Bounty hunter

Blue_Moon - Heavens Tear
Blue_Moon - Heavens Tear Posts: 27 Arc User
edited May 2012 in General Discussion
I imagine I speak for alot of ppl on this topic, would it be too much to ask for 100+ bounty hunter to not be the same for 2 and 3 days in a row.. and while your at it remove lunar bh no one wants to pay the fee . So either remove it as bh or remove the fee. congrats on the fail update too. Alot of ppl are leaving the game . please listen to what we all have to say .b:bye


  • Baalbak - Dreamweaver
    Baalbak - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    as a barb i like the fact that I've been asked along on a lot more runs here lately than I used to. Thank you PWI for trying to bring the community back together. Now please make nirvy bosses do something to where a barb is more desirable :o

    Sorry that I don't share your sentiments but being that I have 3 pieces of nirvy and am trying to farm 2 more pieces, a 500k lunar fee to come away with a nirvy key, talisman (free US = more potential income), and a possible high coin reward just for turning in, in addition to the goods you get inside from normal lunar AND now the basic badges and recast materials.. I'd say the 500k fee is a fair investment. Sure you can get basic badges from warsong, but lunar is so much faster to farm than full warsong.
  • Squeakytoy - Dreamweaver
    Squeakytoy - Dreamweaver Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I imagine I speak for alot of ppl on this topic, would it be too much to ask for 100+ bounty hunter to not be the same for 2 and 3 days in a row.. and while your at it remove lunar bh no one wants to pay the fee . So either remove it as bh or remove the fee. congrats on the fail update too. Alot of ppl are leaving the game . please listen to what we all have to say .b:bye

    The new G16 armor molds and the essence of defense are two more reasons to do full lunar glade runs. Stop the QQ about BH lunar already and go farm your G16 nirvana.