PW Economics 101: Suggestion to the problem.



  • ImNotFiveAps - Dreamweaver
    ImNotFiveAps - Dreamweaver Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    you fail to put yourself in PWI's shoes. What you're saying is totally correct from player point of view.
    Simple put: why do you think PWI goes through so much trouble to keep gold prices as high as possible with sale after sale after sale? you and 99.9999% of the playerbase think they're just stupid and r.etarded. I for a long while thought the same thing, but a few months back (being bored at work) I started to do some research.
    People were deeming this game dead 2 years ago. It's still thriving - maybe not from player number point of view - but I'm pretty damn sure from income point of view that's true. So I asked myself, why do this model works? Why going against every common sense direction this game continues to exist?
    The income model of this game is based on very basic human emotions: greed and pride.
    Greed is the drive for charging gold and selling it for higher and higher prices.
    Pride is the drive for charging gold to get the latest fashion, mount, flyer, gear, etc.
    As the game economy progresses people afford to pay more and more for gold and for other items. 2 years ago no one could have afforded 2 mil gold. No one. Now? it's a given.

    Stopping sales, driving gold prices down? are you insane? That makes absolutely not sense from business perspective because it will cut hard into both the driving emotions above: greedy playes will get less for their gold = unhappy and you won't be able to show off every week some new shiat you got = unhappy. Why, in the name of all that's holy, would you want your paying customers unhappy?

    I'm a player too, and a f2p one since 2009. High gold prices hit me like every other f2p player. I don't like it a bit, but I understand why this is happening. Keep an open mind and try to abuse this game fact. You can really make a fortune ingame.

    What you're not taking into account is you, the f2p player. Yea, fvck the f2p player they dont make us money...directly.

    Im honestly not sure if you know this but without the f2p player base this game doesnt exist, PW needs the p2p players just as much as it needs the f2p ones. The number of p2p players in this game is vastly outnumbered by the amount of free ones, and if you run off the f2p ones by increasing gold and making it harder to play this game for free, the servers would become unfunctional. Have you even put yourself in the shoes of a new player? Go to a new server with 0 coins, and start playing, I bet in 2 weeks you dont log on that server anymore. They have done so much to try and nerf drops due to the p2p players getting too much, they've made it impossible to play for free, normally. Short of merching, which if everyone did, wouldn't work lol, or farming nirv/TT for worthless drops you simply cannot make a decent amount of money in this game to keep up with the p2p players. The game would be deserted, and the p2p players that paid to be better than everyone else, would have no one else to be better than, thus causing them to also leave, and short of rolling the servers back to 2009 there's no way to fix that, the game would already be broken.

    So yea, broken business model is broken.
  • elorejitas
    elorejitas Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    we miss the option "There are NO WAY to this game anymore"
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    you fail to put yourself in PWI's shoes. What you're saying is totally correct from player point of view.
    Simple put: why do you think PWI goes through so much trouble to keep gold prices as high as possible with sale after sale after sale? you and 99.9999% of the playerbase think they're just stupid and r.etarded. I for a long while thought the same thing, but a few months back (being bored at work) I started to do some research.
    People were deeming this game dead 2 years ago. It's still thriving - maybe not from player number point of view - but I'm pretty damn sure from income point of view that's true. So I asked myself, why do this model works? Why going against every common sense direction this game continues to exist?
    The income model of this game is based on very basic human emotions: greed and pride.
    Greed is the drive for charging gold and selling it for higher and higher prices.
    Pride is the drive for charging gold to get the latest fashion, mount, flyer, gear, etc.
    As the game economy progresses people afford to pay more and more for gold and for other items. 2 years ago no one could have afforded 2 mil gold. No one. Now? it's a given.

    Stopping sales, driving gold prices down? are you insane? That makes absolutely not sense from business perspective because it will cut hard into both the driving emotions above: greedy playes will get less for their gold = unhappy and you won't be able to show off every week some new shiat you got = unhappy. Why, in the name of all that's holy, would you want your paying customers unhappy?

    I'm a player too, and a f2p one since 2009. High gold prices hit me like every other f2p player. I don't like it a bit, but I understand why this is happening. Keep an open mind and try to abuse this game fact. You can really make a fortune ingame.

