Your Favorite...

CritCat - Archosaur
CritCat - Archosaur Posts: 608 Arc User
edited January 2012 in Etherblade (West)
Doing this b/c LK is doing it on his server fourm. Plus I'm bored.

Class to play:
Class to 1v1 against:
Skill your main class has:
Least favorite class to fight against:

Your Guild:
Favorite guild of all time:
Least Favorite guild:
Guild to fight against (as in you enjoy the TWs, not "herp derp I enjoy crushing them"):
Favorite specific TW (what guild, when, what'd you like about it):
Favorite TW squadmates:

Favorite person to chat with on vent:
Favorite PVP opponent:
Least favorite PVP opponent:
Favorite person to PVP alongside (you and this person back-to-back):
Favorite World Chat spammer:
Favorite cat shop:
Favorite West Gate/Silver Pool Blue name:

Class to play: Assassin, Wizard(If I ever got him R8+10)
Class to 1v1 against: Barbs w/ equal gear and refines
Skill: Absolute Domain
Skill your main class has: Maze Steps+Ironguard Powder
Least favorite class to fight against:Ninja Wizards, Over geared HA classes.

Your Guild: Polo
Favorite guild of all time:Wallice
Least Favorite guild:Immunity
Guild to fight against (as in you enjoy the TWs, not "herp derp I enjoy crushing them"):
The one time we actually won against EG's alts as PandoraBX lololololol
Favorite specific TW (what guild, when, what'd you like about it):Polo V Wallice, 2hrs of nothing but fun
Favorite TW squadmates: DAT BASE BUFFER

Favorite person to chat with on vent:
Vent:Nobody I can remember
Favorite PVP opponent: headslicerr
Least favorite PVP opponent:Diz's sin cos being farmed sucks ***|Vybzz b/c he can kill me while
I'm in IG/AD... ****ing hacker
Favorite person to PVP alongside (you and this person back-to-back):StupidFish
Favorite World Chat spammer:ReMakaBo
Favorite cat shop:__HERBAGE__ aka the 40k IG catshopb:dirtyb:kiss
Favorite West Gate/Silver Pool Blue name:(Back in the day) DERRRRRRR
Current Sin Build:
Current Wizard Build:
Post edited by CritCat - Archosaur on


  • GGianAAle - Archosaur
    GGianAAle - Archosaur Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Soooo, we are bored eh?

    Class to play: Cleric
    Class to 1v1 against: squishy wizards or psychics :D
    Skill: what do I puttt here? ok I will copy Crit: Cloud eruption <3
    Skill your main class has: Tempest
    Least favorite class to fight against: sins >:|

    Your Guild: Ascend
    Favorite guild of all time: old Immunity
    Least Favorite guild: Nemesis <333
    Guild to fight against (as in you enjoy the TWs, not "herp derp I enjoy crushing them"): Nemesis
    Favorite specific TW (what guild, when, what'd you like about it): more Nem vs Ascend 3 hr 80vs80 TWs?
    Favorite TW squadmates: xDaCat, Animeth, Archonbeast, Faevrune, Lynxpoint

    Favorite person to chat with on vent: -
    Favorite PVP opponent: rin_kin_din, anyone remember him?
    Least favorite PVP opponent: r9 archers b:cry
    Favorite person to PVP alongside (you and this person back-to-back): Tsyren / Orintaz
    Favorite World Chat spammer: Proski
    Favorite cat shop: Ace_Bank
    Favorite West Gate/Silver Pool Blue name: Ambition_
  • Xiac - Archosaur
    Xiac - Archosaur Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Class to play: Seeker (obviously)
    Class to 1v1 against: Sin
    Skill: Last Stand
    Skill your main class has: Heart Seeker
    Least favorite class to fight against: Wizi

    Your Guild: RogueXXX
    Favorite guild of all time: past immunity
    Least Favorite guild: Don't have one.
    Guild to fight against : Nem
    Favorite specific TW : Immunity vs Nem
    Favorite TW squadmates: Halnore,CelestX

    Favorite person to chat with on vent: Halnore,Yourichi
    Favorite PVP opponent: Anishonis
    Least favorite PVP opponent: CyborgFox lol
    Favorite person to PVP alongside: RenMasaru
    Favorite World Chat spammer: Liazu
    Favorite cat shop: Don't have one
    Favorite West Gate/Silver Pool Blue name: The newbs ^^
  • Ms_PurrrFect - Archosaur
    Ms_PurrrFect - Archosaur Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Class to play: Cleric
    Class to 1v1 against: Wizzies
    Skill: cloud eruption<3
    Skill your main class has:IH :D
    Least favorite class to fight against:Sins/Clerics

    Your Guild: Nemesis<3
    Favorite guild of all time:See above
    Least Favorite guild:Ascend
    Guild to fight against See above
    Favorite specific TW: No doubt Ascend 80 v 80 3 hrs EPIC
    Favorite TW squadmates: Too many to name:) SupahHeals GundumWolf LillithMorgan MysticKris LimeDew Conalll MysticWolf Skaidried UnlovedOne Safi and anyone that ganks a **** that killed me while i was not paying attention to my own self XD

    Favorite person to chat with on vent: Hahha Im a chatty person anyone that will listen to me :D
    Favorite PVP opponent: None I do not have a favorite person who tries regularly to kill meh XD
    Least favorite PVP opponent:Any ASSasin that just sits in stealth in pk zones waiting for a semi innocent cleric to walk by *bats eyes*
    Favorite person to PVP alongside (you and this person back-to-back):GundumWolf
    Favorite World Chat spammer:Liazu<3
    Favorite cat shop:Mine when its flush with moneh ^^
    Favorite West Gate/Silver Pool Blue name:All of em :
    b:flowerIf you are not living on the edge then you are taking up too much room b:flower
  • ZackMystic - Harshlands
    ZackMystic - Harshlands Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Class to play: Blademaster
    Class to 1v1: Sins >:)
    Fav skill: True Emptyness (freakin 1 shot 100+ arcane classes!!!)
    Main class skill: Myriad Sword Stance
    Least fav class to fight: Psychics b:shocked

    My guild: DarkNova
    Fav guild: DarkNova
    Least fav: DisOrder
    fight against: FearUs!

    Fav pvp opponent: Anyone that wants to even challenge meh b:chuckle
    Least fav opponent: um.. anyone thats 30 lvls higher wanting to duel me...
    PVP Bro: SpeedSin(idk think hes in Thug_Life, even though it was one time it was a blast!)
    WC Spammer: everyone in KillRate XD!!!
    Thats all i got b:surrender
    78 Mystic ZackMystic
    95 BM ZackBlade
    Retired in March 2012, thx DarkNova for the fun.
    Exiirah made this purely awesome signature b:pleased Many thanks to her
  • Scaatto - Archosaur
    Scaatto - Archosaur Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Class to play: Barb
    Class to 1v1 against: A mirror
    Skill: Invoke <3
    Skill your main class has: Invoke?
    Least favorite class to fight against: I dont pvp yooo

    Your Guild: Ascend
    Favorite guild of all time: ---
    Least Favorite guild: Endgame
    Guild to fight against: TWs between 1st and 2nd faction are always fun, so I'd say, any TW that involves the best 2 factions
    Favorite specific TW (what guild, when, what'd you like about it): Ascend, 2 minutes to end TW, pulling a cata, crystal at 500k and able to use IG ;o
    Favorite TW squadmates: The best squad I've ever had? LilithMorgan - Skaidred - LimeDew - aquimiles - King Jack/DaisukeOmi - Scaatto

    Favorite person to chat with on vent: I enjoy chatting with friends
    Favorite PVP opponent: I dont PvP D:
    Least favorite PVP opponent: I dont PvP D:
    Favorite person to PVP alongside (you and this person back-to-back): Is it everything about PvP? Q_Q
    Favorite World Chat spammer: I dont know a spammer D:
    Favorite cat shop: Mine, always empty
    Favorite West Gate/Silver Pool Blue name: <___________< Me
  • Metalogue - Archosaur
    Metalogue - Archosaur Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Is it everything about PvP? Q_Q

    Why else would anybody want to play a competitive MMO except for the PvP?
  • Hurrdurr - Lothranis
    Hurrdurr - Lothranis Posts: 1,468 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Class to play: Psychic
    Class to 1v1 against: Psy vs Psy
    Skill: Red Tide
    Skill your main class has: Tide Spirit
    Least favorite class to fight against: Wizard
  • Scaatto - Archosaur
    Scaatto - Archosaur Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Why else would anybody want to play a competitive MMO except for the PvP?
    Well... There could be questions of PvE too, some people dont PK
  • Tsyren - Harshlands
    Tsyren - Harshlands Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Class to play: Sin. Duh.
    Class to 1v1 against: BMs. They hatee my antistun bwahahahaa
    Skill: Fortify - 10000zen bet no one can stunlock me for more than 1 stun.
    Skill your main class has: Condensed thorn. Hits through expel, eats through HA, what more could ya ask for?
    Least favorite class to fight against: <______< Psychics that are black voodooed 100% of the time. R9 105 sins.

    Your Guild: Nemesis
    Favorite guild of all time: Old Immunity <3
    Least Favorite guild: <___< None, atm
    Guild to fight against (as in you enjoy the TWs, not "herp derp I enjoy crushing them"): Ascend @_@
    Favorite specific TW (what guild, when, what'd you like about it): Nemesis vs Ascend that JUST happened.
    Favorite TW squadmates: Aurrereu, clerics. :D

    Favorite person to chat with on vent: Lacty (dont ask)
    Favorite PVP opponent: Liazu - we're both ridiculously undergeared but skilled (dont argue)
    Least favorite PVP opponent: <___< Soochi. "It"s still angry about the time I owned "it" after kiting IG.
    Favorite person to PVP alongside (you and this person back-to-back): AURREREU.
    Favorite World Chat spammer: o.O Vratix :D Demented song lyrics ftw
    Favorite cat shop: The one that sold me tokens for 1k each
    Favorite West Gate/Silver Pool Blue name: err. Probably.... dunno
    I AM TSYREN, THE [ 101 ] SIN FROM ARCHOSAUR. (qqavatarqq)
    HE WHO SNEERS AT TROLLS.... but I digress.

    Etemology of the Week: Poli=Many. Tic(k)s=Parasitic creatures.
    Poli-tics. b:scorn