New mystic skills coming with expansion

LividLemur - Dreamweaver
Posts: 126 Arc User
Korren - Lost City wrote: »Mystic
Star prairie: absorb 15%-35%(depends on SF) of targets revover ability(healing, charm) for 15sec
Flowers blinding: new AOE buff, increase skill damage to mobs by 20%, last 30min.
3rd eye: detect if there r stealth targets around u, and knock out all stealth targets 26meters around u, last 6sec.
Rejuvenation of all things: AOE rez buff-.-
Moist: AOE buff, incrase healing effect by 20%, pot effect 30%, last 30min.
Color Blossoms fans: AOE heal, heal 25% of base atk+ 783HP, every3 sec, last 12sec.
Fan Xin Star prairie: absorb 20%-40%(depends on SF) of targets revover ability(healing, charm) for 40sec
AoE rez buff! Easing the pain of fresh green balls right before boss

*apologies if this has been posted in mystic forums already... didn't see it so wt heck why not
Post edited by LividLemur - Dreamweaver on
No extra DD skill
But overall, support skills aren't terrible. Just why does it have to be for mobs only on the damage increase skill b:sad[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
playing Faction Wars Again.0 -
Retsuko - Heavens Tear wrote: »No extra DD skill
But overall, support skills aren't terrible. Just why does it have to be for mobs only on the damage increase skill b:sad
LOL... I noticed that too. Of the EG, Seekers definitely are taking home the christmas goodies this year. Among other things they can now debuff targets defense levels without having to rely on stances while increasing their own attack levels at the same time. To further add insult to injury (at least from Mystic's perspective), they now even get a summons pet. b:shutup
But definitely Mystics have practically been shoehorned into support role now while their main competitors (venos and Clerics) have been substantially pumped up for PvP, especially venomancers.0 -
Pointless heals. The only way to compete with bb/purify is to get the exact same thing.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
it seems like every other class they gives now pvp skills but mystics get pve skills. tho the 3rd eye is better than seeker's cos u get to know sins out of stealth. people will now make mystics for buffs to farm/event.0
Mystics got scrwed with those skills, nothing is really good compared to the other classes. we got 6 secs stealth detection - seekers got no limit. One on the worst problems and complains was because sins could stay in stealth - now they give stealth to archers too. Mystics got no DD skills, just healing skills, aoe rez buff (which is pointless, just save time). BMs got teleport/stun and the skill that bring target to them, **** mystics bramble now, the only good thing to get BMs away from us. Venos got 10s anti-stun, Sins got our coins...
So I guess is my time to quit b:surrender0 -
Mysticarella - Lost City wrote: »Mystics got scrwed with those skills, nothing is really good compared to the other classes. we got 6 secs stealth detection - seekers got no limit. One on the worst problems and complains was because sins could stay in stealth - now they give stealth to archers too. Mystics got no DD skills, just healing skills, aoe rez buff (which is pointless, just save time). BMs got teleport/stun and the skill that bring target to them, **** mystics bramble now, the only good thing to get BMs away from us. Venos got 10s anti-stun, Sins got our coins...
So I guess is my time to quit b:surrender
Actually... Mystic stealth detect is superior to Seekers. Seeker 3rd eye detect is actually 8 secs (not "unlimited") but more importantly, it can only detect Sins their level or under. On the other hand I haven't heard of Mystic stealth detect being dependent on stealth levels.
Also... Archer may get stealth but they have to stand in one spot or get knocked out of stealth. Same goes for trying to attack while in stealth. Sounds like a skill with very limited applications to me.0 -
Well,We're definitively became an support class and very wanted in every istance + Event ...
1) The Aoe Buff increasing the damage of 20% is OP
2) Ress Aoe Buff is OP
3) Heals Aoe + plants is OP
Ofc we're the new wanted class by others in tw to kill and to get ..Not anymore clerics ..
Anyway i must agree +1 to anyother that say "i wanted some more DD skills" ..I hoped to became an DD class than support&Aoe Heal class ..
PS. we can still **** any other class if we know how to use new skills and the olders ..
Op magic buffs -> lucky break -> any DD skill still hurts ..and,if we have enough def we can still remains Full HP by all our HOT + absorb heal by enemys charms+heals ..thats means we are hard to get down.
PSS. Now mystic --> Squishy fishes Sins .. thats all ..0 -
I don't know what you guys were expecting. I rolled my mystic and made her full R9 JoSD with the expectation of being hybrid support/DD. I'm able to fill that role exactly.
In PvP I can save that cleric from +12 R9 sins by throwing an insta-heal, then one-shot him with rapid + lucky break + NV crit. I think that's plenty strong already.
In TW i can call out a high-priority target, cast thicket on him for good damage, then let my squad have a free kill on a target that's stunned and sealed for 8 seconds.
None of the classes really not any new DD skills. Archers get a crit buff, but it works for *skills* only, which doesn't really increase DD power except against a few HA wearers, which is not their job anyway. Wiz got a bunch of CC skills.
I saw that the point of these new skills was to round out the classes more, and mystics got that with new squad buffs, and some possibly OP new healing skills.
Depending on the cast speed, the new AOE ironheart can be extremely OP in TW.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.0 -
Burnout - Harshlands wrote: »None of the classes really not any new DD skills. Archers get a crit buff, but it works for *skills* only, which doesn't really increase DD power except against a few HA wearers, which is not their job anyway. Wiz got a bunch of CC skills.
Seekers, Barbs, Archers, Sins and BMs all got a new aoe damage skill. Clerics' current DD skills got a damage enhancement with their new "metal mage" business. -
OMFG; mystic not DD enough? Have you naysayers even leveled Storm Mistress yet or seen what it can do on [?] mobs/ bosses? We are already OP as DD, we already out healed clerics.0
OMFG; mystic not DD enough? Have you naysayers even leveled Storm Mistress yet or seen what it can do on [?] mobs/ bosses? We are already OP as DD, we already out healed clerics.
<--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
{That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue0 -
Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear wrote: »What ?
It's true, I can easily outheal a cleric any day of the week.
What we can't do as well, however, is prevent damage, with mag/armor resist buffs, BB, and 5-stack ironhearts to prevent insta-deaths.
If the entire squad is well geared, the mystic actually makes a better healer, tbh.
With my heals I have tanked +12 nirv dags in triple spark. Cleric's IH just doesn't start up fast enough to survive a spike like that, while my 8k+ insta - heals can.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.0 -
None of the classes really not any new DD skills. Archers get a crit buff, but it works for *skills* only, which doesn't really increase DD power except against a few HA wearers, which is not their job anyway. Wiz got a bunch of CC skills.
What??? did you read all classes skills? Just for kicks... BM's got 4 DD skills, 1 tele stun and 1 that tele your opponent to them:
"God punish tactics: 12sec zhen skill, deal base +200% weapon +2500-6500(depends on that soulforce>>) every 3sec, anti stun, sealed.
A ride Purple Dust(good job, google translate..): woohoo, teleport stun skill, teleport and stun your target, deal 50% base atk physical dmg, deal triple dmg when target has less than 40% HP.
Red Dragon cable: drag your target infront of u , success rate 40%-100%(SF)
Tianyuan reversal:available when ur hp lower than 40%, deal base+200%+7200 dmg to all enemies 12meters in a line in front of u, 75% stun them for 3sec.
Threw things around(.....): disable the weapon of you and all enemies 8meters around for 3sec, deal base+100%+3500 dmg.
Tai Xu God punish tactics: 12sec zhen skill, deal base +200% weapon +5000-11000(depends on that soulforce>>) every 3sec, anti stun, sealed.also decrease targets movement speed by 30%."
Almost every class got DD skills, but mystics, wiz, clerics if Im not mistaken...
it's a bummer, especially because we dont have many DD skills to begin with. We could have at least a buff to increase HP and Def. of our pets.0 -
Burnout - Harshlands wrote: »
With my heals I have tanked +12 nirv dags in triple spark. Cleric's IH just doesn't start up fast enough to survive a spike like that, while my 8k+ insta - heals can.
That's impossible because you would be charm bypassed.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Clerics and Mystics dont get any DD skills and i agree .. but i hoped for some new DD skills ..
but clerics now have 2 path in TW role now .. 1) Cleric Support Healer 2) Cleric Support DD,blocking enemy charm is OP --> Cata Barb ..
And Mystic in tw will became an pure healer support class .. and most feared is Ress AOE ..
PS. the thing that absorb charm tick and heals from enemy is OP,i dont know how it works yet .. but i know it will became ofc OP .. cause it says "Targets" so its multiple enemy and not just 1...Evanera - Heavens Tear wrote: »That's impossible because you would be charm bypassed.
