Caster's for Caster Nirvana just as greedy



  • PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver
    PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,507 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    all i care about is that those casters allow me to get a decent profit from the talisman even if i dont have enough time to do a run that day... and if one day i have more time I could buy a talisman to do the run for around the same price.
    you only purge once #yopo
  • TheDendra - Harshlands
    TheDendra - Harshlands Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Jesus, human stup**ity really is seemingly endless, how are we greedy?

    On 2x drops I pay 1canny for an opener. That person makes 350k instead of 50k or so for the same talisman.

    If a person has crappy gear and can't do casters = why not help him make money by giving him 1canny?

    If a person is lazy to do casters = why not give him 1canny?

    If a person hates to do casters/prefers doing normal runs on alt sin = why not give him 1canny?

    It's their choice to open for us, nobody is forcing them and BOTH SIDES PROFIT from it, so seriously, take a hike and go undermine somebody else, we casters have enough pain dealing with devs crippling us, we don't need random noobs trying to act funny and witty.
  • PheosNyx - Sanctuary
    PheosNyx - Sanctuary Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    o__o why are we beating a dead horse? How do you know they're going to solo? They could be trying to get it open so they can take some casters who already used their talis for the day. I've never seen this happen on sanctuary server. Also, if they are soloing why are you spazzin? Melee do this all the time and more quickly as well.
    Ling__Tong 101 bm ~ PheosNyx 103 wiz ~ Arande 100 HArcher ~ xXxKuro 100 barb ~ AnselTyme 101 cleric ~ lukeFONfabre 96 seeker ~ Tori_Anzu 90 mystic ~ KateiiHimura 95 veno ~ Artemaeus 58 psy. Playing since April 2009.
  • LividLemur - Dreamweaver
    LividLemur - Dreamweaver Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    That was my wc you are pasting there.

    Well lets do the math --
    for mats, u might get 50K worth of UBS (5 of em) or 50K worth of mirages (5 of em)
    + 200K for the key

    I did two runs yesterday w/5 openers - 4 of which i paid. thus 1m per run. First run no raps, second run 1 rap, and a total of 11 uncs between the two runs. Subtract the cost for 15 or so teles, base buff coin, approx 300K mana off the spirit charm and a hair from the hp charm, 20-50 pots of both types, repair costs, and the 20 or so minutes it took to fill the squad before running each instance... and i probably netted 700K profit total for 90-odd minutes of greed. That's tall **** cash and lemme tell ya, im livin large in the land of non-2x

    Sometimes the boss will drop 3 raps, which is the only reason to bother doing it. If the issue is this precious "key", then why do so many people have multiple chars over 100 with which to have at least one of them open nirv for the odd 150K here and there? I pay the most for caster nirv openers during 2x and during non.

    I dont have an APS toon, having just started when the EG expansion came out. Playing a sin looks about as much fun as performing dentristry on a wounded wolverine. Im trying to r9 my seeker and doing caster is the closest thing i have to "farming". With the wealth of caster nirvana raining down on these lands during non-2x, its gonna take me another 8-9 months to get the weap and 3 other pieces left. Which is fine.

    So what's your problem
  • Kali - Raging Tide
    Kali - Raging Tide Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I think its pretty evident that this person is actually a caster. They are willing to pay someone 250k for their talisman to open caster nirvana. We aren't saying aps people don't do the same thing, but that isn't what this thread is about. The thread is about casters being JUST AS GREEDY. Its clear they aren't asking others to HELP THEM, they are asking others to HELP THEM OPEN, and then LEAVE!

    Who are YOU to decide they cant? b:chuckle
    Stop caring about others and focus on yourself.
  • YingFei - Dreamweaver
    YingFei - Dreamweaver Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    People are greedy. The world is unfair. Deal with it.

    You know what, I never complained about aps guys needing openers. They worked for their gear, they deserve to do whatever they want to do, and no way in hell I'm gonna tell them how to form their squad.
    You expect casters to be nicer? Why? After all, that was the same stratification - aps/non-aps. Ever seen the deprived ppl being niceR after all the stuff happened? O.o
    Ok, its takes more effort to gear up a caster, ok, I got me some mediocre gear just enough to do well in caster - now, why risking my profit? When I'm (or whoever, lol) all shiny-geared up - why doI have to do charity runs for "poor tt90+1 wizzies"? This is Sparta, this is natural selection. If I know that me and my squad can do a caster with 4-5 ppl - why would we need another person? Some omg-person with tt80 and OHT wep - I'm not lying, thats the ppl you get from worldchat. Well, sorry, I'm not running with 3k hp, the last boss is merciless. I worked on my stuff when nobody wanted me on runs - why cant they do the same thing? I swear, i even refused "charity runs" - when faction aps people would take couple poor casters with them to shake their funny magic swords/balls/whateverthe...theyhave O_O
    I want time/money ratio to be worthy in nirvana. If it's not profitable - I'm not doing this. I'll take any ppl from faction if they are actually doing stuff in nirvana - not just macriong the boss and tabbing out - know one girl like that, won't take her anywhere.

