need tips on soloing phionex valley 95+

supertroyman1 Posts: 336 Arc User
edited March 2012 in Seeker
my seekers 98 right now and lvling has obviously gotten slow
im fairly well geared with rank 90 chest and pants and hh 90 wrists boots. cape of tauren and sky pearl necklace. im also useing the new pve 95 sword. even when fully buffed with barb ep bp and my own buffs i cant seem to solo this cave and get good exp wich is what id prefer to do over frost. does anyone have any CHEAP tips on something i can do to solo it easier?
Post edited by supertroyman1 on


  • Ambisagrus - Lost City
    Ambisagrus - Lost City Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Do smaller pulls?

    Make sure you can actually kill a single mob in there by pulling it and doing a dmg test....

    Going for on sin:

    Currently saved: 0

    Total cost: 5 bil

    My time: Lulz.
  • Sympathi - Archosaur
    Sympathi - Archosaur Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    For a general overview on soloing PV see my guide here, there's a section for FC & PV solo pulling and tips can be taken from there plus a video.

    Now it depends on what your trying to achieve exactly, if its to just solo PV or to include it in a typical level up maximize hyper time solo PV style. Usually i solo them in 3 pulls (as my video shows) using two activations a run but i think it can easily be worth it doing it in 4 pulls and 3 activations too.

    The best advice on PV in general is:

    - Get Sage Unfetter (assuming your sage) this helps SO much, combo it with Holy Path and you can easily pull alot without wasting apoc.

    - Use either Guild Base physical defense marrow apoc, or Dew Star of Protection apoc.

    - ALWAYS be fully buffed, it takes about 5 mins running around south arch pming people for buffs and its a must have.

    - Only lure up to a point you have no more speed boosting skills to use; for example i typically run to the corner, unfetter + HP past all the stunners then HP again up a hill before BA, Vortexing and begin spamming them HP pots.

    - If you want to do a solo hyper time saving EXP run, i suggest shadow binder apoc for speed and anti stun and saving your genie for expelling when the main bunch catch up. This method can easily keep you alive in PV.

    TIP: Your limited to 15 mins to enter a PV however the amount of times you can actually activate the quest is unlimited. For example if you enter with someone else as party lead, have them take the quest then clear the instance in, for example, 10 mins. Once you port out u can dismiss the squad and reenter and you can activate the instance again. You can easily do 2 runs aday and i might try speed run for a 3rd soon to see if its possible.
    :: :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos
  • Nniotora - Lost City
    Nniotora - Lost City Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    For a general overview on soloing PV see my guide here, there's a section for FC & PV solo pulling and tips can be taken from there plus a video.

    Now it depends on what your trying to achieve exactly, if its to just solo PV or to include it in a typical level up maximize hyper time solo PV style. Usually i solo them in 3 pulls (as my video shows) using two activations a run but i think it can easily be worth it doing it in 4 pulls and 3 activations too.

    The best advice on PV in general is:

    - Get Sage Unfetter (assuming your sage) this helps SO much, combo it with Holy Path and you can easily pull alot without wasting apoc.

    - Use either Guild Base physical defense marrow apoc, or Dew Star of Protection apoc.

    - ALWAYS be fully buffed, it takes about 5 mins running around south arch pming people for buffs and its a must have.

    - Only lure up to a point you have no more speed boosting skills to use; for example i typically run to the corner, unfetter + HP past all the stunners then HP again up a hill before BA, Vortexing and begin spamming them HP pots.

    - If you want to do a solo hyper time saving EXP run, i suggest shadow binder apoc for speed and anti stun and saving your genie for expelling when the main bunch catch up. This method can easily keep you alive in PV.

    TIP: Your limited to 15 mins to enter a PV however the amount of times you can actually activate the quest is unlimited. For example if you enter with someone else as party lead, have them take the quest then clear the instance in, for example, 10 mins. Once you port out u can dismiss the squad and reenter and you can activate the instance again. You can easily do 2 runs aday and i might try speed run for a 3rd soon to see if its possible.

    this +1 i do about 3-5 runs in 15min get 0.3% a run so its worth it. Shadow binder is the best pot to use either if you want to expel or like me just cloud eruption so you can pull the next group faster
    100% F2P legit 105 since starting this game. Full rank9 jaded +12 seeker. gona hate cuz they cant play a game
  • supertroyman1
    supertroyman1 Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    all good tips but even with my gear the dmg seems to stack up to fast and i die. even with the smaller pulls. i do have sage unfetter although i cant learn it till i lvl again. and as to the first comment, duh of course i vortex and can kill a single mob. how else would i try to solo this.
  • Sympathi - Archosaur
    Sympathi - Archosaur Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    all good tips but even with my gear the dmg seems to stack up to fast and i die. even with the smaller pulls. i do have sage unfetter although i cant learn it till i lvl again. and as to the first comment, duh of course i vortex and can kill a single mob. how else would i try to solo this.

    Its down to your weapon really, when pulling even in 4 set pulls the damage from them is enough to kill me and im full R9 fully buffed. Just make sure you stay ahead of the main bulk and soon as your out of speed boosting skills / apoc use your Blade Affinity and then Vortex.

    What helps alot is if you use Unfetter then shadow binding powders for speed and anti- stun and as soon as thats up Blade Affinity Vortex and wait like 2 seconds for the main bulk to get close, then expel yourself.

    But yea its down to your weapon being decent enough (TT90 Gold +7, Lunar 95 Duals +6, Rank 8 +5 or higher i would recommend)
    :: :: Seeker PvP, PvE and TW Videos
  • supertroyman1
    supertroyman1 Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Its down to your weapon really, when pulling even in 4 set pulls the damage from them is enough to kill me and im full R9 fully buffed. Just make sure you stay ahead of the main bulk and soon as your out of speed boosting skills / apoc use your Blade Affinity and then Vortex.

    What helps alot is if you use Unfetter then shadow binding powders for speed and anti- stun and as soon as thats up Blade Affinity Vortex and wait like 2 seconds for the main bulk to get close, then expel yourself.

    But yea its down to your weapon being decent enough (TT90 Gold +7, Lunar 95 Duals +6, Rank 8 +5 or higher i would recommend)

    hm guess ill just have to wait till 100 so i can farm rep i guess. since im dealing with pve 95 +2 but yeah the amount i had to pull to stay alive would have made it 10 pulls a run. and thats IF i survived. well looks like its back to frost for now. ty guys for all the advice.
  • supertroyman1
    supertroyman1 Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    wow nvm i can solo it after all. turns out the only thing i needed to do it was expel. wasnt able to run through hole thing though cuz i ran out of hyper activations(got a few free big rooms erlier) but still got like 11% easy. thnx guys now ima go pwn some mobs.