Tu Suc Toxin- Good Litmus Test of Playerbase?



  • Asthariel - Dreamweaver
    Asthariel - Dreamweaver Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Endless Universe can only be opened once a day, so if you do it before getting your BH, you would be screwed til next day. The instance dont appear to have any real practical use to it, other than the order influence and prestige. And if thats why youre doing the instance, then youre gonna do it wether its BH or not.

    First, Endless Universe doesn't give any influence or prestige. It gives G13 gears/weps/mirages/OBP or a decent chunk of exp.
    The thing is, the more ppl do this instance everyday, the fastest they will get what they wanted in here and stop doing the instance at all. (Personally, I've been doing it every single day since the expansion, and on several chars, and once I'm done getting the gears I wanted, I won't go in here alot anymore). Thus, in a few monthes, the instance may become dead. Having a BH in here would actually keep it in use.
    And since it's a very fun instance (at least, to me), I would find it sad if I had no more chance at all to get a squad together for it in some time.
  • Malei - Sanctuary
    Malei - Sanctuary Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Id rather see we get a TT BH back, or maybe even Nirvana BH, cause these are at least useful. Instead of trying to make players run an instance there really aint that much use for at all when your char gotten decent enough gear already. Unless someone can prove me wrong and tell me how this instance got any practical reward.

    It really irks me that people seem to think that the Morai gear is useless. o.O I think PWI did an excellent job with that gear for people who are pure PvE and want to keep up damage wise when it comes to PvE without having to pay out of their *** for it.

    Endless Universe can be[with the proper squad] an easy way to get exp orbs for your alts, another way for mirages if you don't mind that, and if PWI wises up and add Influence/Prestige into the mix, a great way to obtain that as well. It looks to be very incomplete now, if you actually ever been in there and took a good look around, so I wouldn't be surprised if there are more things to come from that instance.
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I never said doing it slower makes it better. I said I rather do it safer even if it cost me a few more minutes. There isn't anything wrong with doing it faster, if the squad can manage it. If you're not tolerant enough to accept that some people won't bomb rush past the mobs and risk things just to do it faster then you're just not patient. I'm not going to RQ/kick/whine over people who wants to spend a minute or two to ensure that they get down their lane and they activate the mirror.

    When did I ever say it was better to die and fail than to die and not fail? I rather no one die at all, and succeed. Hence why I say don't rambo if you know you can't handle it, don't want the charm tick. If you're on limited time, then measure your time correctly before you join any instance, not just Endless Universe. Regardless of how pro you or your squad might be, anything can happen[d.c'ing for example]. I wouldn't dare enter that instance unless I know I have a good hour of time to spare, to be honest. Same with any other instance I'd enter into.

    I never said you couldn't fail by taking your sweet time either. If you are able to rush past the mobs, by all means, do so. I rather someone know what they're doing, slow way or fast way, and activate that mirror than force them to try and attempt something that's too overwhelming for them. Hence: I'm not going to get frustrated if people don't want to do it 'the fast way'. Long as they are good enough to get to that mirror.

    Support does and can get hit. No point in pretending that they have no chance of it happening.

    Not everyone will be able to survive the hits of those mobs, even if your sin somehow seems to manage it. That's a matter of opinion and play style, and even if you somehow do it, you shouldn't think everyone will be able to do the same. Sins are broken and their survivability in comparison to the other classes is broken as well; even you said it yourself with Tidal Protection and Deaden Nerves. And I'm talking in all Gems, not just Epsilon.

    I don't think its baby sitting to want people to complete Endless Universe with as less deaths/ticks/fails and retry as possible. I'm just one of those people that is patient enough to not want to shove my head in a garbage disposal just because something takes longer than five minutes to complete.

    I do use my movement speed, as it would be dumb not to. I don't think what you're suggesting is difficult. At this point, all we're arguing is a matter of preference, which is dumb since its all opinion based and it depends on whatever squad you're in how it'll get done. I've been in both kinds of squads: You prefer to teach them how to do it in the fastest way while trying to be 'safe'. I prefer they do it the safe way, as long as they can get to the mirror and we complete the relay. Your way isn't the 'proper' way - its only the way you prefer it. Just like my way isn't the 'proper' way. b:bye

    Now I want really want to know what is the bar to patient if leaving after an hour on relay part is impatient. I never insult or flame ppl in squads even if I might be cursing loudly on vent and get replies like "EU or FC?" in there. When I run squads, I get pms of asking to kick ppl long before I myself resort into that. When my run is finished, I tell I run instance on daily basis and ask ppl to add me if they too like to do that. Since I started doing that, my "Endless" group on FL has gotten more names every single day. You seem to make a lot of assumptions bout me and how I run my groups simply `cause I value speed highly.

    You make assumption like speed = risky, while going safely requires time. In my opinion it`s pretty much the opposite but you have set your mind, which is where I mostly disagree with you. To me the first priority is to finish the quest, 2n priority to stay alive and 3rd to kill the mobs if it can be done quickly. The simple holy pathing is the most fool proof way to make sure quest wont fail. It`s simple, fast and easy, with only downside coming to poorly geared ppl who will be having trouble passing their zone going "safely". My point is, my poorly geared sin could live w/o charm ticks, I find gear where even robes couldnt HP trough and live long enough to turn in quest pretty absurd for 9x ppl.

    The main reason why there is so few ppl running this instance is trade-off of time used for reward. The faster the run goes, the less of a reward is needed to make it desired thus increasing the amount of runs. Oh well, I really dont understand why I even bother with ppl who dont want to listen.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I wouldn't recommend a sin for epsilon on a WC squad since the average sin player is not coordinated enough to perform the task. If a task requires anything more than triple spark faceroll an average sin will fail at it. You have to remember that the sin class as a whole is a magnet for people who have failed at other classes.

    =(. That is funny enough somewhat true. I did have somebody complaining at lenght bout R9 sins and by the sound of it they were horrible on that run. But I myself have had no problem with sins that are geared bit over average(Clearly alts) but not exactly highly geared. I would call that group, by my own experience, as the best players on Arhosaur player base but drawing conclusions outta limited personal experience is meh.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • FatalFem - Heavens Tear
    FatalFem - Heavens Tear Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I wouldn't recommend a sin for epsilon on a WC squad since the average sin player is not coordinated enough to perform the task. If a task requires anything more than triple spark faceroll an average sin will fail at it. You have to remember that the sin class as a whole is a magnet for people who have failed at other classes.

    This can be said about every class at this point. The people who have used FF to power level that suck is just immense. Maybe I am an exception to the rule but I made my assassin when they first came out and it has taken me this long to get to this level. But I know how to play my toon. I am skilled and effective. But please do not judge all of us based on a few who really suck.
    I very dislike the idea of having this instance as a BH instead of Lunar Glade. Also, I dont get why most people seem to skip out on that BH cause of the fee, when only 2 out of 5 rewards wont ensure you get that coin back, in addition to it being a farming instance. Meaning you at least get something useful out of it if you save the drops. In addition you get the Wygie bosses to play with.

