We need 1 more spark



  • _Nerox_ - Dreamweaver
    _Nerox_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 753 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    And fists needs -0.10 more aps!
    I Miss the old days of PWIb:surrender
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Your archer is R9? Because I find it hard to believe a non R9 archer could "own" a R9 archer simply by holding them in place for 8 seconds. Aim Low doesn't even prevent skill usage unless you got it at level 11 and it's special add procs. The sage version wont even prevent apoth usage when it procs either. max range archer to archer lock is hard to pull off in a laggy TW setting anyway. And by hard I mean nearly impossible. There's not only the lag factor but also the issue of that archer's movement. Also you didn't take into account the fact that they might be Sage as well (lol, sage archers). What does this have to do with the topic? absolutely nothing o.o

    But to stay on topic, assuming a 4th spark would give the same damage/def/attck speed bonuses as the 3rd, it's kind of nooby to say that it would greatly benefit 5.0 chars over others. They can already perma spark just fine with their 3 sparks. What insanely OP benefit would a 4th spark bring? Not that I'm saying we need one <.< I just want the idiotic devs to leave the game alone at this point.

    Oh, it's easy.

    Sage Bow mastery + Sage Winged Blessing + Relentless courage to 1.45 APS with a bow.

    Or do you not get this at all? R9 archer was 32 meters from me, his range was 30 meters.

    I opened with a stun, and used Aim Low before stun wore off. Simple enough. It also really hurt him that he lost all his buffs on my first or second auto attack from my bow proccing. I also knew for a fact the archer I killed was demon, as he Demon Spark + 5.0ed a few times in that TW... The only thing he did while frozen was use ToP after he got to 50% and his charm was still on CD, but... At 1.45 aps it wasn't gonna save him then. o.o

    A 4th spark would most certainly not be the same as triple spark. You'd get a larger % of damage increase to base damage, and for Demons, you most likely will be getting an APS boost as well.

    My assumption is, if they add a 4th spark, they would want to make it so you can go from 2.86 to 5.0 while sparked. R9 5.0 demon sins will become really hax.

    4th spark isn't gonna exist simply because they would have to add an FB109 to the game, or modify FB99 or FB100 (the culti, not the instance). Or something really dumb like make an FB105, which... Would result in rage.
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    He must have had crappy gear and only R9 bow :|
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    lolz if we get another spark should make us even higher aps and for casters makes less channeling make it 4 sparks and fb101 to get it :)

    yeah get ghoul 4 spark he always dies to my bm when hes r9+10 and my bm is 4 aps lololol killed him today also

    keep qqing nub is it my foult you do not have r9 but you have 4aps why not invest that coin in ur rank gear.

    keep farming day in and day out as me i am chillin gwith friend and getting vit stone while u farm ur life away.

    and i am not talking with faceless nubs go on ur main or dont talk chicken.

    interval was the reason i got r9 now go qq elsewhere little baby.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Krisnda wrote: »
    I was going to say that I agree with this but you can't say that aps classes would benefit with this (which you did, and not talking about a 4th spark eruption) greatly,

    but then I got rage to the knee. b:chuckle

    Also, how is it "blindly aps rage", even though:

    A. aps is in the top 10-no, 5 things that people have complained about? Or am I missing something here?

    And B. We really didn't say anything that would count as "rage" (at least in my opinion), just said that adding a 4th spark would make aps classes more better than they already are.

    I'm confused. b:puzzled

    I use the term APS rage whenever someone uses the term APS and start crying about how overpowered it is, especially when they're completely missing the issue or side-stepping the topic.

    APS is like PWI's version of Godwin's Law.

    As for APS, that's really not the problem itself. APS actually made BM worth playing past 100. BM end-game was a dead class, probably the worst to play before it came out. BMs were never included in random pick-up parties, they were always excluded. APS changed that. Sins completely broke it.

    Since G15 armor, both Nirvana and R9, claws became pretty much useless for PvP.

    The real problem is that PWE didn't properly balance PvE. Simply reducing bosses mdef by 30-40% and increasing their pdef by 30-40% and sure, fist build would still out-DD a caster, but people would be far less likely to exclude them, and best of all, this wouldn't have affected PvP, when PvP still mattered.

    And you're right, I didn't even consider what a 4 spark eruption would do. I didn't even consider that. I thought the OP was just wanting one extra bar of chi.