Its not impossible ..i am not full rank 9 yet because i need the belt and i've all gear just +5 except weap +10 .. but i've tanked a full +12 nirvy weap of squishy sin .. without a problem ..and i was not even charmed ..and with BM buff ..those squishy fishes does to me only 300-400 damage per hit ..0 -
Princess_Rya - Harshlands wrote: »
Its not impossible ..i am not full rank 9 yet because i need the belt and i've all gear just +5 except weap +10 .. but i've tanked a full +12 nirvy weap of squishy sin .. without a problem ..and i was not even charmed ..and with BM buff ..those squishy fishes does to me only 300-400 damage per hit ..
Yes, actually, it is impossible. Notice I mentioned "sparked". ANY +12 nirvana dagger sin WILL charm bypass ANY arcane while they are triple sparked. This includes if you have full +12 armor, because I've seen it happen on many, many occasions. I've seen full R9 BM's get charm bypassed by sins out of nowhere. I have full +10 R9 armor with a +10 stage 2 cube neck, and 8 JoSD in my gear. I've been charm bypassed by a sin unsparked (not to mention triple sparked would be much worse, and has happened) without any damage showing on my log.
There is no argument whatsoever that you or anyone can try to counter this with because what I've stated is a well known fact in this game.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Evanera - Heavens Tear wrote: »Yes, actually, it is impossible. Notice I mentioned "sparked". ANY +12 nirvana dagger sin WILL charm bypass ANY arcane while they are triple sparked. This includes if you have full +12 armor, because I've seen it happen on many, many occasions. I've seen full R9 BM's get charm bypassed by sins out of nowhere. I have full +10 R9 armor with a +10 stage 2 cube neck, and 8 JoSD in my gear. I've been charm bypassed by a sin unsparked (not to mention triple sparked would be much worse, and has happened) without any damage showing on my log.
There is no argument whatsoever that you or anyone can try to counter this with because what I've stated is a well known fact in this game.
Sigh...I'll give you some math to prove you're wrong.
+12 nirv dags have ~20k phy attack sparked.
After factoring in my defense levels, that 20k damage is reduced to 11200.
After factoring in phy. resist, that 11200 damage is reduced to 11200 * .28 = 3136.
Since this is pvp, divide by 4: 3136 / 4 = 784 damage per hit.
multiply by ~33% crit rate = 1042 average damage per hit.
If he's 5 aps, that's 1042 * 5 = 5210 damage per sec.
Using wind shield @ 20% reduces the damage to 4168 damage/sec.
My Break in the clouds heals ~8k hp every 2 seconds.
That's a heal/sec of about 4000.
If I have falling petals on, that's another 2400 hp/3 sec.
Charm bypass? I have 13000 hp buffed, the average sparked sin needs 13000/4168 = 3.11 seconds to kill me. How is he gonna charm bypass me?
This isn't even taking into account that I might either sac my pet for an additional 100% p. def, or use nature's barrier to halve his damage. What can I do with the 3 seconds of watching him triple spark? Funnier still, in most cases I can just walk forward to stop his damage spam.
Maybe you have it confused with +12 R9 zerk daggers.
Triple sparked R9 dags that zerk even once = charm bypass.
Nirv dags have no chance, unless they have *perfect* adds (-int and zerk on the same weapon. Even then, it's missing 40 attack levels).[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.0 -
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL You think +12 sins will hit you for 1k sparked? LOLOLOLOL
Good God I have NEVER ever laughed so hard at a forum post, and I've been here since the beginning. You sir, are atrocious sorry to say, and your math fails you beyond belief.
This was actually quite perfect timing because I was just PK'ing against a +12 nirv sin. Keeping in mind I was fully buffed, he would demon spark on me and hit for 3k damage (crits). I have 15k pdef and 12.8k HP and as I was reading your post, I tabbed back into the game to see myself get charm bypassed by him. Seriously, the timing could not have been any better. Think about how bad that would be if I was unbuffed besides my stone barrier. He would easily hit me for 5k crits. 3 hits and I'm dead.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Evanera - Heavens Tear wrote: »LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL You think +12 sins will hit you for 1k sparked? LOLOLOLOL
Good God I have NEVER ever laughed so hard at a forum post, and I've been here since the beginning. You sir, are atrocious sorry to say, and your math fails you beyond belief.
This was actually quite perfect timing because I was just PK'ing against a +12 nirv sin. Keeping in mind I was fully buffed, he would demon spark on me and hit for 3k damage (crits). I have 15k pdef and 12.8k HP and as I was reading your post, I tabbed back into the game to see myself get charm bypassed by him. Seriously, the timing could not have been any better. Think about how bad that would be if I was unbuffed besides my stone barrier. He would easily hit me for 5k crits. 3 hits and I'm dead.
Evanera,wich Sin OP u've fought .. Unless that sin is rank 9 5 APS +12 with ALL socket DOT cant die so easy with ur p.def and hp ..Anyway's we have falling petals,and it is an advantage for us to resist more the fishes sin DD ..and if u know we can manage our salvation while we're stunned or anything else ..b:shutup0 -
Evanera - Heavens Tear wrote: »LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL You think +12 sins will hit you for 1k sparked? LOLOLOLOL
Good God I have NEVER ever laughed so hard at a forum post, and I've been here since the beginning. You sir, are atrocious sorry to say, and your math fails you beyond belief.
This was actually quite perfect timing because I was just PK'ing against a +12 nirv sin. Keeping in mind I was fully buffed, he would demon spark on me and hit for 3k damage (crits). I have 15k pdef and 12.8k HP and as I was reading your post, I tabbed back into the game to see myself get charm bypassed by him. Seriously, the timing could not have been any better. Think about how bad that would be if I was unbuffed besides my stone barrier. He would easily hit me for 5k crits. 3 hits and I'm dead.
You obviously have 0 pk experience, and your gear is probably horribly sharded. +10 nirv dags barely hit me for 300 unsparked.
Go back to your pve server, please.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.0 -
Did you fail to read that I mentioned the word SPARKED? Now you're mentioning unsparked? Nice try bud.
Ignorant **** trying to undermine someone on a PVE server.
Edit: To Rya - Every +12 sin basically. The sin doesn't need to have r9 to charm bypass arcanes, and even LA/HA sometimes (rare). Falling Petals won't save you from a charm bypass because of how the skill works.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Evanera - Heavens Tear wrote: »L.M.F.A.O.
Did you fail to read that I mentioned the word SPARKED? Now you're mentioning unsparked? Nice try bud.
Ignorant **** trying to undermine someone on a PVE server.
Edit: To Rya - Every +12 sin basically. The sin doesn't need to have r9 to charm bypass arcanes, and even LA/HA sometimes (rare). Falling Petals won't save you from a charm bypass because of how the skill works.
Are you trying to look this dumb on purpose so you can get some laughs or something?
How much do you think a triple sparked Sin will hit for if he hits me for 300 unsparked? Think about how much weapon damage a triple spark adds, and how much that will do. You do not go from doing 300 to doing 3k just because of triple spark.
Last thing. Having 5 aps doesn't automatically = charm bypass. It depends on GEAR. +12 nirv dags can charm bypass a TT90, easily. That doesn't mean just because he has 5 aps he'll bypass a R9 JoSD sharded fully buffed mystic.
Now, before you post another reply, read this twice more and use your brain to think over what I just said,
very, carefully.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.0 -
You're talking about +10 daggers in your above post, and the conversation was about +12, also sparked. I also mentioned that my 3k hit was a CRIT hit. I just gave you instantaneous proof that the damage is there because it had JUST happened to me (besides me not providing a picture). That +12 will roughly jump the damage to what, 450? Crit making it 900, and sparked roughly 1800 or so? You're full JOSD which will obviously help, but not everyone is full JoSD for various reasons.
You're also incorporating that you're "always" fully buffed, giving yourself every single possibility to help you in this argument when it's not really realistic. Did you forget to read earlier that unbuffed was mentioned? Hm?
Yes, even with full buffs and JoSD a mystic can be charm bypassed by a nirvana sin. Likely? No, but I've seen a full +12 r9 psy in def voodoo get bypassed by a sin. It can happen, and this is what we are discussing. If you're any arcane class not sharded JoSD then you will be 99% of the time charm bypassed by a +12 sin. It's as simple as that.
Just look at my 3k hits that I said earlier. 3k x 5 (if they all crit, not unlikely at all) = 15k damage in 1 second, bypassed, dead.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Evanera - Heavens Tear wrote: »You're talking about +10 daggers in your above post, and the conversation was about +12, also sparked. I also mentioned that my 3k hit was a CRIT hit. I just gave you instantaneous proof that the damage is there because it had JUST happened to me (besides me not providing a picture). That +12 will roughly jump the damage to what, 450? Crit making it 900, and sparked roughly 1800 or so? You're full JOSD which will obviously help, but not everyone is full JoSD for various reasons.
You're also incorporating that you're "always" fully buffed, giving yourself every single possibility to help you in this argument when it's not really realistic. Did you forget to read earlier that unbuffed was mentioned? Hm?
Yes, even with full buffs and JoSD a mystic can be charm bypassed by a nirvana sin. Likely? No, but I've seen a full +12 r9 psy in def voodoo get bypassed by a sin. It can happen, and this is what we are discussing. If you're any arcane class not sharded JoSD then you will be 99% of the time charm bypassed by a +12 sin. It's as simple as that.
