Cleric design help

MrMelvin - Heavens Tear
MrMelvin - Heavens Tear Posts: 388 Arc User
edited May 2012 in The Fanatics Forum
Hey everyone,

I'm starting a cleric and I am having a really hard time making a male one look good! Do you think you could help with some designs?

I would like him to have:
  • Earthguard eyes
  • Blonde or Brown hair
  • Blue or Green eyes
  • Tanned skin

The hairstyle doesn't bother me as much since I will probably use an in-game hairstyle to cover it. Really appreciate any and all help :)
Post edited by MrMelvin - Heavens Tear on


  • Filezia - Sanctuary
    Filezia - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    OMG Sorry I really can't make good looking male char b:cry


    scaleUp = 145
    scaleMiddle = 120
    scaleDown = 124

    idFaceShape1 = 66
    idFaceShape2 = 66
    blendFaceShape = 50

    scaleFaceH = 127
    scaleFaceV = 136
    idFaceTex = 44

    idFalingSkin = 433
    idFalingTex = 437

    offsetForeheadH = 129
    offsetForeheadV = 128
    offsetForeheadZ = 134
    rotateForehead = 128
    scaleForehead = 128

    offsetYokeBoneH = 105
    offsetYokeBoneV = 113
    offsetYokeBoneZ = 121
    rotateYokeBone = 128
    scaleYokeBone = 128

    offsetCheekH = 123
    offsetCheekV = 132
    offsetCheekZ = 118
    scaleCheek = 128

    offsetChainV = 128
    offsetChainZ = 94
    rotateChain = 128
    scaleChainH = 81

    offsetJawH = 161
    offsetJawV = 128
    offsetJawZ = 128
    scaleJawSpecial = 128
    scaleJawH = 128
    scaleJawV = 128

    idThirdEye = 0
    idEyeBaseTex = 50
    idEyeHighTex = 49
    idEyeBallTex = 1046
    idEyeShape = 74
    scaleEyeH = 152
    scaleEyeV = 188
    rotateEye = 128
    offsetEyeH = 128
    offsetEyeV = 128
    offseteyeZ = 122
    scaleEyeBall = 161
    scaleEyeH2 = 152
    scaleEyeV2 = 188
    rotateEye2 = 128
    offsetEyeH2 = 128
    offsetEyeV2 = 128
    offseteyeZ2 = 122
    scaleEyeBall2 = 161

    idBrowTex = 45
    idBrowShape = 67
    scaleBrowH = 128
    scaleBrowV = 109
    rotateBrow = 126
    offsetBrowH = 128
    offsetBrowV = 135
    offsetBrowZ = 128
    scaleBrowH2 = 128
    scaleBrowV2 = 109
    rotateBrow2 = 126
    offsetBrowH2 = 128
    offsetBrowV2 = 135
    offsetBrowZ2 = 128

    idNoseTex = 41
    idNoseTipShape = 58
    scaleNoseTipH = 102
    scaleNoseTipV = 124
    scaleNoseTipZ = 147
    offsetNoseTipV = 128
    idNoseBridgeShape = 55
    scaleBridgeTipH = 128
    offsetBridgeTipZ = 128

    idMouthUpLipLine = 80
    idMouthMidLipLine = 77
    idMouthDownLipLine = 83
    thickUpLip = 112
    thickDownLip = 118
    scaleMouthH = 98
    offsetMouthV = 115
    offsetMOuthZ = 128
    idMouthTex = 52
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 132
    scaleMouthH2 = 98
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 132

    idEarShape = 60
    scaleEar = 120
    offsetEarV = 128

    idHairModel = 193
    idHairTex = 313

    idMoustacheTex = 204
    idMoustacheSkin = 186
    idGoateeTex = 596

    colorHair = -12440019
    colorFace = -726573
    colorEye = -1450057
    colorBrow = -12768213
    colorMouth = -2188679
    colorEyeBall = -11832690
    colorMoustache = -1

    bodyID = 0
    colorBody = -726573
    headScale = 126
    upScale = 110
    waistScale = 114
    armWidth = 117
    legWidth = 121
    breastScale = 128
  • MrMelvin - Heavens Tear
    MrMelvin - Heavens Tear Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    OMG Sorry I really can't make good looking male char b:cry


    Thank you for your input! I took your design and tweaked a tad and came up with this:


    I'm still not sure on it, something feels wrong but I can't figure it out! So annoying!
  • Esnemyl - Dreamweaver
    Esnemyl - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,079 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Its a lot, imo he looks slightly high with those eyes and mouth...
    Heres my tweak list:
    -reset the mouth to before tweaking your given preset
    -close the eyes slightly and make the iris slightly smaller. Also make the eyes a darker blue.
    - either lighen the skin, or darken the hair to brown

    Hope this helps bud ;3
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<3 by Silvy
    Reborn ditzy archer with a serious oreo addiction =3

    '...cuz my IQ is just above what is required to function as a human' - tsumaru2
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Its a lot, imo he looks slightly high with those eyes and mouth...
    Heres my tweak list:
    -reset the mouth to before tweaking your given preset
    -close the eyes slightly and make the iris slightly smaller. Also make the eyes a darker blue.
    - either lighen the skin, or darken the hair to brown

    Hope this helps bud ;3

    This. I'd make his head a touch less his head and torso a touch less wide as well. But that's just me personally.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit