PWI becoming pay to play?



  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Old Frost, not only nerfed it was changed to a power leveling instance. Old Frost was horribly, indescribably hard. Back then. The player base had not yet matured when they changed it. Now, Old Frost would probably be very challenging and a lot of fun.

    We did old frost with an 8x party. It wasn't done because HH90/grinding was a much better use of time. The gear was basically pointless besides the archer helm.
  • Xinaeco - Harshlands
    Xinaeco - Harshlands Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    what planet are you from? and how could you have gotten to your level without having to fill PWE's pockets with your cash? PWI has been a Free to Play/Pay to Win game for years now., and is getting worse all the time. the only people left here are rich people or losers like me who are housebound and have nowhere else to go.

    I don't see how insulting someone is the correct response to someone asking a simple question. b:shutup
    NiightmareXz; lv 92 demon archer (retired)
    xinaeco; lv 9x sage veno (retired currently)
    lil nab secret cleric (main)
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    what planet are you from? and how could you have gotten to your level without having to fill PWE's pockets with your cash? PWI has been a Free to Play/Pay to Win game for years now., and is getting worse all the time. the only people left here are rich people or losers like me who are housebound and have nowhere else to go.

    would it be too much trouble for you to respond to what you are quoting after the quote. the point of quoting is to provide context for your response, not to read what you have to say, and then get the context after.
  • Xinaeco - Harshlands
    Xinaeco - Harshlands Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    would it be too much trouble for you to respond to what you are quoting after the quote. the point of quoting is to provide context for your response, not to read what you have to say, and then get the context after.

    That too lol. It's annoying and it's less of a hassle to put your text under the quote since you don't have to hit enter like twice above the quote to fix your text in. I don't really read her posts because of that
    NiightmareXz; lv 92 demon archer (retired)
    xinaeco; lv 9x sage veno (retired currently)
    lil nab secret cleric (main)
  • Asgardeus - Sanctuary
    Asgardeus - Sanctuary Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    what planet are you from? and how could you have gotten to your level without having to fill PWE's pockets with your cash? PWI has been a Free to Play/Pay to Win game for years now., and is getting worse all the time. the only people left here are rich people or losers like me who are housebound and have nowhere else to go.

    You know, if you're so fed up with the game, then leave.
    That would be less annoying than ruining it for everyone else who enjoys playing. Meh.

    Also. You do realize levels are the easiest to get? You don't need to pay.
  • Bubbles - Morai
    Bubbles - Morai Posts: 1,143 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Given the state that pwi is in now... a p2p model would be better.

    When I say p2p, I do not mean our current game with a cash shop and monthly payments... I mean an english version of p2p pw.

    Seriously, that version would be better.
    Granted it doesn't have all the new things, but for the things that it does have..
    It has balanced tb (new skills, different skills, nothing like our op tb), no cs, aerogear and fash you can get from a npc, different quests, all sorts of fun stuff...
  • _Nerox_ - Dreamweaver
    _Nerox_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 753 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Well as long as a GM doesnt rply, I will assume it will become p2p :D

    Idc, Im rich b**ch
    I Miss the old days of PWIb:surrender
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    We did old frost with an 8x party. It wasn't done because HH90/grinding was a much better use of time. The gear was basically pointless besides the archer helm.

    I forget, either the belt or neck is really good for veno.

    And I've done a bunch of Old frost runs. I was like a curvade or two away from opening my squad mode... we had already opened up squad mode for two other people... we weren't even close to farming an item yet, only got past 3rd boss once.

    It wasn't done, not because the gear wasn't great, but because it was changed before anyone could really complete it.

    And running old Lunar was kinda the same. You didn't get the drops worth fighting 6+ hours to get to the end. It was still fun, it was still an accomplishment.

    I guess you prefer new lunar to old too? /facepalm

    While you're at it, maybe you'd like Delta to be a 15 minute run too...

    BTW, for not being worth it there were at least 4 different groups of people who had started running frost regularly, with more people becoming interested and trying when it was changed.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I heard from someone that Perfect world has become or is becoming a pay to play game, May i please get a confirmation or denial on this rumor?

    ~~ Thank you for all the people who answered, i appreciate it and sorry if i mislead anyone, it was not my intention. Now i am under the understanding that PWI is NOT a P2P game and nor will it be, thank you. :)
    i think that person is prolly mistaking it for PW china where they, i believe have 2 version of pwi? and one of them is a pay to play. (seems PWI is big stuff there, as opposed to the US/EU, where we have more freedom of game choices)
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • MageMERC - Harshlands
    MageMERC - Harshlands Posts: 1,600 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    or losers like me who are housebound and have nowhere else to go.