    This model isn't working well. You have no idea how empty some servers are right now. Why is there map domination? Because not many factions can field 80 well-geared players - because server is dead and there is lack of activity and interest in this game. Nobody cares that you can get 2m for 1 gold when 2m is worth jack **** if you try to buy anything that matters endgame. Coin and gold goes together, like with my shards example. You can also tell by the price of pack-gained tomes.

    The only people that still spout this "high gold is good for charging" **** are short-sighted newbs who are concerned about buying non boutique-related stuff with coins.

    What you fail to realize is that people are not always going to charge heavily. Just like how some people don't buy anything big until some holiday, or until they get their paycheck, people are not always going to spend money no matter how good a sale is. This is why you see gold prices fluctuate so much over the last few weeks despite the fact that the same sale has gone on for weeks. This is why it would be no different to have "blowout" sales at specific times of the year rather than a continuous sale.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    This model isn't working well. You have no idea how empty some servers are right now. Why is there map domination? Because not many factions can field 80 well-geared players - because server is dead and there is lack of activity and interest in this game. Nobody cares that you can get 2m for 1 gold when 2m is worth jack **** if you try to buy anything that matters endgame. Coin and gold goes together, like with my shards example. You can also tell by the price of pack-gained tomes.

    The only people that still spout this "high gold is good for charging" **** are short-sighted newbs who are concerned about buying non boutique-related stuff with coins.

    What you fail to realize is that people are not always going to charge heavily. Just like how some people don't buy anything big until some holiday, or until they get their paycheck, people are not always going to spend money no matter how good a sale is. This is why you see gold prices fluctuate so much over the last few weeks despite the fact that the same sale has gone on for weeks. This is why it would be no different to have "blowout" sales at specific times of the year rather than a continuous sale.

    the model is working, game is online and has been online for the past 3 years with that model. What other proof you want?
    get rid of the "I " perspective on things if you want to understand them better. I'm not going into more details /examples trying to explain why "high gold prices" are beneficial for PWI business, do the research yourself and understand it or just continue to rage at a screen of smoke and mirrors.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I don't think I'm raging at all, I'm the least affected by gold prices because I neither farm nor cash shop. You're not going to go into any details because you can't seem to be able to prove anything I said wrong. Just because the servers are still running doesn't mean the game is better off financially than it was before.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Fintan - Lost City
    Fintan - Lost City Posts: 1,245 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    the model is working, game is online and has been online for the past 3 years with that model. What other proof you want?

    It is arguably the least "healthy" licensed version of Perfect World aside from the Malaysian version. Those of us who have been playing since before PWI keep hoping we stop seeing the downward spiral that version had. The only real difference between MY back then and PWI now is that back then, people actually really did stop buying gold... b:surrender
    MuSHRooMS - Lost City (currently inviting new members) b:victory
  • Astraelys - Raging Tide
    Astraelys - Raging Tide Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    The economy of the game is te same as the real world, it governs by offert and demand,the sales don't afect much the economy, players greedy and pride does.
  • GenesisRocks - Raging Tide
    GenesisRocks - Raging Tide Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Your idea is forgetting major coin increases like others have pointed out and also probably the #1 reason why gold is rising and prices are rising.

    Major source of coin comes form TW. each land = 10mil coins multiply that* number of lands
    As others have pointed out Token of best lucks =10mil
    last but not least obviously people sell real money for coin on their servers which constantly 24/7 injects coin into the server.

    Also the major reason for prices increasing is just the simple fact that people are willing to pay those prices.

    Players will grind for coin and continue to spend and spend and spend. And players who dont have all that time will just pay for what they want w/ their own disposable income. that's the reason packs are still in the game, people are still purchasing them and buying them. Even if it ruined the game

    I dont think inflation is really high tbh. As PWE continues to relase new gear and buffs and events etc, new gear comes along with it that is very pricey. So all the old gear that was cool now is sold at a discount because it's not as valuable anymore.