    Endless Universe can only be opened once a day, so if you do it before getting your BH, you would be screwed til next day. The instance dont appear to have any real practical use to it, other than the order influence and prestige. And if thats why youre doing the instance, then youre gonna do it wether its BH or not.

    Id rather see we get a TT BH back, or maybe even Nirvana BH, cause these are at least useful. Instead of trying to make players run an instance there really aint that much use for at all when your char gotten decent enough gear already. Unless someone can prove me wrong and tell me how this instance got any practical reward.

    Most people don't do their bh's every day anyway. Or they save number 2 til they also have it as a number 1. 400k xp is a very practical reward for someone trying to level. As someone else mentioned, putting a bh in there would actually make it to where others wanted to continue to go after they got all the gear etc.. that they wanted. They need to add influence and prestige to the reward as well.
    First, Endless Universe doesn't give any influence or prestige. It gives G13 gears/weps/mirages/OBP or a decent chunk of exp.
    The thing is, the more ppl do this instance everyday, the fastest they will get what they wanted in here and stop doing the instance at all. (Personally, I've been doing it every single day since the expansion, and on several chars, and once I'm done getting the gears I wanted, I won't go in here alot anymore). Thus, in a few monthes, the instance may become dead. Having a BH in here would actually keep it in use.
    And since it's a very fun instance (at least, to me), I would find it sad if I had no more chance at all to get a squad together for it in some time.
    ^^ This.. I love it too! I think its an all around fun instance that gives you a chance to squad with lots of people from lots of different classes!
  • Malei - Sanctuary
    Malei - Sanctuary Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Now I want really want to know what is the bar to patient if leaving after an hour on relay part is impatient. I never insult or flame ppl in squads even if I might be cursing loudly on vent and get replies like "EU or FC?" in there. When I run squads, I get pms of asking to kick ppl long before I myself resort into that. When my run is finished, I tell I run instance on daily basis and ask ppl to add me if they too like to do that. Since I started doing that, my "Endless" group on FL has gotten more names every single day. You seem to make a lot of assumptions bout me and how I run my groups simply `cause I value speed highly.

    You make assumption like speed = risky, while going safely requires time. In my opinion it`s pretty much the opposite but you have set your mind, which is where I mostly disagree with you. To me the first priority is to finish the quest, 2n priority to stay alive and 3rd to kill the mobs if it can be done quickly. The simple holy pathing is the most fool proof way to make sure quest wont fail. It`s simple, fast and easy, with only downside coming to poorly geared ppl who will be having trouble passing their zone going "safely". My point is, my poorly geared sin could live w/o charm ticks, I find gear where even robes couldnt HP trough and live long enough to turn in quest pretty absurd for 9x ppl.

    The main reason why there is so few ppl running this instance is trade-off of time used for reward. The faster the run goes, the less of a reward is needed to make it desired thus increasing the amount of runs. Oh well, I really dont understand why I even bother with ppl who dont want to listen.

    You're getting offended for no reason, and I have been reading everything you've been posting. I'm not making any assumption about you, when I say you I'm generally speaking. I don't know you and I don't know if you do kick people/RQ squads simply because things are going a little slower than you want. In general, if you can't be patient for someone to take one minute extra in order to make it past the lane, you aren't a patient person. Its just a generalization.

    You value speed, I value things getting done in anyway need be. It doesn't mean that speed isn't safe. I didn't say doing it fast isn't safe. I don't know how many times I must tell you that I don't care if people can do it fast or slow, as long as the instance can be completed. Even if it means that they need to take their sweet time to do it. You're the one that's not listening apparently. Jeez.

    I'm done though~. b:bye
  • BurnWhenIWiz - Heavens Tear
    BurnWhenIWiz - Heavens Tear Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Having the first boss as a BH is an interesting idea. However, I think it would be better to just change the entry requirements to get into Lunar instead. Make it require the Nature Essences, like solo mode does. That way it would be a similar entry fee to TT.

    ... and just in general, we need more bosses with a knockback!

    Very few things in this game are as entertaining as the reactions from first timers to that boss. Hell, I still find myself going 'weeeeeee' as I'm flying up in the air.
  • Euthymius - Heavens Tear
    Euthymius - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,162 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I like the idea of EU being a BH, but I'd rather it be a BH II (or the 100+ III ?) instead of a BH I. It would still be done for those seeking XP/spirit pills or Talismans without tampering with BH I's current listing.

    (Also, agreeing with the above about removing Lunar's entry fee...I dont mind doing it, but to many others, it seems to be a deterrent to even running through the place >_>)
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Remember: OP may be a duck|OP/GMs/Devs may not deliver|Search function is your friend|Lurk more|Be wary of Mods: they can't be trusted|This place isn't a hugbox|Your tears sustain me|Know what Bait is|"Soon" may never come|Postcount, Dubs, and other GETs are important|Don't revive long dead threads|There is a section for everything|You can be banned for anything|No Fun Allowed outside of OT|Sweetiebot rules OT|"Circlejerks" are inevitable|Threads can be derailed and saved|Those who use"XD" should off themselves at their earliest convenience|
  • FatalFem - Heavens Tear
    FatalFem - Heavens Tear Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Having the first boss as a BH is an interesting idea. However, I think it would be better to just change the entry requirements to get into Lunar instead. Make it require the Nature Essences, like solo mode does. That way it would be a similar entry fee to TT.

    ... and just in general, we need more bosses with a knockback!

    Very few things in this game are as entertaining as the reactions from first timers to that boss. Hell, I still find myself going 'weeeeeee' as I'm flying up in the air.

    I second that. I haven't found any instance as fun as the Endless Universe. The knockback is killer! I have so much fun with it!
    I like the idea of EU being a BH, but I'd rather it be a BH II (or the 100+ III ?) instead of a BH I. It would still be done for those seeking XP/spirit pills or Talismans without tampering with BH I's current listing.

    (Also, agreeing with the above about removing Lunar's entry fee...I dont mind doing it, but to many others, it seems to be a deterrent to even running through the place >_>)

    I have never done lunar. I won't do it either with the money entry. Then you have to rely on people to sell something in order to get your money back.. IF you even get the mats.
  • Jacerai - Dreamweaver
    Jacerai - Dreamweaver Posts: 943 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    ... and just in general, we need more bosses with a knockback!

    Very few things in this game are as entertaining as the reactions from first timers to that boss. Hell, I still find myself going 'weeeeeee' as I'm flying up in the air.

