Another endgame thread

Saethos - Raging Tide
Posts: 1,239 Arc User
First, a few things I'd like to say.
TL;DR I don't want to be epictabulastic, I'm aware of some simple noob mistakes, and everything is subject to change.
1) No I do not plan on nor will I cave in to get rank 9, I simply cannot afford it and am not dedicated enough to do so
2) I plan on getting all farmed gear minus refines and shards, that which will be earned in a loooooong and tiring struggle to earn coin in game without charging -too- much gold, as I will charge some on occasion
3) This is the basic, it will evolve over time, such as farming a Sky Cover or 2, everything is subject to change.
4) I chose a PvE Server. This is for TW in terms of PvP, but I am not experienced in a BMs role in TW, which is one of the reasons I am posting here
5) This is only 1 set, there is an alternate set that is nothing special, pretty cheap and pretty much for farming only that can achieve 5 aps, that's why some of this gear is as is, it also requires a tome change to a dex tome to equip the fist I use.
6) Not sure what blessing would make it look better so I went random
7) I'm aware I have magic marrow demon buffed on and that I am 101 as the BM shown is 100, I made this PWcalc a while ago
Ok, now that I said all that nonsense, I'll get to the point. So a while ago I made a PWcalc for what I wanted my endgame BM to be but I am not about to buy rank 9 and plan on farming at least to +7 on refines of my gear. I do not plan on spending money to buy this set, which is why some of the gear simply isn't so great.
I was just wondering if this was a good gear build for a BM that wanted to be good in PvE while still holding up his own in PvP (not being pro, just holding his own) for a player that cash shopped on occasion but wanted to farm most of the gear. I'm partially here but not near close yet so I have time to adapt
I'm aware that a warsoul isn't so great for endgame, but I already have one with those 3 shards. Arguably I could sell it and then get a better one but frankly, I'm lazy and I'm a PvE nut with already a lot of HP for a PvE player.
TW is a part of this, as I would have quit now if I only played for PvE.
So my questions are basically, how can I improve this gear without making it far too expensive?
Anything I can do to make this one cheaper but still good?
How will this hold up in PvP?
TL;DR I don't want to be epictabulastic, I'm aware of some simple noob mistakes, and everything is subject to change.
1) No I do not plan on nor will I cave in to get rank 9, I simply cannot afford it and am not dedicated enough to do so
2) I plan on getting all farmed gear minus refines and shards, that which will be earned in a loooooong and tiring struggle to earn coin in game without charging -too- much gold, as I will charge some on occasion
3) This is the basic, it will evolve over time, such as farming a Sky Cover or 2, everything is subject to change.
4) I chose a PvE Server. This is for TW in terms of PvP, but I am not experienced in a BMs role in TW, which is one of the reasons I am posting here
5) This is only 1 set, there is an alternate set that is nothing special, pretty cheap and pretty much for farming only that can achieve 5 aps, that's why some of this gear is as is, it also requires a tome change to a dex tome to equip the fist I use.
6) Not sure what blessing would make it look better so I went random
7) I'm aware I have magic marrow demon buffed on and that I am 101 as the BM shown is 100, I made this PWcalc a while ago
Ok, now that I said all that nonsense, I'll get to the point. So a while ago I made a PWcalc for what I wanted my endgame BM to be but I am not about to buy rank 9 and plan on farming at least to +7 on refines of my gear. I do not plan on spending money to buy this set, which is why some of the gear simply isn't so great.
I was just wondering if this was a good gear build for a BM that wanted to be good in PvE while still holding up his own in PvP (not being pro, just holding his own) for a player that cash shopped on occasion but wanted to farm most of the gear. I'm partially here but not near close yet so I have time to adapt
I'm aware that a warsoul isn't so great for endgame, but I already have one with those 3 shards. Arguably I could sell it and then get a better one but frankly, I'm lazy and I'm a PvE nut with already a lot of HP for a PvE player.
TW is a part of this, as I would have quit now if I only played for PvE.
So my questions are basically, how can I improve this gear without making it far too expensive?
