Are there any other kinds of good tanking-ish pets that are smaller and/or better looking? How has the Shaodu Cub (and later the Armoured Bear maybe) worked out? I really don't mind healing more often. Especially since I don't plan on soloing mini-bosses or anything. Group work is fun! b:mischievous

Air: Cloud Skatefish. Was a Petite Sawfly, but I got sick of its size and noisiness, plus leveling it was a pain. Looked up the stats and from what I can tell, the CSkatefish is slightly better anyway. Don't mind buying the skill books since it's current ones aren't very good, but not sure what skills to get.

Water: Wicked Teeth. My favorite pet so far, more my sort of ideal, all-around balanced profile. I don't know if there's anything better, but I couldn't really find anything when I looked. Lots of people like the Plumpfish so I might upgrade to that when I get there, but for now I think this little armored sperm is the best. b:shutup

How does my veno sound? Am I doing okay for a casual type of toon? And thanks for reading/helping. b:laugh
My playing: b:pleased b:laugh b:cry b:angry b:surrender Rinse and repeat.
Post edited by TheHanDevil - Sanctuary on


  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hello all!

    Post is pretty much what the title says. My veno is currently a low-level alt, I started her for fun and never really made up my mind on whether or not I enjoyed this playing style. So far I've been keeping it casual, I don't want to spend immense amounts of money, but if the day comes when I need her to help out or something, I don't want her to be a terrible character either. I was hoping to grab some tips (build, choice in pets) from the forum, please and thank you? b:beg b:thanks

    Build: Currently AA but am considering LA; still not sure. I've read about the pros/cons of each, and since I'm used to playing toons high in mag, AA seems to be the best way to go.

    I prefer AA myself, as a friend of mine went LA for 90 levels and hated it. She later restated to pure mag and liked it a lot better.
    There's also HA/AA hybrids, but...<_< Well you're casual and don't plan on soloing everything with your veno. ^^


    Land: Currently a Glacial Walker. I understand that the general consensus is that GWs are great tankers but are okay at keeping aggro. However, he's just too big and slow for me (gets in the way all the time) not to mention kind of unattractive to me. Are there any other kinds of good tanking-ish pets that are smaller and/or better looking? How has the Shaodu Cub (and later the Armoured Bear maybe) worked out? I really don't mind healing more often. Especially since I don't plan on soloing mini-bosses or anything. Group work is fun! b:mischievous

    I actually really enjoy my GW, he hits harder than my Kowlin (currently 10 levels over my GW) or my other pets. However, Shadou Cub is an excellent smaller alternative. I hear that equally leveled with the Armored Bear (I've got one sitting in my bank waiting for me to hatch) Shadou might be a bit better. It's times like these I miss Ecatomb's Pet Simulator. I know Phenix_Eye will come in here and say Don't use Glacial Walkers, but it's your preference.

    Air: Cloud Skatefish. Was a Petite Sawfly, but I got sick of its size and noisiness, plus leveling it was a pain. Looked up the stats and from what I can tell, the CSkatefish is slightly better anyway. Don't mind buying the skill books since it's current ones aren't very good, but not sure what skills to get.

    I absolutely LOVE the cloud skatefish, it's a bit tanker than the sawfly in exchange for doing a little bit less damage. It's default skills come in very handy later on, since most of the air mobs you'll be killing are either metal (use the fire bash) or wood (use the metal bash). I love mine to death and frequently use it on metal and wood land mobs as well, since our wood attacks are weak to both.

    There's also the windwalking piggy, being a rare pet, I think it's the best air tank. But I would never trade my skatefish for one.

