A newbie and his Drake Mirrors.

unstablemedic Posts: 1 Arc User
edited December 2012 in General Discussion
I've been on PWI for about a week now. Before PWI I used to play a lot of private servers for Ragnarok Online. Sadly that game is dying and no one can seem to make a decent server anymore.

So with the recommendation of a few friends I ended up here. I started a Wizard and a Psychic. After reaching level 10 on my wiz I realized that walking everywhere sucked and decided to shell out a little bit of cash for a cool looking flying mount.

At this time I saw the advertisement for the Drake Mirror Packs and when I saw the Phoenix and the Darkflame wings I popped a boner so hard I could lift a car with it. So I hopped onto my account and spent about 3 hours scanning through free offers to get zen. After that I still didn't have enough to get the 10 pack of mirrors.

I then charged $10 to my phone bill. Super stoked to have a badass mount I began to open my mirrors. 1 by 1 they disappeared. One by one they were replaced with Perfect-Tokens of Luck. Slightly disappointed I began to try and trade my tokens for a mount. I come to find out they are only worth 12k a piece and people want anywhere from 40-50 mil for the mounts. FML.

Again I hop back onto my account and charge another $10 to my phone bill. Surely for $20 I can land a mount right? After all, that's the same price as the WoW battlechest. I hold my breath and cross my fingers. 1 by 1 my mirrors disappear. As I near my last few mirrors I start to feel a sinking feeling in my chest. After the last one is gone I'm left with over 600 tokens.

After talking to a few people I find out that the tokens are pretty much useless. I get on the site and look up information on the pack. One poor fellow bought 100 mirrors and got only Perfect tokens. At this point I'm furious and enraged. The idea that a game developer would have the chances to get awesome mounts so ****ing low is infuriating. I have never been so angry with a gaming service before.

Sufficed to say I've learned my lesson. I will be saving my money and after I have enough for WoW I will be devoting my hard earned money to a company that doesn't make it feel like I wasted it. Kindly go **** yourself PWI developers. Have a wonderful day. b:pleased
Post edited by unstablemedic on


  • Lolgasmic - Raging Tide
    Lolgasmic - Raging Tide Posts: 1,315 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    You know when i hate a game, i just leave. i dont make a rant thread
    Barbarian 103 - 101 - 101
    Started playing on March 2010
  • ZoracGallant - Raging Tide
    ZoracGallant - Raging Tide Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Well the tokens are far from useless, but before taking a chance on anything you should have looked into it more, it's pretty easy to open the pwi wiki and see that those packs have a low % chance for anything other than tokens. You either have to be very lucky or open a lot of packs, not hundreds, thousands to get enough good stuff for them to actually be worth your time and even there chances are you won't break even if you had just spent the gold on something more worth while.

    Yes I agree packs are ruining the game, but it was your choice to not learn about what you were buying before hand.

    So sorry, but it's your fault you wasted your money

    Want to solve alot of my problems? On your computer Click - Start - now click - Run - now type - cmd - now type - format c: - If you are using Windows Vista or 7 please be sure you run as administrator.
  • _Skai_ - Raging Tide
    _Skai_ - Raging Tide Posts: 3,407 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Welcome to gambling 101.

    Also, if you charged 20 dollars already, you could have just sold that for ~27 mil coins through the gold trade ingame. That's enough to buy the new phoenix mount.

    And tokens aren't useless at all. You can trade them in for useful items to help you play, such as health/mp food, telecoustics to post messages on the world chat, teleport stones to teleport to places you've activated waypoints at, and so on.

    Other than that opening packs is not a good thing to do when you first play. Selling those packs to other players would have been a better idea.
    [SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony[/SIGPIC]
    Vicious's Brony. Brohoof!
    youtube.com/user/SkaiPW - Assassin PvE/PvP Videos!
  • Euthymius - Heavens Tear
    Euthymius - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,162 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    "And now, we would like to introduce our very latest and greatest chance pack -- the Drake Mirror! Besides the ever-useful Tokens of Luck and Best Luck, opening this pack also brings the chance of obtaining some of the best looking mounts and fashion we've ever designed!"