    If you want the best gear as soon as it's released then your going to have to sacrfice a huge amount of time into the game farming 24/7 or use your own money. there will always be the minority of players who spend their entire lives here doing just that because they value the game as such.
  • Mr_Punkster - Dreamweaver
    Mr_Punkster - Dreamweaver Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    PWI cares about the $$ they make
    CSers buy more zen when there's a major sale (like now) because there's more demand for gold.
    PWI does NOT care about ig economy at all...only the zen sales.

    With that said they won't try to fix the economy.

    Besides, it's the players that set the prices...not PWI.

    I don't know if this applies to what you've stated because...tldr...and not important.

    I don't buy gold with rl $$.
    I don't buy gold with coin if gold is way above 1mil...if more would do this the price of gold would drop.

    In the long run...I just don't care.
    lvl101 Legit archer...not 1 hyper used or multi-FC
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Your idea is forgetting major coin increases like others have pointed out and also probably the #1 reason why gold is rising and prices are rising.

    Major source of coin comes form TW. each land = 10mil coins multiply that* number of lands
    As others have pointed out Token of best lucks =10mil
    last but not least obviously people sell real money for coin on their servers which constantly 24/7 injects coin into the server.

    Also the major reason for prices increasing is just the simple fact that people are willing to pay those prices.

    Players will grind for coin and continue to spend and spend and spend. And players who dont have all that time will just pay for what they want w/ their own disposable income. that's the reason packs are still in the game, people are still purchasing them and buying them. Even if it ruined the game

    I dont think inflation is really high tbh. As PWE continues to relase new gear and buffs and events etc, new gear comes along with it that is very pricey. So all the old gear that was cool now is sold at a discount because it's not as valuable anymore.

    If you want the best gear as soon as it's released then your going to have to sacrfice a huge amount of time into the game farming 24/7 or use your own money. there will always be the minority of players who spend their entire lives here doing just that because they value the game as such.

    I got 2m per week from lands on dreamweaver (30ish?). There is no major influx of coin. Most of the other land holding factions in dreamweaver are still using most of everything they get to put into faction base. There is no major injection of coin as it's coin sinked out due to faction bases.

    This game is not an appealing f2p game anymore. You either got in at a good time and can farm / merchant in the top 10%, you use it as a cashers sandbox, you don't care about being "good" on this game and enjoy it regardless, or you don't play it anymore.
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • Sagek - Sanctuary
    Sagek - Sanctuary Posts: 1,156 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I wonder how things would work if they just put a price ceiling/floor on the entire market and waited a year or so?
  • Fintan - Lost City
    Fintan - Lost City Posts: 1,245 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I wonder how things would work if they just put a price ceiling/floor on the entire market and waited a year or so?

    Isn't gold selling still capped at 2M?
    MuSHRooMS - Lost City (currently inviting new members) b:victory
  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Isn't gold selling still capped at 2M?


  • Fintan - Lost City
    Fintan - Lost City Posts: 1,245 Arc User
    edited December 2011


    K. Thought it was. I randomly looked at the AH about 12 hours ago and the top sell price (of like 4 prices...) was 1,999,000 with about 15 pieces (only about 40 overall, iirc). Haven't been in game in the past few hours to see if it's finally over 2M.

    It's not like I'm charging for any PWE games anytime soon, though. I'm hoping to hear back from a GM one way or another before I chargeback tomorrow due to them not giving all the Zen the purchase page stated, last time I charged. It's been 6 weeks and I've tried about everything shy of actually walking into their offices. Almost did that today, in fact. But I was afraid they'd make me sit in the lobby for 3 days and then kick me out, like the ticketing system does when it bothers to work. b:surrender
    MuSHRooMS - Lost City (currently inviting new members) b:victory
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    last but not least obviously people sell real money for coin on their servers which constantly 24/7 injects coin into the server.

    No, this is wrong. When people buy gold, coin just changes hands; no coin is generated. Technically, we lose a small amount of coin when people buy gold via the AH mechanism due to the fee that is charged.

    Person A charges for gold and puts it for sale. Person B's bid buys out Person A's gold. Person B's money then goes to Person A while Person A's gold goes to Person B.