    Water: Wicked Teeth. My favorite pet so far, more my sort of ideal, all-around balanced profile. I don't know if there's anything better, but I couldn't really find anything when I looked. Lots of people like the Plumpfish so I might upgrade to that when I get there, but for now I think this little armored sperm is the best. b:shutup

    I've never actually taken the time to level a water pet. You'll only use it for a couple of levels in the 40-60's range and then it will sit in your bag taking up space. Since you don't plan on soloing water mini-bosses with it, getting a plumpfish later on is the easiest choice.
    However, if you really enjoy your Wicked Teeth, then it should do perfectly fine if you plan on keeping it leveled. It'll make those water quests in the 40-60's range a lot easier having a leveled water pet with you!

    I believe the level 5 turtles around Broken Bridge are considered "the best" water pets, but really anything that works for you and is around your level are "the best" water pets. It's a bit like how people say the sawfly is "the best" air pet, and the Golems/GW are "the best" tank pets. It's all personal preference. Your choices sound good.

    How does my veno sound? Am I doing okay for a casual type of toon? And thanks for reading/helping. b:laugh

    I use my veno casually as well, as a break from my clericing. You sound like you know what you're doing with your build, and your pet choices look fine.

    =) My responses in Blue. May be biased, as I don't do extensive pet testing anymore since I don't have the time for it.
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker
    <.< Lol, have you actually posted a reason for your oh so biased hatred for big Blue?
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • TheHanDevil - Sanctuary
    TheHanDevil - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    =) My responses in Blue. May be biased, as I don't do extensive pet testing anymore since I don't have the time for it.

    How does the Kowlin fare? It's not as tanky, I guess? What were your experiences with it compared to the cub/bear?

    Thanks for the advice! I'll keep the skatefish's default skills then. Should I get bash as well? From what I can see the skatefish attacks from quite a distance from the mobs, I'm not sure about how this affects aggro and such.

    Water pets won't come in handy after the 40s-60s? That's a little disappointing b:sad I was hoping to use him more! But I'll keep him leveled and see how he fares b:laugh Thank you so much for your help! b:thanks

    Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker Dont use a Glacial Walker

    I guess that's settled, then! b:chuckle
    My playing: b:pleased b:laugh b:cry b:angry b:surrender Rinse and repeat.
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I find that the Kowlin isn't quite as hyped as it may seem. It LOOKS amazing, and it attacks alright, and fast! I use it most when I'm in bh since Big Blue doesn't keep up with such fast folk, and his debuffs are handy. He can tank solo mobs in my bh easily enough though, since I've not really had a chance to use him elsewhere yet. And of course he's excellent for pulling and quickly sneaking debuffs on aoe bosses when I'm too squishy to get close.

    b:avoid (Since I can't be bothered to remove one of my Kowlin's nice skills, I have a speedy tabby with roar on it, for those rare cases the cleric gets heal aggro or a squishy DD can't hold his beans.)

    Cub is much more tanky than the kowlin, and hits pretty hard. The stun is nice too, and can save your tail. b:laugh Like I said, I'm haven't quite gotten to the point where I can play with my Armored Bear yet. My twin frequently tanks with her Bear though, and I've noticed that sometimes he can be a little hard to heal, or something squashes him. Poor guy.

    Bash on a Skatefish couldn't hurt. There are those rare fire flying mobs later on that you won't really have any strength on, so bash is nice there to generate aggro. I haven't reached the point yet where I've started drawing aggro from my skatefish, since the bashes hit like a truck. The "distance" is just his skill animation and has no influence on aggro besides what skill he's using, a bit like the Kowlin's "bloodsuck" animation before using a skill and Walker's "blue circle".

    I hated those water quests on my veno, since I didn't take the time to level a water pet and the physical mobs ate me alive. You won't regret keeping your Wicked Teeth leveled, I'm sure of that.
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    The Kowlin is the fastest pet in-game and has its uses but I wouldn't really recommend it, even if I have one. The good side of it is that it's a decent puller (I use it for that mostly now). It also comes with a set of nice skills (Bash, Flesh Ream, Howl, Pierce) so it can be a DD/debuffer.

