confusion about new order shops.

supertroyman1 Posts: 336 Arc User
edited April 2012 in Seeker
ok so i know for the new order shops u need prestigue to have access to the items and influence(and occasinally money) to get the items. well i noticed that the last item in the luminance common shop gave rep so i was thinking of farming those once i got my skills. thing is, even though i have the prestigue and influence for these items in shroud i cant even get the shroud version wich gives exp. nor the armor. for some reason even though i have all the requierments it wont give me access to the stuff i want. only the 80 skill books and the teleporting scrolls. anyone know what im doing wronge here?
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  • kinkerzuu
    kinkerzuu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Had the same problem and couldn't find an answer for awhile, but just figured it out. Even though you have enough influence and meet requirements seen mousing over the item, you also need to meet the prestige requirements shown by mousing over the Tier buttons.
  • _Belgarion_ - Dreamweaver
    _Belgarion_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    You need the right amount of prestige to unlock the tier, then you need to spend money and influence to acquire the items. My guess is you don't have the 5k prestige to unlock the tier yet