    Gold price is very much linked to sales. To deny that is to deny what is plainly before your eyes.
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge:
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • Sagek - Sanctuary
    Sagek - Sanctuary Posts: 1,156 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Honestly, I personally feel it's the players who have screwed the economy. CSers will buy gold, f2p's will Over price items because they think CSers will pay it and the typically do. But it is f2ps who control this economy. They are the ones delivering the stuff to auction because of all their work grinding and opening packs. Just like anyone who puts time into something they feel they should be paid for their efforts so they charge what they feel their time is worth and then greed enters the picture.

    PWI isn't to blame it just gave the players the platform to **** up and we did just that by being greedy and not understanding that just because CSers have money to spend it doesn't mean it's an endless supply.. The more F2p charge the more CSers will consider it over priced and not buy it. Thus you will have High priced items sitting in AH not being bought or from Catshops and CSers not buying gold which hurts the company that provides us all a decent game to play.

    Do you see the cycle?
  • Michael - Harshlands
    Michael - Harshlands Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    The merchants control the gold price simply because they are the only players with enough coins to determine what the price will be.

    The price chosen by the merchants on your server is based on what they feel they will get for various boutique items and the expected profit margins in the future, also the majority of merchants could care less about the actual game they just like playing the market now.

    You can complain to PWI as much as you like but the underlying issue is people and as such you will never actually be able to fix it, PWI makes items cheaper merchants raise gold price to keep the coin price approximately equal and make profit on the difference, PWI removes items from the game merchants triple the price on current stocks and make three times thier initial investments (11/12 stars for example).

    The only way to prevent merchanting is to make all CS items autobound to the player which would slow merchanting significantly (as they would then be able to only buy/sell gold). This would actually hurt the majority of f2p players though and as such would never be considered a viable alternative.

    The only other possibility would be increasing everyones ability to farm end game items/gear although this would effect pwis profit margins and thus wouldnt work. Thus meaning merchanting > all and thus creating the economy the servers exist in at this time
  • Sagek - Sanctuary
    Sagek - Sanctuary Posts: 1,156 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    The only way to prevent merchanting is to make all CS items autobound to the player which would slow merchanting significantly (as they would then be able to only buy/sell gold). This would actually hurt the majority of f2p players though and as such would never be considered a viable alternative.

    The only other possibility would be increasing everyones ability to farm end game items/gear although this would effect pwis profit margins and thus wouldnt work. Thus meaning merchanting > all and thus creating the economy the servers exist in at this time


    Good Stuff..

    But there are other ways to make this game money. Fashion, going further with Char creation. Allowing people to pay to alter their chars.. Allowing players to make or customize their own land/instance. What PWRD is doing is small fry stuff.. they want to pirece the market but are going about it with pins and needles when they need to be going BIG!

    There are PLENTY of ways to make this company money. I just wish they would realize it. I would really like to invest in a company like that.
  • Aubree - Dreamweaver
    Aubree - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Players do lose money, but youre thinking of "money" wrong. Our money isnt PW's money.

    You cannot, i repeat cannot, directly obtain new packs through coins. SOMEONE has to initially purchase them with gold, may not be you, but someone does. Any pack you get was purchased with gold, aka rl money. With that said, when people buy/sell them that isnt anything but money switching handscoins for gold, coins for more coins. Nothing comes in, nothing comes out. But when you open them, since 0 coins were used in the production of the item, since it was originally purchased with gold, and then sold and resold over and over until it found its way to a gambling addict, any coins that come out of it, are a direct inflation of coins. Mainly TOBLs.

    Oh and with alt-FC, and just FC in general, and the goonz glitch for a while. There are a lot of 100+s.

    LOL this reminds me of the melt down on wall street.. Let's hope this bubble bursts too b:laugh
    Altho their fincal model works it doesn't mean it's good for business. PWRD is hurting in a sense because they are not getting the idea that when dealing with an US player base we demand customer service which is not a custom practiced in China from what I have seen. In 2009 PWRD's stock was Soaring at $42-$43 per share of stock Per the NAQ. now as of 2011 it is selling at $11.11 a share. Even with their Purchase of Cyrptic Studio's which was run by Atari they are remaining luke warm. But in a 2011 statment from the President of PWRD he stated that they are intentionally slowing down their pursuit of growth and focusing more on the quaility of the current games they have.

    Americans have very low expectation of customer service. That's why we outsourced customer care and get people who barely speak English on the other line.... Sure we like to **** about it, but in the end we take it. That is exactly why PWI's financial model works LOL Customer service is all just for show. Corporations will do as they wish and can do as they wish. Expanding profit margin is their one and only lawful concern.

    As for stocks many have taken a hit. OFC. The economy sucks right now. Also PWI isn't "new" anymore, so their stocks are leveling out until they get the next new thing. Im sure they had a huge surge a couple years ago opening servers cause it was relatively new game. Many gaming companies peaked in 2008. Their stock has more to with than just PWI. Stocks are about investing and getting investors. I saw a bunch of other gaming companies take a hit too. Let's face it, in this economy games aren't bringing in the stock investors.
  • ItsAWolf - Archosaur
    ItsAWolf - Archosaur Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Whoever is buying packs from merchant shops at 450k each is determining the price of gold. I really don't know who those people are, but they buy 100s of packs at a time, for quite a hefty sum. I'm assuming they're not cash shoppers (they'd buy the packs directly from 'O'), so some f2p non merchanters (so farmers b:shocked ) apparently are able to farm enough coins to buy vast amount of packs for coins.

    There is such a huge demand for packs this way that there will always be a ton of merchants buying gold at a price that still makes a profit when selling around approx 450k (I personally feel that any higher causes significant drop in volume of sales). This means a gold price of 1.8 - 2 mil (although 2 mil is mostly from the non merchants that want to buy different cash shop stuff)

    So I 'blame' whoever it is that somehow comes upon huge amounts of coins, but lacks basic arithmetics skills to use them properly.
  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    The economy of the game is te same as the real world, it governs by offert and demand,the sales don't afecta mucho te economy, players greedy and pride does.
    Saying that the sales don't affect the economy much couldn't be further from the truth.

    Sales are the single most important factor that determines Gold prices, period.

    The cost of refining and sharding is the real cost endgame, and that is dependent on gold price.
    I'm not sure what you mean.

    Refining up to +7 requires no Gold whatsoever, and is cheaper than ever thanks to all the free Demon/Sage Event cards and rock-bottom Mirage prices. Refining past +7 does indeed require Gold, but the steep D.Orb sales are keeping refining prices roughly the same as what they were back when Gold was 800k.

    Also, I'm not sure how sharding costs Gold. All the shards that matter come from Packs, and they tend to be cheapest when Packs are most heavily on-sale, which is when Gold is more expensive.

    The merchants control the gold price simply because they are the only players with enough coins to determine what the price will be.
    I know people like to believe this because it gives them somebody to blame, but the reality is that major Gold purchasers like myself let our customers set Gold prices.

    If Packs are selling, I raise my Gold bid prices. If they aren't selling, I'm not buying.

    Trying to control Gold prices is just stupid. Why fight against the economy, when following the economy is so much more profitable?
    PWI Merchanting Guides:
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Sales are the single most important factor that determines Gold prices, period.

    Gonna quote this for truth since no one seems to be listening...
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge:
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    People have been complaining about the economy on the forum for years now.

    What I observe in BH SoT, and Abbadon runs: Melee classes leaving ~15k worth of drops at their feet to dash to the next mob. During 2x, this can add up to ~200k in lost possible revenue per run.

    Incomes have gone up. Even lower levels are able to come up with far more coin per hour than they used to. Their expenses have also dropped drastically. Any higher prices faced elsewhere like the CS is balanced out.

    There is no reason for all this QQing over a non argument.
  • zombienationz
    zombienationz Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    This topic is kind of a stupid topic, IMO at least

