
DuckTapez - Archosaur
DuckTapez - Archosaur Posts: 855 Arc User
edited January 2012 in Suggestion Box

it's unfair how the grandpa sitting in front of FB dungeons is the only one getting any form of liquor b:cry all the players have are events that induce QQing

so come on...Brewfest!
think about it

that is all
(if the GMs/devs aint gonna take this section of the forums seriously then neither will I)

edit: if you don't know what Brewfest is...

it's an annual event (from a certain game that will go unnamed) based loosely on Oktoberfest
to sum it up in one sentence, everyone gets together for 2 weeks and win prizes by riding rams while drunk off pixelated beer
......you know what, you better go Google it b:surrender

Duct tape is like The Force: bright on one side, dark on the other. It holds the world together, and, if not handled correctly, becomes a sticky mess.
Post edited by DuckTapez - Archosaur on


  • Mimiroppu - Heavens Tear
    Mimiroppu - Heavens Tear Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Hahaha. That's how I feel about this section, too. I know this will be closed, but let it be known: I AGREE. WHY DON'T WE GET WINE EITHER?!?!!?!!!111?!?!1/? TIRED OF RUNNING THROUGH INSTANCES WITHOUT A BUZZ fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
  • MysticOfFire - Lothranis
    MysticOfFire - Lothranis Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    < also agrees lol

    oops wrong char its Fieryblade