Clearing up some common misconceptions - OLDSCHOOL VERSION

Asher - Raging Tide
Asher - Raging Tide Posts: 584 Arc User
edited January 2012 in Tideswell (East)
You may have read this:
I don't know any drama between Vicious and QQme as i've not played in well over a year and half and don't even know how QQme is still alive kudos to man for his perseverance.

Half truths here, as you can see in this picture (Never seen before by anyones eyes but me ;o) me and Nimpo were fed up of a few people which i will name in a second only helping eachother out in stuff like TT BH's etc etc.. yeah you had to do them back then i bet you can probably buy it all now huh?

Few others but can't remember.
Basically the whole of Empire's leadership + apart from Charisma (who got promoted to director) this was on the 9th of the first, me and nimpo got talking to tophole who was in insight about leaving and making a faction but we didn't because we needed to level etc.. we then started talking to ToyTank who was in Resolve and become good friends with him (cause he bought all the craftings). We decided we would wait until TW to decide weather to leave and yet again we went for ****ty TW with no PvP so we decided to leave and 11 days passed by and on the 20th of january me and nimpo left QQme followed by Man and a few others as shown here As we left empire had a snowball effect which left the 2 largest factions on the server infamy & empire to basically merge.. there was no other contenders on the map at that time apart from leviathan brewing up by Couri. We had about 37 members before our first TW and 17 members attended video there. Amongst the first few days of QQme we had EPIC EPIC pvp wars with infamy basically the most fun on the server EVER happened. We was on ventrilo im not even sure to this day man was even there? But Tophole me nimpo pixels kai i even believe charisma was on there talking to me we agreed to pass leadership to an ALT account called qqmeleader and 4 of us be marshals for recruiting as we saw on harshlands (a few of us being from harshlands) one faction holding all the land is game breaking as nooby factions can't TW against eachother and it just causes epic *** 5 min crystal walks. We vowed after wiping infamy of the map we would disband QQme. I was semi-afk ill when Infamy actually did get taken off the map but yeah Man didn't disband it in the end. I made a troll video last year around the same i made QQme the previous year i wasn't going to come back and post here until QQme anniversary january 20th and i wont post in this thread after this post. But theres the story oh and if you want the troll video here it is: it basically explains this wall of text in video.


QQme was made when Asher Nimpo and I left Empire, we left because Nuala chose to attack a weaker faction in tw, instead of the stronger one.

Half true.

At the time Nimpo and I didn't know anything about Infamy.

If you look at the first screenshot i posted the nimpo is raging about no help this was actually from him being pked by Infamy at oracle spot claiming nobody helps him in PvP but he helps them.

Asher made qqme and nimpo and i were invited 10 seconds later. I can't speak for asher but nimpo and i didin't know infamy existed and didn't care.

Same as above.

After a few weeks, some intense pk, and when the leader and director of empire joined Infamy we became enemies and had a good rivalry.

Charisma joined QQme as soon as we left (see picture of making QQme) and told me she was joining Infamy later that day (which she did), everyone basically hopped to infamy straight away.

No we definitely weren't made to wreck infamy, but as the top tw factions as things evolved we ofc had a big rivalry and ended up participating in their downfall. Leviation had just as much affect on infamy or greater.

We was most definitely made to stop the map being taken over by 1 faction, Infamy and once everyone had hopped ship we made a pact to disband after destroying them.
Actually came here to post because my missus was going through my computer and found my old screenshots and asked about the game so i checked the forums and wohoo 2 years on and my name is still all over the board 96% of people probably don't even know me now but hi my names Asher.

/tiger wave out

P.S really do miss perfect worlds communityb:dirty
Asher, cuz every1 can see he's shaved - classy women.
Wow, Devently had to vote Asher, Hes one sexy **** Woman. <3
Haha, easily Asher.. no contest.
Post edited by Asher - Raging Tide on


  • AriesBreath - Raging Tide
    AriesBreath - Raging Tide Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Cool story bro. And I don't mean that sarcastically.
  • Dylena - Raging Tide
    Dylena - Raging Tide Posts: 1,416 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Ok? Now tell me what you had for lunch, I'm so interested in your life history...
  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Asher, thank you for founding QQme. Your actions have give 200 persons over the last 2 years countless hours of friendship, war, rage, drama, trolling and epic TW. Too bad you quited and did not really manage to enjoy the full amount of QQme's might. As for the leadership, guess who's leader now? :D
    And...because it is the Chrismas and we all have to be good, I will not trashtalk Vicious in this post. As for you, I personally invite you to apply to QQme if you still want to play on RT. I am sure with all your friends on the server, you will be accepted in no time.
    @Dylena, you gotta admit it, the guy is really thorough in terms of the RT history of QQme.

