I had just remembered my mystic character

laisvis Posts: 1 Arc User
edited December 2011 in Mystic
I remember, that I don't play with this character because got bored of spamming 1 skill and of huge cost mp of skills. I have some questions:
1. Does mystic still spam "Nature's Vengeance" and nothing more?
2. Where do you use "Punishing Sting". How does it good at pve/pvp? Does it good at high level?
3. Is "Swirling Mist" the strongest dot of all classes? Please, discribe.
Post edited by laisvis on


  • Safeng - Sanctuary
    Safeng - Sanctuary Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    All I'm gonna say.. If you're spamming one single skill, you're doing it wrong.
    Now, what's the equivalent to 'lazymancer' that applies to mystics? b:cry
  • TolanSky - Heavens Tear
    TolanSky - Heavens Tear Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    laisvis wrote: »
    I remember, that I don't play with this character because got bored of spamming 1 skill and of huge cost mp of skills. I have some questions:
    1. Does mystic still spam "Nature's Vengeance" and nothing more?
    2. Where do you use "Punishing Sting". How does it good at pve/pvp? Does it good at high level?
    3. Is "Swirling Mist" the strongest dot of all classes? Please, discribe.

    1. I rarely have to spam Nature's Vengeance because I usually let my Pet do all my fighting for me. What I am usually spamming instead is Heal Pet or whatever the pet heal skill happens to be. This actually saves considerable amounts of MP in my mind. Though that is countered by the fact that often times I have to use that same amount of MP to recharge my pet's Chi levels.

    2. Punishing Sting? I don't even recognize the name of that skill...

    3. Swirling Mist may not be the strongest DOT of all the classes, but it is far and away one of the easiest to use in conjunction with a pet in my opinion.
    Acc 1: TolanSky ~ ● Seeker / Daearena ~ Mystic / ThornLily ~ Veno
    Acc 2: Veilana ~ Sin / QueenBlubrry ~ Cleric / Lemondrop ~ Psychic
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    1. I rarely have to spam Nature's Vengeance because I usually let my Pet do all my fighting for me. What I am usually spamming instead is Heal Pet or whatever the pet heal skill happens to be. This actually saves considerable amounts of MP in my mind. Though that is countered by the fact that often times I have to use that same amount of MP to recharge my pet's Chi levels.

    Sorry if you haven't figured out that you're a better tank than your pet and that you'll save on MP by fighting along with your pet. -We're not venos.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Xaner - Dreamweaver
    Xaner - Dreamweaver Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    laisvis wrote: »
    I remember, that I don't play with this character because got bored of spamming 1 skill and of huge cost mp of skills. I have some questions:
    1. Does mystic still spam "Nature's Vengeance" and nothing more?
    2. Where do you use "Punishing Sting". How does it good at pve/pvp? Does it good at high level?
    3. Is "Swirling Mist" the strongest dot of all classes? Please, discribe.

    1. I use Nature's Vengeance- Absorb x2 Then most of the mobs are dead. For mini-bosses i debuff with creeper falling petals vital herb then spam Nature's Vengeance (spark) Rapid growth absorb soul x2. At about 50% Hp i add swirling mist and just repeat till it is dead.
    2.I Have found it good when dueling sins (Not gonna really pvp till endgame) to get them out of stealth just plant it on a mob and lysing. Pve wise when your FCing on heads its an extra person. I did duel this one cleric and lysing with it and it dealt like half hp and the cleric had 3.1k hp
    Swirling mist lvl 10 Mystic skill (Upgraded fully at lvl 48)-
    Mana 201.6
    Channel 1.0 seconds
    Cast 1.0 seconds
    Cooldown 5.0 seconds
    Deals basic Magic Damage, and the target suffers the
    Mist's Grasp status effect. When the target's HP is below
    60%, the target takes continuous Wood damage equal to
    basic Magic Damage plus 1992.2 every 2 seconds.
    The Mist's Grasp status effect lasts for 9 seconds.

    Crown of Flame lvl 10 Wizard skill (Upgraded fully at lvl 58)
    Mana 174
    Channel 1.0 seconds
    Cast 1.0 seconds
    Cooldown 8.0 seconds
    Place a blazing crown of fire on the opponent's head.
    It burns, causing Fire damage equal to base magic
    damage plus 3012.9 over 15 seconds.

    Thunderball lvl 10 Cleric skill (Upgraded fully at lvl 61)
    Mana 219.6
    Channel 2.4 seconds
    Cast 1.2 seconds
    Cooldown 8.0 seconds
    Create a sphere of lightning over the enemy's head, dealing
    metal damage equal to your base magic attack and causing the
    enemy to suffer an additional 4419.7 metal damage over 15 seconds.

    Blazing Scarab lvl 10 Veno skill (Upgraded fully at lvl 64)
    Mana 103.7
    Channel 1.5 seconds
    Cast 0.8 seconds
    Cooldown 15.0 seconds
    Throw a flaming parasite at the enemy, inflicting Wood damage
    equal to base magic damage and dealing 3927.0 Fire damage
    over 30 seconds.

