Kylin es numero tres
Lutirica - Harshlands wrote: »Catalyst is not very good if their best leave they are nothing but push overs. Either by time or by having nothing to do catalysts best will pass on and we will be left with the "children".
who are our vaguely stated "best?"0 -
Burnout - Harshlands wrote: »I don't get it I was pk'ing with I_pk_u_Sin and we killed Guna, Iholysymbol, Rawrraptor, crucivo, and MALIGNO in a pk fight, then 2 of them pm'ed me after saying that me joining the fight was cheap/dirty b:sad.
Ofc I didn't complain before when Jekel, ****, and marcefox dropped into some duels I was trying to do w/ CuCu and killed me b:surrender QQ is too rampant in this server -.-
I thought guna and I_Pk_U kinda canceled each other out tbh >.>
ur about 2 years late on ppl who care about world pvp.
thanks mike.0 -
im trying to0
get 300 posts. Woot I did it!b:victory0
Curses - Harshlands wrote: »ur about 2 years late on ppl who care about world pvp.
thanks mike.
That's right, no one cares that I killed 4 undergeared people w/ my OP gears.
No one really cares that you took on 80 ppl in TW with 40 OP-geared players, too.
I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.0 -
I dont think you got curses point, The majority of the server has given up on world pvp as a whole, occasionally you get brief resurgances, 5v5 guild battles which honestly is pathetic I have had bigger pvp battles doing my OHT dailies back at 9x and they accomplished more too.
But as a whole world pvp is pretty much a bunch of die hards who spend most of the day 1v1ing each other for bragging rights over a piece of ground less than 1/3rd of the size of the Silverpool SZ, this includes all the major pvp areas, that contains like 3-9 mobs which have no strategic significance.
So yeah ill stick with world pvp atm being a joke, im just happy I was geared up before it died so I actually had fun, unlike all the Cashshoppers, Farmers and Merchants of this generation which end up going out into boredom and depression realising how much time they spent gearing up to do 1v1s with people who they could probably have fought against in larger battles if they had just lowered their standards and geared up sooner.
Now it does seem that alot of the server has given up on TW, but I worked out a long time ago that you cant force people to understand that they need to team up to succeed at TW, people will continue to have high standards, grudges, drama and all of these things will hamper their ability to succeed in TW. So ill just stick in the guild I chose at reset and let the chips fall where they may. If we get the whole map grats to us and our ability to stick together through everything, if the server bands together and manages to stop us ill have fun then too so honestly doesnt effect me from now on its up to you, the server as a whole to decide what will give you the most enjoyment in game.
BTW if you arent having fun in game just quit honestly no point playing a game once it ceases to be fun.0 -
Michael - Harshlands wrote: »I dont think you got curses point, The majority of the server has given up on world pvp as a whole, occasionally you get brief resurgances, 5v5 guild battles which honestly is pathetic I have had bigger pvp battles doing my OHT dailies back at 9x and they accomplished more too.
But as a whole world pvp is pretty much a bunch of die hards who spend most of the day 1v1ing each other for bragging rights over a piece of ground less than 1/3rd of the size of the Silverpool SZ, this includes all the major pvp areas, that contains like 3-9 mobs which have no strategic significance.
So yeah ill stick with world pvp atm being a joke, im just happy I was geared up before it died so I actually had fun, unlike all the Cashshoppers, Farmers and Merchants of this generation which end up going out into boredom and depression realising how much time they spent gearing up to do 1v1s with people who they could probably have fought against in larger battles if they had just lowered their standards and geared up sooner.
Now it does seem that alot of the server has given up on TW, but I worked out a long time ago that you cant force people to understand that they need to team up to succeed at TW, people will continue to have high standards, grudges, drama and all of these things will hamper their ability to succeed in TW. So ill just stick in the guild I chose at reset and let the chips fall where they may. If we get the whole map grats to us and our ability to stick together through everything, if the server bands together and manages to stop us ill have fun then too so honestly doesnt effect me from now on its up to you, the server as a whole to decide what will give you the most enjoyment in game.
BTW if you arent having fun in game just quit honestly no point playing a game once it ceases to be fun.
TBH, I didn't even play and didn't plan to once they released R8 for 72 gold. And I was there for most of the pvp battles of the early server days, and with decent gear to boot.
Since I got R9 on my mystic it's been one of the most fun I ever had. Ask Varmint/gopessa/rozza about that time in SP where I teamed up with a newbie TT99 barb who was getting repeatedly ganked by sins, and took on almost the entire guild of dumass and kept 8 decently geared sins/bm's/barbs/archers in SZ. That TT99 barb I teamed up with told me after that it was some of the most fun in his entire time with the game.
PvP is what you make of it. I can see why you'd be bored, since the only thing you guys ever do is come out with 3-4 R9's and insta-stun/dragon everyone. You never think about putting up a challenge for yourself by going into a fight that's against all odds.