    You should have at least inquired as to your odds of getting the other prizes before trying your luck.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Remember: OP may be a duck|OP/GMs/Devs may not deliver|Search function is your friend|Lurk more|Be wary of Mods: they can't be trusted|This place isn't a hugbox|Your tears sustain me|Know what Bait is|"Soon" may never come|Postcount, Dubs, and other GETs are important|Don't revive long dead threads|There is a section for everything|You can be banned for anything|No Fun Allowed outside of OT|Sweetiebot rules OT|"Circlejerks" are inevitable|Threads can be derailed and saved|Those who use"XD" should off themselves at their earliest convenience|
  • oxytorch
    oxytorch Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Perhaps try the p servers for this game , youll have a much better time .
    b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry We love this game STOP RUINING IT !! b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry

    "Sometimes the strongest are the ones that walk away . Enough is Enough ".
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I've been on PWI for about a week now. Before PWI I used to play a lot of private servers for Ragnarok Online. Sadly that game is dying and no one can seem to make a decent server anymore.

    So with the recommendation of a few friends I ended up here

    I read this part.

    At that last sentence, I realized your friends hate the ever living **** out of you, think you're a dirtbag, and are totally hot for your GF.

    You should punch them all in the face, or hire a hitman (would be cheaper than R9), go play Blizzard's MMO, make some REAL friends there, and be done with this pile of tripe.
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    So people indeed just throw money onto a game and expect something to happen...

    Ignorance like that is what PWE profits from and, whether you like it or not, you have already contributed to it.
    oxytorch wrote: »
    Perhaps try the p servers for this game , youll have a much better time .

  • Lolgasmic - Raging Tide
    Lolgasmic - Raging Tide Posts: 1,315 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I read this part.

    At that last sentence, I realized your friends hate the ever living **** out of you, think you're a dirtbag, and are totally hot for your GF.

    You should punch them all in the face, or hire a hitman (would be cheaper than R9), go play Blizzard's MMO, make some REAL friends there, and be done with this pile of tripe.

    Sarrafeline 2012 b:victory
    Barbarian 103 - 101 - 101
    Started playing on March 2010
  • Sagek - Sanctuary
    Sagek - Sanctuary Posts: 1,156 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I have to say currently PWI is one of the most, if not THE most expensive "Free" MMORPG you will find.

    Although cash spenders do beneifit a bit more than those that don't spend money, the value of what you get for what you spent is far from being equal or worth it.

    By the way I am hot for your girlfriend. b:nosebleed
  • Hexalot - Dreamweaver
    Hexalot - Dreamweaver Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I've been on PWI for about a week now. Before PWI I used to play a lot of private servers for Ragnarok Online. Sadly that game is dying and no one can seem to make a decent server anymore.

    So with the recommendation of a few friends I ended up here. I started a Wizard and a Psychic. After reaching level 10 on my wiz I realized that walking everywhere sucked and decided to shell out a little bit of cash for a cool looking flying mount.

    At this time I saw the advertisement for the Drake Mirror Packs and when I saw the Phoenix and the Darkflame wings I popped a boner so hard I could lift a car with it. So I hopped onto my account and spent about 3 hours scanning through free offers to get zen. After that I still didn't have enough to get the 10 pack of mirrors.

    I then charged $10 to my phone bill. Super stoked to have a badass mount I began to open my mirrors. 1 by 1 they disappeared. One by one they were replaced with Perfect-Tokens of Luck. Slightly disappointed I began to try and trade my tokens for a mount. I come to find out they are only worth 12k a piece and people want anywhere from 40-50 mil for the mounts. FML.

    Again I hop back onto my account and charge another $10 to my phone bill. Surely for $20 I can land a mount right? After all, that's the same price as the WoW battlechest. I hold my breath and cross my fingers. 1 by 1 my mirrors disappear. As I near my last few mirrors I start to feel a sinking feeling in my chest. After the last one is gone I'm left with over 600 tokens.

    After talking to a few people I find out that the tokens are pretty much useless. I get on the site and look up information on the pack. One poor fellow bought 100 mirrors and got only Perfect tokens. At this point I'm furious and enraged. The idea that a game developer would have the chances to get awesome mounts so ****ing low is infuriating. I have never been so angry with a gaming service before.

    Sufficed to say I've learned my lesson. I will be saving my money and after I have enough for WoW I will be devoting my hard earned money to a company that doesn't make it feel like I wasted it. Kindly go **** yourself PWI developers. Have a wonderful day. b:pleased

    Yeah you didn't read the fine print (or in this case, bold print since the packs clearly say "chance to get") and thus lost a few dollars. All I can say is... welcome to Free to Play gaming. b:laugh

    Let it be a lesson learned. F2P games are in essence one big scam designed to hook you with the game play and then "tempt you" into getting into an arms race with your fellow players where you end up spending ever increasing amounts just to stay competitive. Only 20 bucks lost ?

