Encouraging Helpfulness.



  • fuzzywuzz
    fuzzywuzz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I would hope that Fuzzy isn't suggesting a forum ban on people who voice opinions contrary to what PWE wants to be published. Doing so would foster a greater level of distrust for the mods and make for more venom being published on MMORPG fan sites.

    No offence, but if you had more than a few hundred posts you would probably know already that isn't the panda's modus operandi.

    Of all the GM's and Mod who post, the panda is probably the most tolerant of the lot. Alot can slide in Fuzzy's book, but there are those who contribute nothing but malignant negativity. It is that sort whom Fuzzy personally will not tolerate. There is nothing wrong with pointing out the flaws, but that differs greatly from the type of post that offers nothing to the community as a whole.
    [SIGPIC]Need to talk to Fuzzy?[/SIGPIC]
    Sig by NowItsAwn
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited April 2012

    I would hope that Fuzzy isn't suggesting a forum ban on people who voice opinions contrary to what PWE wants to be published. Doing so would foster a greater level of distrust for the mods and make for more venom being published on MMORPG fan sites.

    There's a difference between say a opinion and post everyday to trashtalk a game they dont even play anymore.

    Some people claim they stopped play but post everyday **** on the forum.

    Some people say they just come here cause love forum but dont love the game, its like if i was spending my days in a McDonald's but say to all customers its **** and that the food is awful, people will tell me to just dont go there if i dont like it, well same for people who left the game and hate it, go away.

    People who spend their days to post in PWI forum that the game is dead should go get a life ijs.

    Tbh i think the Mods are way to much patient, there's many threads and posts that should be close or delete but still going on.

    Back on topic many people are helpful on the forum cause they like to be helpful and they do a great job. Just a exemple Asterelle's guide about Morai is really awsome and helpful, everytime i see his name on a thread i know that's gonna something helpful and as far as i know he do it for free without expect a reward for it. (sorry i say he i dunno actually if its a he or she, but in my mind he's a he xD)

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • WaffleChan - Sanctuary
    WaffleChan - Sanctuary Posts: 2,897 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    +1 Knowing that you did something genuinely good to help another person should be your own reward. Doing good for someone just to get a petty prize defeats the purpose. :/
    altruism doesnt exist. everyone is a self absorbed cash shopping scrub
    advice to fledgling archers:
    Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I was browsing the forums and noticed that there are people who continue to help others and give good advice on the forums even though they might have a bitter taste for PWE. So I started to wonder why PWE does not reward these players for their help?

    I hate to say that it is necessary to reward people for being helpful, but it seems like it has some merit to it since 9/10 times it is a player who is answering the questions on the forum instead of the GM/Mods.

    I just can't help to wonder if this would not show PWE's appreciation for their players and for those players going out of their way to answer questions and help others.

    I wonder if this would in fact encourage others to start helping out more?

    I mean even if their reason for helping was a selfish one, at least they are still being helpful and creating a pleasant enviroment.

    Idunno, what do you think?

    Speaking as a really active poster, who mostly tries to be positive and helpful all though I must admit I fail at it a lot too, I wouldn't want to see this system implemented. I enjoy using the forums and posting and helping is it's own reward. All you would get with something like that is a popularity contest. And people would argue over who is the most helpful. In addition, it would encourage those bitter people that should move on to greener pastures to continue posting negative comments to new players and discouraging them to not to play. If you don't like the game, there really isn't a reason to give incentives someone who continues to ruin it for others just because they happen to know a lot about their class and are willing to help in that regard. It also gives different values to different people works.

    Take for example the tech support helpers. How would they be given rewards over someone who mostly just helps by making signatures for a handful of people a day? Signatures aren't game breaking, but tech problems are. At the same time, tech things could be handled in a ticket. And signatures require more time invested to provide to people.