Just look at my 3k hits that I said earlier. 3k x 5 (if they all crit, not unlikely at all) = 15k damage in 1 second, bypassed, dead.
Congrats, you win the stupid award.
You took a simple statement, "I have tanked +12 dags in triple spark with just mystic heals"
....and managed to somehow construct a situation where this couldn't be true just so you can say I was lying.
Ok. I'll just put this statement out since you seem to be trying to convince us all of the following:
Unbuffed caster, with **** shards, bad refines, and no defense levels, can get charm bypassed by a triple sparked sin with +12 nirv dags.
Happy now?
Now lets get to my original statement:
I can heal ~4k hp every 2 seconds at almost a moment's notice.
Can a cleric do that? No.
They need to stack multiple ironhearts to get their healing to a decent lvl. Even then, it only ticks once/3 secs.
Mystics have better HPS on demand, and combined with plants + falling petals, can outheal a cleric, period.
Now do you have any more pointless arguments to bring up, Evanera?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.0 -
Burnout - Harshlands wrote: »Ok.
Congrats, you win the stupid award.
You took a simple statement, "I have tanked +12 dags in triple spark with just mystic heals"
....and managed to somehow construct a situation where this couldn't be true just so you can say I was lying.
Ok. I'll just put this statement out since you seem to be trying to convince us all of the following:
Unbuffed caster, with **** shards, bad refines, and no defense levels, can get charm bypassed by a triple sparked sin with +12 nirv dags.
Happy now?
Now lets get to my original statement:
I can heal ~4k hp every 2 seconds at almost a moment's notice.
Can a cleric do that? No.
They need to stack multiple ironhearts to get their healing to a decent lvl. Even then, it only ticks once/3 secs.
Mystics have better HPS on demand, and combined with plants + falling petals, can outheal a cleric, period.
Now do you have any more pointless arguments to bring up, Evanera?
If you were in the situation of fully buffed, and full JoSD then yes you "can" not get charm bypassed and my statement of "impossible' is gone. Besides that? Mine still stands.
Let's see:
Fully buffed arcane, +10 refines, 44 def level (me, and most arcanes that play this game) can and most likely will get charm bypassed by a triple sparked sin with +12 daggers.
If you are too ignorant to realize this then I feel sorry for you. b:bye
Edit: Forgot to put +12.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Evanera - Heavens Tear wrote: »If you were in the situation of fully buffed, and full JoSD then yes you "can" not get charm bypassed and my statement of "impossible' is gone. Besides that? Mine still stands.
Let's see:
Fully buffed arcane, +10 refines, 44 def level (me, and most arcanes that play this game) can and most likely will get charm bypassed by a triple sparked sin.
If you are too ignorant to realize this then I feel sorry for you. b:bye
Good riddance. We don't need more stupid on these mystic boards.
Ill leave you with this link. .
That sin has R9 +12 dags, attack lvl shards, and double sparked before using occult ice on me. I had only cleric buffs. Where is the charm bypass?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.0 -
Lawl. You're the one who's too stupid to realize what sins can do to people. b:bye[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Evanera - Heavens Tear wrote: »Lawl. You're the one who's too stupid to realize what sins can do to people. b:bye
Again, watch my link, and tell me that sins are overpowered.
You just need to learn how to pvp.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.0 -
You just showed yourself getting hit by an unsparked sin for 1250~ damage non crit when you have all three pdef buffs on.......
There goes your 300 damage claim.
Nice one genius.
Learn to PK? Okay, my 14,000 kills on my two characters so far means I need to learn how to PK. Okay.
*slow clap for you providing evidence of your fail*
Edit: Didn't see you said r9, but the damage was still "really high" considering you have the number 300 stuck on you. 30 attack level will not increase damage by what, 500 damage from a base of 300?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Evanera - Heavens Tear wrote: »You just showed yourself getting hit by an unsparked sin for 1250~ damage non crit when you have all three pdef buffs on.......
There goes your 300 damage claim.
Nice one genius.
Learn to PK? Okay, my 14,000 kills on my two characters so far means I need to learn how to PK. Okay.
*slow clap for you providing evidence of your fail*
That sin is +12 R9 dags, which means he gets +40 attack levels, FRENZY, and has diamond of tigers sharded into his armors. He double sparked in stealth, then used occult ice to try to stunlock me.
While you're at it, you might as well tell me that a mystic can't solo tank TM69 as well, since you're trying to look as dumb as humanly possible.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.0
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