    Im in that boat. Maybe I need to start a new guild - "Paupers" Without fairy boxes I look at the next levels of gear I now need and they are just fuzzy mirages on the horizon of possiblity.

    ....almost lvl 96, been playing a while and still feel like a newb...

    Pay to Win, Free to Watch.
  • Renza - Raging Tide
    Renza - Raging Tide Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Given the state that pwi is in now... a p2p model would be better.

    When I say p2p, I do not mean our current game with a cash shop and monthly payments... I mean an english version of p2p pw.

    Seriously, that version would be better.
    Granted it doesn't have all the new things, but for the things that it does have..
    It has balanced tb (new skills, different skills, nothing like our op tb), no cs, aerogear and fash you can get from a npc, different quests, all sorts of fun stuff...

    See, even I would p2p that version, I stoped CS'ing on this game in 2009 just before the game went to hell on packs and I only really used the item mall casually for mounts, fashion and perhaps the odd hp/mp charm, I also did buy a herc and a nix as well in the time I've been playing, so yeah, I've spent more than enough that would of lasted me years of the p2p version, I would of been much more happy with that version being more balanced, everything available through NPCs and such instead of the item mall, sucks to not understand Chinese.
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    insulting wasnt my original was sheer frustration and hurt breaking out. but the rest is too true. most of the 100+ players have oracled/hypered/etc their way up to that level, and far too many dont have a clue how to play their class, so many of them are nothing but Leroy Jenkens clones, not caring if they or everyone else in the squad get killed.

    PWI used to be a wonderful game, where people enjoyed helping each other through challenging instances, helped each other with making/finding or simply giving better gear, pots and other necessary items that could be found in drops or made from same.

    now? its almost impossible to find weapons, armour and the like on the AH or in drops. good drops were always rare, of course, but it used to be possible to find them on the AH, at least. ever since the genies came out, things get decomposed to feed the little bugs, or just plain NPCed as not worth the money to auction. so many times i''ve been in a squad where a member got an item i really could use myself or an alt, and asked them if i could buy it from them....but except for one time, and not in an instance, the squad member would run off afterward and NPC/decompose it, without even answering me.

    back in the good days, you could ask a friend if they could make a weapon,etc for most dont bother with the old skills, they just buy rank gear and orbs. not everyone can do that.

    i have a very long list of friends.....who i never see anymore, except for the rare look in. when i ask why they dont play now, its the same reasons i have longer friendly and cooperative, players who hypered their way to 100+ but have no real skill with their class, and the unending pressure to gamble from the gold shop. its no longer the wonderful place to be with your friends that it was 3 years ago, and that makes me very depressed and hurt, as i am disabled and housebound. Perfect World *was* my world, where my real life infirmities and constant pain could be forgotten for a few hours, where i had wonderful friends like Flauschkatze, Kephras, Shurikenny,Pawplay and so many others-some who i played with, some who were just there to chat as we did WQs and grinding. here, as FoxRunning, SunriseWind, and my other alts, i can be a beautiful fox, an angel, a mermaid, and forget the pain of my real life. but the way that PWE is handling things, it is no longer the place that i came to originally, and its heartbreaking to see this happening. yes, i have tried other games-even other PWE games like Jade Dynasty. but who wants to 'play' a game that plays itself? and in these years, i have not yet found a game that has the beauty of PWI, or the kind of characters found here.

    that is why i am still here. and will be till the day it goes down.

    but i will always be hoping that somehow things will take a turn for the better.

    (as for how i choose to post... i have posted on far more forums, for more years than many of you have been alive, and this is the way most of them are set up. so stop nitpicking over how i write.)

    I don't see how insulting someone is the correct response to someone asking a simple question. b:shutup
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I forget, either the belt or neck is really good for veno.

    And I've done a bunch of Old frost runs. I was like a curvade or two away from opening my squad mode... we had already opened up squad mode for two other people... we weren't even close to farming an item yet, only got past 3rd boss once.

    It wasn't done, not because the gear wasn't great, but because it was changed before anyone could really complete it.

    And running old Lunar was kinda the same. You didn't get the drops worth fighting 6+ hours to get to the end. It was still fun, it was still an accomplishment.

    I guess you prefer new lunar to old too? /facepalm

    While you're at it, maybe you'd like Delta to be a 15 minute run too...