    Why people always expect that someone will come and give them their cannies on a shiny golden plate? If I can do stuff by myself - I'll do it, and I have the rights to do so, and no poor psy with fc sphere can stop me.

    No, I don't have an aps char. Never will. No, I don't open for aps ppl. Never will. No, I'm not r9, I don't look for openers cause I'm lazy... etc. And tbh, I couldnt' care less about all the QQers that can't get their stuff together and gear up. No matter what, all the reasons are excuses. Excuses suck.

    /grabs a popcorn bag, waits for drama.
    Demons run when a good man goes to war.
  • LividLemur - Dreamweaver
    LividLemur - Dreamweaver Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I talked to the guy and called me a troll.

    I called you that because, in the last few months of running short-handed or solo casters, you were the first one to pm me to somehow claim that 250K for an opener wasn't worth it for the opener during a non-2x

    Answer this then.. when your seeker turns 100 and you start collecting 3 keys a day, and you manage to do a BH or 2 for a talisman or two, would you rather:

    a) turn in the talisman to the Old Man and get 50K worth of UBS or mirages
    b) open a casters for 250K (400K during 2x) while waiting for lucigold or w/e
    c) turn in the talis for 50K worth of mats to sell AND either open a squad for a regular APS for 150K (or 200K during 2x) or run 3 nirvanas on your seeker

    Fact is you will have more keys than you will know what to do with and opening a casters here and there on your seeker actually profits YOU. GL using all of your keys on your seeker without using some to open
  • Belzeber - Raging Tide
    Belzeber - Raging Tide Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    So basically, you want the pot to stop calling the kettle black. Let's be honest here, we all want/need money for some reason. What's the big effin' whoop is people CAN do and WILL do certain things to make it faster? Doesn't bother me one bit and it shouldn't to you.'re concerned with what people have in their pockets or what they are capable of doing. In that case, stop being jelly. b:bye
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  • Hexalot - Dreamweaver
    Hexalot - Dreamweaver Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    That was my wc you are pasting there.

    Well lets do the math --
    for mats, u might get 50K worth of UBS (5 of em) or 50K worth of mirages (5 of em)
    + 200K for the key

    I did two runs yesterday w/5 openers - 4 of which i paid. thus 1m per run. First run no raps, second run 1 rap, and a total of 11 uncs between the two runs. Subtract the cost for 15 or so teles, base buff coin, approx 300K mana off the spirit charm and a hair from the hp charm, 20-50 pots of both types, repair costs, and the 20 or so minutes it took to fill the squad before running each instance... and i probably netted 700K profit total for 90-odd minutes of greed. That's tall **** cash and lemme tell ya, im livin large in the land of non-2x

    Sometimes the boss will drop 3 raps, which is the only reason to bother doing it. If the issue is this precious "key", then why do so many people have multiple chars over 100 with which to have at least one of them open nirv for the odd 150K here and there? I pay the most for caster nirv openers during 2x and during non.

    I dont have an APS toon, having just started when the EG expansion came out. Playing a sin looks about as much fun as performing dentristry on a wounded wolverine. Im trying to r9 my seeker and doing caster is the closest thing i have to "farming". With the wealth of caster nirvana raining down on these lands during non-2x, its gonna take me another 8-9 months to get the weap and 3 other pieces left. Which is fine.

    So what's your problem

    Pro-tip... during non x2, do Delta instead. Even with the added repairs and mana costs you'll incur... you'll still net way more than the 700K you got during 90 mins of Casta Vana.
  • Svaarog - Sanctuary
    Svaarog - Sanctuary Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Soloing instance isn't greedy, you'd do it too if you could, but anyway..