    However, I don't recommend it now. It used to work in the past but its use has diminished. I would suggest a ranged pet for pulling (the cactus in the starter area, marskman in sundown at lvl 4x or the cactus in FB89). Just tame one for your level, you don't necessarily need to to level it up since it's ranged so it's supposed not to get attacked (at least not until it hits the mob/boss you want to pull).

    As a DD pet get either a Dark Wanderer (Shadow Ranger, tideborn area) or a Varicose Scorpion. I suggest the former. At lvl 101 you can also tame the best in-game DD pet (if you get to that level).

    The rest was covered by Jeremied XD
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    <.< Lol, have you actually posted a reason for your oh so biased hatred for big Blue?

    Sure i dont mind

    1) Speed , it responds too slowly to save. let's say you are being r@ped by a mob , the walker wil ltake ages to come to your aid.
    2) Bulkiness , covers much of the Screen , bears , beatless are smaller.
    3) Magic defence , it just sucks , bears have balanced defences.
    4) Skills , nothing extraordinary apart fro ma good Tough. Roar is cheap for every pet , Bash is better for neutral type aggro. A bear comes with a Stun , which is invaluable for any veno , Tough , attack and debuffs.
    5) Bad DD , he is slow , a Wanderer or scorpion is much better for dealing damage.
    6) Be in the mass , even my grandma has a Glacial Walker , all these pets sit there for a reason, to be tamed and be used
    7) Ugly
    8) He sucks.

    yup , that is all.
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I absolutely LOVE the cloud skatefish, it's a bit tanker than the sawfly in exchange for doing a little bit less damage. It's default skills come in very handy later on, since most of the air mobs you'll be killing are either metal (use the fire bash) or wood (use the metal bash). I love mine to death and frequently use it on metal and wood land mobs as well, since our wood attacks are weak to both.

    The skatefish is not tankier than the sawfly; all its stats are equal to or slightly lower than the 'fly's, with the same growth rate. Its advantage is cool looks without the annoying buzz.
    There's also the windwalking piggy, being a rare pet, I think it's the best air tank. But I would never trade my skatefish for one.

    Downside of the piggy is low attack.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • TheHanDevil - Sanctuary
    TheHanDevil - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I guess I'll go with the Shaodu long-term for tanking, thanks! Now to catch or buy one, hmm..

    I'll go ahead and keep the skills and add bash on the skatefish, sounds like it'll do great b:victory and thanks for clearing that up, I'm so used to aggro = being close to mob b:laugh

    Looks like the wiki doesn't have much info on the Wicked Teeth either, guess I'll do my best to help update it b:pleased and I'll post about it later maybe!

    As a DD pet get either a Dark Wanderer (Shadow Ranger, tideborn area) or a Varicose Scorpion. I suggest the former. At lvl 101 you can also tame the best in-game DD pet (if you get to that level).

    The rest was covered by Jeremied XD

    Is it necessary to get a pulling and a DD pet though? I can pull using the summon/unsummon, right? and I do plan on getting that dino one day, somehow! It looks cool b:chuckle
    The skatefish is not tankier than the sawfly; all its stats are equal to or slightly lower than the 'fly's, with the same growth rate. Its advantage is cool looks without the annoying buzz.

    Downside of the piggy is low attack.

    Really? *checks the wiki* Oh, you're right. Somehow I missed that the times I went to check it out. b:surrender Though I feel like the skatefish is also a bit smaller and less obtrusive than the sawfly but like I said, I'm not that serious of a player at the moment.

    So you'd say that the sawfly is actually a better choice?
    My playing: b:pleased b:laugh b:cry b:angry b:surrender Rinse and repeat.
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    The skatefish is not tankier than the sawfly; all its stats are equal to or slightly lower than the 'fly's, with the same growth rate. Its advantage is cool looks without the annoying buzz.
    Back when Ecatomb had it's awesome PET SIMULATOR, I could ramp up the Sawfly and Skatefish both to equal endgame standards (level 100), with equal skills (Bash 5) and the Skatefish came out with a little more hp and phydef, and the sawfly a little more attack. Sadly I don't have screenshots of these two, like I do the others. :(

    Not to mention I leveled a sawfly for 50 levels after running my veno on foot to Bamboo and taming it myself at lvl8, and it quite nearly died every mob of it's level when I tested it. My skatefish did not, it could go through more mobs before needing to be healed. Also for a veno on a budget (The average poor as dirt casual player like myself), Skatefish's default skills sold me. It's amazing against metal and wood mobs, the two things veno's own spells are weak against. While you could put these on a sawfly, saving the extra coin is nice, right?