    You got off lightly buddy. Some gamble hundreds of $$$ on packs and still don't get what they were aiming for. The odds are just that low.

    On another note... this is one case where the **** bags on here can't blame the QQers for yet another newbie quitting the game. b:victory
  • GumyBear - Raging Tide
    GumyBear - Raging Tide Posts: 365 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    LMFAO b:laugh and you thought you could actually get something rare from packs?! The % of getting something rare from packs is 0.0000000001 and not to mention tokens are 95%

    Please learn to look up packs and their % before buying them and maybe you won't get screwed in the a$$
  • oxytorch
    oxytorch Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    For each and every one of these newbie stories that are brought to our attention on the forums , there are hundreds if not thousands of others that go unheard.... b:cry
    This company makes me so damned mad
    b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry We love this game STOP RUINING IT !! b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry

    "Sometimes the strongest are the ones that walk away . Enough is Enough ".
  • Sagek - Sanctuary
    Sagek - Sanctuary Posts: 1,156 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    On another note... this is one case where the **** bags on here can't blame the QQers for yet another newbie quitting the game. b:victory

    We are not ALL **** bags, some of us are just *****.
  • Lolgasmic - Raging Tide
    Lolgasmic - Raging Tide Posts: 1,315 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    oxytorch wrote: »
    For each and every one of these newbie stories that are brought to our attention on the forums , there are hundreds if not thousands of others that go unheard.... b:cry
    This company makes me so damned mad

    Help these noobs, raise awareness by buying 50 zen and spending it all on telecoustics to warn them.
    Barbarian 103 - 101 - 101
    Started playing on March 2010
  • Vesner - Archosaur
    Vesner - Archosaur Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hey, flame all you want. What you fail to realize on your high horses is I'm a newbie. Aka: I don't know **** about percentages of getting something decent. In essence what PW is doing is wrong. It's a serious rip off. My story isn't a rant. IF IT WAS IT WOULD LOOK LIKE THIS RARWZZZZZZZZZZZZZZOMG FU YOU PWI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yeah, not a rant. Enjoy your "Holier then thou" attitudes. That'll get you far in life. b:laugh

    *changed my avatar, I'm unstablemedic*
  • KarenaiHana - Sanctuary
    KarenaiHana - Sanctuary Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hey, flame all you want. What you fail to realize on your high horses is I'm a newbie. Aka: I don't know **** about percentages of getting something decent. In essence what PW is doing is wrong. It's a serious rip off. My story isn't a rant. IF IT WAS IT WOULD LOOK LIKE THIS RARWZZZZZZZZZZZZZZOMG FU YOU PWI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yeah, not a rant. Enjoy your "Holier then thou" attitudes. That'll get you far in life. b:laugh

    *changed my avatar, I'm unstablemedic*

    To say it simple and straight:
    Ignorance its not an excuse

    Stop blaming PWE,the chances from packs are well known if you ever bother to look for em,you wouldn't be surprised. b:bye
  • BerserkBeast - Sanctuary
    BerserkBeast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Its like those guys that believe anything the TV says.

    Advertisement: This pill will make you grow back your hair*!
    User: OMFG why Im still bald?!!

    Seriously naive b:surrender

    *=Happens only for 1 every 10000 cases
    The only way to beat a troll is....to troll him back b:angry
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Kindly go **** yourself PWI developers.


    Enjoy your "Holier then thou" attitudes. That'll get you far in life.

    So far it got me about 20 bucks farther than you.
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hey, flame all you want. What you fail to realize on your high horses is I'm a newbie. Aka: I don't know **** about percentages of getting something decent. In essence what PW is doing is wrong. It's a serious rip off. My story isn't a rant. IF IT WAS IT WOULD LOOK LIKE THIS RARWZZZZZZZZZZZZZZOMG FU YOU PWI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yeah, not a rant. Enjoy your "Holier then thou" attitudes. That'll get you far in life. b:laugh

    *changed my avatar, I'm unstablemedic*

    Typically when I'm a new player, I look things up before spending real life money on them. Also, I read what it says, I don't just look at the pictures and throw money at it and hope it works. New player or not, it says in big bold letters that they are chance items. Gambling items, essentially. This is like someone buying a lottery scratcher and then raging they don't have a car, and that whatever country they are in are just bunch of liars and thieves who should make it clear to people who don't read jack **** that they are gambling. They DID make it clear it was all just a gamble, you just didn't bother looking it up. This actually a pretty good life lesson for you, because in general you should always know what you are getting before you buy something.