    Now then as for all the talk about gold sinks, there is CS for me it's pretty much the only thing i spend money on aside from repairs, i use tokens for pots hypers wine etc which trades money to somone else who then trades that money for more gold to open more packs to sell more tokens etc etc etc Doesn't cost a whole lot of coins compared to a buck to ring engrave pay AH fees etc i'm sure that it adds up as the community uses it etc but whatever it's never going to be enough, even DQ value has gone through the roof on my server i can sell +35 dq point items for 7k a pop and the 2x drop rate + the 2x value isn't just for me that adds up more then i think anyone has noticed or cared to, in order to cut down on the coins in games the packs would have to not be bought, pwi would have to not make money, and **** would just go to hell, if pwi can think of a tremendous gold sink with worthwhile affects the problem could be addressed however trying to find 1 thing everyone would use is a near impossible endeavor. in light of this i reccomend certain things yet to be seen and possibly simple to implicate into the game such as, giving your weapons a different color glow... wow immagine that spend 2 mil on a stone u imbue into a special slot on a wep that was simply just added will change TT green into awesome purple.... wow tell me you wouldn't spend a buck on all your weps just for some customization >.> i would.

    other things to reduce coins could be things like selling perfect hammers at the merchant for 1.5 mil or something, sell buff pots for 5-10k each at an apoth, some people actually use, i haven't bought a single potion (the red or blues or purples) in like 2 years.

    Here's a thought, you know all the people who don't charge zen very often? they are out there grinding and toiling away for money to just buy some things every day, i do it myself, it reminds me of when the game was interesting, when the "race" aspect of leveling was there for everyone not just for whoever could buy their way to 105 the fastest like it is now. so all these broke people adding coins into the game for a taste of the cash items a long time ago i used to think spending 71k on CS for 81+ was expensive, now it's like i haven't charged zen in a couple months i'm sitting on 20 some mil just grinding and buying random **** i don't need. i've probably bought 1k of tokens this month just to hyper my alts just because i find it facinating how cheap it is to lvl, and newsflash TW is about all that awaits u after lvl 105 and u bought all the eq u can stand, then what? just play on weekends? in the meantime u find a different game and good people to talk to are lost and i can quote somone from world chat that said "the games only full of lil kids and bored adults now" so yea IMO this topic is garbage pwi made the game this way fixing gold prices won't make the game any more challenging in fact it challenges you more so to actually not cash shop and play the game, it's lonely at the top then u go find somewhere else to be, for some people i'm sure they find amusement in flaunting wealth etc i made my bm at the time this forum account was made and he's lvl 97, why? because i like the game i haven't done an FF since april, i haven't used hypers on him because he is my favorite char, i have the money for lunar stuff and i just don't buy it.

    In short there is no way to fix the gold crisis, the only real hope is to extend the lvl cap so that hypering and FF type things don't do a whole lot to make people level and to just overall make lvl 105 the new lvl 30 (anyone from the first year knows it was a ***** to hit lvl 30 when 10 million people are doing the same quest as you.) so it really comes down to the future instead of the past, the past is gone, it's not coming back, and the only fix is to expand the future in such a way that pwi can have said "lowest sales price ever" and yet your still not at a maxed out point yet. maxing a character means it's done, nothing left to do but PK and if your not on a PK server wtf are you trying to prove then? i spend $1000 on some r9's yep i've got it like that but i'm also bored as **** while this zombienationz dude is still kickin it with his lvl 85 ashura fist garbage wep and TT90 axes with lvl 10 on every single skill still finding some amusement on this game with the few friends who have lasted this long. i said in short but i could litterally go on forever, find a way to enjoy the game how it is, it's not going to change and your all fools for thinking anyone who rarely cash shops would let it go back down when u can get so much bang for a buck. the major cash shoppers the ones who did drop 1k for R9 +12's they wouldn't mind if gold went back down i'm sure, for everyone else (which out number the big spenders) are sure to pump out more $ then ever until they are maxxed out in game then some 2 months later quit till something gets expanded.

    i'd also like to point out i myself have left the game from time to time, months at a time, i come back to see whats new and different and because it's interesting after long breaks, try that if you get to bored. alot of other games to try out.

    Next thing you know pwi is going to let us print our own money >.>
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Saying that the sales don't affect the economy much couldn't be further from the truth.

    Sales are the single most important factor that determines Gold prices, period.

    I'm not sure what you mean.

    Refining up to +7 requires no Gold whatsoever, and is cheaper than ever thanks to all the free Demon/Sage Event cards and rock-bottom Mirage prices. Refining past +7 does indeed require Gold, but the steep D.Orb sales are keeping refining prices roughly the same as what they were back when Gold was 800k.

