Is it worth starting new in this game?

carlousk Posts: 1 Arc User
edited February 2012 in General Discussion
I havnt played it yet but i was thinking is it worth starting anew or is the game dying out abit?
Post edited by carlousk on


  • ICasTBiDS - Raging Tide
    ICasTBiDS - Raging Tide Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    It isnt dying in playerbase but sort of dying in content but expansion is coming out in 2 weeks time so more stuff will be available.

    There are two things you need if you want to compete in the game. Well maybe 3.
    Patience + Brain
    a fat wallet and a shirt that says im rich *****
  • Sagek - Sanctuary
    Sagek - Sanctuary Posts: 1,156 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Sure, it's a funny game. It's not perfect but it does the trick.
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited February 2012

    If you like to truly start out new, learn how to be a free-to-play player and resist the temptations of weekly sales and ad gimmicks. This game will require money, only because it honestly makes the game more enjoyable and speeds things up.

    It's just a matter of "Will this game be worth my time and effort?" and "Will I still be satisfied when I get there?".

    It just matters on difficulty, more or less. If you spend real life cash, the game will be more easier to play, if you don't you will find this game challenging, which can be fun, but will get annoying quick with how the game progresses.
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • Channman - Lost City
    Channman - Lost City Posts: 491 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    It isnt dying in playerbase but sort of dying in content but expansion is coming out in 2 weeks time so more stuff will be available.

    There are two things you need if you want to compete in the game. Well maybe 3.
    Patience + Brain
    a fat wallet and a shirt that says im rich *****

    there adding a lot of new stuff this year so thers gonna be a few big updates and a lot of new stuff
  • Riverwell - Archosaur
    Riverwell - Archosaur Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I think it's fun. Honestly I don't think you need to spend real money. Does it make it easier? Sure, but there are so many ways to earn money through merchanting or grinding (yes it may be slow, but it's not impossible). And leveling up is easy enough with BH quests.
    Previous Enemy Executor
    Current SentineI Member
    "I'm sorry, but if you cant aggro control, then you better have the gear/charm to back yourself up. And falling short of that, you simply deserve to die. It's PWI darwinism tbh." - DaKillanator - Raging Tide
  • Mellus - Raging Tide
    Mellus - Raging Tide Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    It's fun for the first few levels especially if you find some other newbies to play with

    then you notice your bags are pretty small for all the quest items and drops

    and you can increase your bag slots.. via cash shop $$$

    so you figure you'll put items in your bank.. but your bank is small

    increase the bank size with $$$

    then you see your spent your talent points wrong, oops! well you can reset it... for some $$$

    then you notice you run slowly and would like to run/fly faster with a mount

    but that requires cash shop $$$ (or several million coins, which = gold = zen = $$$)

    then you see some nice fashion costumes to make your character look pretty.. but it costs irl $$$

    then you get higher up in levels and maybe want some nice armor and weapons

    and realize it'll either take the better part of a year to grind mobs and dungeons and merchant for the gear

    or for some quick $$$ you can get it all in a few minutes

    so you decide to try out pvp at later levels, except only those who spend hundreds or thousands of irl $$$ get the best gear to literally one-shot people who don't use the cash shop

    then you realize at the end of the day, the average perfect world player has spent 10x the yearly cost of a subscription based game... in the span of a month b:chuckleb:chuckleb:chuckle
  • BladedZero - Sanctuary
    BladedZero - Sanctuary Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I find the UI a bit out of date, but it's as fun as any other mmo. It still gets updated every couple of months so you can always find more stuff to do. The real hard part is just finding people to do that stuff with. I wont lie, stuff like phoenix valley and faction trials aren't being done as regularly as they should.
  • Shayd - Raging Tide
    Shayd - Raging Tide Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    carlousk wrote: »
    I havnt played it yet but i was thinking is it worth starting anew or is the game dying out abit?

    Quick and honest answer: NO

    With money you can reach 90 in less than week, get most powerfull gear in game and now gain huge soulforce with refining for upcoming skills.

    Got money? You are immune, including bans, You don't? Try pking and you will get wiped in seconds by cash shoppers. This game is dead, D E A D
    Mystic: 99 lvl (Main)
    Psychic: 96 lvl (Alt)
    Assassin: 78 lvl (Retired)
    Cleric: 75 lvl (Retired)

    Big bumpy ride since 2008
  • Xilplxim - Dreamweaver
    Xilplxim - Dreamweaver Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited February 2012

    choose which question you want this to answer and turn to page 243 to continue your adventure.

  • Renza - Raging Tide
    Renza - Raging Tide Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited February 2012

    choose which question you want this to answer and turn to page 243 to continue your adventure.


    (page 243) you have jumped into the cash shop and it has absorbed all of your money, game over, start again?
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • Zareh - Dreamweaver
    Zareh - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Id say its worth it if you dont get drawn into all this "not the best = fail" stuff that everyone is into. There are plenty of ways to make enough money in game to get you everything you need, and you would have to work for it more than cashshoppers, but it can be done. I have herc, maxed invenotry, warsoul helm, -chan sleeves, ring, weapon etc, 3.0 flyers on 2 chars, and about 120mil coins +stuff to sell. Making money is not hard in this game, and those who think it is just complain cause its easier to QQ and CS b:chuckle
    You will have more fun if you play just to play though. Cause "the best" changes monthly so "the best"= $2000 a month minimum, while fun= free
    If your problem has a solution then... why worry about it?
    If your problem does not have a solution then... why worry about it?
  • Ikarium - Dreamweaver
    Ikarium - Dreamweaver Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    As the thread implies, there's varying opinions on it.

    Its not near as bad as some people make it to be, imo. But honestly, the forums represent a small fraction of the population and the best way is to get in game and check it out.
  • X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear
    X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,301 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    My opinion.

    Play a private server such as Elite. It's a mirror image of PWI (content/gear/client/classes/skills), except it has higher rates rates (stuff drops more/less exp to level), sure it's new, but it'll grow. This is if you want a challenge, with an achievable goal of being a good player without spending any money.

    If your not bothered about buying a GM/CM a new holiday to Cyprus, and not having any friendly contact with anyone pre level 80, PWI is your game.

    If you want to waste time until new games come out such as G.W.Two or something, it's totally upto you, higher rates and a more enjoyable experience v loneliness and the temptation to spend money.

    Wow I sound biased lol.
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    carlousk wrote: »
    I havnt played it yet but i was thinking is it worth starting anew or is the game dying out abit?

    Seriously nobody but you can answer this question if you've never played the game before. We all have our own perspectives and I am willing to wager your perspective will be quite different from ours.

    For instance, I've been playing since a few weeks after the game came out of beta in 2008. I've been through all the expansions, all the updates etc. Nothing that is in this game to date (will change next week though) is new to me. I'm able to form my own perspective though because of the years I've been playing. You or anyone else just starting to play will have their perspective of the game start the 1st time you log into it. You have no clue what the game was before you played for the 1st time and cannot form a rational opinion that compares what it was before and what it is now. So basically DL and play it and form your own opinion. Don't rely on what others think because we're all biased in what we think. Personally I, as with a lot of other old timers, really prefer the way the game was before the tideborne expansion. Some quit because of that and the cash shop items that have dramatically changed the gameplay but many of us are still here and are still adapting to the game as t evolves.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • Ichimokusan - Sanctuary
    Ichimokusan - Sanctuary Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    If you plan on spending less than $15/month then you are better off with a different f2p game. This game is probably the most cash shop heavy game currently available.
  • WaffleChan - Sanctuary
    WaffleChan - Sanctuary Posts: 2,897 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    i dont think it is. this game is pay to win, hard core. the people whove spent the most cash, reinvested it, and spent it again will drastically dwarf your chances of being remotely killing anything in pvp. getting ahead is going to be annoying. have fun.
    advice to fledgling archers:
    Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Yes, if you like extra level of realistic challenge.