    And can we get an example where the ability to hold one more spark dramatically benifit fists BM/Barb/Archer that say a Psy?

    I can give you the advantage that a caster or ranged class gain that's almost nonfactor for melee class. Right now, a caster can't triple spark then drop an ult without having to use either pot or genie, which means they can't triple, ult, IG and keep nuking the ones that didn't get killed by the ult. If they use genie for chi they can't anti stun to IG and if they use chi pot, well then they can't IG to nuke the rest w/o focus fired on. The extra spark holder allow them to pull off the combo. Now if a BM was to try the same thing, triple spark and HF then genie+ IG to DD the rest in TW/group pk, people would just laugh and walk away with BM wasting time chashing after.

    Thank you and well said. I didn't even try to explain it because casters know what they can do with an extra spark. As a BM what would I do with an extra spark? Nothing different really. It would save on a spark pot or genie stamina. That's about it.

    keep qqing nub is it my foult you do not have r9 but you have 4aps why not invest that coin in ur rank gear.

    keep farming day in and day out as me i am chillin gwith friend and getting vit stone while u farm ur life away.

    and i am not talking with faceless nubs go on ur main or dont talk chicken.

    interval was the reason i got r9 now go qq elsewhere little baby.

    Wow. Shut up already. You sound like Darcwolf two years ago.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Fintan - Lost City
    Fintan - Lost City Posts: 1,245 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Won't someone think of the clerics? b:sadb:chuckle

    I swear, having at least one of each class, that clerics take longest to chi up than any other class. In a 5 APS squad, I have to be sure to chi up before killing a boss if I want a chance in hell of tempesting. Whereas the APSers are pretty much permasparking. b:surrender (It's obscene how fast they can kill things. It's often like I'm along for the ride and to make sure that people stay buffed... I mean: I can't RB since that's the ultimate proof of broken APS; BB is pointless; and my total damage output wouldn't necessarily keep up even if I had -100% channeling [archers, do the math and show work if people dispute this, please? my archer is not high enough level where people would believe it]; I can't avoid mobs with stealth; I can't dragon; and a page or so more...)

    How about giving us an instant 2-spark skill? b:nosebleed The justification being that we can BB whenever needed! b:laugh (Though making sure we can use Guardian Light would be kinda nice, though its CD sucks balls.)
    MuSHRooMS - Lost City (currently inviting new members) b:victory
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I use the term APS rage whenever someone uses the term APS and start crying about how overpowered it is, especially when they're completely missing the issue or side-stepping the topic.

    APS is like PWI's version of Godwin's Law.

    As for APS, that's really not the problem itself. APS actually made BM worth playing past 100. BM end-game was a dead class, probably the worst to play before it came out. BMs were never included in random pick-up parties, they were always excluded. APS changed that. Sins completely broke it.

    Since G15 armor, both Nirvana and R9, claws became pretty much useless for PvP.

    The real problem is that PWE didn't properly balance PvE. Simply reducing bosses mdef by 30-40% and increasing their pdef by 30-40% and sure, fist build would still out-DD a caster, but people would be far less likely to exclude them, and best of all, this wouldn't have affected PvP, when PvP still mattered.

    And you're right, I didn't even consider what a 4 spark eruption would do. I didn't even consider that. I thought the OP was just wanting one extra bar of chi.


    Thank you and well said. I didn't even try to explain it because casters know what they can do with an extra spark. As a BM what would I do with an extra spark? Nothing different really. It would save on a spark pot or genie stamina. That's about it.

    Wow. Shut up already. You sound like Darcwolf two years ago.


    so ur saying what exactly

    you hated being a bm back when ur class was useless and you do not see much a problem now that the origoinal tank is useless WOW.

    np keep grinding with ur f2p ill just help increase gold prices untill you all qq about gold prices becouse the f2p is not f2p when it kills the balance of the classes.

    just to tell you no where near did the bm description said that bm was a tank while in barb it did and still does.

    f2p is lame if it have to kill the balance of how you make money.

    and if i see you i am gona hunt you just for fun and laught at ur aps how is that for fun
  • Divine_Death - Harshlands
    Divine_Death - Harshlands Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    np keep grinding with ur f2p ill just help increase gold prices untill you all qq about gold prices becouse the f2p is not f2p when it kills the balance of the classes.