    ..I got full time job, i prefer to do my morai quests and cube daily, base quests maybe, BH if i feel like it, all together thats a lot of time, in the end i usually exchange my talis anyway, taking 250k instead sure would be nice - pm me anytime you need an opener for 200k b:sin

    However, I do agree asking for r8 +10 is ridiculous, from my experience high refines does not even mean faster runs as some idiots manage to die 50 times even with top gear. I'm sure every time you see my name in wc asking for ppl for caster EVERY time i added - I do not care for your weapon - and I will never ever ask you for weapon, same as every time when ppl asked me to link them my weapon i refused and simply find different squad. Funnily, most of the times they ask me to link weapon it turns out their weapon or rest of the gear is some ****.

    So, I guess excluding ppl simply for their gear is greedy, but, its in human nature, no point to stress about it, one won't change a world.
    Viking Pride b:cute
  • maocchi
    maocchi Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I like how all the casters become super sensitive when the word "greed" associates with them.
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    OMFG! Casters need to be shackled! Those greedy F***** are rap*** the profits from the APS crowd by using yet another trick to bypass the fixed glitch and runing illegitimate NV runs. Even though the APS crowd can run NV in 5 minutes all day long as long as they have keys or have someone with keys open NV for them IT"S STILL NOT FAIR THAT THOSE GREEDY CASTERS CAN USE OTHER PEOPLE"S TALIS TO OPEN AN UNFAIR GREEDY PERMA-2X DROP RUNS IN 20 MINUTES OR MORE! b:cry



    We must nerf those greedy casters once and for all time! Only the APS crowd has a right to ra** NV for profit. Damned casters are gonna crash the market! Keeeeeeeeel them all!!! Nerf!!! UNfair!!! PWI Hates APS toons!!! b:cry
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • PumpingIron - Dreamweaver
    PumpingIron - Dreamweaver Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited March 2012
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Why so defensive, casters?
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Monkeytoes - Sanctuary
    Monkeytoes - Sanctuary Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    lol....they get called greedy for trying to maximize the whopping 3 runs a day that they can do?
    how many of you aps people save and stack your keys to use them all during 2x? i know i do on my aps char.
    talismans are unstackable and TIMED, so the only way a caster could do more than those 3 runs on a 2x day is to not turn in BHs, assuming you are getting different ones. seeing as we've had metal-delta-metal-delta-metal all of this week, that wouldn't work out so well.
    i have a feeling that very few of you that QQ about the casters would even take any caster other than a cleric on a normal run. its because of people like you that they even put in caster vana to begin with, so pat yourselves on the back and QQ moar somewhere else.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Actually few people have the time to spam hundreds of keys during they save up for 99 key, which is pretty much as good as a caster NV and even more limited in the number of runs they are able to do.

    It's because of APS people that your crystals even sell. There is no greater incentive for NV gear these days than APS, and even that demand is decreasing due to R8 recast.

    This thread really shouldn't have gotten as long as it has. People are greedy in general, it's stupid to put that label on one group and not on another.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Monkeytoes - Sanctuary
    Monkeytoes - Sanctuary Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    oh silly me, i didnt realize that all the caster nirvana gear i see actually belonged to aps toons.
    i can do either run as i have both aps and caster toons, and i much prefer caster as i've found there to be far fewer gear snobs and the runs aren't all OMGFACEROLL...
    humans ARE greedy by nature, so you will see greed in both, but everyone needs to remember that caster only exists because of the aps snobbery, so seeing them cry now that they dont get to monopolize the market makes me lol b:bye
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I would say most of the caster NV gear was from before rank was cheap. Where do you think raps are going these days? To 1st cast bows and magic weapons?

    It's common knowledge that NV runs don't really need more than 3 top DDs to be efficient. The fact that I get into NV squads entirely disproves your claim about "APS snobbery" because my claws are not even highly refined.

    I've been on NV squads with very well-known players in all of the big factions, and some of the DDs in their squad had +3 stuff and were far from permaspark. All you need is a few top DDs and the rest can be anything. What grade of gear do you need to plant debuffs or use genie skills?

    I don't think they would have given a damn if the rest of the squad was filled with casters or sheep. It's just WC squads that are terribly picky and that's all you see.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I still wonder... if there was a possibilty to do 99 key runs in caster, how much would all the aps people QQ? lol No more easy profit from casters that they usually wouldn't take.

    And meh. Noone's paying for vana openers on my server. Even if, why not? Seems like they're offering a fair price.

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Dariboo - Lost City
    Dariboo - Lost City Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I haven't seen this once on world chat b:surrender maybe i'm just not paying enough attention.
    Filling the forums with idiocy since 2/2/2012 b:pleased

    Main - lvl 101 R8 Mystic - Dariboo

    Inactive on PWI. I still play PW, just...elsewhere
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Another "I'm under equipped/ skilled and no one will let me mooch off them" thread. b:surprised

    Greed is demanding something YOU haven't earned. If you're not 4.0+: don't expect to get into a 4.0+ squad! If you're +5: quit expecting +10 squads to carry you.