    - Managing your coins in inflated unstable economy
    - Fighting or evading top ten cash shop PK (pvp server or PK mode only)
    - Expensive fast flyer and mount, very slow free flyer
    - Grinding, farming, merchanting for your character needs
    - Grinding, farming, merchanting in a long time for your character survival
    - Grinding, farming, merchanting forever, so your character can beat most top cash shop user
    - Trolled in forum, called no life or noob
    - Facing in game trolls, boasting, gloating people, " i am the center of the world " kind of people
    - Sort kind of random ban, or very late ban
    - Many glitch abuse, you must follow
    - Seeing your precious mirages disappear when refining
    - Red wall of system chat spam, shouting every few seconds
    - Yellow wall of world drama QQ chat, can be non stop
    - Special chat box of horn shout
    - Forceful beggar, lazy newbie, demanding noob
    - Enduring the torture of " Cash shop now !! " that appear frequently as you progress
    - Realizing what it mean to be high level before doing or buying power level tricks
    - Rage as you only getting normal tokens after opening 100 packs

    Perfect for hardcore gamer. b:victory
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Yes, only if you want to use it as your personal messenger/3d avatar chat.

    No, only if you have reservations on spending a lot of real money.

    If you're willing to put the time to merchant, find a different game. By the time you can afford to be competitive the server populations will be practically non-existent. We're way past the peak of the game and population has steadily declined over the last two years.

    These game servers are designed to hold far more players than PWE has ever had. Even at it's peak, PWI never had a comparable population to the Chinese or Russian servers. And, by the time PWE decides to have server merges, it'll already be too late.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Ikarium - Dreamweaver
    Ikarium - Dreamweaver Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    The emphasis on 'real money' from some of you is ridiculous. This game does not require any real money at all.
    Some f2p games lock out content, levels or gear if you don't cashshop. In this one, everything is farmable and available. Either farmed directly, or via merchanting/farming and buying.
    If you wanna work for it, and no not unreasonable 23 hours a day, you can still have kick *** gear.
  • Sparc - Harshlands
    Sparc - Harshlands Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    The emphasis on 'real money' from some of you is ridiculous. This game does not require any real money at all.
    Some f2p games lock out content, levels or gear if you don't cashshop. In this one, everything is farmable and available. Either farmed directly, or via merchanting/farming and buying.
    If you wanna work for it, and no not unreasonable 23 hours a day, you can still have kick *** gear.

    I would only emphasize money because that's what will keep the game 'alive' (the servers 'on'), not population. If they had 10 billion players but none cash shopped they'd shut them down. If they had ONE player that cash shopped enough to keep them profitable, they'd probably keep the server(s) 'up' b:surrender

    However, yes, an individual can play for absolutely nothing ...
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    The emphasis on 'real money' from some of you is ridiculous. This game does not require any real money at all.

    If you wanna work for it, and no not unreasonable 23 hours a day, you can still have kick *** gear.

    IF you want to start that now, you're too late. By the time you'll have "kick *** gear" nobody else will be around to appreciate it.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Sagek - Sanctuary
    Sagek - Sanctuary Posts: 1,156 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    It's funny how people say the servers are dead and theres no life. But when there are new people coming onto the forums inquiring about the game and if they should play people are so quick to say, "Don't play, this game sucks!!!" or "Don't play unless you want to sell your first born!".

    How is that doing anything to help the situation? I mean I can't help but to shake my head sometimes when I read peoples comments and then see how they act when they are given an opportunity to change things. I mean if you have decided to stick around whether it be the forums or the game then at the least encourage new players to play the freaking game. Or are people only sticking around to make sure this game fails?
  • fuzzywuzz
    fuzzywuzz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I mean if you have decided to stick around whether it be the forums or the game then at the least encourage new players to play the freaking game.

    The panda had to quote that. Best thing Fuzzy has read on the forums in a long long time.
    [SIGPIC]Need to talk to Fuzzy?[/SIGPIC]
    Sig by NowItsAwn
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    It's funny how people say the servers are dead and theres no life. But when there are new people coming onto the forums inquiring about the game and if they should play people are so quick to say, "Don't play, this game sucks!!!" or "Don't play unless you want to sell your first born!".

    How is that doing anything to help the situation? I mean I can't help but to shake my head sometimes when I read peoples comments and then see how they act when they are given an opportunity to change things. I mean if you have decided to stick around whether it be the forums or the game then at the least encourage new players to play the freaking game. Or are people only sticking around to make sure this game fails?

    The title of the thread reads:
    Is it worth starting new in this game?

    So, anyone who has negative opinions should just keep their mouth shut?