    You can't actively increase the gold price as a cser smart guy. The most you can do to increase gold price is... literally doing nothing.
  • Vital_Slash - Sanctuary
    Vital_Slash - Sanctuary Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited December 2011

    np keep grinding with ur f2p ill just help increase gold prices untill you all qq about gold prices becouse the f2p is not f2p when it kills the balance of the classes.

    just to tell you no where near did the bm description said that bm was a tank while in barb it did and still does.

    f2p is lame if it have to kill the balance of how you make money.

    and if i see you i am gona hunt you just for fun and laught at ur aps how is that for fun

    So what your saying is that you spend LOTS of real money and basically pour it down the drain to this game as if you worship it and act worst than a Jerk playing a Sin. Look F2P is for people who DONT want to waste time AND money on this game. Dont act all high and mighty just cause you Pay to Play. You must have some pretty deep pockets to be saying that, or your mom basically buys you everything while you sit there in your basement nerding it out. And for me, Aps is not fun! Its a pain in a neck to be trying to get it!
    Its ok... IM AN ARTIST!
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    So what your saying is that you spend LOTS of real money and basically pour it down the drain to this game as if you worship it and act worst than a Jerk playing a Sin. Look F2P is for people who DONT want to waste time AND money on this game. Dont act all high and mighty just cause you Pay to Play. You must have some pretty deep pockets to be saying that, or your mom basically buys you everything while you sit there in your basement nerding it out. And for me, Aps is not fun! Its a pain in a neck to be trying to get it!

    its my money i work for a living and i didnt pay before but then tideborn come and interval become such a big factor you can not get into anything without it.

    so i said *** it get best armor and what do i get ppl ragging i cash shop while its them who do not invite me to grind and farm.

    you guys rage about the gold prices and yet you yourself screwed balance with ur new f2p style.so yes its your and everyone foult who have aps who made this cos as you can earn more coin so does gold prices get higher as f2p have more coin then they used to.

    but dont worry i put the nerd bm on kos i also gona get gold to get claw and farm and max my gear asp and laugh and hunt him like a pigg unless he alredy quited again.

    and i just looked at gold prices very nice.

    but be have to yet reach minimum 2 miljion price so keep at it ******s.

    i hate being aps barb but if that is how i can be to farm and max my gear combined with my gold asp its what ill aim for i so whatever it takes to max my r9 gear and kill a dumb bm.

    LALALALALALALALALA this year is mine to shine
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    its NOT a choice as ppl do not inv vit barb unless you knew them so stop acting high and mighty urself and learn how pwe works before you open ur mouth.
  • Vital_Slash - Sanctuary
    Vital_Slash - Sanctuary Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    its NOT a choice as ppl do not inv vit barb unless you knew them so stop acting high and mighty urself and learn how pwe works before you open ur mouth.

    High and Mighty? I hardly act like that! I think aps is terrible but seriously? Your going to Blame it on all the other people who play for free while you Pay to play? Have you ever considered the fact of QUITTING? Or maybe actually playing for free too? You can say we QQ alot but underneath all your dumb comments , your QQ'ing yourself. And honestly, Vit barbs are fine by me, but the fact is, You switched to aps yourself! You should learn how to say things without sounding like a Hypocrite.
    Its ok... IM AN ARTIST!
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    i havent switched yet but it dosent matter what i do as i knew it wont make a difference.

    the only difference is to make ather rage so at least i get something out of this.

    i been in this game far longer then you have and i have hade enough of how game become so yes i cash shopped my gear i never been greedy i only want to be usefull again wish will never happen.

    actually this is giving me some satisfaction wish i have lost for such a long time.

    if you wish my simpaty be a f2p without aps then and only then will you have it from me.

    enough of this i have plan and money to waste
  • Vital_Slash - Sanctuary
    Vital_Slash - Sanctuary Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    You know, I Play a wiz. I played it for 2 years after considering to switch to this sin. I honestly hate how my wiz has been taken out of the list of possible DD's because of Aps. I am f2p but thats because i dont want to use money. I hate how the game has become solely usage of Aps and i'd like for Devs to actually help in making this game... more balancable. But you know what, I may just give up and actually pay a bit to this game.
    Its ok... IM AN ARTIST!
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    You know, I Play a wiz. I played it for 2 years after considering to switch to this sin. I honestly hate how my wiz has been taken out of the list of possible DD's because of Aps. I am f2p but thats because i dont want to use money. I hate how the game has become solely usage of Aps and i'd like for Devs to actually help in making this game... more balancable. But you know what, I may just give up and actually pay a bit to this game.