    Good to know I'm not the only one. b:pleased First time I fought that boss, I was pushed off the edge so many times. It was before people figured out the rock thing.
    b:cute The world may be small, but it is far from known.

    Why the rage? It's a draining emotion.

    Me: DaValentine (veno), Jaceraie (mystic), etc etc etc b:chuckle
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Kitty approves writing on quote to make quoting you harder.

    The **** your movement speed matters if you dont use it? And no, we arent talking bout 1min more but 1min more/zone as isnt the slowpoking option what everybody should do to, let me quote, "make sure both me and my support makes it across that lane unscathed"? So we should be talking of 8 minutes as there is in fact 8 zones.

    I tried this approach with a mostly 9x squad. Nobody was level 99-101, so nobody end game gear. They couldn't handle the mobs (well most of the others, I didn't die once) and we failed several times because they died before they could turn in the quest, once when we were almost done. The instance took a little over an hour. Once people just only tanked what they could handle, the race was done much faster. So yes, 8 minutes more would have been much faster. Don't assume that everyone is 10x with fantastic gear. Heck, don't assume ever 9x player has even decent dear. People know what they can and can't handle. And yes, nobody wants to have to spend an additional 20-30 minutes in FC because you couldn't wait one minute for them. Especially when they will more than give the squad back that one minute with the extra buff by killing the mobs if they are of the more squishier squads. Sins and hard armor classes have much easier time with bigger groups of mobs. That mystic you described couldn't handle it fast either, if she died turning in her mirror. She was clearly in the wrong lane and it would have been faster to put her in a lane she could handle slow or fast.

    To me, a succesful run isn't a run where I got what I wanted. To me a successful run is one where there was a limited number of deaths, and it was completed in an efficient manner for all. You're definition is that as long as you got what you wanted, you don't care because you value speed of completion over exp. Your way is far riskier to those who do value their exp because they have limited time. I would rather spend 40 minutes inside of Endless Universe (as opposed to the 30 it can be done in with say a 9x squad, 1 minute extra per person and two extra minutes because stuff happens) As opposed to 30 minutes inside of Endless Universe than an additional 30 minutes inside FC. As a cleric, though, I'm more conscious of people's exp and health. I dislike seeing people die and got sage rez solely because it saves more exp. Level 1 Rez saves just as much time as sage rez, so it definitely wasn't because of that.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Only one week in and I already saw wc's for "looking for more for Tuc Su Toxin, experienced players only plz!"

    Anything that even slightly challenges the playerbase gradually gets locked off to the inexperienced. Kinda like full delta runs when bm's had to run quests. I'm personally going to wait for a faction run, rather than struggle to find a random squad and then get raged at for simple learning mistakes.
  • FatalFem - Heavens Tear
    FatalFem - Heavens Tear Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Only one week in and I already saw wc's for "looking for more for Tuc Su Toxin, experienced players only plz!"

    Anything that even slightly challenges the playerbase gradually gets locked off to the inexperienced. Kinda like full delta runs when bm's had to run quests. I'm personally going to wait for a faction run, rather than struggle to find a random squad and then get raged at for simple learning mistakes.

    Dark, if you have good comprehension skills, there is a guide on the forums you can read. The instance isn't as hard as people make it out to be. Its of course scary at first, b/c its new and you don't want to upset people or let people down.

    But if your reading comprehension is good, you can read about what to do and be well prepared and go in like a pro :)
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I tried this approach with a mostly 9x squad. Nobody was level 99-101, so nobody end game gear. They couldn't handle the mobs (well most of the others, I didn't die once) and we failed several times because they died before they could turn in the quest, once when we were almost done. The instance took a little over an hour. Once people just only tanked what they could handle, the race was done much faster. So yes, 8 minutes more would have been much faster. Don't assume that everyone is 10x with fantastic gear. Heck, don't assume ever 9x player has even decent dear. People know what they can and can't handle. And yes, nobody wants to have to spend an additional 20-30 minutes in FC because you couldn't wait one minute for them. Especially when they will more than give the squad back that one minute with the extra buff by killing the mobs if they are of the more squishier squads. Sins and hard armor classes have much easier time with bigger groups of mobs. That mystic you described couldn't handle it fast either, if she died turning in her mirror. She was clearly in the wrong lane and it would have been faster to put her in a lane she could handle slow or fast.

    Yes, she was in wrong lane to start with but should we of forced her to take other gem after she was persistent on finishing it? Didnt she deserve to overcome her challenge? We offered to trade gems but she declined, which is why we let her try again instead of forcing her to do other part. I myself can completely understand wanting to finish zone that has killed you to prove yourself you can do it. If the options are either keep trying slowly and likely failing like before and obviously being unable to turn in the quest vs dying again but being able to turn in the quest.

    Going slowly or "safely" is no guarantee to live trough the zone either, saying things like you rather choose "safety" isnt true. Imo all you are choosing is personal xp instead of everybody`s time. To certain extent I agree, I hate seeing ppl die but cleric can go and ress the dead ones if there was no mystic to buff after relay race part is done. And even that is distinctly faster than going trough the zones slowly. The reason why I speak of 8 zones slowpoking is because it reminds me of the times I was claw barb, I had non aps barbs PMing me to take them into nirvana. It`s the same, choosing to be ineffective(Slower) while asking/expecting others to make their runs go smoothly(Quickly).

    I never expected epic gear, I expected Morai gear, the one you get from quest chain to enter the instance. Now, I cant see reason why that would be asking much. Morai gear pretty much equals R8 gear on PvE which may be surprise to some ppl. So I guess I`m expecting "end game" gear but you cant enter the instance w/o getting the gear. The bs bout gear is ridiculous as everybody should be running the instance in gear equal to R8 unless they got even better gear.
    To me, a succesful run isn't a run where I got what I wanted. To me a successful run is one where there was a limited number of deaths, and it was completed in an efficient manner for all. You're definition is that as long as you got what you wanted, you don't care because you value speed of completion over exp. Your way is far riskier to those who do value their exp because they have limited time. I would rather spend 40 minutes inside of Endless Universe (as opposed to the 30 it can be done in with say a 9x squad, 1 minute extra per person and two extra minutes because stuff happens) As opposed to 30 minutes inside of Endless Universe than an additional 30 minutes inside FC. As a cleric, though, I'm more conscious of people's exp and health. I dislike seeing people die and got sage rez solely because it saves more exp. Level 1 Rez saves just as much time as sage rez, so it definitely wasn't because of that.

