New outfit.

lvl60togekiss Posts: 22 Arc User
edited December 2011 in General Discussion
Any body here good with fash can give me an idea on a new outfit?
Im really picky, this whole game, I have only been able to make one outfit that I really.

This includes Black dessert top, black spring jeans, black shinobi gloves, and those shoes that have sparkles that shoot from them (cant remember the name) lol
I want a change now that i see to many other people with the same outfit -.-

When I first put the outfit together it was meant to be all in white...but since my luck with random dyes only gives me black i thought what the hell. lol

Any ideas?



  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited December 2011
    Some things that would help....

    Is your toon male or female? (gotta get the right fash)
    What class is your toon? (Some classes look good is some sets, some not)
    What does your toon look like? (A good quality screenshot would be nice)
  • lvl60togekiss
    lvl60togekiss Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Oh yeah -.- lol Sorry forgot about that information.
    Ill edit that stuff in the first post :3
    but for now.
    He is Blue
    He is a male char
    and a Sin.

    I cant take a screen shot atm, ill upload one of him in around 30 mins or so.

    I also have a barb who needs a new outfit, currently he is rocking the celebrity outfit.
    He is a wolf, that is not skinny, and has blue eyes.