    Sand Trap lvl 10 Psychic skill (Upgraded fully at lvl 74)
    Range 28.5 meters
    Mana 180
    Channel 1.6 seconds
    Cast 1.4 seconds
    Cooldown 15.0 seconds
    Deals base magic damage plus 200%
    of weapon damage plus 4702.5 Earth damage over 15 seconds.
  • TolanSky - Heavens Tear
    TolanSky - Heavens Tear Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    tweakz wrote: »
    Sorry if you haven't figured out that you're a better tank than your pet and that you'll save on MP by fighting along with your pet. -We're not venos.

    ROFLMAO, believe it or not, I do fight along side my pet as of late. Ever since getting Swirling Mist to level 10, I have kind of been forced to fight along side my pet as Swirling Mist does enough damage to grab hate from my pet (where as previously it did not do that). However that said, the pets are perfectly capable at lower levels of being able to tank quite effectively if not better than the Mystic itself. That said at higher levels I would agree that fighting alongside of one's pet is definitely preferred. Does that mean that one should spam Nature's Vengeance? I don't think so. I usually use a combination of my attack skills, including Absorb Soul after using Nature's Vengeance to Proc the double damage debuff for Absorb Soul.
    Acc 1: TolanSky ~ ● Seeker / Daearena ~ Mystic / ThornLily ~ Veno
    Acc 2: Veilana ~ Sin / QueenBlubrry ~ Cleric / Lemondrop ~ Psychic
  • Kyrael - Dreamweaver
    Kyrael - Dreamweaver Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Swirling mist can be maxed out at the lowest lvl for DoTs, But from the looks of it It cost lots of mana and is pretty weak :\

    False; Swirling Mist ticks for base magic+1992.2 EACH time it ticks, for four times. So, random number, say base magic attack is 7000 and the mob has no resistances. You'll be dealing 8992.2 damage every two seconds (and it's spammable) for nine seconds in one spell, meaning about 35968.8 damage over the DoT duration. All other DoTs you listed are one single chunk of damage doled out over time. Swirling is BY FAR the strongest out of them, and its mana cost is barely more than the next strongest, Sand Trap. Speaking of sand trap, its damage, given same numbers and a weapon damage of (again, random) 1200, would max out at 14102.5 damage over the entire 15 seconds.

    Swirling mist is NOT a useless attack. It's quite awesome for drawn out battles, especially compared to other DoTs in the game, it's spammable, it has the same channel/cast as NV and does more overall, etc.

    I personally love it.
  • MrMelvin - Heavens Tear
    MrMelvin - Heavens Tear Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Sage swirling mist is also nice, An additional 800 damage (I think on the original hit, didn't test it b:surrender) I'll admit that I didn't use it a lot at all but now I do since its sage version.
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    False; Swirling Mist ticks for base magic+1992.2 EACH time it ticks, for four times. So, random number, say base magic attack is 7000 and the mob has no resistances. You'll be dealing 8992.2 damage every two seconds (and it's spammable) for nine seconds in one spell, meaning about 35968.8 damage over the DoT duration. All other DoTs you listed are one single chunk of damage doled out over time. Swirling is BY FAR the strongest out of them, and its mana cost is barely more than the next strongest, Sand Trap. Speaking of sand trap, its damage, given same numbers and a weapon damage of (again, random) 1200, would max out at 14102.5 damage over the entire 15 seconds.

    Swirling mist is NOT a useless attack. It's quite awesome for drawn out battles, especially compared to other DoTs in the game, it's spammable, it has the same channel/cast as NV and does more overall, etc.

    I personally love it.

    I seriously doubt it applies the base dmg every tick. I think it's more like the skill applies base dmg twice, once in the initial hit, and the second is spread out along with the specified dmg value within the debuff duration. This not only makes it one of the most powerful DoTs in the game second only perhaps to psy AoE skills, but it also makes it more powerful than both gale force and bramble tornado for DDing. But yeah, I love the skill too, been spamming it since lvl 3. ^^
  • Kyrael - Dreamweaver
    Kyrael - Dreamweaver Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I seriously doubt it applies the base dmg every tick. I think it's more like the skill applies base dmg twice, once in the initial hit, and the second is spread out along with the specified dmg value within the debuff duration. This not only makes it one of the most powerful DoTs in the game second only perhaps to psy AoE skills, but it also makes it more powerful than both gale force and bramble tornado for DDing. But yeah, I love the skill too, been spamming it since lvl 3. ^^

    That's something to test then; the description (and we all know how reliable PWI's descriptions are b:shocked) makes it sound like base+X per tick, but who knows. Either way, it's still more powerful than just about any other DoTs.

    Now to find a good mob to test it on... It'd at least help to clear up the "Swirling Mist sucks, lolololololol" idea that seems to be going on.
  • laisvis
    laisvis Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    So, what I have known:
    1. "Punishing Sting" is good as dd for bosses. Only for it?
    2. "Swirling Mist" isn't the strongest dot because not every tick has +weapon damage bonus? When I look psy pvp videos, I think psy's dots are stronger. Who can confirm it? I very like dot type skills and I very want to known. :D
  • Asgardeus - Sanctuary
    Asgardeus - Sanctuary Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    1. I rarely have to spam Nature's Vengeance because I usually let my Pet do all my fighting for me. What I am usually spamming instead is Heal Pet or whatever the pet heal skill happens to be.

    b:cry Please, please don't do that. God, if you insist on going slower than you can, let pet do 2 hits > NV > absorb soul > mob dead.
    Mystics aren't venos, you can tank stuff yourself and kill so much faster. Makes me sad seeing a class so misused.