    Why would you use 20-30mins inside FC if you die once or even twice? That is tampering with facts to make them fit your opinion. I get ~8-10%(on 97 sin) xp/FC when I only hyper xp room. Now the run takes that 20-30mins but you lose less than 0.5%/death w/o any ress, with mystic or cleric that number becomes quite non-existent. So you wouldnt be losing that 20-30 mins, you`d be losing only xp. It`s like I said earlier, you`d choose personal xp over everybody`s time. I myself wont be making that decision individually but I by no means expect others to make same decision or kick simply `cause somebody is slowpoking. To me it`s obvious that the first priority is to turn in your quest and imo the holy pathing trough is the most efficient way to do that.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Yes, she was in wrong lane to start with but should we of forced her to take other gem after she was persistent on finishing it? Didnt she deserve to overcome her challenge? We offered to trade gems but she declined, which is why we let her try again instead of forcing her to do other part. I myself can completely understand wanting to finish zone that has killed you to prove yourself you can do it. If the options are either keep trying slowly and likely failing like before and obviously being unable to turn in the quest vs dying again but being able to turn in the quest.

    Going slowly or "safely" is no guarantee to live trough the zone either, saying things like you rather choose "safety" isnt true. Imo all you are choosing is personal xp instead of everybody`s time. To certain extent I agree, I hate seeing ppl die but cleric can go and ress the dead ones if there was no mystic to buff after relay race part is done. And even that is distinctly faster than going trough the zones slowly. The reason why I speak of 8 zones slowpoking is because it reminds me of the times I was claw barb, I had non aps barbs PMing me to take them into nirvana. It`s the same, choosing to be ineffective(Slower) while asking/expecting others to make their runs go smoothly(Quickly).

    I never expected epic gear, I expected Morai gear, the one you get from quest chain to enter the instance. Now, I cant see reason why that would be asking much. Morai gear pretty much equals R8 gear on PvE which may be surprise to some ppl. So I guess I`m expecting "end game" gear but you cant enter the instance w/o getting the gear. The bs bout gear is ridiculous as everybody should be running the instance in gear equal to R8 unless they got even better gear.

    Why would you use 20-30mins inside FC if you die once or even twice? That is tampering with facts to make them fit your opinion. I get ~8-10%(on 97 sin) xp/FC when I only hyper xp room. Now the run takes that 20-30mins but you lose less than 0.5%/death w/o any ress, with mystic or cleric that number becomes quite non-existent. So you wouldnt be losing that 20-30 mins, you`d be losing only xp. It`s like I said earlier, you`d choose personal xp over everybody`s time. I myself wont be making that decision individually but I by no means expect others to make same decision or kick simply `cause somebody is slowpoking. To me it`s obvious that the first priority is to turn in your quest and imo the holy pathing trough is the most efficient way to do that.

    The 95 morai gear you get is not comparable to rank 8. The G15 one is rumored to be, but that's not the gear you get from the quests. That gear's base defenses are around the TT70 mark, and I doubt that the warding levels make it even close to Rank 8.

    But let's do the math: Let's say you had an entire squad of people who rushed it, but then promptly died.

    They got the relay race done in 8 minutes.

    8 minutes, then they had to wait for the cleric to rez them. We'll assume that the cleric has demon rez, even though it's unreasonable to assume all the clerics will have demon rez. Just for the sake of argument. That's 30 seconds to run to the person+4 seconds to cast the spell.

    That's another 4 minutes, 32 seconds.

    12 minutes is the instance time you're looking at now. You guys all drop down and rebuff, that's another 20 seconds. 18 for the buffs to all cast, and 2 seconds for the cleric and the last rezzer to drop down. Now the run has taken roughly 12 minutes 52 seconds. You then slice through all the bosses like butter and it takes you only like what 7 minutes to kill all the bosses, head back to the beginning, and turn in your quest.

    19 minute mark here.

    Now, you gotta go and get your exp back. You pay for heads, it takes you 5 minutes to get to FC. Pay your money, actually complete the heads and get your exp back plus some.

    24 minutes +250k (avg price on DW) for fastest way to finish that run+have all your exp.

    Now let's assume each person took their time and took an extra 30 seconds (being generous here.)

    Nobody dies and you get the relay race done in 12 minutes. You rebuff because of all the purging. 18 seconds this takes (you don't need the 2 extra seconds to jump off the bridge and run back after rezzing, because nobody died so you all jumped same time.) 12 minutes 18 seconds. You finish the bosses and turn the quests in after 10 minutes because this is a slower squad. You proceed onto doing something else because you didn't die and don't have to make up for anything.


    Total Time:

    22 minutes and 18 seconds.

    You finished faster and cheaper (no repair bills, no paying for heads, no 20 minute FC runs, no nothing! Congratulations!

    Both examples are extreme, but assuming each and every person will need a full extra minute because they every last one of them is slowpokes instead of just one or two people in the squad who might need to go one by one is also extreme. Just as going slower doesn't necessarily mean safer, bum-rushing the instance doesn't necessarily mean faster.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    The 95 morai gear you get is not comparable to rank 8. The G15 one is rumored to be, but that's not the gear you get from the quests. That gear's base defenses are around the TT70 mark, and I doubt that the warding levels make it even close to Rank 8.

    My dear nonbeliever, kitty wishes PWI calc had Morai gear included as it would be so much easier to demonstrate exactly how close Morai is - and on some situation how it`s even superior. But let`s compare full R8 archer(Due LA Archer/Sin gains least from Morai gear) and change 1 piece, stat wice. I use only R8 pieces as point zero so I can safely assume that real p.def is actually in fact more, which simply makes Morai gear stronger.


    P.dmg reduction = 38%

    R8 leggings got 231 more p.def so I`ll add physical orn to make up the difference.


    P.deg Reduction = 41%
    Note that there is actually more p.def difference than the mentioned 231 as that was the closes I could make quickly.

    So let`s do math now and assume we get hit for 1k. R8 will take take 1k x 0,59 = 590 dmg.

    Now changing one part to Morai 95 gear we got 1k x 0,62 = 620 dmg and after which the warding lvls apply which are actually ~0,9% less dmg tnstead of how def lvls work(1% every difference between lvls). Let`s use as low values for Morai option as possible so it cant be flawed in favor of Morai. 0,9% x 5 = 4,5%. 620 - 520 x 0.045 = 592,1.

    We should remember that better ornaments favor Morai gear more than it does R8. We should also remember Morai gear has set bonus(Some wardin/slaying lvls) though I forgot to test it on my toons as I simply npc`d to save room due having R8 on barb & -int gear on sin.

    I got Morai leggins & boots myself on sin, it`s the rest of it I npc`d as I got -int chest & bracers and the mentioned warsoul helm. Obviously R8 gear has better addons & more sockets than the standard 2 on free Morai gear but those addons arent that big in terms of survivability. The G15 Morai gear you speak of is compareable to R9 on PvE and I myself wont be wasting my money on nirvana daggers but getting Corona ones as I only made sin to farm and make R9 cheaper for my barb. I`m curious to see if Corona dags will out dmg R9 on PvE at high refines.