    Just as beggars in the streets get more than they should: mooch bags in this game already get more than they should.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • lordhanzo
    lordhanzo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    tweakz wrote: »
    Greed is demanding something YOU haven't earned. If you're not 4.0+: don't expect too much to get into a 4.0+ squad! If you're +5: quit expecting too much +10 squads to carry you.

    as harsh as it sounds, I find statement above true.. with a little add-on..
    I'm on Heavens Tear!
  • Castgurl - Raging Tide
    Castgurl - Raging Tide Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Proof caster nirvana is just as greedy as aps nirvana. Untitled-4.png

    So all you caster's who say that you need a full squad of high refined characters obviously are fibbing.


    LmFao at that one. Seriously, does it even matter? b:laugh
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] - Beast Domes comic soon to be under contract.
    People that act tough in this game are the lowest people irl...
    2nd RB Veno 103/TooLazy/TooLazy (I will update.)
    2nd RB Sage Barb - Lrugtasc (Active)
    Youtube/Castgurl - PWI
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    If you flame me or disrespect me I will BL you. No questions asked. b:kiss
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I define 'greed' as one person's extreme jealousy of another's ability to earn more wealth because of hard work, higher standards, and better decision making skills than that one.

    So in essence when I see one person accusing another of being greedy in this game what I really see is a lazy jealous loser f*** mad because they made poor choices, suck at their game, and has low standards yet believes they have a right to get the same amount of **** others who work hard and play well get but fails to do so because of their obvious incompetance.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • LividLemur - Dreamweaver
    LividLemur - Dreamweaver Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Pro-tip... during non x2, do Delta instead. Even with the added repairs and mana costs you'll incur... you'll still net way more than the 700K you got during 90 mins of Casta Vana.

    yea not a bad idea, espesh with OBPs going for like 800K-1m atm (wtf). Sometimes vana will drop 2-4 raps though, making it worthwhile
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I define 'greed' as one person's extreme jealousy of another's ability to earn more wealth because of the hard work, higher standards, and better decision making skills than that one.

    So in essence when I see one person accusing another of being greedy in this game what I really see is a lazy jealous loser f*** mad because they made poor choices, suck at their game, and has low standards yets believes they have a right to get the same amount of **** others who work hard and play well get but fails to do so because of their obvious incompetance.

    ^ Nailed it.

    You guys know what doesn't discriminate in any way? Your consignment shop option. You have just as much opportunity to make money with that as a naked level 1 as does a 5aps/r9 +12.
  • breeeezy87
    breeeezy87 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    ^ Nailed it.

    You guys know what doesn't discriminate in any way? Your consignment shop option. You have just as much opportunity to make money with that as a naked level 1 as does a 5aps/r9 +12.

    Exactly, i made nearly 2b coins on my lvl 1 char before i even started to lvl up a main, that's my idea of farming, patience and learning. Also being a seeker I only get 1 talisman for doing bh, none from old man. Prior to the catshop glitch fix i always went to casters with 6 person squads. Now only being able to do 1 run per bh i much rather just pay openers and duo it with my wife. With a squad of only my wife and I our runs average 20mins each. Yet when we join a 6 person squad with rest being r8+10 + cleric the runs average about 14mins. 6 less mins for a 1/3 share of drops + splitting time.. some bankers are completely incompetent. It's not greed it's efficiency and this is what seperates people who get things done and accomplish their goals from those who sit around and QQ.
  • maocchi
    maocchi Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I define 'greed' as one person's extreme jealousy of another's ability to earn more wealth because of the hard work, higher standards, and better decision making skills than that one.

    So in essence when I see one person accusing another of being greedy in this game what I really see is a lazy jealous loser f*** mad because they made poor choices, suck at their game, and has low standards yets believes they have a right to get the same amount of **** others who work hard and play well get but fails to do so because of their obvious incompetance.

    Guess that describes the large percentage of casters hating on 5 aps. b:victory
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    maocchi wrote: »
    Guess that describes the large percentage of casters hating on 5 aps. b:victory

    No. It was referring to the large number of non-caster APS freaks creating the endless QQ threads about the casters glitching before it was fixed. DUH! Now a few are starting to rage about casters offering a little coin for non-casters to open NV and leave to be replaced by a caster without a tali. And now we have this stupid thread. Go figure.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn