
daveted Posts: 150 Arc User
edited January 2012 in Tideswell (East)
Firs of all this is not intended to be inflammatory thread, so pleas don't take it as such.
Main purpose here is to ask a question and make certain people around here reflect on their actions.

Yesterday there was some WC back and forward going on by QQme and Vicious; nothing new there.

However, I noticed something in common chat that needs to be shared with rest of you.
We all know what Spell_Caster did last week. How he acted and how everyone from Vicious, QQme and other factions alike, asked him to stop BSing (or to be more colorful - to ****). That should tell you how credible and relevant his claims were.

Yesterday, one of the alt's that was trolling QQme in WC mistakenly common chated something that was obviously intended to be a whisper. I think I'm not the only one who saw this.

It was something on the lines of: "this will make Vici look worse then if we world chat stuff directly at them" - I'm paraphrasing here, but that was the general message.
Now that person continued world chating messages of how QQme is fail, this that... making believe he/she was Vicious alt.

Now my question is WHY?
Are you that bored in RL?
Why can you people be normal?
Why are you constantly trying to bash Vicious (in this case) faction and make believe that something they are doing is wrong?
Isn't it obvious who is playing games and who is playing the game?
If anything, history of RT can tell us all about it. I think QQme's hardship is coming form actions in the past done by people who already semi-quit or quit the faction/game. There is maybe a handful of original QQme from that era left in QQme. Yes, the fact that former leader is still puling stings in there and that one of the main advocates of inter-faction hate (aka Spell) is current leader of QQme, might not be helping their image, but not all QQme's are like that. That said, why aren't QQme members doing anything about it? Why are you letting thees people drag you down with them?

Back to the original point, of alt's and sneaky games.
Whoever this person might be, please stop what you are doing. You will accomplished nothing with those games.
-If you are a QQme, what I said is a fact proven by the current state of you faction.
-If you are from some other faction, you need to understand that by doing this you accomplished nothing for yourself and your friends. You just make QQme and Vicious fight each other even more and have all the TW fun this server has to offer for themselves.

Utopia: Also, dev's should change WC mark to lvl 100+ or 79+, especially for older servers.

This alt BS nonsense needs to stop; or as someone put it in one of the previous threads that made me LOL so bad: "This ASCII diarrhea" needs to stop.
Post edited by daveted on


  • ButthurtQQer - Raging Tide
    ButthurtQQer - Raging Tide Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    A couple things:

    1) inflammatory is a bodily response to injury where the injured part of the body swells up and becomes more sensitive to pain while it heals. You were looking for the word "flame."

    2) yes he is that bored irl. He's spent thousands of dollars on the game, is almost always online, and is the leader of a TW fac, which is like a second job in of itself.

    3) "why can't** you people be normal." Not trying to be a grammar ****, but that kinda changes the whole message...

    4) the devs raising the level for WCing would be horrible. Many people use alts as merching toons and need to be able to speak in WC. Making people level their merch alts to 79+ is absolutely ridiculous.
  • Bellefleurs - Raging Tide
    Bellefleurs - Raging Tide Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    4) the devs raising the level for WCing would be horrible. Many people use alts as merching toons and need to be able to speak in WC. Making people level their merch alts to 79+ is absolutely ridiculous.

    BUT it would make PWI moar MONEYYYYYY. b:chuckle
    Retired nonfactor archer.
  • Kawaiiiii - Raging Tide
    Kawaiiiii - Raging Tide Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    +10 w/ Tisha: youtube.com/watch?v=tKHuXP8LRFU&feature=plcp
  • linhcra
    linhcra Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    1) inflammatory is a bodily response to injury where the injured part of the body swells up and becomes more sensitive to pain while it heals. You were looking for the word "flame."


    You were referring to the word inflammation.
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I find trolling funny because the person getting trolled doesn't realize it and respond with RAGE! Anyways I don't always troll but I can't deny that I tend to do it...sometimes. Apparently it's easier than I thought; plenty of people start raging over something I didn't even notice or intend, so it's always a pleasant/amusing surprise.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Hurrdurr - Lothranis
    Hurrdurr - Lothranis Posts: 1,468 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Trolling is funny when people realise if the troll is trolling or not. When it's Spell people don't know if he's trolling or just being stupid.

    Oh hai Aesthor, nice of you to drop in and visit me b:kiss
  • AriesBreath - Raging Tide
    AriesBreath - Raging Tide Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    linhcra wrote: »

    Ily, let's make lovely Grammar **** babies! b:dirty
  • Frostwish - Raging Tide
    Frostwish - Raging Tide Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    "I am a troll."
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Trolling is funny when people realise if the troll is trolling or not. When it's Spell people don't know if he's trolling or just being stupid.