    But summing it up, there is no real difference between Morai & R8 gear on PvE. With good orns, Morai 95 gear actually surpasses R8 b:bye.

    But let's do the math: Let's say you had an entire squad of people who rushed it, but then promptly died

    They got the relay race done in 8 minutes.

    8 minutes, then they had to wait for the cleric to rez them. We'll assume that the cleric has demon rez, even though it's unreasonable to assume all the clerics will have demon rez. Just for the sake of argument. That's 30 seconds to run to the person+4 seconds to cast the spell.

    That's another 4 minutes, 32 seconds.

    12 minutes is the instance time you're looking at now. You guys all drop down and rebuff, that's another 20 seconds. 18 for the buffs to all cast, and 2 seconds for the cleric and the last rezzer to drop down. Now the run has taken roughly 12 minutes 52 seconds. You then slice through all the bosses like butter and it takes you only like what 7 minutes to kill all the bosses, head back to the beginning, and turn in your quest.

    19 minute mark here.

    Now, you gotta go and get your exp back. You pay for heads, it takes you 5 minutes to get to FC. Pay your money, actually complete the heads and get your exp back plus some.

    24 minutes +250k (avg price on DW) for fastest way to finish that run+have all your exp.

    Now let's assume each person took their time and took an extra 30 seconds (being generous here.)

    Nobody dies and you get the relay race done in 12 minutes. You rebuff because of all the purging. 18 seconds this takes (you don't need the 2 extra seconds to jump off the bridge and run back after rezzing, because nobody died so you all jumped same time.) 12 minutes 18 seconds. You finish the bosses and turn the quests in after 10 minutes because this is a slower squad. You proceed onto doing something else because you didn't die and don't have to make up for anything.


    Total Time:

    22 minutes and 18 seconds.

    You finished faster and cheaper (no repair bills, no paying for heads, no 20 minute FC runs, no nothing! Congratulations!

    Both examples are extreme, but assuming each and every person will need a full extra minute because they every last one of them is slowpokes instead of just one or two people in the squad who might need to go one by one is also extreme. Just as going slower doesn't necessarily mean safer, bum-rushing the instance doesn't necessarily mean faster.

    Oh wow, should I even reply to this argument as it`s just plain stupid? No, I dont think that is strong enough of an expression for it. Kitty restrains himself, sticks to the subject and only calls the argument idiotic.

    First of all you, let`s look closer to premises you set.

    1. The **** is that first 8 mins? No seriously, I cant understand why you put 8min there. If it`s for finishing the relay race I`m yet to fail with ppl rushing trough their zones. The correct time for this part would be ~1.5mins(8x 10s = 1min20s) but to be on safe side we should say it takes 2mins.

    2. The ones who cant pull off the rushing trough are actually minority, majority of the ppl in my squads live trough it. Well I had R9 barb on middle gem today, he HP`d ahead of me, died for not getting purified but that was simply being inexperienced, I doubt he`ll die again in that manner. Oh cleric was following the kitty = kitty was soon back up. No one else died and we all "rushed" trough, though at first alpha didnt take quest = rolled around his zone for minute or two till he realized what was the issue and did his part.

    The xp loss?

    3. Your whole approach on xp is quite ridiculous. We can safely assume that cleric got lvl 10 rez on 9x as it can be maxed on 6x which isnt awfully expensive. So if ppl would lose 0.5% xp(even my sin loses less) w/o rez(lvl or culti decreased the amount) and lvl 10 ress saves 90% of the xp loss. So now we`re talking bout losing 10% of that 0.5% = 0.05% xp/death. Does that number sound like something that has to be FC`d back?

    No, the only way to properly argue bout the importance of xp is how much the lost xp would cost. I run FC several times a day and my best estimate for the heads is 3% xp for the lvl 98 so it`s more for lvls under that. Obviously 99+ gain lot less due nerf but do you see anybody selling heads for 99+? So let`s put price tag for rezed death. 0,05% is 1,7% of 3% which by your average price would be xp worth of 4,25k. Without ress it`s 10x that = 42.5k.

    Ps. I cant bother pulling some numbers outta my *** to make some "math argument" on relay race.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    My dear nonbeliever, kitty wishes PWI calc had Morai gear included as it would be so much easier to demonstrate exactly how close Morai is - and on some situation how it`s even superior. But let`s compare full R8 archer(Due LA Archer/Sin gains least from Morai gear) and change 1 piece, stat wice. I use only R8 pieces as point zero so I can safely assume that real p.def is actually in fact more, which simply makes Morai gear stronger.


    P.dmg reduction = 38%

    R8 leggings got 231 more p.def so I`ll add physical orn to make up the difference.


    P.deg Reduction = 41%
    Note that there is actually more p.def difference than the mentioned 231 as that was the closes I could make quickly.

    So let`s do math now and assume we get hit for 1k. R8 will take take 1k x 0,59 = 590 dmg.

    Now changing one part to Morai 95 gear we got 1k x 0,62 = 620 dmg and after which the warding lvls apply which are actually ~0,9% less dmg tnstead of how def lvls work(1% every difference between lvls). Let`s use as low values for Morai option as possible so it cant be flawed in favor of Morai. 0,9% x 5 = 4,5%. 620 - 520 x 0.045 = 592,1.

    We should remember that better ornaments favor Morai gear more than it does R8. We should also remember Morai gear has set bonus(Some wardin/slaying lvls) though I forgot to test it on my toons as I simply npc`d to save room due having R8 on barb & -int gear on sin.

    I got Morai leggins & boots myself on sin, it`s the rest of it I npc`d as I got -int chest & bracers and the mentioned warsoul helm. Obviously R8 gear has better addons & more sockets than the standard 2 on free Morai gear but those addons arent that big in terms of survivability. The G15 Morai gear you speak of is compareable to R9 on PvE and I myself wont be wasting my money on nirvana daggers but getting Corona ones as I only made sin to farm and make R9 cheaper for my barb. I`m curious to see if Corona dags will out dmg R9 on PvE at high refines.

    But summing it up, there is no real difference between Morai & R8 gear on PvE. With good orns, Morai 95 gear actually surpasses R8 b:bye.