    Edit: Having a strictly DD pet isn't all that necessary (except for [?] bosses later on), especially since everyone now a days are good enough DD's in their own right. Scorpions are my personal favorite and Dark Wanderers are close 2nds, however both of mine are on my old pet testing veno currently because I found I didn't use them as much and my Big Blue (lol Phoenix) hits like a truck AND takes damage better.

    Ranged pets too, they're only really used for pulling because there's less chance they'll get hit during pulls. However, you have to turn off their skills every time you summon or else they won't use their ranged attacks, and really all you'll use them for is aggro fodder or a little extra DD on bosses with aoes where other pets would get maimed. =\ If you have maxed pet bags, go for it, but otherwise I would pass.
    Sure i dont mind

    1) Speed , it responds too slowly to save. let's say you are being r@ped by a mob , the walker wil ltake ages to come to your aid.
    2) Bulkiness , covers much of the Screen , bears , beatless are smaller.
    Meh, some of us aspire to have massive Craggrock Warriors or those gigantic snowmen just because they're huge. And often scare squaddies. :D
    3) Magic defence , it just sucks , bears have balanced defences.
    Meh, they're really NOT THAT DIFFERENT.
    4) Skills , nothing extraordinary apart fro ma good Tough. Roar is cheap for every pet , Bash is better for neutral type aggro. A bear comes with a Stun , which is invaluable for any veno , Tough , attack and debuffs.
    Good for venos on a budget.
    5) Bad DD , he is slow , a Wanderer or scorpion is much better for dealing damage.
    Good points. He still hits like a truck though.
    6) Be in the mass , even my grandma has a Glacial Walker , all these pets sit there for a reason, to be tamed and be used.
    They weren't always so commonplace.
    7) Ugly
    Better looking than Magmites.
    8) He sucks.
    Personal preference.

    yup , that is all.

    Mostly valid points, I was just curious. Thank you. b:victory
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    Is it necessary to get a pulling and a DD pet though? I can pull using the summon/unsummon, right? and I do plan on getting that dino one day, somehow! It looks cool b:chuckle

    The general needs of a venomancer in terms of pets are;

    - A tank pet so you can tank mini bosses, bosses (later on), tank multiple mobs etc.

    - A DD pet that includes debuffs, such as Howl (magic debuff) and Pierce (physical debuff, if you choose demon culti and get demon ironwood scarab)

    - A pet to pull, the choice is yours, the best puller pets are the ranged ones follow by the fast/speed pets.

    - An air pet, so you can have extra DD in air or a tank (depends whether you choose an air DD pet or an air tank pet).

    - A water pet, similar reasons as above. Venos usually settle with the lvl80 Celestial Plumpfish or lvl 85 Asgard Plumpfish (or something along the lines, I don't remember the exact names)

    Tank pet - you will need to tank some mini bosses as well as some easy bosses for your cultivation, you can also tank FB bosses as you level up so you can help other people, you can also tank multiple mobs, in high level instances (let's say your FB) you will want to have the tank pet out to protect you in case a mob attacks you. A DD pet might not survive otherwise.

    DD pet - it's good for when you're are not tanking anything and when the DD pet can survive a few hits too (otherwise choose tank pet), in a squad where someone else is tanking you're contributing better with a pet that can deal more damage than the tank pet as well as can contribute with debuffs

    Puller pet - I personally still use fast pets (Kowlin) for pulling just because I'm too used to it (3+ years of using it for pulling) but I do have a cactus pet for ranged pulling when it's necessary. I suggest a ranged pet, regardless, but you can always experiment and choose for yourself.

