New Stuff!!!!! (>*_*)>+----

ironking611 Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2012 in Suggestion Box
Pssh..... i know you guys are gonna bring in the asain dragon to the american servers it looks freakn sweet. And it was my idea back when i first brought up that asain dragon idea some some lady told me they had something similar in JD and i didnt know that but still bring it to pwi was my idea i swear look at some of the suggestions from like six months ago..... i just want some cradit cause i know you will bring it to the pwi servers.... by credit i mean that mount *cough cough* XD
Anyways i ahve more idea and they are pretty freakn sweet at least they are to me XD
First one earth guard flye: Make one thats kinda like terras embrace but like her evil brother. Instead of an angel kinda its like an evil soul thats rapping around the character kinda.
Elf flyer: make these nest wings different...... ok make them like big and on the back part of the wings paint them black like if its evil but have black smoke/black fire coming out of them and on the inside part of the wings make them white with white smoke/ white fire coming out of them or make two different wings one white with white smoke/white fire coming out of it and the other black with black smoke/ black fire and the wings colors may XD

i have more crazy ideas for human,untamed, TB flyers
If you guys want to see more hint me up i will be checking on this most often to see what you guys think
TY for reading players and owners lol not my owner but the game's XD

P.S i also had so sweet *** ideas for male and female fashion it will be like candy but for your eyes LOL XD

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