    Sorry but word of mouth is one of the most powerful forces in the business world... doesn't make a difference if its a humble diner or a mega billion dollar video game. Sure you will always have people badmouthing a product unfairly because of some personal grouse or they just happened to be in a bad mood that day. But on average if a product is being overwhelmingly dissed by those who have tried it before... well let the buyer beware. Just saying.b:bye

    And this mostly happens outside of the restaurant. Restaurants don't let people leave negative comments written on their tables and walls. And if a person hung around inside the restaurant and told every person that walked in that the food sucked, they would be thrown out. You can spread negative word of mouth by leaving bad reviews on review sites, or discouraging friends from going there. No need to harass the patrons inside the restaurant. That's really her whole point.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Lolgasmic - Raging Tide
    Lolgasmic - Raging Tide Posts: 1,315 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    to reward people for being helpful, spoils people being helpful. ultimately corruption, ppl dont do it to help, they do it for rewards.
    Barbarian 103 - 101 - 101
    Started playing on March 2010
  • Lolgasmic - Raging Tide
    Lolgasmic - Raging Tide Posts: 1,315 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »
    No offence, but if you had more than a few hundred posts you would probably know already that isn't the panda's modus operandi.

    Of all the GM's and Mod who post, the panda is probably the most tolerant of the lot. Alot can slide in Fuzzy's book, but there are those who contribute nothing but malignant negativity. It is that sort whom Fuzzy personally will not tolerate. There is nothing wrong with pointing out the flaws, but that differs greatly from the type of post that offers nothing to the community as a whole.

    Like an april fools post that ends up at the lower depths, and all you can think is: :l damn, it was a lot funnier this morning in my head b:surrender

    Barbarian 103 - 101 - 101
    Started playing on March 2010
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    seriusly you wana make the game more frendly then start by helping ppl understand this game is a MMO not a singel player game and do les sins and more barb and cleric.

    idk how long it been but ever since sin was introduced (tideborn) less and less ep and barb been made and wc is screaming for barb and ep all day for bh100.

    ooh i know those bh100 are for those same sin who then collect 99 keys and laugh at those barb and ep they so much wanted for example ws and gw and tw.

    this is not who kill 1st omg i am getting a **** from those criths this is a mmo and barb and ep are really needed and non make them and even if made non help gear them.

    ppl say ooh but then make a farming toon but then what barb will help him on his bh100 when he put his own bh100 on hold to farm for it.

    if you want to have a healty comunity you gota start in the game and make ppl understand barb are needed.

    be helpfull make un ep or barb or bouth sin NO there a ziljion sin alredy ooh and bm to
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    seriusly you wana make the game more frendly then start by helping ppl understand this game is a MMO not a singel player game and do les sins and more barb and cleric.

    idk how long it been but ever since sin was introduced (tideborn) less and less ep and barb been made and wc is screaming for barb and ep all day for bh100.

    ooh i know those bh100 are for those same sin who then collect 99 keys and laugh at those barb and ep they so much wanted for example ws and gw and tw.

    this is not who kill 1st omg i am getting a **** from those criths this is a mmo and barb and ep are really needed and non make them and even if made non help gear them.

    ppl say ooh but then make a farming toon but then what barb will help him on his bh100 when he put his own bh100 on hold to farm for it.

    if you want to have a healty comunity you gota start in the game and make ppl understand barb are needed.

    be helpfull make un ep or barb or bouth sin NO there a ziljion sin alredy ooh and bm to

    I used to have sympathy for this point of view, but since being rejected for deltas and being ignored when asking for anyone who isn't a bm/sin for various things. I've come to the conclusion that a lot of people just aren't watching world chat, and instead choose to focus on friends and guild mates. Which is fine, but then you they don't have the right to whine about not being taken on squads. Because when the opportunity to presents itself they are no where to be found. The last delta I did was with 3 sins (me included), a bm, a cleric, and a seeker. We finished quickly and just fine. If the people in this community want to fix it, they should actually take the risk of running into fails and run with the rest of the community. Every one is so clickish nowadays, and then wonders why they don't get squads when their friends aren't on. It's because they are ignoring the people that need their help and then expecting them to have sympathy when the shoe is on the other foot. Doesn't work that way. Both sides need to make concerted efforts to help each other out more and be more friendly. Friendliness is actually something that used to make this game fantastic.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    There's a difference on forum and in game, in game none will take 15 - 30 minutes to explain to a new players how do that and that, but forum is full of good people who make good guides, when people make a thread asking a serious question generally he will get is answer.

    I personnally dont have the patience to explain stuff in game to new people or to lazy people who dont want go check info by themself. I had more patience before in game but not anymore too many sellfish people (and yes i've become one of theses players in game with the time), lazy people and stupid people.