    with ur current toon i bet you will get there as long as you little why little ibtain the pieces.

    but then what you will become part of what you seem to hate that to is funy.

    are you saying a f2p is forced to make a sin to make money on this game but then dont like to buy gold as expensive as it is when i seen ppl make biljion while being f2p.

    it might be expensive at the begining bit once you have acumulted a bit its no way to return you get twisted and get greedy.

    but then ur as greedy as the cash shopper that you seem to dislike.

    me i am going there now i only need reset note a decide and a cape and i be sparked
    3,333 easy.
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    on my main acc i got the blue fox mount and i get it on this acc the next aniversary.

    dont play on the old acc i am also considering to help my fac mate who are barb become 3,33 sparked so we can do barb nv and sell mats and get money.

    22k hp standing atm and when i get the dex build ill have 15k hp standing so ill think it will do fine.

    ill try make a all barb dex nv no sin i hate them buggers. a cleric maybe or mistic and maybe a veno.

    hehehe all barb nv with claw will be fun i knew many barb who wish to go nv but cant i am
    not the only one.
  • MyuMyu - Harshlands
    MyuMyu - Harshlands Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    why just 1 spark when you can make a request to add 3 more sparks?
  • Seascraper - Sanctuary
    Seascraper - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    your a nob it must be why ur defending sin and hoping ppl will wish to give sin 4spark

    not to long ago devs themself did try to nurf 3 spark wish didnt turn out as many non aps wished it here but dev alredy know about how interval work and this alone will make sure
    no more spark will come to pwi.

    i seen the insane damage 5aps does in pk and you want a 4rd spark on top of it ur insane
    what pwi need is more skill spamming not more sparking nubs.

    if i was dev i would have removed all the spark from the skills or make them a 300 sec cooldown.

    this game need more skill spamming and less sparking
    gees just look at was posted i didnt said i wanted the 4th spark (i have a seeker also...) r9 gear is not as much as nirvana gear in costs if somone has any problem with 5 aps look first to yourself...

    i never said we need a fourth spark(sins already increase their chi just with skills)
    and yes its almost at no harm because i can say that if you have good atackers you wont be noticed while casting thats why theres suposedly an organization in a faction for TW. ive just posted what i read somewhere in the forums already...
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    If it wasn't for the APS or lack of cooldown on Spark eruptions I'd have loved a 4th spark, although I don't have a particular problem. Most of the time I find myself having enough chi for the things I need to do.
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Again all the QQing that barbs have "lost" their tanking abilities, in fact nowadays every1 can tank! remember the old days when barbs were all high and mighty and acted as gods? got 1st pick on drops, got payed to do stuff, what goes around comes around!

    When I started on my assassin people thought that assassins are useless at that time and got denied in many squads so I know the feeling what supposedly barbs feel like now.

    Blame pwi with the introduction of OP gear, you blame -int (aps) and don`t see any problem with r8, r9, the gear is way too powerful and the game itself is ancient and outdated, hence, most people can solo pretty much everything. And to ghoul, always bragging that you cash shop, who cares, if it wasn`t for f2p players the servers would be pretty much empty and no1 would buy your ****, k thx bye!
  • Viriilink - Lost City
    Viriilink - Lost City Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Blame pwi with the introduction of OP gear, you blame -int (aps) and don`t see any problem with r8, r9, the gear is way too powerful and the game itself is ancient and outdated, hence, most people can solo pretty much everything. And to ghoul, always bragging that you cash shop, who cares, if it wasn`t for f2p players the servers would be pretty much empty and no1 would buy your ****, k thx bye!

    I don't think rank gear is OP. PWI just made them too easy to obtain.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    so ur saying what exactly

    you hated being a bm back when ur class was useless and you do not see much a problem now that the origoinal tank is useless WOW.

    np keep grinding with ur f2p ill just help increase gold prices untill you all qq about gold prices becouse the f2p is not f2p when it kills the balance of the classes.

    just to tell you no where near did the bm description said that bm was a tank while in barb it did and still does.

    f2p is lame if it have to kill the balance of how you make money.

    and if i see you i am gona hunt you just for fun and laught at ur aps how is that for fun

    I loved being a BM even though it was a dead end-game class until aps. Just ask anyone who was at or near endgame before annipacks.

    Dude, you're a barb and you were world chat begging for Frost help yesterday? ROFL!