    Air pet - this is not something you will use that much since most quests are on ground and air pets can't enter instances so I would suggest focusing on the skills/levels of the tank + DD pet first and leave the air pet as the 3rd priority. In my case, I went for the air tank type pet but that's purely my preference. It does annoy me actually that is has such a low attack but I don't have the patience to lvl up yet another pet to my level XD

    Water pet - that's hardly something you will need, tame whatever pet you find at your level, throw it away when you're done with and stick to the plumpfish at lvl80 if you have pet bag slots, it's really something that you won't need that much.

    There are a few mini bosses in water and the fish was helpful for me but you can always get help for them. And I actually did my water quests with an air pet XD I had no pet bag slots so I pulled water mobs to the surface and killed them from the air b:chuckle
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • TheHanDevil - Sanctuary
    TheHanDevil - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    The general needs of a venomancer in terms of pets are;

    Noted! However I only have three pet bag slots, so I've been keeping one pet each for land, air, and water. Is there some sort of good, all-around tank/DD/pulling pet? So far for pulling I've only been using the summon/unsummon trick. b:surrender
    My playing: b:pleased b:laugh b:cry b:angry b:surrender Rinse and repeat.
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Sadly there's no best all-around pet XD hence why we end up having to use a variety of pets. It's also made so that you need more pet slots resulting in having to get cages from the boutique.

    Also, you don't necessarily have to have all those pets yet (it's just easier to get pets early on and have them level along with you than tame them later and have to train them). I don't remember the cost of cages but later on you can afford them, especially if they release another sale.

    When is the time to get your "endgame" pets? That's mostly for you to judge. For example, now people can level up really fast and you can skip a lot of instances and bosses (except cultivation ones), a lot of high levels help in BHs and you can get speed runs where the pet will make no difference.

    If you solo a lot (early levels) you'll want to stick to your tank pet and won't need a DD pet yet until you can kill mobs fast enough that a DD pet will benefit you more (will help kill mobs faster and before they reach you).

    If you're planning on doing all quests you'll probably need the water pet otherwise you can completely skip them and probably won't ever need one (can get help for the few bosses that exist underwater).

    Suicidal pulls won't be around just yet (until lvl60/70+ starting with TT60/70+) so you can probably leave the ranged pet for later and use whatever pet you have until then, if pet slots are an issue right now.

    And that's about how it goes. It's also true that pets become somewhat obsolete endgame (eg. you won't be using pets in Nirvana or Warsong if plan to get there) but they are still a great asset regardless and is what makes our class after all.

    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Squeakytoy - Dreamweaver
    Squeakytoy - Dreamweaver Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Just a quick not about the kowlin. It's not the fastest pet. It's actually the third fastest. With the first being the phoenix, and the second being the level 101 florafang maneater in abaddon. (I believe. I'm not sure if the florafang maneater is faster but I know the phoenix is definitely faster)

    Also, on pulling. Tame beast can be used to pull individual monsters. It works much like earthflame, only it has a channel and cast time (which might make pulling ranged mobs dangerous, since you're unable to move for a short time after casting). Contrary to the skill's description, the range of tame beast is around 25 meters. (the range may increase as you level the skill, though I can't be certain. I left my tame beast at level 6 due to the increase in mana cost)
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I once did a test of tame beast range with two different venos with two different levels of tame beast (3 and 6 I believe) on the same mob at the beginning of Eden... screen shots showed them in as near as I could tell the same spot. The nice part of using tame beast as opposed to earthflame is you can always use it at its max range... no guessing and inching forward, you'll run up to the max range to cast.