    Also, I'm not sure how sharding costs Gold. All the shards that matter come from Packs, and they tend to be cheapest when Packs are most heavily on-sale, which is when Gold is more expensive.

    Refining to ~7 is not going to cut it when a lot of players in TW factions aim for 10-12, which still needs d orbs. This is why I said that sales on such boutique items help, but not high gold prices by itself.

    Gold absolutely influences shard prices. How do you explain the fact that shards have doubled in price? How much were vit stones, garnets, a year ago? The only shard that has pretty much stayed the same are sapphires, and they have a much less demand.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Fintan - Lost City
    Fintan - Lost City Posts: 1,245 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Gold absolutely influences shard prices. How do you explain the fact that shards have doubled in price? How much were vit stones, garnets, a year ago? The only shard that has pretty much stayed the same are sapphires, and they have a much less demand.

    You just explained it yourself: supply and demand. There are more people wanting the high-level shards now than a year ago (thank "the glitch"), so of course they'd go up. Gold prices are irrelevant to the fact that there are now more people clamoring for the same relatively scarce high-level shards.
    MuSHRooMS - Lost City (currently inviting new members) b:victory
  • LeroyJinkens - Heavens Tear
    LeroyJinkens - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    You just explained it yourself: supply and demand. There are more people wanting the high-level shards now than a year ago (thank "the glitch"), so of course they'd go up. Gold prices are irrelevant to the fact that there are now more people clamoring for the same relatively scarce high-level shards.

    Either way you slice it even without the glitch, i never used it, with hypers you figure they should be lvl 100 a year later, i myself just grind on my bm to lvl without hypers or anything from time to time and i'm finally lvl 98 rofl if i did do hypers, bh ,cs,wq, ff, or even pheonix valley you figure the rate of lvling is easily faster then my rate which if i stay devout etc etc is about a lvl every 2 weeks at 4 hours a day, which i rarely do, as for my other chars i hype the dog **** out of em and i have a lvl 70 sin i made 4 days ago and he can still get 2 lvls a day without hypering in FF so eh gold will never go back down if people can lvl that fast
  • Fintan - Lost City
    Fintan - Lost City Posts: 1,245 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Either way you slice it even without the glitch, i never used it, with hypers you figure they should be lvl 100 a year later, i myself just grind on my bm to lvl without hypers or anything from time to time and i'm finally lvl 98 rofl if i did do hypers, bh ,cs,wq, ff, or even pheonix valley you figure the rate of lvling is easily faster then my rate which if i stay devout etc etc is about a lvl every 2 weeks at 4 hours a day, which i rarely do, as for my other chars i hype the dog **** out of em and i have a lvl 70 sin i made 4 days ago and he can still get 2 lvls a day without hypering in FF so eh gold will never go back down if people can lvl that fast

    I'm just saying that the glitch allowed a far greater number of people to reach the point of needing those items at this point. Hell, LC had 10x Earthguard within 24-48 hours... b:surrender
    MuSHRooMS - Lost City (currently inviting new members) b:victory
  • LeroyJinkens - Heavens Tear
    LeroyJinkens - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I'm just saying that the glitch allowed a far greater number of people to reach the point of needing those items at this point. Hell, LC had 10x Earthguard within 24-48 hours... b:surrender

    yea thats pretty outragous to say the least but either way a resourceful person could get to lvl 100 in less then 2 weeks, an edeaver that used to take about a year, which is bs imo but eh if there is a fix for the gold crisis it's a complete server re roll and with the packs still lurking around it's just a matter of time >.>
  • Blueblade__ - Archosaur
    Blueblade__ - Archosaur Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    The only thing pwi can think of doing to remove ingame coin will sadly make the community QQing all over again. If pwi WANTS to reduce in-game coin they would introduce different steps like for getting into FC u haf to pay 1 mil coin. and yes if pwi implements that rule ppl are gonna be like " THIS GAME IS DEAD DEAD DEAD" all over again. and also that fc rule will remove a lot of in-game coins. So ppl think about it if pwi had to remove coins the ones who will be at loss will be the players. Removing packs will never happen and pwi will never do it so stop QQing.