Suggestion *Race with 2 classes*

FoxyGR - Raging Tide
FoxyGR - Raging Tide Posts: 103 Arc User
edited December 2011 in Suggestion Box
Mkay, so we seen new races rise up from the seas, climbed out from the earth...

What about falling from the sky?

I bring you the new race of PWI - Dyreneder *Title still a work in progress*

An advanced alien race whos ship was shot down by their enemy ships during a space exploration. They land in the world full of strange creatures and plants. Players of this race would be awaken from a frozen state and pick up as one of the two new classes. Technomancer, or Gunsmither.

Gunsmithers; This class is strictly for the female gender of this race. The weapons they use are varied from hand held pistols to bayonet rifle. Depending on the weapon, would depend on the ammunition. EXAMPLE- Pistons can't shoot a canon ball. The gun would also depend on a 'light' or 'heavy' build. The 'heavy' build characters can use the heavier guns. Examples of a heavy gun would be Canon, Bazooka, and Gernade launchers. But just because it's a heavy weapon don't mean you can shoot at a distance. The range would have to be closer for the use of this style of weapons. Lighter build Gunsmithers can fire from a longer distance. The Gunsmithers starting skill is called 'bullseye' which increases the accuracy and damage delt for a short time.

Technomancer; The Technomanger is pretty much a techno mage. Capable of causing negative effects to monsters and players in pvps. Technomancers can support Mystics/Venos with their summons/pets with a small list of buffs. They can even transfer up to 70% of their mana to another player. Technomancers don't have a specific weapon, they use their hands, or even gloves. Much like the Barbarians, Venomancers, and Gunsmithers, Technomancer are a gender lock class to the male gender only. They can also do either 'Light' or 'Archane' builds. As a Light build Mancer, they can take aggro from a cleric who happens to have healing aggro, and get an immunity skill that's long enough for the cleric to revive the tank of the party, and start to heal. Though this immunity would make the mancer useless. They can set up traps for monsters to run into, and even have metal based resistance. The archane mancer can provide minor defence buffs and Heal over Time buffs to summons and pets. As an Archane, you can even drasticly lower opponites defence, speed, elemental defence, attacks, stun, sleep, and cause a damage over time metal damage called 'Shock' with a max version that does a wide area of effect known as 'Eletric Storm'. The technomancer's starting skill is 'eletric Field' with a small chance of stun.

Transformation; Dreyanders do not have a transformation form. Dreyanders are short and nimble however.

Flying Gear; Dreyanders are from an advanced out of world race, and rides on Aero-Ryders, or airborn like skateboards or surfboards. Aero-Ryders are long, slender, flat with two fans underneath to provide lift. The fans move to help turn the Aero-Ryder left, right, move up or even down.

Knuriks; Dreyanders aren't the only aliens to have land in the world. Knuriks followd the Dreyander to the planet's surface, intending to wipe the rest of the race off the face of space travel.
Like Dreyanders, Knurics are divided into two classes. Magical and Physical. Knuriks also take creatures from where they landed and turned them into aggressive monsters. Rankar touched monsters are no in this mix. There are no Rankar creatures in the crash sites, due to the crash sites being no more then a few months old.

The Dreyanders would have a dungeon for their first actual boss kill. Going into the very center of the Knuriks spaceships in a hunt of either one or all three Generals, or the Knuriks Elder. Depending on which one the key holder chooses.

One General- Easy/Short run 1/4th the Exp, 1 rep given to other players in party.
Two Generals- Easy-mid/short-mid run 1/2 exp 2 rep given to other players in party.
Three Generals- Mid-hard/Mid-full run 3/4 exp, 3 rep given to other players in party.
Elder- hard/full run 1 1/2 exp 5 rep to the other players in party.

I have a basic idea of what the Dreyanders look like, but no way to upload an image of it right now. I'll provide images for those who are more curious.

NOTE- To those who would complain about the gender locks on the classes, I'm only suggesting it as a way to balance out the fact that there's more phys male classes and more mage fem classes then there are phys fem and mage male. This is to JUST BALANCE OUT THE CLASSES! Don't complain or flame about it.
I'm also suggesting Guns and techno in the game because of the fact that we have motercycles *which ruined the mystical part already* in this game. I've spent a lot of time actually developing this race and the classes and the character design! Anyone who's making such posts about this idea *who's not a GM* would be ignored by me.
Post edited by FoxyGR - Raging Tide on


  • FoxyGR - Raging Tide
    FoxyGR - Raging Tide Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I do want to get a feed back on what others think on this idea though. And not something like *They won't make a dungeon cause it'll take too much money noob*
  • Ramanock - Archosaur
    Ramanock - Archosaur Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Sounds very interesting, and it looks like you've thought it out more than most do :)

    It would be nice to have another physical ranged class like archers, would even the playing field when it came to casters and it seems to be a generally ignored combination.

    Only problem would be the Technomancers being so support oriented, people are so rabid about tw and pvp that having a character that would have to stay in the back ground as support probably wouldn't make them very popular. Would be cool if they have an array of skills that made them immune to certain types or element of damage that could be combined with a wide range of DOT skills, so they could DOT and then kite while they take damage and wait for their skills to kick in. It would mean that you would have to put more thought into the players you were fighting against, especially with so many classes having dual elements b:pleased
  • Griimzly - Raging Tide
    Griimzly - Raging Tide Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Well i give you props for a big idea such as this. But we have seen this game try and go into the future by bringing a motorcycle through a time machine... And we have seen the fight it created through PWI. I personally think this is a bad idea because its going waaaayyy into the future. I know we have modern fashions and a motorcycle but I think this game needs to stay as close to the time period it is at. Im not trying to be mean or anything because i like the effort you put into it, but I think its a terrible Idea. b:lipcurl