    My sin has 1832 p.def with that full set of armor on, when I subtract out the amount of additional p.def gained from the ornament I have to wear to even put it on. I had to put on a str necklace to even wear the armor, but that besides the point since you'd have to do that with whatever helm you're wearing too. Rank 8 with warsoul helm (fairly typical helm worn with that rank 8, morai gear comes with a helm and wearing the complete set gives you a slaying bonus of 5) gives me a p.def of about 2602 according to the calc. So no, it's base defenses are substantially less than that of rank 8. Start talking refining and shading this gear (and it'd be pretty stupid to do anything more than +3 if you're running endless universe to get the better armor) and the 95 gear compares even less. It's not bad armor, to be sure. But I don't see too many people wanting to shard and refine it while doing endless universe, so chances are that whatever they have on already is better. I don't know if the best gear will be comparable to Rank 9. I haven't taken a look at it. I'm saying it's base defenses are low, and I don't think the warding levels puts it ups as far as rank 8.
    Oh wow, should I even reply to this argument as it`s just plain stupid? No, I dont think that is strong enough of an expression for it. Kitty restrains himself, sticks to the subject and only calls the argument idiotic.

    First of all you, let`s look closer to premises you set.

    1. The **** is that first 8 mins? No seriously, I cant understand why you put 8min there. If it`s for finishing the relay race I`m yet to fail with ppl rushing trough their zones. The correct time for this part would be ~1.5mins(8x 10s = 1min20s) but to be on safe side we should say it takes 2mins.

    1. It's assuming that one person takes a single minute to do their lane. An arbitrary number to be sure based on the average amount of time it's taken squad's I've been in to do it whether they rushed or not. And I know some rushed because I heard saw them complaining in squad chat about everyone else not rushing. And raging at the squad. The ratio stayed the same, and that's what's important. To be honest, the extra time it takes to kill a single mob being 30 seconds is also an overestimation. It involves two hypothetical squads. The point wasn't "This is how long it will take," the point was, "it's not always better to bum-rush."

    2. I had a rank 9 barb says it all. The majority of squads I've seen have trouble even knowing what to do, and have to be explained how to do it. I've never run with a rank 9, and to hear that a rank 9 barb did so poorly because they can't realized they are debuffed is a good example of how just killing even one of the mobs would've saved him the trouble.

    The xp loss?

    3. I didn't say it had to be FC'd, I simply said that jumping immediately into FC head was the absolute fastest way to do it. Because you didn't like me mention grinding earlier, or actually running the instance. You can say that the exp lost isn't a part of a player's time. But the fact of the matter is, that if you had to lose exp to finish the instance, than it's a cost that you had to pay. It's time lost for that individual player. It might not be important for 99+, but again, not everyone who runs that instance is 99 plus. I run with level 95s all the time. And yes, sadly, I've seen people sell heads to everyone underneath level 100.

    Ps. I cant bother pulling some numbers outta my *** to make some "math argument" on relay race.

    Once again, it was an example. It wasn't meant to be a perfect scenario, and I admitted that both examples were extreme scenarios.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide
    Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide Posts: 934 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Only one week in and I already saw wc's for "looking for more for Tuc Su Toxin, experienced players only plz!"

    It's been 3 weeks...
    The 95 morai gear you get is not comparable to rank 8. The G15 one is rumored to be, but that's not the gear you get from the quests. That gear's base defenses are around the TT70 mark, and I doubt that the warding levels make it even close to Rank 8.

    95 Morai IS comparable to TT99/R8. I did all the math a few weeks ago on every possible gear setup. None of the Morai helms are superior to Warsoul helms though, so don't bother using any of them unless you can't afford a warsoul or better.

    To clarify, Morai 95 performs better than TT90. It's about on par with Lunar and around 7-8% less effective compared to TT99 and R8.

    Morai G13 (lvl 100) gear out performs TT99 and R8 by about 4-6%.

    The Morai G15 (101) gear performs at about 1-2% better than first cast Nirvana.

    This is speaking strictly in terms of defense. Note that with Morai gear you'll have noticeably less HP, but the added defense from the warding levels can make a barb with 11k HP in 95 Morai gear and 14.3k HP in TT99/Rank 8 have an Effective Health of 49k and 52k respectively. That's damn good considering price differences in obtaining the two.

    The weapons are a different story. On average they are just as effective as some of the more common weapon choices out there. But in some cases they are worthless, or insanely more powerful. Two examples:

    For healing purposes, a Morai weapon is a horrible choice, because heals don't benefit from the Slaying levels.

    For attacks like Armageddon, which don't use base damage or weapon damage as modifiers, it's an amazing choice.

    Also, the weapons don't match up on the same level as the armor. What I mean is, don't expect 95 Morai weapons compared to an R8 weapon perform as well as 95 armor performed compared to R8 armor.

    While I haven't tested the weapons as extensively as I have the armor (time constraints), this is what I have determined so far. 95 Morai performs at the same level as most lunar and TT99 weapons. Not true in all cases though. The Morai G13 weapons tend to perform better than that same gear by a small margin. It's right on par with LG/TT Nirvana 1st cast, and some Rank 8. LG Nirvana tends to offer a bit more versatility while TT Nirvana tends to offer a tad bit more damage, but it's so close it's like splitting hairs.

    G15 Morai weapons. They perform on a lower level than R9, G15 Nirvana, and R8 recast. It's not even close. But they do perform better than everything up until that point.
    My sin has 1832 p.def with that full set of armor on, when I subtract out the amount of additional p.def gained from the ornament I have to wear to even put it on. I had to put on a str necklace to even wear the armor, but that besides the point since you'd have to do that with whatever helm you're wearing too. Rank 8 with warsoul helm (fairly typical helm worn with that rank 8, morai gear comes with a helm and wearing the complete set gives you a slaying bonus of 5) gives me a p.def of about 2602 according to the calc. So no, it's base defenses are substantially less than that of rank 8. Start talking refining and shading this gear (and it'd be pretty stupid to do anything more than +3 if you're running endless universe to get the better armor) and the 95 gear compares even less. It's not bad armor, to be sure. But I don't see too many people wanting to shard and refine it while doing endless universe, so chances are that whatever they have on already is better. I don't know if the best gear will be comparable to Rank 9. I haven't taken a look at it. I'm saying it's base defenses are low, and I don't think the warding levels puts it ups as far as rank 8.

    Aside from the fact you can easily +6 an item for less than 200 mirages and a few refining stones bought with event gold, I believe I covered the rest above.
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I wouldnt waste my time with her as for somebody, who uses math as an way to argue, she understand surprisingly little of it. But I'm curious if you did the math for corona dags and if you did, did you include higher refine options? I expect r9 to be stronger on low refines while corona dags get closer the higher the refines go, despite the fact that r9 refines better. Or is it, as I now suspect after reading your explanation, that it's the r9 set bonus which sets it ahead in comparison?

    I have to do the math myself whenever I get home but I doubt any sin made for simply farming will go for anything but corona dags as its still so cheap for how efficient of a weapon it is. The recasting of those dags was IMO really cheap and good Addons should be expected. The easy avaibility of morai gear combined with how long the expansion downloaded - I expect quite a bit more new content as giving that good gear away for free wouldn't make sense otherwise. Kitty has a bad feeling of r10 or warsoul v2.0.