Anything I can do to make this one cheaper but still good?
How will this hold up in PvP?
It is said that apple pie is best served Al La Mode, so if you are the pie, consider me your ice cream.
Post edited by Saethos - Raging Tide on
Gonna match your random thoughts for random thoughts:
PVP I don't think would be too bad. You won't be "teh awesome R9 kilaz!", but I know a ton of people who pvp with way less "phat gear" successfully.
You will however, save a few sections of 9 trials, suck at PvE.
I also said I wouldn't go R9, then I joined a TW Faction, saw what a bunch of R9s do even in 9 Trials, and am now merching my butt off and selling heads and WGTM.
For PvE:
Armor: I'd suggest getting 2 HA parts and a Pan Gu to switch out for 5APS. This would be your most efficient option where you would not lose too much HP from. Your second option is 2LA/2HA, which is cheaper by about 150m-ish - but sucks down your defenses.
I personally sacrificed some Attack for better defenses and a (somewhat) cheaper build. I seem to rarely squad in pve with similar level geared sins or BM and end up with aggro. Plus I like to solo FF like it ain't no thing.
Weapon: Get a well refined 1-2 socket Deicide and you'll be fine for multiple things. Deicide is by far the cheapest option to go, and not far behind DPS wise at +10 - works fine for Nirvana and etc. I did notice a good jump in damage/time invested when I upgraded, but was it night and day difference? No not really. The +10 Deicides were already pwning just fine.
For PvP:
Now since Im working on upgrading myself, talking with a lot of people and seeing things is action: High refine axes and Defense levels seem to be the way to go. High HP is nice ofc too. But it really seems the 100 Atk Levels and 50+ Defense levels with R9 is what makes BM insane in PvP/TW. I can't say that from direct experience, but having my butt kicked, watching people kick butt, etc...yea.
On the cheap, get either cape or hat for your nirrvy set for the +10 Def Levels. Cape might be the best idea given you can reshard it with JSoD like the rest of the set and keep your helm. You'd get a bigger bump in stats replacing the int robe over the hat.
Other than the missing 5aps/3.33 base for PvE - it's skills more than gear in the end.
Gear helps, but I've seen a full R9 JSoD BM die Soloing Tower in Abba / -
Saethos - Raging Tide wrote: »
Wow, what a mind f**k that whole post was.
You said you won't get R9, but disregarding all those shards and refines as well as cube neck and jungle belt... If you can afford to get a set of 2nd cast Nirvana armor you can afford Rank 9.
And, that was pretty much a pre-R9 fantasy build. Get R9, its far superior for a very marginal difference in price.I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
Maelael - Heavens Tear wrote: »Gonna match your random thoughts for random thoughts:
PVP I don't think would be too bad. You won't be "teh awesome R9 kilaz!", but I know a ton of people who pvp with way less "phat gear" successfully.
You will however, save a few sections of 9 trials, suck at PvE.
I also said I wouldn't go R9, then I joined a TW Faction, saw what a bunch of R9s do even in 9 Trials, and am now merching my butt off and selling heads and WGTM.
For PvE:
Armor: I'd suggest getting 2 HA parts and a Pan Gu to switch out for 5APS. This would be your most efficient option where you would not lose too much HP from. Your second option is 2LA/2HA, which is cheaper by about 150m-ish - but sucks down your defenses.
I personally sacrificed some Attack for better defenses and a (somewhat) cheaper build. I seem to rarely squad in pve with similar level geared sins or BM and end up with aggro. Plus I like to solo FF like it ain't no thing.
Weapon: Get a well refined 1-2 socket Deicide and you'll be fine for multiple things. Deicide is by far the cheapest option to go, and not far behind DPS wise at +10 - works fine for Nirvana and etc. I did notice a good jump in damage/time invested when I upgraded, but was it night and day difference? No not really. The +10 Deicides were already pwning just fine.