    As far as ranged mobs and tame beast... if it's a caster and you have summer sprint active, you can run out of range before the cast goes off. Archers with a long enough range (79 archers, Eden cactos, Brim rock throwers), however, will hit you at least once, since they don't have a channel/cast time to delay the attack.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • taiwanmei
    taiwanmei Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    i'm using frogling :3 amidoinitrite?
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Just a quick not about the kowlin. It's not the fastest pet. It's actually the third fastest. With the first being the phoenix, and the second being the level 101 florafang maneater in abaddon. (I believe. I'm not sure if the florafang maneater is faster but I know the phoenix is definitely faster)

    I didn't take air pets into account since you hardly need to pull things in the air and speed is one of the things a puller pet should have (well others too but its beside the point), unless, of course, it's a ranged pet. As for the florafang pet, I never really looked into to so *shrugs*

    Tame beast works great sometimes, I tend to pull wurlord with it so that I can have herc ready to tank but it's not completely reliable. Bosses like those in SOT or Abaddon are easier and safer to pull with pet.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • taiwanmei
    taiwanmei Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    what pet should i use before lv 60?
  • TheHanDevil - Sanctuary
    TheHanDevil - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    No, not more pet slots! b:shocked I'll keep using the tank for now, but eventually like you said I'll probably need to extend the bag at least twice, since thats 5 pets (tank, dd, pull, air, water) and I don't think I'm that interested in keeping rares beyond what I need b:shutup

    I'll definitely try pulling with tame beast, thanks for the advice! b:thanks And the warnings about casters and archer types are noted.

    I don't know if you're doing it right, but I don't think you can be wrong with a frogling... I'm not sure.
    My playing: b:pleased b:laugh b:cry b:angry b:surrender Rinse and repeat.
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    b:chuckle All these folk have venos as their mains or very close to mains, so they're used to having lots of pet slots and such, which doesn't really mesh with the CASUAL aspect of what you're going for. =P This is why I mentioned that having a strictly DD pet and strictly ranged pet aren't really all that necessary, especially since you mentioned you were gonna be squadding most of the time. (I do recommend getting a pulling pet though, since most "tank" pets are unbelievably slow)

    Besides, that's 2 extra pets to have to take out and grind exp for (and for one that's experienced having a maxed pet bag once, that gets tiring real fast). Your chosen tank should be fine to DD with, since you're gonna be an AA veno and most of your DD is gonna come from yourself anyway.

    @~@ Not to mention that's 50 fruit and 100 fungus away from those two free slots. I caved and bought a cage for my 5th slot, but I regret it because now I've got 30 fungus lying around in my bank that I can't use.

    b:dirty Every time I see a veno pull correctly with Tame Beast, I just wanna hug em! It's such a wonderful thing to learn to do, which most venos now a days forego since everyone and their dog has zeals b:sad
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • Squeakytoy - Dreamweaver
    Squeakytoy - Dreamweaver Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Another note on pulling: The level 80 armored bear comes with tough and slow, making it a rather decent puller. Though it's not too much of a stretch to put slow on a shadow cub, which has better overall stats than the armored bear. But essentially, hit tough, then send the bear in, (just make sure to let the bear hit the mob once before using slow, since slow alone doesn't generate any aggro)

    Using a ranged pet is still more highly recommended, and while I've never personally used an armored bear to pull, I have encountered venos that swear by it.

    b:dirty Every time I see a veno pull correctly with Tame Beast, I just wanna hug em! It's such a wonderful thing to learn to do, which most venos now a days forego since everyone and their dog has zeals b:sad

    A lot of venos don't even know they can use tame beast to pull. I almost forgot about it myself after taking that year long break. It's kind of a shame really.
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Armored Bear becomes obsolete, but is a decent puller for ~10 short levels or so: (not worth it).