    Now then, you can actually still recover from this. It's going to take some time, but you can do it and actually maybe save up enough money to eventually have all the best stuff in the game for free. How? By merchanting the tokens until you have replaced the capital you lost, and got enough money to move on to a better market. The basics of it is go put up a catshop and sell off the tokens, then use that money to buy more tokens at a cheaper price. Mark those up, and resell them to other players. It's a bit more complicated than that, but that's the gist of it. You can learn how to merchant here. http://pwinsider.wordpress.com/2011/03/06/warrenwolfys-guide-to-merchanting-part-0/
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • MageMERC - Harshlands
    MageMERC - Harshlands Posts: 1,600 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    There are plenty of legitimate gripes against PWI but the OP's horse.sh.it aint one of them.

    However on another note, please send me those 600tokens before you quit. Ta.
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Its like those guys that believe anything the TV says.

    Advertisement: This pill will make you grow back your hair*!
    User: OMFG why Im still bald?!!

    Seriously naive b:surrender

    *=Happens only for 1 every 10000 cases

    OP only had 20 dollars left after maxing out his mastercard on boner pills and ab machines
  • Umikaa - Sanctuary
    Umikaa - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Why does other people QQing make me so.........SO HAPPY!!!! Am I a bad person? Be honest, I can handle it.

    On topic, I love when people make the "going to another game" threat like PW brass is reading this, and will find them in game and compensate them for blatant ignorance.
  • hypereccentrik
    hypereccentrik Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    OP you could've just bought a mount in the boutique for 20 gold b:bye
  • Nenor - Dreamweaver
    Nenor - Dreamweaver Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    OP you could've just bought a mount in the boutique for 20 gold b:bye

    Actually, OP could have taken 2 gold, sold it, and went to the pet manager and bought a mount for 2-3 mill in game coins. That red horse was one of the first 'large' purchases I saved my in game coin for. That was a lot of coin back then. My seraphic mist wings only cost me a whooping 1.2 mill from a catshop back then.

    Sorry OP.b:sad
  • _RockHard_ - Lost City
    _RockHard_ - Lost City Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    b:chuckle next time dun buy gamble fyl packs and just spend the gold straight on the mounts themselves in the (Ride) section of the boutique mebbeb:shockedb:surrender
  • Zarkoff - Raging Tide
    Zarkoff - Raging Tide Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hey, flame all you want. What you fail to realize on your high horses is I'm a newbie. Aka: I don't know **** about percentages of getting something decent. In essence what PW is doing is wrong. It's a serious rip off. My story isn't a rant. IF IT WAS IT WOULD LOOK LIKE THIS RARWZZZZZZZZZZZZZZOMG FU YOU PWI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yeah, not a rant. Enjoy your "Holier then thou" attitudes. That'll get you far in life. b:laugh

    *changed my avatar, I'm unstablemedic*

    You're story ?? that's odd. why did your name change ??


    ya'll just got trolled
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I read this part.

    At that last sentence, I realized your friends hate the ever living **** out of you, think you're a dirtbag, and are totally hot for your GF.

    You should punch them all in the face, or hire a hitman (would be cheaper than R9), go play Blizzard's MMO, make some REAL friends there, and be done with this pile of tripe.

    Tripe is delicious you just gotta know how to season it.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • demxhunter
    demxhunter Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    i have a different story, ah yes new packs are out..there selling for 860k, so why not sell some..i come back on, prices dropped to 550k today....so i said **** it, ill just add tokens to my vault till a certain npc comes back, but then by the 8th pack im thinking its all gonna be tokens, and theres goes all my hard earned coin. but what do u know, on the 10th pack i got a crintine shard..and that convienced me to stop right there
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Thank for the story :D

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Yeaves - Archosaur
    Yeaves - Archosaur Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I love fast rides too.

    Before I bought mine, I waited for a month till they had a mount sale. I ended up getting a hellpuppy half off.
    *I never thought Perfect world was beautiful... till I discovered that my graphics' quality settings were on low*
This discussion has been closed.