For PvP:
Now since Im working on upgrading myself, talking with a lot of people and seeing things is action: High refine axes and Defense levels seem to be the way to go. High HP is nice ofc too. But it really seems the 100 Atk Levels and 50+ Defense levels with R9 is what makes BM insane in PvP/TW. I can't say that from direct experience, but having my butt kicked, watching people kick butt, etc...yea.
On the cheap, get either cape or hat for your nirrvy set for the +10 Def Levels. Cape might be the best idea given you can reshard it with JSoD like the rest of the set and keep your helm. You'd get a bigger bump in stats replacing the int robe over the hat.
Other than the missing 5aps/3.33 base for PvE - it's skills more than gear in the end.
Gear helps, but I've seen a full R9 JSoD BM die Soloing Tower in Abba before.
Can't afford rank 9 either way, I'll need a crapton of farming to get this either way
I was considering getting a Pan Gu tome but it costs almost 300m and getting that kind of money, I'd spend on other things first...But yeah, I am capable of getting 5 aps with this build, plus have plenty of Nirvana partners that I can go with as I am now. As of this very moment I have 4 aps and have not reset to have these stats.
Looking at the Nirvana cape I think that would be a good way to go either way, rank 9 or not...Don't get me wrong, yes rank 9 is epic, but no matter what the majority of it has to be bought regardless of how you look at it.
I'm nowhere NEAR this build yet, still need a reset, wearing some armor that has no shards, weapon is only +3, and the shards I do have kinda suck and I can solo tower in Abba...tell those BMs to reroll please o.oMichael_Dark - Lost City wrote: »Wow, what a mind f**k that whole post was.
You said you won't get R9, but disregarding all those shards and refines as well as cube neck and jungle belt... If you can afford to get a set of 2nd cast Nirvana armor you can afford Rank 9.
And, that was pretty much a pre-R9 fantasy build. Get R9, its far superior for a very marginal difference in price.
Nirvana can be farmed...rank 9 takes far too long. JoSD can be earned instead of bought, I've done the math, I am NOT buying my gear, thus the no rank 9...It is said that apple pie is best served Al La Mode, so if you are the pie, consider me your ice cream.0 -
Saethos - Raging Tide wrote: »Can't afford rank 9 either way, I'll need a crapton of farming to get this either way
I was considering getting a Pan Gu tome but it costs almost 300m and getting that kind of money, I'd spend on other things first...But yeah, I am capable of getting 5 aps with this build, plus have plenty of Nirvana partners that I can go with as I am now. As of this very moment I have 4 aps and have not reset to have these stats.
Looking at the Nirvana cape I think that would be a good way to go either way, rank 9 or not...Don't get me wrong, yes rank 9 is epic, but no matter what the majority of it has to be bought regardless of how you look at it.
I'm nowhere NEAR this build yet, still need a reset, wearing some armor that has no shards, weapon is only +3, and the shards I do have kinda suck and I can solo tower in Abba...tell those BMs to reroll please o.o
Nirvana can be farmed...rank 9 takes far too long. JoSD can be earned instead of bought, I've done the math, I am NOT buying my gear, thus the no rank 9...
What part of the word farm do you not seem to understand /facepalm
Farm for r9 inquires to making enough coin to go to the gold trade at the auctioneer and buy the gold from the other players, then just keep doing that until you have the 1600 gold needed to get the r9 armor and then on it's easy to get everything else (Minus maybe +12 across the board). ****ing stupid are players these days =.=''Nothing worthwhile to mention here, enjoy the animated signature~
_Perses_ - Lost City wrote: » ****ing stupid are players these days =.=''
Only need to look at yourself to find out.
@OP why would you get G16 cube and only g14 Jungle. I'm not sure if it was an accident or brain freeze or just a troll post.0 -
Hurrdurr - Lothranis wrote: »
@OP why would you get G16 cube and only g14 Jungle. I'm not sure if it was an accident or brain freeze or just a troll post._Perses_ - Lost City wrote: »Replace helm with Nirvana version of the 90 gold helm, and belt is a uh....G16 cube neck and G14 jungle belt? Why the hell did you go with jungle belt o.O...Warsong is better and if you are getting a G16 cube, might as well get a G16 warsong.