    Oh hai Aesthor, nice of you to drop in and visit me b:kiss

    <3 b:chuckle
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • daveted
    daveted Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    <3 b:chuckle

    is it bad that I like your sig so much?

  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    daveted wrote: »
    Firs of all this is not intended to be inflammatory thread, so pleas don't take it as such.
    Main purpose here is to ask a question and make certain people around here reflect on their actions.

    Yesterday there was some WC back and forward going on by QQme and Vicious; nothing new there.

    However, I noticed something in common chat that needs to be shared with rest of you.
    We all know what Spell_Caster did last week. How he acted and how everyone from Vicious, QQme and other factions alike, asked him to stop BSing (or to be more colorful - to ****). That should tell you how credible and relevant his claims were.

    Yesterday, one of the alt's that was trolling QQme in WC mistakenly common chated something that was obviously intended to be a whisper. I think I'm not the only one who saw this.

    It was something on the lines of: "this will make Vici look worse then if we world chat stuff directly at them" - I'm paraphrasing here, but that was the general message.
    Now that person continued world chating messages of how QQme is fail, this that... making believe he/she was Vicious alt.

    Now my question is WHY?
    Are you that bored in RL?
    Why can you people be normal?
    Why are you constantly trying to bash Vicious (in this case) faction and make believe that something they are doing is wrong?
    Isn't it obvious who is playing games and who is playing the game?
    If anything, history of RT can tell us all about it. I think QQme's hardship is coming form actions in the past done by people who already semi-quit or quit the faction/game. There is maybe a handful of original QQme from that era left in QQme. Yes, the fact that former leader is still puling stings in there and that one of the main advocates of inter-faction hate (aka Spell) is current leader of QQme, might not be helping their image, but not all QQme's are like that. That said, why aren't QQme members doing anything about it? Why are you letting thees people drag you down with them?

    Back to the original point, of alt's and sneaky games.
    Whoever this person might be, please stop what you are doing. You will accomplished nothing with those games.
    -If you are a QQme, what I said is a fact proven by the current state of you faction.
    -If you are from some other faction, you need to understand that by doing this you accomplished nothing for yourself and your friends. You just make QQme and Vicious fight each other even more and have all the TW fun this server has to offer for themselves.

    Utopia: Also, dev's should change WC mark to lvl 100+ or 79+, especially for older servers.

    This alt BS nonsense needs to stop; or as someone put it in one of the previous threads that made me LOL so bad: "This ASCII diarrhea" needs to stop.

    OMG, again red wall of text...OMG my eyes...

    Ok, eclipse glasses on...bla bla bla...I saw the trolling of Vicious. I decided not to join the WC party and just WC recruitment as Vicious was having their show.
    To make it simple...Vicious already look bad. They jinxed TWs with Levi, they are the dominant faction and they want to take over the map. They destroyed the balance of forces by luring former QQme members in Vicious, they got them and started winning TW, just to actually brag they are pro. Well, anyone is pro with a full 80 people of R9+10/+12. They when QQme decided not to give them the actual pleasure of a good fight and wine them, they started to trashtalk about how QQme has no balls, no honour bla bla bla ...
    IMO Vicious became too OP too fast, QQme could not keep up. Now there is no point in TWing vs you guys. I kinda understand your frustration, every single one of you R9+10 and above cashed up at least over +1000$ for R9, for +10 rafines, for Shards and now, you get to kill what? Random white names at west from time to time and maybe hope for a show-up in TW? MOBs in pve instances and world map await for you guys to show your might!
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • Nuff_Said - Raging Tide
    Nuff_Said - Raging Tide Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Have you not learned from the flow of members OUT of your faction.....

    back to orginal topic, yes the alt trolls with ViciousSucks and QQmeSucks etc is just lame. Its not funny, not inspiring, just fail plain old fail. WTB Nightrage and Rawrgh back
    "I'm the best ever. I'm the most brutal and vicious, and most ruthless champion there's ever been. There's no one can stop me. Lennox is a conqueror? No, I'm Alexander, he's no Alexander. I'm the best ever! There's never been anybody as ruthless! I'm Sonny Liston, I'm Jack Dempsey. There's no one like me. I'm from their cloth. There's no one that can match me. My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart! I want to eat his children!" ~ Mike Tyson
  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Have you not learned from the flow of members OUT of your faction.....

    back to orginal topic, yes the alt trolls with ViciousSucks and QQmeSucks etc is just lame. Its not funny, not inspiring, just fail plain old fail. WTB Nightrage and Rawrgh back

    QQme produces amazing players every day. We train them, we gear them but we dont take the most important thing from them, Free will. If they want to leave, they leave, take a break, come back...or fight us in TWs.