    The only puller you need after 89 is a cactopod from Eden. -Either will do, and it works great on kiting mobs.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Cody_tylor - Sanctuary
    Cody_tylor - Sanctuary Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    It would be nice for tweakz to be silent as he have no idea what he is talking about... He have no idea how to play a venomancer without relying on a Hercules (Or a pet at all) to save him... Forgetting about him...
    The Kowlin is the fastest pet in-game and has its uses but I wouldn't really recommend it, even if I have one. The good side of it is that it's a decent puller (I use it for that mostly now). It also comes with a set of nice skills (Bash, Flesh Ream, Howl, Pierce) so it can be a DD/debuffer.

    However, I don't recommend it now. It used to work in the past but its use has diminished. I would suggest a ranged pet for pulling (the cactus in the starter area, marskman in sundown at lvl 4x or the cactus in FB89). Just tame one for your level, you don't necessarily need to to level it up since it's ranged so it's supposed not to get attacked (at least not until it hits the mob/boss you want to pull).

    As a DD pet get either a Dark Wanderer (Shadow Ranger, tideborn area) or a Varicose Scorpion. I suggest the former. At lvl 101 you can also tame the best in-game DD pet (if you get to that level).

    The rest was covered by Jeremied XD

    I find my kowlin useful for PVP against non-cash shoppers due to the bugged bleed and pretty useful for DDing/debuffing like you said, for levels under 95 or so. I do not agree about that Kowlin is a good puller as it is pretty squishy (without defensive buffs) and it melees.

    It is better off using a ranged pet from the beginning as you don't even have to level them if you are just using them for pulling (no risk of pet death)

    I would also ask why it is so much trouble for venoes with water, I barely had trouble in the water at all as I was farming there a lot with a pet not even tanking (too squishy to tank so I tanked myself)... especially drifting hex lanterns in melee range. I never had a problem in the water especially for DOD, and my LA pure fox form. I even did some air quests without an air pet...
    Sure i dont mind

    1) Speed , it responds too slowly to save. let's say you are being r@ped by a mob , the walker wil ltake ages to come to your aid.
    You're not supposed to rely on your pet to save you in the first place, no pet can actually keep up with you, no matter if it is a nix or a herc either. You're going to out damage your pet unless your spamming spells. To me, I can tank any mob because they are not even hard to tank at all (even elites), and my gear is pretty low refines like, +1 or +2, maybe it is your gear that is the problem.
    2) Bulkiness , covers much of the Screen , bears , beatless are smaller.
    First person view?
    3) Magic defence , it just sucks , bears have balanced defences.
    Magic defense sucks? My walker does fine surviving magic attacks.
    4) Skills , nothing extraordinary apart fro ma good Tough. Roar is cheap for every pet , Bash is better for neutral type aggro. A bear comes with a Stun , which is invaluable for any veno , Tough , attack and debuffs.
    Attack skills are pretty much useless on any pet as everyone besides magic venoes pretty much steal aggro from them. Using bash (or elemental bash) is moot
    5) Bad DD , he is slow , a Wanderer or scorpion is much better for dealing damage.
    All pets in general are bad DDs, not just the walker. Unless they are doing damage to level 150 or non cash shopped players, they will do full damage. It takes too long for a pet alone to kill one mob, even if it isn't a walker
    6) Be in the mass , even my grandma has a Glacial Walker , all these pets sit there for a reason, to be tamed and be used
    7) Ugly
    I find scorpions ugly as hell and sawflies, ugly bugs... I really hate bug type mobs and wanderer is pretty ugly too.
    8) He sucks.
    That's because he is a pet, just slap on buffs and your pet is useful to solo TTs, no herc required. A ranged pet for pulling and there you have it. Pets in general sucks.

    yup , that is all.

    Replies in cyan.
    WTB PWI 2008 where people were thinking more about doing good rather than pretending to be.
  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I disagree on many parts of your post , but i won't even try to reply since i am too bored to reply to Quotes.
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • Squeakytoy - Dreamweaver
    Squeakytoy - Dreamweaver Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Sure i dont mind

    1) Speed , it responds too slowly to save. let's say you are being r@ped by a mob , the walker wil ltake ages to come to your aid.
    So you just stand still while monsters beat you senseless? Protip, run TOWARD your pet if you want it to pull a mob off you.