Gz, you just expanded what I wrote and made a worse job of it using more words.0 -
Hurrdurr - Lothranis wrote: »Gz, you just expanded what I wrote and made a worse job of it using more words.
Seriously....Do I need to ask one of the GM's to warn ya, or are you going to leave me alone?
Flaming other forum members can equal a denial of access to the forums~Nothing worthwhile to mention here, enjoy the animated signature~
_Perses_ - Lost City wrote: »Seriously....Do I need to ask one of the GM's to warn ya, or are you going to leave me alone?
Flaming other forum members can equal a denial of access to the forums~
Go for it, but let me remind a few things.
a) You called people ****ing stupid first.
b) Your comments are unhelpful whereas mine are original
c) You started insulting me first
Refer this case at your own peril.0 -
People didn't grasp the concept of me not being made out of money...I'll just back away from this thread slowly and do whatever I want, thanks to the few that actually read and helped without an insulting manner, those that posted in aggressive manners, I will put what you said aside because ironically it was also not helpful.It is said that apple pie is best served Al La Mode, so if you are the pie, consider me your ice cream.0
Not sure about you not made out of money, but you might want to check if your brain isn't made out of air. You put a 1.1 bil cost necklace that gives you 136 more m def than a 130 mil one, but you can't afford R9? Using G14 cube and you'll have half of the coins saved for R9 set. +11 armor instead of +12 and you have the rest. With +11 R9 and G14 cube instead of that +12 garbage you linked, you'll have similar survivability and much much more damage.
But who am I kidding? It's not like you have the coins, or ever will have the coins for the gears listed in the calc you made anyways. So looking at that calc an tell you what you can save, or that you can buy 3 sets of R9 with that is pointless._Perses_ - Lost City wrote: »Sorry, but if you are going to try and troll me you will need to go at it harder I haz a +9000 defense to trolls from growing up on Heaven's Tear :O_Perses_ - Lost City wrote: »Seriously....Do I need to ask one of the GM's to warn ya, or are you going to leave me alone?
Flaming other forum members can equal a denial of access to the forums~
Wow wtf I don't even...
"You can't troll me bro, I'm too tough for that"
"QQ leave meh alone! Pick on me again and Ima tell on you"
You bipolar?0 -
Hurrdurr - Lothranis wrote: »abc.
Shut up noob
At OP, you really are dumb... that g16 neck is the cost of r9 itself, really dumb...Superfeng - Level 101 Lost City Blademaster, retired.0 -
_Perses_ - Lost City wrote: »Nerd Rage!!!Hurrdurr - Lothranis wrote: »Ragemoar!!!
Ahh, I missed all the drama... Some forums (not PWIs) have people that actually support each other or build off each others ideas, having adult conversations. One can dream, though. Anyways...
@ OP. Wow, 2/3 of your post was disclaimer for people not to rage at you for mistakes. The jist of it being "Here's a build I hope to use mostly for PvE but also for TW. Any critiques?" I was too tired to follow it the last few nights so never posted, lol. But here are my suggestions:
-Consider at least R8. The weapon you chose is... decent. The stun proc tends to interfere with stuns a BM is already using and bothers some peoples when their 6 second stuns don't land because the 4 second stun was already active. An R8 axe would out DD that weapon till about +7 and the crit rate is useful in zhenning and pk. You'd also get the R8 ring for PvE.
-Sign of Frost-> Sky Cover or R9. I know R9 seems out of your budget now but maybe someday it wont be.
-Other ring-> Seal of Eternal Solitude, at least for pk. In PvE an R8 ring would work better than a second Frost ring. In TW I use the CoA ring because it refines for magic defense.
-TT vana -> Lunar. It has about 33% more base defense and usually better hp adds instead of vit. Can also consider R8 recast which has some beastly defenses and some great random adds, especially the plate. If you aren't interested in upgrading your helm then you probably aren't interested in changing your armor out, but just a suggestion.
