any Gm's around willing to do their job?

wrathloki Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2012 in Support Desk
I've been trying to get ahold of a GM for about 2 weeks... with no avail. I have been Polite... and even Raged at them, trying to aquire at the very least... SOME RESPONSE. I quit playing this game 3 years ago for a similar issue.... over the last week I've had NUMEROUS problems... and now another. With the fact that PWI has become VERY good at ripping people off (R9 costs about $1,500 USD) you would think they could afford to hire some GM's who were willing to DO THEIR JOBS. but apparently not. If any Gm's see this... and you're one who actually gives a **** about your' players... maybe you could get ahold of me and help me out. I've brought about 50+ active players to this game over the years... and I know atleast 1/2 of them have spent real money on this game... including me... if I have to quit again I'm gunna really rage. help a brother out maybe? let me know.
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  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited April 2012
    Not a GM, but if your issue is technical, I may be able to help.
    As for not getting a response, I hear your pain. Last serious ticket I had open went unresolved for 41 days. The only reason someone finally did look at it was because I totally spammed the hell out of the forums yelling at them to wake up and act.
    It's pretty sad when you have to get yourself banned in a fashion like that just to get frankies attention so that something will happen.
  • wrathloki
    wrathloki Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I beat the cube. In room 50... got my puzzle cube back... the quest dissapeared... and it failed to teleport me back to room 1... or give me my 500k exp, or my box... or any other rewards. EPIC CUBE FAIL. And yes... I'll eventually get myself banned, I'm sure, because it's just downright ignorant for these morons not to care for their players. That and I have a really big freakin mouth. I sent a ticket to the gm's telling them to @#$! off and that they owed me 500k and box. Not like it will matter... they will never read the damn thing. I tried to force log, and tons of other things. I have 12 open quests slots, and atleast 10 inventory spots... the quest just completely failed. my mom told me just to teleport back out (she's one of the players I brought here 3 yrs ago, now she's a lvl 102) but I don't want too, because it's bull****. I did the cube, and they owe me my experience and my damn box. eventually someone who invests a bunch of money is gunna get screwed, and they're gunna get SUED. And then I will laugh my *** off @ them. So unless u can award me 500k exp, a cube of fate box .... not a lot u can do. thnx tho b:victory b:shutup b:angry
  • darkdreams2012
    darkdreams2012 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Well I quit playing Cube long time ago, for several reasons, the most was when I start was too low level so was hard to me to fight the boss on one the beggining rooms but because for 2x happens to me arrive to room 50 and dont have reward.

    And was not only to me that this situation happens. I saw many times people complain in faction and world chats about it. Tought was me that had pass over something to do, since was 1st time player, and couldnt get my reward.

    And about GM's, i play for some time and NEVER see a GM online to help people in Achosaur Server, that I play.

    In private servers I see the GM's all the time on, helping people, reppply their call and basically and above all, the send them to the right place to get help. Is this that the players want to see, support, to know they are been listen to their problems and issues, and if it was not the good friendships that I made here I already had quit completely to Perfect World Europe or Blue-dragon servers.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited April 2012
    Yes, sadly that is only going to be fixed by the support team working on the ticket. They typically take about 5-7 business days to get to a ticket lately, and if you open a new ticket, or update the one you have, it can send it right back to the bottom of the pile. If it's been longer than 7 business days, (remember, these guys don't work weekends or nights), I would PM one of the GM's here on the forum and ask them to look at it. (Don't PM moderators, just GM's, there is a difference)
  • wrathloki
    wrathloki Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Yes, sadly that is only going to be fixed by the support team working on the ticket. They typically take about 5-7 business days to get to a ticket lately, and if you open a new ticket, or update the one you have, it can send it right back to the bottom of the pile. If it's been longer than 7 business days, (remember, these guys don't work weekends or nights), I would PM one of the GM's here on the forum and ask them to look at it. (Don't PM moderators, just GM's, there is a difference)

    This forum post has been open for like... weeks now... and still no effective response. I think GM's are just lazy. Don't work nights... or weekends... hrmmmmm the busiest times of the game... the game might be FREE2PLAY... but the fact that people spends MILLIONS of dollars on the game... u'd think they could afford to PAY a couple gm's... atleast just ONE per server... to work the odd hours... but nah... perfect world is a bunch of cheap-corner cutters. Makes me wonder a few things... of which i won't speak here... I'd prolly get banned :)
  • wrathloki
    wrathloki Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Well I quit playing Cube long time ago, for several reasons, the most was when I start was too low level so was hard to me to fight the boss on one the beggining rooms but because for 2x happens to me arrive to room 50 and dont have reward.

    And was not only to me that this situation happens. I saw many times people complain in faction and world chats about it. Tought was me that had pass over something to do, since was 1st time player, and couldnt get my reward.

    And about GM's, i play for some time and NEVER see a GM online to help people in Achosaur Server, that I play.

    In private servers I see the GM's all the time on, helping people, reppply their call and basically and above all, the send them to the right place to get help. Is this that the players want to see, support, to know they are been listen to their problems and issues, and if it was not the good friendships that I made here I already had quit completely to Perfect World Europe or Blue-dragon servers.

    yes.... Gm's are LAME!!!!! and mostly the cube has been fixed.... MOSTLY... but it still has quite a few glitches. such as if u get stunned... in a pk room... after clicking ur thrown-die to move ahead.... then get pk'd and go back to room 1... you lose ur cube/die.... and lose the quest for the day. LAME!!! :(
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited May 2012
    wrathloki wrote: »
    yes.... Gm's are LAME!!!!! and mostly the cube has been fixed.... MOSTLY... but it still has quite a few glitches. such as if u get stunned... in a pk room... after clicking ur thrown-die to move ahead.... then get pk'd and go back to room 1... you lose ur cube/die.... and lose the quest for the day. LAME!!! :(

    Actually, you usually will still have a quest in your log when this happens and if you trash it then you will be able to start again.

    On another note, GM's don't respond on the forums much because they are extremely busy working on support tickets.
    These forums are for players like myself to support and help other players. Not for you to get a response from a GM on an issue that should be handled through the support ticketing system.
  • wrathloki
    wrathloki Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Actually, you usually will still have a quest in your log when this happens and if you trash it then you will be able to start again.

    On another note, GM's don't respond on the forums much because they are extremely busy working on support tickets.
    These forums are for players like myself to support and help other players. Not for you to get a response from a GM on an issue that should be handled through the support ticketing system.

    true enough usually... but in the case I was walking about, the quest dissapeared as well. Sucks, but it does happen. :P This is old news to me really. Honestly this was more of a rage/flame