    From all QQme members, we wish you all, Happy Holidays!!!
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • daveted
    daveted Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    You may have read this:
    I don't know any drama between Vicious and QQme as i've not played in well over a year and half and don't even know how QQme is still alive kudos to man for his perseverance.

    Half truths here, as you can see in this picture (Never seen before by anyones eyes but me ;o) me and Nimpo were fed up of a few people which i will name in a second only helping eachother out in stuff like TT BH's etc etc.. yeah you had to do them back then i bet you can probably buy it all now huh?

    Few others but can't remember.
    Basically the whole of Empire's leadership + apart from Charisma (who got promoted to director) this was on the 9th of the first, me and nimpo got talking to tophole who was in insight about leaving and making a faction but we didn't because we needed to level etc.. we then started talking to ToyTank who was in Resolve and become good friends with him (cause he bought all the craftings). We decided we would wait until TW to decide weather to leave and yet again we went for ****ty TW with no PvP so we decided to leave and 11 days passed by and on the 20th of january me and nimpo left QQme followed by Man and a few others as shown here As we left empire had a snowball effect which left the 2 largest factions on the server infamy & empire to basically merge.. there was no other contenders on the map at that time apart from leviathan brewing up by Couri. We had about 37 members before our first TW and 17 members attended video there. Amongst the first few days of QQme we had EPIC EPIC pvp wars with infamy basically the most fun on the server EVER happened. We was on ventrilo im not even sure to this day man was even there? But Tophole me nimpo pixels kai i even believe charisma was on there talking to me we agreed to pass leadership to an ALT account called qqmeleader and 4 of us be marshals for recruiting as we saw on harshlands (a few of us being from harshlands) one faction holding all the land is game breaking as nooby factions can't TW against eachother and it just causes epic *** 5 min crystal walks. We vowed after wiping infamy of the map we would disband QQme. I was semi-afk ill when Infamy actually did get taken off the map but yeah Man didn't disband it in the end. I made a troll video last year around the same i made QQme the previous year i wasn't going to come back and post here until QQme anniversary january 20th and i wont post in this thread after this post. But theres the story oh and if you want the troll video here it is: it basically explains this wall of text in video.


    QQme was made when Asher Nimpo and I left Empire, we left because Nuala chose to attack a weaker faction in tw, instead of the stronger one.

    Half true.

    At the time Nimpo and I didn't know anything about Infamy.

    If you look at the first screenshot i posted the nimpo is raging about no help this was actually from him being pked by Infamy at oracle spot claiming nobody helps him in PvP but he helps them.

    Asher made qqme and nimpo and i were invited 10 seconds later. I can't speak for asher but nimpo and i didin't know infamy existed and didn't care.

    Same as above.

    After a few weeks, some intense pk, and when the leader and director of empire joined Infamy we became enemies and had a good rivalry.

    Charisma joined QQme as soon as we left (see picture of making QQme) and told me she was joining Infamy later that day (which she did), everyone basically hopped to infamy straight away.

    No we definitely weren't made to wreck infamy, but as the top tw factions as things evolved we ofc had a big rivalry and ended up participating in their downfall. Leviation had just as much affect on infamy or greater.

    We was most definitely made to stop the map being taken over by 1 faction, Infamy and once everyone had hopped ship we made a pact to disband after destroying them.
    Actually came here to post because my missus was going through my computer and found my old screenshots and asked about the game so i checked the forums and wohoo 2 years on and my name is still all over the board 96% of people probably don't even know me now but hi my names Asher.

    /tiger wave out

    P.S really do miss perfect worlds communityb:dirty

    Those were some good old times.. I miss those b:cry

    Too bad you left Asher baby and QQme became even worse place then the very thing they were fighting against... b:spit
    Did you know that even NightRage, among other infamy people, ended up being "the core" of QQme at one point in time? b:angry
    b:shocked Oh, and Levi is still around... Just thought you might be interested.
  • Asher - Raging Tide
    Asher - Raging Tide Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Asher, thank you for founding QQme. Your actions have give 200 persons over the last 2 years countless hours of friendship, war, rage, drama, trolling and epic TW. Too bad you quited and did not really manage to enjoy the full amount of QQme's might. As for the leadership, guess who's leader now? :D
    And...because it is the Chrismas and we all have to be good, I will not trashtalk Vicious in this post. As for you, I personally invite you to apply to QQme if you still want to play on RT. I am sure with all your friends on the server, you will be accepted in no time.
    @Dylena, you gotta admit it, the guy is really thorough in terms of the RT history of QQme.

    From all QQme members, we wish you all, Happy Holidays!!!

    Trust me i had so much fun in the beginning of QQme i wouldn't of enjoyed spending all my money on the game and not being able to go to uni so...
    daveted wrote: »
    Those were some good old times.. I miss those b:cry

    Too bad you left Asher baby and QQme became even worse place then the very thing they were fighting against... b:spit
    Did you know that even NightRage, among other infamy people, ended up being "the core" of QQme at one point in time? b:angry
    b:shocked Oh, and Levi is still around... Just thought you might be interested.