-Get the Helm. 5 piece set bonus is 10 defense levels and greater than your 3 dinky citrine shards.
-This doesn't look like an aps build, so I don't understand the cape. Yes, 24-28 stats are nice but there are better options out there for axe BMs since the -int doesn't really help an axe. Vana cape, WoCC, and Matchless.
-Tome can obviously be upgraded, depending on your budget.
I see people have already trolled this thread to death and you've given up, but hopefully this helps.Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0 -
Superfeng - Lost City wrote: »Shut up noob
At OP, you really are dumb... that g16 neck is the cost of r9 itself, really dumb...
Who are you again?
b:bye0 -
Hurrdurr - Lothranis wrote: »Who are you again?
That was Superfeng. It says it in the quote box.Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0 -
Sakubatou - Sanctuary wrote: »Ahh, I missed all the drama... Some forums (not PWIs) have people that actually support each other or build off each others ideas, having adult conversations. One can dream, though. Anyways...
@ OP. Wow, 2/3 of your post was disclaimer for people not to rage at you for mistakes. The jist of it being "Here's a build I hope to use mostly for PvE but also for TW. Any critiques?" I was too tired to follow it the last few nights so never posted, lol. But here are my suggestions:
-Consider at least R8. The weapon you chose is... decent. The stun proc tends to interfere with stuns a BM is already using and bothers some peoples when their 6 second stuns don't land because the 4 second stun was already active. An R8 axe would out DD that weapon till about +7 and the crit rate is useful in zhenning and pk. You'd also get the R8 ring for PvE.
-Sign of Frost-> Sky Cover or R9. I know R9 seems out of your budget now but maybe someday it wont be.
-Other ring-> Seal of Eternal Solitude, at least for pk. In PvE an R8 ring would work better than a second Frost ring. In TW I use the CoA ring because it refines for magic defense.
-TT vana -> Lunar. It has about 33% more base defense and usually better hp adds instead of vit. Can also consider R8 recast which has some beastly defenses and some great random adds, especially the plate. If you aren't interested in upgrading your helm then you probably aren't interested in changing your armor out, but just a suggestion.
-Get the Helm. 5 piece set bonus is 10 defense levels and greater than your 3 dinky citrine shards.
-This doesn't look like an aps build, so I don't understand the cape. Yes, 24-28 stats are nice but there are better options out there for axe BMs since the -int doesn't really help an axe. Vana cape, WoCC, and Matchless.
-Tome can obviously be upgraded, depending on your budget.
I see people have already trolled this thread to death and you've given up, but hopefully this helps.
Rank 8 doesn't seem out of my budget, and yeat, first post was quite a tl;dr, but some poeple need this stuff spelled out for them jsut to still not understand.
If I do get rank 8 recast I'll be farming the recast, buying the rep, but farming for the gear and such. Looking at the gear you mentioned, you're right, so I may just go rank 8. And yeah, not too interested in replacing the helm for costs sake, but if I get the opportunity, why not? That's how I see most of that gear.It is said that apple pie is best served Al La Mode, so if you are the pie, consider me your ice cream.0 -
Well i calculated the cost of the gears u put in the cal. Its 8.7bil approx (im not the best calculator but im sure its something close). These gears are not the best u can get for this coinage.
here i did a cal for u (i assume this is worth something close to 8.7bil as well).
- Defenses are similar but my cal is better by a lil bit. and 52 defense lvls vs 81
- There is a huge difference in attack 10272-15522 vs 12214-18320 and 30 attack lvls vs 83
- Crit rate is higher in my cal + the weapon have gof which is obviously the best choice for a bm.
I am a farmer too so i know that something like this is hard without a decent cs support. I would give 2 years of farming + csing to achieve this much. Anyways im assuming that in ur mind farming is getting the materials ur self in an instance (eg: farming 250 cannies for nirvy gears in nirvana). But selling these mats and getting the coins is also farming, and this is how u farm r9.
BTW how the hell do u earn josds???? anyways hope this helps abit... its just my opinion others might know better =P b:byecurrent
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