Jone's Blessing remains as ticket!!!????

Licancura - Archosaur
Licancura - Archosaur Posts: 135 Arc User
edited March 2012 in General Discussion
I wonder if anyone else has experienced this. I got a jone's blessing short time ago, and still is a ticket that i can't use! b:cry

What should I do? Put the ticket on the ground and hope the mobs trip on it, and break their necks??? b:angry


  • Pakoshi - Dreamweaver
    Pakoshi - Dreamweaver Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Any chance your quest list is full? I THINK it activates a quest to change into the blessing? If that's not the case you could try relogging.
  • Licancura - Archosaur
    Licancura - Archosaur Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    My quest list was full! At least this is less embarrasing than get stuck in the hall to enter the faction base. b:chuckle

    Thank you very, very much, wise one! b:thanks
  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    My pleasure :) It happened to me once on the BM as well.
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3