    I dont know about other servers but on HL its still full of Clerics, barbs are reroll sin cause no one take barb in nirvana, same for archer, and wizz. Even in bh all people want its sin, people want barb to help for bh and gv but when its 2x time people spit on them and dont help them, how many barb i know who just dont log anymore in 2x cause they have nothing to do all people want is nirvana and dont want barb cause no aps, how many archer i know who have now 3-4 99keys quests but no one want take them in a nirvana squad, before caster no wizz was taked in nirvy squad, so no i dont blame people for reroll sin. I dont particullary love sin but i understand its more easy to farm as sin than as other class.

    Some people hate play sins but they do it cause they cant farm from their mains cause dont find squad, i tried sin but i dont like it and since its a game to have fun i dont want play a class i dont like just to farm for a main that i dont play cause no squad.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • XTrigger - Archosaur
    XTrigger - Archosaur Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    They use to have a small form of reward for helping, I guess. A few years ago, if you referred 10 people to the game and they reached level 30, you got the then super rare black raptor. No idea why the ceased this, I've not logged in PWI in a while, is the black raptor in the CS? If so guess that's why.

    Obviously you didn't have to help them, but the person I used as a referral helped out everyone he got playing up until he quit when fish came out.
  • Sagek - Sanctuary
    Sagek - Sanctuary Posts: 1,156 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    it's interesting to see how many jump to the idea, not to reward those that have been willing to put their time and effort into helping this game. whether it be by, creating guides, designing images(fanart),signatures for players or educating people in tech support matters..
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    There's a difference on forum and in game, in game none will take 15 - 30 minutes to explain to a new players how do that and that, but forum is full of good people who make good guides, when people make a thread asking a serious question generally he will get is answer.

    I personnally dont have the patience to explain stuff in game to new people or to lazy people who dont want go check info by themself. I had more patience before in game but not anymore too many sellfish people (and yes i've become one of theses players in game with the time), lazy people and stupid people.

    I dont know about other servers but on HL its still full of Clerics, barbs are reroll sin cause no one take barb in nirvana, same for archer, and wizz. Even in bh all people want its sin, people want barb to help for bh and gv but when its 2x time people spit on them and dont help them, how many barb i know who just dont log anymore in 2x cause they have nothing to do all people want is nirvana and dont want barb cause no aps, how many archer i know who have now 3-4 99keys quests but no one want take them in a nirvana squad, before caster no wizz was taked in nirvy squad, so no i dont blame people for reroll sin. I dont particullary love sin but i understand its more easy to farm as sin than as other class.

    Some people hate play sins but they do it cause they cant farm from their mains cause dont find squad, i tried sin but i dont like it and since its a game to have fun i dont want play a class i dont like just to farm for a main that i dont play cause no squad.

    rerolling sin just create more sins and is not helpfull becouse those former barb archer you say will start to abandon there barb archer and play more sin and it becomes sin sin sin.

    ooh well i tho giving some advice to make server more frendly but i gues ppl are selfish and that is all.

    as for myself i prefer most time be bored alone in lost city then help in bh100 becouse i hate to run sin sin sin bh100 and i know many of them might have been a barb who just abondon his call for a fish and yes i am a fish hater we have to many.
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    There's a difference on forum and in game, in game none will take 15 - 30 minutes to explain to a new players how do that and that, but forum is full of good people who make good guides, when people make a thread asking a serious question generally he will get is answer.

    I always do when it's someone asking nicely. Hell, I've even explained how to do EU while escorting on my cleric. b:surrender

    And ty Venus. You perfectly summed up what my tired brain wanted to say there. xD

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • ImNotFeelnIt - Heavens Tear
    ImNotFeelnIt - Heavens Tear Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    So? If I don't like something that I'm not forced to, I move on.

    Or do you want someone to **** in your favorite restaurant about how the food sucks? Nope, he wouldn't stay for long. No serious business allows that kind of people to stay. They just ruin the atmosphere for everyone else.

    25% of the posts on this forum are from people who don't play the game at all anymore, and another 30% only sign on for TW. Why wouldn't they be abusive to everyone they see - it's a national pastime here.