    @original topic...OMG RED WALL OF TEXT...oOMG MY EYESb:shocked.

    Those people have offensive nicknames and offensive WCs, totally against T&C. One single SS and ticket could fix that problem. I dont need alts to troll Vicious, I do it on my main, ArchMichael, when I get the trolling fever.
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • Dylena - Raging Tide
    Dylena - Raging Tide Posts: 1,416 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Wouldn't ArchMichael count as your alt since you barley use it more then merchanting while Spell_Caster is TWing/PKing whenever its online?
  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Wouldn't ArchMichael count as your alt since you barley use it more then merchanting while Spell_Caster is TWing/PKing whenever its online?

    I dont know. It would? b:chuckle
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • Aasimar - Raging Tide
    Aasimar - Raging Tide Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Oh Spell, Spell, Spell... why do you make me do this...
    Ok, I fixed the color and some minor details.. i guess you got a bit confused, but don't worry, I'm here 4 ya.
    OMG, again red wall of text that univalves my diabolical plan ...OMG my eyes can't take it, I've been caught again...

    Ok, "ignore the facts and let me play stupid" glasses on...bla bla bla...I saw the trolling of my alts (after all i made them). I decided not to join the WC party on my main and just WC recruitment from him while my alts were having their show.
    To make it simple...I sure hope i succeed in making Vicious look bad. I'll try really hard to make you think that they jinxed TWs with Levi, they are the dominant faction and they want to take over the map. Also, I'll try to convince you all that they destroyed the balance of forces by luring former QQme members in Vicious (all 5 or 6 of them), and that it was in no way Man's or my fault they left by blithely insulting them in vent, guild chat and WC, they got them and continued winning TW, just so I could not brag I am pro anymore (meQQ). Well, anyone is pro with a full 80 people of R9+10/+12, but ofc, even I know that is not true, because if it was, QQme would still be no.1. After all, back in the day, QQme got all those Vicious r9's like Retto, Luci...and so on and on.. Then when QQme decided not to give them the actual pleasure of a good fight and wine them, they started to wonder about how QQme has no notion this is a game, no honor and plays this game only to feel important by wining...
    IMO Vicious became too OP too fast, QQme could not keep up. Population of RT simple started to see through our deceptions, and it is not fun for ME anymore. Now there is no point in TWing vs you guys, because I can't oneshoot you anymore and feel pro by wining. You need to understand my frustration, every single day of my R9+12full JoSD, I cashed up at least 1000$ for R9, for +12 rafines, for Shards and now, I get to kill what? Random white names at west from time to time while hugging safe zone and maybe hope for a show-up in TW? MOBs in pve instances and world map await for me and my fac m8s, to show our might! Trials here we come!


    QQme recruiting, all classes 100+ for TRIALS and more. PM Spell_Caster (the magnificent meQQ leader) for more info.
    ^legit msg, not a troll.

    much love,
  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    OMG, wall of green text with bold letters...omg omg my eyes.
    Cant read that Aasimar.

    I got a song for you from our friend Akon:

    Cash up all on the floor

    Cash up give me some more

    Cash up 'till you get sore

    Cash up oh-oh!
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • Aasimar - Raging Tide
    Aasimar - Raging Tide Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    OMG, wall of green text with bold letters...omg omg my eyes.
    Cant read that Aasimar.

    I got a song for you from our friend Akon:

    Cash up all on the floor

    Cash up give me some more

    Cash up 'till you get sore

    Cash up oh-oh!

    I bet he sings that to you every night b4 sleep... kinda appropriate, wouldn't you say?

  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    OMG! lets put more money in the game, the stocks of Perfect World Entertainment are dropping. They wont meet their revenue targets and close the game. Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!b:shockedb:shockedb:shocked
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • terminator00
    terminator00 Posts: 1
    edited January 2012

  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    QQme recruiting, all classes 100+ for TRIALS and more. PM Spell_Caster (the magnificent meQQ leader) for more info.
    ^legit msg, not a troll.
    It's unfortunate that QQme is a bunch of elitist buttholes. Recruiting 100+ only, indeed!

    You're supposed to hook 'em while they're young, say, 80+. b:chuckle
  • terminator00
    terminator00 Posts: 1
    edited January 2012
    Spell_Caster if i were you i would make it 90+. Why?
    Because why someone that grows in a faction since low level and have fun there leave at 100?
    But at 90+ most people are searching factions for TWs and actually they find some. They grow to 100 there and stay there. Exept some that change factions every 2 days. And believe me if you make it 90+ THEN QQme WILL HAVE THE MOST MEMBERS IN RT