PvP is dead because TW is dead. Remember back when Valhalla was still considered the #1 faction? There were large-scale pvp battles between Valhalla, Kylin, Catalyst, Insanity, w/e, with multiple players and multiple guilds out in pvp at the same time. Now, without any land or TW to fight for, no one see's the point in coming out anymore, especially since Cata just facerolls with a bunch of R9's in west arch, then leaves all at once. Notice They ALWAYS have a perfect squad makeup of 1 cleric, 1-2 archers, 1 veno, 1-2 sins, and 1-2 BM's/barbs? Who really wants to fight against that all the time? Especially when the archers are all full R9 +12.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.0 -
I still pvp from time to time, its just compared to how it used to be the current battles are just bad, I will go out alone mostly or with 1-2 people except during special events like when jekel faction signets us to random places.
The biggest issue I guess I have with pvp is that there is no goal to attain by doing it, I honestly couldnt care less about if I can 1v1 this player or that player, which means that when I 1v1 people I generally just anti stun autoattack, I play for my team to win and if there is no challenge or goal whats the point of fighting.
Back in the old days we fought over grind spots because that achieved something, I could pvp for hours in those circumstances once I ended up pvping for around 8 hrs just protecting guildmates who were grinding, Now my guildmates dont need protection because there is no point for them to be out there unless they want to fight.
Which pretty much means my free time now is spent playing other games, and helping people in my faction get the gears they want with my ability to farm whatever is needed. I still have a few things I would like to get for my BM and ill probably finish them up at some stage and then just play for TW.0 -
Michael - Harshlands wrote: »I still pvp from time to time, its just compared to how it used to be the current battles are just bad, I will go out alone mostly or with 1-2 people except during special events like when jekel faction signets us to random places.
The biggest issue I guess I have with pvp is that there is no goal to attain by doing it, I honestly couldnt care less about if I can 1v1 this player or that player, which means that when I 1v1 people I generally just anti stun autoattack, I play for my team to win and if there is no challenge or goal whats the point of fighting.
Back in the old days we fought over grind spots because that achieved something, I could pvp for hours in those circumstances once I ended up pvping for around 8 hrs just protecting guildmates who were grinding, Now my guildmates dont need protection because there is no point for them to be out there unless they want to fight.
Which pretty much means my free time now is spent playing other games, and helping people in my faction get the gears they want with my ability to farm whatever is needed. I still have a few things I would like to get for my BM and ill probably finish them up at some stage and then just play for TW.
Exactly. People pvp'ed when there was TW because they had a reason: Settling a major grudge and showing their guild's prowess in open combat. When people view the other enemy as equal opponents, winning an open battle is just that much more exciting/satisfying. Valhalla and Cata HATED each other, and it showed in the massive pvp battle after the TW reset.
I mean I have even seen you excited after tanking some random caster's spike-nukes in pvp.
What's the point of pvp now? Everyone knows Cata is just gonna faceroll every TW, so coming out and beating a few cata is just a waste of charms. There's nothing to fight for. Valhalla has given up, Kylin is fed up, and Crimson just does it's own **** thing.
EDIT: You do have a point though. PvP should have a goal. I will spend the next Monday's tiger event greifing as many people as possible in an attempt to wipe the map of all players except those in my current faction. I will exempt the ones in non-factor guilds, of course. It will probably be loads of fun.
I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.0 -
Michael - Harshlands wrote: »which means that when I 1v1 people I generally just anti stun autoattack,.
If thats the case then,you should blame yourself for boring pvp.Instead of being like 99% of bms on server with claws just autoing switch to axes and try pvping with just those,i can almost promise u its a hella lot better then 10 sec fight with fists/claws0 -
Burnout - Harshlands wrote: »That's right, no one cares that I killed 4 undergeared people w/ my OP gears.
No one really cares that you took on 80 ppl in TW with 40 OP-geared players, too.
yes you did miss my point completely. and u instantly went into defensive sarcastic mode, u should chill out a bit. Im commenting more on a broken pvp system in a dead game. There are no grind spots or instances to pvp for control over. And I personally think there is zero connection between world pvp and tw.
but as far as comparing how much ppl care about tw and how much they care about world can just count how many threads there is about each. I'll be helpful, u dont even have to count them. Everyone has been out numbered and ganked before. Everyone has won an outnumbered gank, and everyone has died from a gank. So i dunno why u're writing a story about who showed up when and who killed who and who ganked who. Why is this moment worth noting more than any other pointless happening that happened after 30% attack blessings. I mean u can post whatever the hell u want, but dont act like we're all supposed to give a ****.