    I heard a year back that infamy core joined QQme and Man actually let them in.. shows how desperate he was for power :( lolol i bet couri or ryohki isn't still around though?
    Asher, cuz every1 can see he's shaved - classy women.
    Wow, Devently had to vote Asher, Hes one sexy **** Woman. <3
    Haha, easily Asher.. no contest.
  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Guys, most of the people you talk about left the game(died from a ingame perspective). They really do not matter. As for factions like Infamy...umm really? We are talking about broken faction here. Infamy had alot of fun people who do well in nowadays QQme, for exemple linc. b:victory Love ya linc!

    As for Man, he was not power hungry, you can say that about me, but not about Man. Man is a very nice person.b:bye
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • Boartracker - Raging Tide
    Boartracker - Raging Tide Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Asher, ty for the history lesson. b:thanks I've been reading your posts for a long time on the forums.

    This is a game and there are still those who play it as a game. There are even folks who still do quests, grind, set goals and enjoy themselves. Of course there are still some around who take this way too seriously or think that their b:fatb don't stink cause they just so specal.

    If you have the time now, I'm sure that you could enjoy some of your old friends in game and have some fun. Us noobs would enjoy seeing you come back to the server and passing put your knowledge.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!


    PS: Spell's issues revolve around his video recording; but, he's getting better with time. If he just didn't cover up so much stuff on his screen...
  • Dedz - Raging Tide
    Dedz - Raging Tide Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Oh, it's one of the founders of QQme. Cool faction. Love it.

    Btw, while you're here at the forums giving a history lesson, may you also mention who designed the logo/icon of QQme. QQme has a badass logo.

    I have to admit though: When Infamy was around, I liked their logo the best. But when they disbanded, I started liking QQme's logo. Between Vicious and QQme, I would have to go with QQme's icon. (no offense to Vicious, but to be fair, Vicious has the better website. xD)

    You will never catch me. But if you do, someone else will take my place. b:chuckle
  • Bellefleurs - Raging Tide
    Bellefleurs - Raging Tide Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited December 2011

    How's Uni going Asher?
    Retired nonfactor archer.
  • laloner
    laloner Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Nothing personal but the only part about QQme that is curious to me is the name, what does it mean.
    AKA PermaSpark, Heartshatter
  • Asher - Raging Tide
    Asher - Raging Tide Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Oh, it's one of the founders of QQme. Cool faction. Love it.

    Btw, while you're here at the forums giving a history lesson, may you also mention who designed the logo/icon of QQme. QQme has a badass logo.

    I have to admit though: When Infamy was around, I liked their logo the best. But when they disbanded, I started liking QQme's logo. Between Vicious and QQme, I would have to go with QQme's icon. (no offense to Vicious, but to be fair, Vicious has the better website. xD)

    Nimpo, one of the founders made the logo and uploaded it as the logo in the early days i believe all he did was turn an already existing logo on the side and it looked like that. if its still the black and silver logo b:thanks

    How's Uni going Asher?

    Actually just got home to south wales like an hour ago from the end of first semester, amazing and the social life is intense.
    laloner wrote: »
    Nothing personal but the only part about QQme that is curious to me is the name, what does it mean.

    QQ has been used on the internet for years and years as a crying face, so QQme essentially means Cry to me, Cry at me, CRY@M3Br0! It was originally used on a faction on harshlands who was RPK but thats another story.
    Asher, cuz every1 can see he's shaved - classy women.
    Wow, Devently had to vote Asher, Hes one sexy **** Woman. <3
    Haha, easily Asher.. no contest.
  • mtickley
    mtickley Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited December 2011

    Actually just got home to south wales like an hour ago from the end of first semester, amazing and the social life is intense.

    You are from wales? Suddenly you have become a curiosity, kinda like a gorrilla attempting to paint a space rocket from memory, interesting? no, a curiosity .... most definatly!!
  • Asher - Raging Tide
    Asher - Raging Tide Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    mtickley wrote: »
    You are from wales? Suddenly you have become a curiosity, kinda like a gorrilla attempting to paint a space rocket from memory, interesting? no, a curiosity .... most definatly!!

    born and bred 100% welsh.
    Asher, cuz every1 can see he's shaved - classy women.
    Wow, Devently had to vote Asher, Hes one sexy **** Woman. <3
    Haha, easily Asher.. no contest.
  • MyPixelsHurt - Raging Tide
    MyPixelsHurt - Raging Tide Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Asher's version > Man . ijs . But fuhQ for not including me in the first 5 to join qqme u silly welsh **** b:angry , but ur forgiven . QQme isnt QQme anymore sad to say because i have alot of good memories from the **** stained beast. Also lol at Spell's post he'll just deny your application anyway, just puttin on a show for the camera's now that he's leader b:chuckle
  • Renza - Raging Tide
    Renza - Raging Tide Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    i wont post in this thread after this post.


