HT Political Thread



  • Crazydan - Heavens Tear
    Crazydan - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,178 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Depending how you look at it, it's can be true, because the Republican candidates are not pleasing at all this year, for the Republicans. They tried getting other people to run, but it didn't simply turn out like they wanted. This election is really a big mess, so many reports of vote fraud happening in the primary and caucus events. Most wouldn't mind another Obama term, however he has passed some stupid ****, like the NDAA laws...which only makes this election discouraging.

    However, aside Obama, a lot of young people want Ron Paul to win. If you browse Youtube, you sometimes come across a random comment saying "Ron Paul 2012" or something like that, but even then, he's is not winning, unless you believe the conspiracies ppl are making about the system, which is always up to you for personal interpretation.

    Ron Paul is quite honest for someone in politics but his ideas just wont work in todays world it counts on people not abusing the system and sadly only takes a few bad apples to completely f up the system.

    Yeah i was hoping that having a Dem in the white house they would try to limit the power of the executive branch to pre Bush era but i guess once power is in a place its hard to give it up. Shockingly his Foreign policy is a lot better then i expected it to be now if only the Dem and GOP could come to grips with the fact that they are not always right and compromise isnt such a bad word. I feel bad for John Boehner he was really trying to get the problems fixed with Obama then realized the Tea party didnt know the meaning of compromise.

    Heres hoping for a Democrat Senate White House and GOP House come the end of election season this year balance is the way to run the Govt.
  • momentosayss
    momentosayss Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    ^Said by the guy who spammed most of the HT threads with absurd postsb:shutup

    well...excuse me...I guess 300+ milion people trully is a small number compared to China (2 bil 8k GDP) . Hmmmm....let me check the population rate of Switzerland (7,9 mil people 43k GDP per capita), France(65 mil 35k GDP per capita), Germany (81 mil 37k GDP), Luxembourg (500k people...GDP 83k per capita), Norway (4.9 mil 53k GDP). BTW the GDP of the United States is 48k American Dollars (all GDPs are presented in dollars). Considering the population/GDP rate YOU should be doing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than Norway, or France, or Germany...but you're not...answer?
    If the numbers don't agree with the facts, it's usually a symptom of bad managemnet.

    Oh also, I know personally 5 politicians in my country (I'm not from the US btw...whatever made you think that? My post never pointed at a particular country), so I know how they worked and what they did, and some of my thread comes from that knowledge, because I do not agree with their way of "pragmatic service of a country".

    Oh, but I'm stupid and don't know anything of the world...I've lived and experienced the political life of 3 countries so far...but sure...go tell yourself I'm dumbb:bye

    Man, you don't understand finance. Any country with the ability to loan money should loan money. You get as much money as you can and then you wait for your currency to inflate to pay it back. That way you pay less than what you borrowed.

    Just because you lived in three different countries doesn't give you credibility. Because if you are from another country then you are just gonna help pay our debt. Because if we go down we are dragging the rest of the world down with us. How do you like that? HAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAH
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited March 2012

    Heres hoping for a Democrat Senate White House and GOP House come the end of election season this year balance is the way to run the Govt.

    its working great so far b:embarrass

    its a false conflict, they are so close on so many things, and just differ on minor points that neither side really cares about to make drama, because stupid people love watching drama, and it lets them pick sides and wear buttons and wave flags, and call the other side names, while both teams are marching steadily into the abyss.

    do you really think republicans decided they want to launch forced invasive ultrasound for women seeking abortions because its something necessary or important to move the country in the right direction? or are they doing it collectively in many states all at once to create a mass conflict for people to chose sides.

    do you really think forcing religiously funded organizations to pay for contraception (either directly or indirectly) was done for any great need? or to incite indignation from the opposing side that has confederated with the religious right.

    politics is a smoke screen to keep the wealthy power brokers in position to keep pushing the pawns around while the masses watch an orchestrated grudge match.
  • Crazydan - Heavens Tear
    Crazydan - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,178 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    its working great so far b:embarrass

    its a false conflict, they are so close on so many things, and just differ on minor points that neither side really cares about to make drama, because stupid people love watching drama, and it lets them pick sides and wear buttons and wave flags, and call the other side names, while both teams are marching steadily into the abyss.

    do you really think republicans decided they want to launch forced invasive ultrasound for women seeking abortions because its something necessary or important to move the country in the right direction? or are they doing it collectively in many states all at once to create a mass conflict for people to chose sides.

    do you really think forcing religiously funded organizations to pay for contraception (either directly or indirectly) was done for any great need? or to incite indignation from the opposing side that has confederated with the religious right.

    politics is a smoke screen to keep the wealthy power brokers in position to keep pushing the pawns around while the masses watch an orchestrated grudge match.

    Need a minor majority in each house and senate the huge lead the GOP has in the House is what sucks because about 1/3 if not more are tea party members which will never vote with democrats on anything real. If you split the senate and house 55%/45% i think a lot more would be able to get done cause you could find those few that would be willing to cross the aisle. ATM you need far too many to cross to get things done.

    On the state level i think a lot of the people believe in the laws they are trying to pass which is extremely sad. On the Federal level nothing can get done without a ton of crying because the far left and right cry if something isnt done the exact way they want which leaves nothing being done and those corrupt with power stay in power. Its not who has good ideas or not its they are wrong and forever will be wrong i am i right.