    Edit: **** apple and the automatic correction on iPhone, half the it's sht while rest of the time it works well enough to keep you from being motivated enough to look how to turn it off.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide
    Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide Posts: 934 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I wouldnt waste my time with her as for somebody, who uses math as an way to argue, she understand surprisingly little of it. But I'm curious if you did the math for corona dags and if you did, did you include higher refine options? I expect r9 to be stronger on low refines while corona dags get closer the higher the refines go, despite the fact that r9 refines better. Or is it, as I now suspect after reading your explanation, that it's the r9 set bonus which sets it ahead in comparison?

    I have to do the math myself whenever I get home but I doubt any sin made for simply farming will go for anything but corona dags as its still so cheap for how efficient of a weapon it is. The recasting of those dags was IMO really cheap and good Addons should be expected. The easy avaibility of morai gear combined with how long the expansion downloaded - I expect quite a bit more new content as giving that good gear away for free wouldn't make sense otherwise. Kitty has a bad feeling of r10 or warsoul v2.0.

    Edit: **** apple and the automatic correction on iPhone, half the it's sht while rest of the time it works well enough to keep you from being motivated enough to look how to turn it off.

    I haven't had a chance to do the math on the daggers. Sin's are usually low priority to me, but I'm not busy atm so i'll do some quick math and edit this to let you know. It's possible that considering how sins work, they might be the only class where the G15 weapon can be a true end-game weapon.

    EDIT: Ok So this is what I have come up with. G15Morai vs R9 daggers: even without factoring in the set bonus, R9 performs 10-20% better depending on what adds you get on the Corona daggs.

    Add in the set bonus for R9 and it completely destroys the Corona daggs. R9 is still king by a long shot.
  • jabq
    jabq Posts: 821 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Dark, if you have good comprehension skills, there is a guide on the forums you can read. The instance isn't as hard as people make it out to be. Its of course scary at first, b/c its new and you don't want to upset people or let people down.

    But if your reading comprehension is good, you can read about what to do and be well prepared and go in like a pro :)

    The first week i ran this in random. After the first run, if there was someone in the squad, who did not how to run this, i asked them to do 2 things. Step in the directions of the light, after taking the quest, and cross it. Steep backwards into the previous area. No matter what language you speak, everyone got how runs fail, what to do and not do. Takes 2~3 minutes extra, but you gain more "experienced" players.
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited March 2012

    To clarify, Morai 95 performs better than TT90. It's about on par with Lunar and around 7-8% less effective compared to TT99 and R8.

    Morai G13 (lvl 100) gear out performs TT99 and R8 by about 4-6%.

    The Morai G15 (101) gear performs at about 1-2% better than first cast Nirvana.

    This is speaking strictly in terms of defense. Note that with Morai gear you'll have noticeably less HP, but the added defense from the warding levels can make a barb with 11k HP in 95 Morai gear and 14.3k HP in TT99/Rank 8 have an Effective Health of 49k and 52k respectively. That's damn good considering price differences in obtaining the two.

    Aside from the fact you can easily +6 an item for less than 200 mirages and a few refining stones bought with event gold, I believe I covered the rest above.

    Hmm, I figured the warding levels wouldn't be as strong as they are, since the base defenses are so low without refines/shards. I figured it would probably take it up to about TT90 gold level, but only if it was well refined/sharded. So that's pretty good too know. I tested it out and noticed I could do a lot less with my 95 gear then with my previous set of gear on my sin, which had very low refines. I mean, unrefined rank 8 should still perform better than +3 anything in the 8x levels. I wasn't able to test them out as easily because I kept dying to mobs that I grinded on all the time, and when I switched armors had no problems. But I guess I should've done a second test to make sure that wasn't just the ping. Still, if TT99 is better, and Rank 8 is better than that. I still wouldn't consider the two comparable, but I guess that's a matter of opinion.

    As for the mirages/event gold thing, I agree that refining to +6 is cheap. My sin's daggers are +6, something I did to them back when fairy boxes still dropped. SO I did it for basically free. But it took my friend a little over a week to get the gear she specifically wanted, while I still haven't gotten a single armor/weapon card. IF you're only going to have the gear a week and can't account stash or sell it, what would be the point of refining it? That's a matter of personal opinion though.

    Extreme examples are when you illustrate two examples that are both highly unlikely to happen. It's extremely unlikely that everyone in the entire squad will die rushing the relay race and the cleric would have to rez each and everyone of them. It's also extremely unlikely that one person taking a little extra time would slow the run down as much as you claimed. Both examples were highly exaggerated to prove a point. I don't know why you're arguing so much over the realism of an extreme example. I admitted as much in the first post.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    If you wanted to calculate things to be more specific the damage reduction of Warding Levels is pretty simple:

    damage reduction = warding level / (mob level + warding level)

    I havent found the exact formula yet for Slaying level though.
    Refining Simulator - aster.ohmydays.net/pw/refiningsimulator.html (don't use IE)
    Genie Calculator - aster.ohmydays.net/pw/geniecalculator.html - (don't use IE)
    Socket Calculator - aster.ohmydays.net/pw/socketcalculator.html
  • Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide
    Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide Posts: 934 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Hmm, I figured the warding levels wouldn't be as strong as they are, since the base defenses are so low without refines/shards. I figured it would probably take it up to about TT90 gold level, but only if it was well refined/sharded. So that's pretty good too know. I tested it out and noticed I could do a lot less with my 95 gear then with my previous set of gear on my sin, which had very low refines. I mean, unrefined rank 8 should still perform better than +3 anything in the 8x levels. I wasn't able to test them out as easily because I kept dying to mobs that I grinded on all the time, and when I switched armors had no problems. But I guess I should've done a second test to make sure that wasn't just the ping. Still, if TT99 is better, and Rank 8 is better than that. I still wouldn't consider the two comparable, but I guess that's a matter of opinion.

    As for the mirages/event gold thing, I agree that refining to +6 is cheap. My sin's daggers are +6, something I did to them back when fairy boxes still dropped. SO I did it for basically free. But it took my friend a little over a week to get the gear she specifically wanted, while I still haven't gotten a single armor/weapon card. IF you're only going to have the gear a week and can't account stash or sell it, what would be the point of refining it? That's a matter of personal opinion though.

    What's your normal gear? You didn't mention that. Sins tend to rely on BP heals a lot to accomplish things even as simple as grinding. If you swapped out some interval pieces for Morai gear, then yeah I would expect your performance to decline significantly. Also depends on what you were grinding on, I suppose.