    Lying would be better than telling an honest opinion?

    The OP also goes on to ask:
    I havnt played it yet but i was thinking is it worth starting anew or is the game dying out abit?

    No, the game isn't dying a bit at all. It's growing. Everything is fine. Everyone is happy.

    Also, if you ignore everything, it'll all be better in the end.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Amup - Raging Tide
    Amup - Raging Tide Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Game is still fun and the fun that come sfrom it is what u do of it.. Don't let others grow on you, u can still get some pretty nifty stuff even if u don't cash shop as much as others do (or at all even)

    I'm one of the rare ones on my server (maybe even in a handful of people even of all servers) to have a self made OHT ring with 182 physical atk and pretty proud of it.. (Could even be higher if I would use a ancient emblem and get phys atk bonus better then +12)
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    It's funny how people say the servers are dead and theres no life. But when there are new people coming onto the forums inquiring about the game and if they should play people are so quick to say, "Don't play, this game sucks!!!" or "Don't play unless you want to sell your first born!".

    You don't need to sell your first born. A single kidney will suffice.

    Kidding aside, the people who are absolutely against the thought of spending a single dime will probably be extremely frustrated unless they take up merchanting. When I started playing, I was constantly fighting with the tiny inventory, and ended up saying "**** it" and bought the super inventory and safe stones. I believe I reached this point by the time I was questing at Dreaming Stronghold.
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    No money needed. Every update; they make it easier for newcomers to catch up. I just rolled another Assassin and have yet to buy any equips for it. It's 2x and already has earned ~1/2 a mil in coin in a couple days of work. By the time it needs to purchase equips: they will be far cheaper and easier to obtain than 3 years ago. Second hand equips with decent refines / imbues sell cheaper than you can fab a non refined/imbued. Something like Heaven's Rage boots used to cost over 100m and now sells for 20m.

    Even leveling has become easier and cheaper with the daily bounty hunter quests and Phoenix Valley. You can get a decent flyer from DQ points and do World Quest if that's your thing. Free land mounts on anniversaries have driven down land mount resale prices.

    Bounty Hunts and Pack sales have reduced skill costs drastically. Nirvana and BH100's have made people lazy where they leave piles of coin and items laying around for the taking.

    Content has increased a lot. To say starting new right now is a waste would be like saying that slow tedious and far less profitable way of playing we did ~4 years ago was better (which I disagree).

    Do it smart though: Multi-box, merchant, account stash (good to have toons that can share equips on same account), focus on getting to 100 for the BH rewards (multiple toons if possible), wait on sales for things like account stash, super inventory, super bank, etc).
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Eccii - Raging Tide
    Eccii - Raging Tide Posts: 481 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »
    The panda had to quote that. Best thing Fuzzy has read on the forums in a long long time.

    The panda doesn't read the forums enough.
    Retired on Barb-
    Currently playing mystic-
  • Sidwinder - Heavens Tear
    Sidwinder - Heavens Tear Posts: 353 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Honestly if you do some research you can make a lot of money farming if you don't care about merchanting. I made a seeker he's lvl 37 I found rough fur's have the best drop rate at this lvl. You can either sell them in the AH or depending on server some catshops buy them for decent price's on my server catshops buy them for 17.5k each or I can try selling them in AH for around 20-24k each or more depends how fast I need the coin. I just make a genie and feed it my exp to stay at that lvl and farm the fur's I've made enough to get 6 stones of jungle so far for the belt and now I'm working on a super inv stone and I'll prob just use him for now to make some decent coin along with what my archer makes killing spiders.
  • TunaMan - Heavens Tear
    TunaMan - Heavens Tear Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    then you realize at the end of the day, the average perfect world player has spent 10x the yearly cost of a subscription based game... in the span of a month b:chuckleb:chuckleb:chuckle

    I hope you don't mind me adding that part to my sig b:cool
    "One day, you'll log in and you'll be the only one in sight. You'll see a couple of merchants auto-bot-spamming world chat and even then, you'll say "game is still alive and well"." - Michael_Dark, Lost City
    "Lesson learned: As long as you spend lots of money, you are allowed to ignore the TOS and gain an unfair advantage." - SadieMae, Lost City