    BTW, for not being worth it there were at least 4 different groups of people who had started running frost regularly, with more people becoming interested and trying when it was changed.
    ~_~ I was in the first party to complete frost back when the server was 2 months old. We started farming it and stopped because hh90 was more than good enough and leveling was far more important. Read my post, I never said the gear wasn't good I said it was pointless. Most of the gear was not of value endgame and any time spent farming gear for a non-endgame piece of equipment is time wasted. Why not limit that time wasted..

    You have to understand the mentality of the community when no one was even 90 yet. By the time frost got changed leveling wasn't a race and you could farm frost if you wanted to. Still somewhat of a waste of time but at least you weren't shooting yourself in the foot.

    I farmed lunar with CQ all the time and helped farm the only(unless X actually farmed every mat) legit CV weapon on lost city. Old lunar was more than worth the time spent on farming it. High grade equipment that was actually for endgame and it was farmed at a time when leveling wasn't the far and away top priority for anyone who cared.

    Along with GV delta. I too did that with CQ when mages had 4.5k hp and no one even knew what second map was. That too was worth every minute because third map is a great place to level, you needed tome fragments to make tomes (not level 5+ just from opening a pack), old book pages for 11 skills, it was good exp and it burned red hours :D

    See the difference?
  • Ruxal - Harshlands
    Ruxal - Harshlands Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I am simply amazed at some of the people here who are now realizing what I did sooooooo long ago. I may have all started with packs but it ended for me for one reason: aps. Fail to balance your game and very quickly people fail o play it.
  • Bubbles - Morai
    Bubbles - Morai Posts: 1,143 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I am simply amazed at some of the people here who are now realizing what I did sooooooo long ago. I may have all started with packs but it ended for me for one reason: aps. Fail to balance your game and very quickly people fail o play it.

    Actually, most of us were already aware of this. It's just that the circulation of threads are coming up again. I believe a year ago, we had all those "the game is dead" threads, and a year before that we had all those threads on how ruined the game was due to packs.

    Obviously nothing has changed much since then, only just the kind of people posting here.
  • Xinaeco - Harshlands
    Xinaeco - Harshlands Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    insulting wasnt my original was sheer frustration and hurt breaking out. but the rest is too true. most of the 100+ players have oracled/hypered/etc their way up to that level, and far too many dont have a clue how to play their class, so many of them are nothing but Leroy Jenkens clones, not caring if they or everyone else in the squad get killed.

    I don't see WHAT this has to do with the OP, therefore, insinuating that she bought her levels and that she is stupid is an insult and was very unneccesary. Btw I bought my levels on my veno and not once have I got a complaint that I suck, infact, I get people pming me that they are glad I know what I'm doing and how good of a veno i am. b:shutup

    That's life, it happens. People move on and things change. Either deal with it, or leave the game. I still don't see what your wall of text has to do with the original point of the thread.
    NiightmareXz; lv 92 demon archer (retired)
    xinaeco; lv 9x sage veno (retired currently)
    lil nab secret cleric (main)
  • Sparc - Harshlands
    Sparc - Harshlands Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I am also not going to waste my time reading this thread in its entirety because THIS (will also) NEVER happen.

    The company makes WAYYYYY more money off being "F2P" with a "cash shop"

    that's just a fact... you get someone hooked next thing you know they're bank account has $4,000 less in it - in a period of like 2 years =\ (MUCH more than any subscription would give them, unless it was $ 167/month)!!!
  • Xinaeco - Harshlands
    Xinaeco - Harshlands Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    that's just a fact... you get someone hooked next thing you know they're bank account has $4,000 less in it - in a period of like 2 years =\ (MUCH more than any subscription would give them, unless it was $ 167/month)!!!

    Lol this is sooo true. I only charge like 10$ here and there but if something is on sale or i see something I REALLY want, i'll charge more than 10$. After almost 2 1/2 years, I'm sure I spent well over 2k$. It doesn't seem like a lot when you put in 10$ every other week, but it really adds up over time. I coulda bought a used car or a new wardrobe for the price I've paid to pwi being f2p w/ cashop instead of p2p. b:surrender

    The good part about being f2p though is you don't need to worry about planning out money to pay for your fee for that month, one less bill to worry about! You can charge whenever you'd like, and this is prolly one of the best f2p mmo's, graphical, customization & story-wise.
    NiightmareXz; lv 92 demon archer (retired)
    xinaeco; lv 9x sage veno (retired currently)
    lil nab secret cleric (main)