lols at idiot

supertroyman1 Posts: 336 Arc User
edited May 2012 in Seeker
ok so i was playing today and this happend so i just had to put it somewere.

im waiting for a bh on my seeker checking squads as there forming(yes to cheap to wine it mself) then i see someone selling blood thirsty blitz. i made him a offer of 2 mil(low balling it ik but thats how u haggle) and he was like u wish. mabey for 200 mil. anything less is a joke.

im like lol 200 mil? he says yeah its the only one on the server. so i straight up told him dude were only 2 days into the expansion. the only reason more ppl dont have that yet is cuz ppl arnt used to doing advanced endless universe runs. and that no skill is ever worth 200 mil. even demon HF and sage vortex are only around 100 mil.

so i just had a good laughing session at how dumb this guy was.
Post edited by supertroyman1 on


  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Heh, 200mil...

    I'd say they are around 50 mil at best right now when we're still in the expansion rush. It'll probably drop down to below 5 mil as more people start figuring out how to do the instance...
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    hope he gets greedy and looses out b:chuckle
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