    2) Bulkiness , covers much of the Screen , bears , beatless are smaller.
    Zoom out farther.

    3) Magic defence , it just sucks , bears have balanced defences.
    The glacial walker has about 800 less magic defense than a Hercules at level 100. And only 500 less than an eldergoth marksman.

    4) Skills , nothing extraordinary apart fro ma good Tough. Roar is cheap for every pet , Bash is better for neutral type aggro. A bear comes with a Stun , which is invaluable for any veno , Tough , attack and debuffs.
    Skills aren't difficult to replace. And an 80% chance at a 3 second stun with a 60 second cooldown really isn't all that useful.

    5) Bad DD , he is slow , a Wanderer or scorpion is much better for dealing damage.
    The walker has 3901 attack at level 100. A mere 107 points shy of the almighty scorpion. The scorpion is also slow, just 0.8 m/s faster than the walker. As for the wanderer, yeah it does more damage, but it has even worse magic defense than the walker.

    6) Be in the mass , even my grandma has a Glacial Walker , all these pets sit there for a reason, to be tamed and be used
    Different pets have different uses, The glacial walker happens to be pretty good at taking hits and surviving.

    7) Ugly

    8) He sucks.
    Extremely biased opinion

    yup , that is all.

    I just love picking apart these kind of posts.
  • TheHanDevil - Sanctuary
    TheHanDevil - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Wow, so many responses! It seems like it's almost impossible to be a casual veno player, so I'll start saving up the fruit and fungus I come across to get more slots for a DD and pulling pet b:shocked Still working on the Shaodu Cub though, so hard to catch and even harder to buy b:sad

    I have been working on pulling with using tame beast, took me a while to figure out the best way was to halt my pet, pull, and run past my pet then commanding it to attack mob. Kinda like when pulling in a squad my pet has to catch the pull b:chuckle it's pretty fun.

    I have to say though grinding is probably the worst part about being a veno, I don't know how I'll deal with leveling five different pets if I'm having trouble with three.
    My playing: b:pleased b:laugh b:cry b:angry b:surrender Rinse and repeat.
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Wow, so many responses! It seems like it's almost impossible to be a casual veno player, so I'll start saving up the fruit and fungus I come across to get more slots for a DD and pulling pet b:shocked Still working on the Shaodu Cub though, so hard to catch and even harder to buy b:sad

    I have been working on pulling with using tame beast, took me a while to figure out the best way was to halt my pet, pull, and run past my pet then commanding it to attack mob. Kinda like when pulling in a squad my pet has to catch the pull b:chuckle it's pretty fun.

    I have to say though grinding is probably the worst part about being a veno, I don't know how I'll deal with leveling five different pets if I'm having trouble with three.
    3 pets is enough to get by, especially since you said later on you're going to be doing squad work more than soloing. You don't absolutely need to get a DD pet, especially right now. Plenty of time for that later. XD

    I do wish you luck getting a Shaodu cub, if I find a cheap one I'll shout your way ^^

    b:dirty Tame pulling <3

    Well, there are...secret ways of leveling pets. Trade Secrets. Room 4 of the Cube of Fate is the best place in the game to level land pets. Easy lvl150 mobs with 10hp, you kill one, your pet kills another, and it's quite fast.

    For air pets, the Staunch Worms just west of Raging Tides are level100, don't attack you, and are easy for pets to crunch.

    There doesn't seem to be an easy way to level water pets currently other than regular grinding, which is why most people forego those. ^^
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • Squeakytoy - Dreamweaver
    Squeakytoy - Dreamweaver Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    For air pets, the Staunch Worms just west of Raging Tides are also lvl150, don't attack you, and are easy for pets to crunch.

    Staunch worms are level 100.
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Staunch worms are level 100.

    O.o I thought they were [?] Mobs. b:chuckle My bad.
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Is your pet worth leveling if there's nothing worth leveling it on?