    which reminds me I still need to give nimpo his fists back on loth if hes still playing, feel a right bum hole for lending and not giving back (even if they're worth ** all lol), also, LoL?
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • X - Lothranis
    X - Lothranis Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Damn good story bro b:victory
  • Asher - Raging Tide
    Asher - Raging Tide Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Asher's version > Man . ijs . But fuhQ for not including me in the first 5 to join qqme u silly welsh **** b:angry , but ur forgiven . QQme isnt QQme anymore sad to say because i have alot of good memories from the **** stained beast. Also lol at Spell's post he'll just deny your application anyway, just puttin on a show for the camera's now that he's leader b:chuckle


    which reminds me I still need to give nimpo his fists back on loth if hes still playing, feel a right bum hole for lending and not giving back (even if they're worth ** all lol), also, LoL?

    jeez renza you still about haha, i've not been on loth since uni started.
    Damn good story bro b:victory

    yeye buddy.
    Asher, cuz every1 can see he's shaved - classy women.
    Wow, Devently had to vote Asher, Hes one sexy **** Woman. <3
    Haha, easily Asher.. no contest.
  • Renza - Raging Tide
    Renza - Raging Tide Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    jeez renza you still about haha, i've not been on loth since uni started.

    Lol only "trolling" around the forum boards, haven't really played since loth, more busy with my course work and other things in life, home study for the win bro!
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • TrillBus - Harshlands
    TrillBus - Harshlands Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Asher i ****** hate you i wanted to watch the tl;dr version and the video is private now i had to read the ****.

    and gz on 100 Pixels
    TrillBus 101 Sin HL - Retired
    **** 100 Veno HL - Retired
    ToyTank 102 Barb RT - Retired
    PoesJagter 101 BM RT - Retired
    ToyDD 94 Wizz RT - Retired
  • Russiee - Raging Tide
    Russiee - Raging Tide Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Asher b:dirty
  • Peenice - Dreamweaver
    Peenice - Dreamweaver Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    What happened to the french server? Was it closed?
  • MyPixelsHurt - Raging Tide
    MyPixelsHurt - Raging Tide Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    and gz on 100 Pixels

    Thx **** when u commin back to RT b:sad matter of fact just send jean back b:dirty
  • TrillBus - Harshlands
    TrillBus - Harshlands Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Thx **** when u commin back to RT b:sad matter of fact just send jean back b:dirty

    Jean said the only way she is coming back is if i get her R9 and that **** is not going to happen.
    TrillBus 101 Sin HL - Retired
    **** 100 Veno HL - Retired
    ToyTank 102 Barb RT - Retired
    PoesJagter 101 BM RT - Retired
    ToyDD 94 Wizz RT - Retired
  • Bellefleurs - Raging Tide
    Bellefleurs - Raging Tide Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Pixels used and abused me to get to 100 >;-)
    Retired nonfactor archer.
  • MyPixelsHurt - Raging Tide
    MyPixelsHurt - Raging Tide Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    b:dirty true dat
  • Luke - Raging Tide
    Luke - Raging Tide Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I miss RT b:surrender
  • TrillBus - Harshlands
    TrillBus - Harshlands Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I miss RT b:surrender

    b:dirty Luke you big ****
    TrillBus 101 Sin HL - Retired
    **** 100 Veno HL - Retired
    ToyTank 102 Barb RT - Retired
    PoesJagter 101 BM RT - Retired
    ToyDD 94 Wizz RT - Retired
  • Luke - Raging Tide
    Luke - Raging Tide Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    ToyTank <3 I miss you.You big ****.b:chuckle
  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Guys, you are all skilled players, you know the game, you could have alot of fun in PK, TW etc.... Come back and prove yourselves once again. It is true, you have a gear deficite but that is a good thing in a way, as you have goals to play towards to. It's not like LuciferV can improve much more the gear he already has. It would please me to see you again on RT, in friendly or enemy factions, it does not matter.
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • Asher - Raging Tide
    Asher - Raging Tide Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Guys, you are all skilled players, you know the game, you could have alot of fun in PK, TW etc.... Come back and prove yourselves once again. It is true, you have a gear deficite but that is a good thing in a way, as you have goals to play towards to. It's not like LuciferV can improve much more the gear he already has. It would please me to see you again on RT, in friendly or enemy factions, it does not matter.

    There only so long you can avoid one shots, with apoth, resists skills, & luck. Buy me r9 +5 all and i'll compete with everyone.
    Asher, cuz every1 can see he's shaved - classy women.
    Wow, Devently had to vote Asher, Hes one sexy **** Woman. <3
    Haha, easily Asher.. no contest.