As far as us winning 40 vs 80, I can mention at least 120 ppl who cared that day. Not to mention all the ppl who still "talk" / QQ about tw today. ppl definitely care.0 -
Curses - Harshlands wrote: »yes you did miss my point completely. and u instantly went into defensive sarcastic mode, u should chill out a bit. Im commenting more on a broken pvp system in a dead game. There are no grind spots or instances to pvp for control over. And I personally think there is zero connection between world pvp and tw.
but as far as comparing how much ppl care about tw and how much they care about world can just count how many threads there is about each. I'll be helpful, u dont even have to count them. Everyone has been out numbered and ganked before. Everyone has won an outnumbered gank, and everyone has died from a gank. So i dunno why u're writing a story about who showed up when and who killed who and who ganked who. Why is this moment worth noting more than any other pointless happening that happened after 30% attack blessings. I mean u can post whatever the hell u want, but dont act like we're all supposed to give a ****.
As far as us winning 40 vs 80, I can mention at least 120 ppl who cared that day. Not to mention all the ppl who still "talk" / QQ about tw today. ppl definitely care.
All I see are posts where you wonder why no one acknowledges your skill, and just complains about gear. You keep bringing up 40 vs 80, all I see are counter-posts talking about the gear difference, then you get mad and wonder why they keep talking about gears. Those "120" people you mention? Oh, they're from your own guild? Well at least your own faction mates care.
You constantly see-saw from fishing/looking for validation of your accomplishments, to saying you're a complete non-factor. Decide which one you want to be, honestly, since it's annoying.
If you're looking for validation on forums, you're not gonna find it. Sorry.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.0 -
Burnout - Harshlands wrote: »All I see are posts where you wonder why no one acknowledges your skill, and just complains about gear. You keep bringing up 40 vs 80, all I see are counter-posts talking about the gear difference, then you get mad and wonder why they keep talking about gears. Those "120" people you mention? Oh, they're from your own guild? Well at least your own faction mates care.
You constantly see-saw from fishing/looking for validation of your accomplishments, to saying you're a complete non-factor. Decide which one you want to be, honestly, since it's annoying.
If you're looking for validation on forums, you're not gonna find it. Sorry.
i press m and get my validation. Other ppl will think what they want, and I dont expect to ever change their minds so i dont try. To me it seems like recently u've been seeking validation about ur mystic skills. Idk why u think im mad. im winning, i have nothing to be mad about. from my perspective ur the one who gets all defensive about everything....especially things that dont matter.
But seriously, are u expecting ppl to be ur a really great mystic...u put down those plants and healed urself really well. props dawggg.
anyways, insert ur rage about past posts or w/e u wanna do, ur boring now. go back to making interesting posts plz.0 -
Curses - Harshlands wrote: »i press m and get my validation. Other ppl will think what they want, and I dont expect to ever change their minds so i dont try. To me it seems like recently u've been seeking validation about ur mystic skills. Idk why u think im mad. im winning, i have nothing to be mad about. from my perspective ur the one who gets all defensive about everything....especially things that dont matter.
But seriously, are u expecting ppl to be ur a really great mystic...u put down those plants and healed urself really well. props dawggg.
anyways, insert ur rage about past posts or w/e u wanna do, ur boring now. go back to making interesting posts plz.
A.K.A you want me to make posts kissing up to Cata.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.0 -
did u ever post nice things about cata? that was nice of u. I just remember u had interesting and accurate views about tw. No one needs to talk to me about cata. No one understands the state of the server and catalyst more than i do. i get it. But if u wanna keep saying nice things feel free.0
Curses - Harshlands wrote: »did u ever post nice things about cata? that was nice of u. I just remember u had interesting and accurate views about tw. No one needs to talk to me about cata. No one understands the state of the server and catalyst more than i do. i get it. But if u wanna keep saying nice things feel free.
My lungs hurt. Trololol.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.0 -
3 threads at once was fun.0
Curses - Harshlands wrote: »3 threads at once was fun.
If this continues we'll bring down the PWI forum servers.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.0 -
i like to pack fuj!0
Curses - Harshlands wrote: »i press m and get my validation.
1. Take a quarter of the map with no competition
2. Attack the other guild with a quarter of the map
3. Roll them because they're one of the worst guilds the server has ever seen
4. Clean up their land with no competition
5. Buy gear for guild members with funds from half the map
6. Clean up a few non-factor guilds with no competition
7. Absorb R9 bandwagoners
8. Join in stacking the only guild that would have been competition six months prior if not for perma-stacks
9. Clean up its land with minimal competition due to it being severely undergeared
10. Get validated[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Sig by Bakura~0 -
u sound passively angry in that post0
I'm not angry, just bewildered. It's like someone with a good job and no living expenses being proud that they have a large savings.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Sig by Bakura~0 -
pride is one of the 7 deadly sins0
7 people should roll assassins and name them after the 7 deadly sins
i call dibs on lust0
wdf stop tryin to ninja0
Michael - Harshlands wrote: »The biggest issue I guess I have with pvp is that there is no goal to attain by doing it.
I like to PvP people to hear the squeaks they make when I kill them.... I find it most entertaining...
I'll take the Sin named Anger (or Wrath)0 -
same reason i like sex !!0
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