    Hunt me? lol. You joined PWI around the same time I did. I've NEVER seen you outside of safe zone and I've never seen or even heard about you PKing. It's funny when you see non-factors posting on the forum pretending they're all that.

    You might be able to kill me. Sometimes I laugh too hard to react quickly and you might get lucky and tree of perdition me when I'm too busy catching my breath. I will admit that much is possible. Anything more? 22k hp baddie barb is funny even when srs.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Blaxton - Raging Tide
    Blaxton - Raging Tide Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Again all the QQing that barbs have "lost" their tanking abilities, in fact nowadays every1 can tank! remember the old days when barbs were all high and mighty and acted as gods? got 1st pick on drops, got payed to do stuff, what goes around comes around!

    Don't blame the class. b:sad If anyone that acted that way as a barb still plays, they probably have a 5 aps sin/bm, only accept other 5 aps/+10 sins and bms into their farming squads, ask for payment to solo bhs/bosses, etc. I think those types of people will shift to whatever class they think is most profitable for them and whatever makes them feel in control.

    Anyway, on topic... I agree with everyone who has said it'd have no affect on high aps characters at all. If I'm tanking/DDing with claws I can already get enough chi to Penetrate Armor/Devour>triple spark each spark cycle unless stunned. I guess it might save stamina if I'm doing something like Invoke then triple spark, since a genie skill wouldn't be needed.

    As long as there is no 'quadruple spark' with even more powerful effects than the triple spark, I don't see how an extra bar would help or hurt much. Actually I'm kinda curious to see if anything at all would change in the game if there was one.
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Don't blame the class. b:sad If anyone that acted that way as a barb still plays, they probably have a 5 aps sin/bm, only accept other 5 aps/+10 sins and bms into their farming squads, ask for payment to solo bhs/bosses, etc. I think those types of people will shift to whatever class they think is most profitable for them and whatever makes them feel in control.

    Yeah sorry, we can`t blame the whole class, but an "elite" of people, I was just generalizing the attitude back then, same as now most apsers act as gods and will only invite other aps monkeys in their squads. Most people are just plain jerks like it is in the real life, so you must need to filter all the **** to get some decent folks.
  • Tidestrike - Lost City
    Tidestrike - Lost City Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Being able to Subsea, Power Dash, and Triple Spark at once would be nice. b:sin
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    i been in lost city since 2nd week of lost city and no i never care to join a faction after bloodlust.

    and i never semi quited like you did so do not talk sht i been here all along.

    i never cared for TW.

    i never did beg world chat for anything was not me. that is all you need to knew i do not begg i never will and will never do but glad ur a moron
  • Yulk_owns - Lost City
    Yulk_owns - Lost City Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I think we need 1 more spark to be added. With new incoming skills which consumes huge amount of chi we definitely need more sparks.

    Let's see... how about NO?

    Infact, how about we massively nerf all the sparks while we are at it? Take away half the weapon attack bonus, remove the healing HP/MP and take away purify and most importantly... Put on a 5 minute cool down on all of them WHILE the cool downs on each one are shared... How's that sound?
    I would agree to this only if aps was caped at 3 and sins stealth didn't give them a spark (it should take one, not give) and they didn't have a skill that gives them 1 1/2 sparks, etc.

    That would not even matter, 3.0 assassins will have an easier time to chain spark than other classes, they have chi skills, and to add that with genie (lol) and apothecary ... That's not going to change anything, sorry. 5.0 toons are a subject of something overpowered which is spark.
    I, II and III spark is the most cheesiest skill in PWI and it should be removed or massively nerfed.

  • Divine_Death - Harshlands
    Divine_Death - Harshlands Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    ... Who **** yulk's forum account?
  • Yulk_owns - Lost City
    Yulk_owns - Lost City Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    ... Who **** yulk's forum account?

    I should have made a forum alt, but I am lazy ~_~... I just wanted to make sure when 2x drops end... and see this stupid thread. Yulk was never my main in the first place, I'll delete this char once I get my fox to LVL100, almost LVL65 at this moment and yeah, its super easy, just taking a break from doing so much grind grind grind, quest, grind grind, and grind some more, solo TT / BH ... then grind some more. b:shocked
    I, II and III spark is the most cheesiest skill in PWI and it should be removed or massively nerfed.

  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Sparks and APS are too mainstream imo.


    Ignore the sig for this response btw.
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

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