    By comparable, I simply meant that an increase of 7-8% defense from Morai 95 to TT99 isn't worth 100+ mil. Especially if it's an alt. Naturally each player will have to consider the other adds the TT99 or rank gear gives and how that could affect each specific class. But if you're looking to upgrade from TT90/gold, the Morai is an effective and free choice. If you play the type of the class that utilizes a variety of weapons, Morai provides a free option that's reasonably good.

    If you already have better, Morai gears aren't going to appeal to you. They just open up possibilities for those with a handful of characters, the people who can't seem to make money or don't have time to farm extensively, and the players that would rather spend their hard earned coin on things like the latest fashion.

    As far as the refining: who is to say most players would only have this item for a week? Keep in mind the G13 version, although they can be obtained as early as 95, can't be worn until 100. So if a player gets this at 95, and isn't the sort to hyper FC non-stop, it could last them for a while.
    If you wanted to calculate things to be more specific the damage reduction of Warding Levels is pretty simple:

    damage reduction = warding level / (mob level + warding level)

    I havent found the exact formula yet for Slaying level though.

    That's good to know. And from all my testing it seems to match up.

    EDIT: I just have to point out, it's Tuc Su Toxin, not Tu Suc Toxin >.<
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    What's your normal gear? You didn't mention that. Sins tend to rely on BP heals a lot to accomplish things even as simple as grinding. If you swapped out some interval pieces for Morai gear, then yeah I would expect your performance to decline significantly. Also depends on what you were grinding on, I suppose.

    By comparable, I simply meant that an increase of 7-8% defense from Morai 95 to TT99 isn't worth 100+ mil. Especially if it's an alt. Naturally each player will have to consider the other adds the TT99 or rank gear gives and how that could affect each specific class. But if you're looking to upgrade from TT90/gold, the Morai is an effective and free choice. If you play the type of the class that utilizes a variety of weapons, Morai provides a free option that's reasonably good.

    If you already have better, Morai gears aren't going to appeal to you. They just open up possibilities for those with a handful of characters, the people who can't seem to make money or don't have time to farm extensively, and the players that would rather spend their hard earned coin on things like the latest fashion.

    As far as the refining: who is to say most players would only have this item for a week? Keep in mind the G13 version, although they can be obtained as early as 95, can't be worn until 100. So if a player gets this at 95, and isn't the sort to hyper FC non-stop, it could last them for a while.

    That's good to know. And from all my testing it seems to match up.

    EDIT: I just have to point out, it's Tuc Su Toxin, not Tu Suc Toxin >.<

    I have a little bit of interval, but my character isn't even 99 yet, so nothing too extreme. Was testing using a combo of triple spark+RDS/IH+subsea+TM+Earthen rift of on three to four mobs. I don't think interval affects skills. Normally I would DD the mobs during CD but the point was to get hit. XD I don't even have the interval tome. XD Eh, and you have a good point about the people who won't even step foot into FC. It could last a lot longer, and like I said, I still haven't even received an armor card. It just gets replaced so quickly and doesn't turn into anything better, but it would be an excellent choice for alts. And thanks for that, I knew the C was at the end of one of them, but was too lazy to check. XD I'm of the opinion you should just wait until the EU gear before investing heavily in refines, simply because if you're actively leveling your char I don't think the 95 gear last long enough. I haven't leveled this char in forever though, but I might just level her one level and throw on the morai gear minus the weapon since it's garbage for heals. I personally am not wearing any particular set. It's a mix of FC gear, bobm, tt gear, rank gear. In fact, the leggings and helm were free from instances. Just whatever I could find cheap with plenty of sockets. WIth the exceptions of BOBM, which I farmed and have been wearing since level 60. From my experience the people who wear TT90 gold sets tend to have a bit better defense than I do, when running in squads with them. But mine is close enough, i'm not dying all over the place. And I wasn't willing to spend the money....

    Anywho this is my stats with the 95 morai gear. http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i40/ariesdragon123/PWI%20Screenshots/2012-03-0819-45-49-1.jpg

    And this is my stats with my current gear.

    This is what I upgraded from:

    I've noticed that my damage isn't THAT different from running several instances now with 95 daggers with the loss of APS from using that dagger do to the slaying levels.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • CapnK - Sanctuary
    CapnK - Sanctuary Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I'm not sure what kind of math you used, but I compared Morai 95 gear to my own TT90 Gold on mobs ingame. The 95 was much worse. I was taking about 20% more physical damage and a *lot* more magical damage.


    Had a great guy in Endless today. He kept flashing his R9+12 weapon and talking about how awesome he was. Then on the second boss he kept attacking the one with BB buff...


    Regarding Epsilon, I've been doing it as a BM. The debuff can be cancelled with Shadowless Kick. I'm assuming barb and genie cancel skills work as well. Makes the area rather simple.
  • bladerunnerdm
    bladerunnerdm Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    If you wanted to calculate things to be more specific the damage reduction of Warding Levels is pretty simple:

    damage reduction = warding level / (mob level + warding level)

    I havent found the exact formula yet for Slaying level though.

    you have decompiled gs?
    trial and error testing on small warding levels leads to high variances, counting in all the variables it would be impossible to derive a formular from testing ingame...
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    If you wanted to calculate things to be more specific the damage reduction of Warding Levels is pretty simple:

    damage reduction = warding level / (mob level + warding level)

    I havent found the exact formula yet for Slaying level though.

    That formula seems to match pretty well. It would indicate that some warding lvls are indeed good, the more you got - the less you gain. I think that ~20-25 is the point Alfred which warding lvls start getting less and less appealing. To the ones not interested in maths, each warding Level gives 2% less reduction than the one before it. Though upon thinking bout proving that - kitty should prolly get sober first as his having trouble in proving that. Kitty can provide math of that when his completely sober as his having trouble repeating the results, lol.

    Sober note: Kitty has no idea whatsoever of what he was talking bout, all kitty can say is "musta been fun night". Least it lead kitty to formula that seemed to fit with 45 slayer lvls, though it can be only a coincidence. Waiting for the hangover...

    Slaying levels are interesting and i wish there was wep with maybe 10 slaying lvls to determine if the the per cent of dmg changes drastically upon more slaying lvls as happens with warding lvls according to your formula. Now if warding lvls drop 2% in efficiency, could it be that slaying lvls dropped only 1%? Now my head ain't working well enough to come up formula which would do just that, hence I'm unable to test this theory. Or could it be as simple as slayin lvl starting on 1% bonus for 1 slaying lvl efficiency dropping that 1% compared to the slaying lvl before while having nothing to do with the lvl mobs are? I figure out formula for that when my head works again unless somebody beats me into it.

    Edit: kitty's head is bit better atm and he came up with the following formula for slayer lvls, (1 - (0,99^n-1) + 0,01) x 100%. Fits the 37% dmg boost of 45 slayer lvls perfectly but if I cant get any other numbers to test the formula, it`s most likely just a coincidence.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o