WTB: -12% chan stuff

Aedrian - Lost City
Aedrian - Lost City Posts: 750 Arc User
edited December 2011 in Twilight Temple (West)
As the title says, please send me a in-game message or a forum one, I need a -12% chan belt, sleeves and ring, name is Aedrian, server is Lost City, love you all.

Ofc, if you have something -15% or -18% on any item, that is more than welcome, no matter what the piece of gear is.
<"shameless self-bump :D" Alexenokin - Lost City>
-102% channeling self buffed wizzie, ready to shoot ^.^ (And -107% on Demon Spark, **** refines, I got turbo)

*WTB: -12~-18% chan stuff, pm me in here or in game for details*

Post edited by Aedrian - Lost City on


  • Blue//oon - Lost City43
    Blue//oon - Lost City43 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    still looking to get insta wiz ^^, how you been
  • Regenbogen - Lost City
    Regenbogen - Lost City Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    huh wasnt it like >100%channeling ->back to the 90%?
    Aedrian if you have some unbound leftover channeling let me know. b:surrender
    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss
  • _Perses_ - Lost City
    _Perses_ - Lost City Posts: 1,917 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    If you hit anything above 100% channeling during a spark (i believe is when it occurs, I could be wrong) it'll take you back down to 90%....but really, if a wizzy needs to triple spark then their weapon must suck balls (or their mag) :s
    Nothing worthwhile to mention here, enjoy the animated signature~

  • Bictorr - Lost City
    Bictorr - Lost City Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    The amount of -channeling items you bought because of this post: 0
  • Calvin - Lost City
    Calvin - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited November 2011
  • Aedrian - Lost City
    Aedrian - Lost City Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    still looking to get insta wiz ^^, how you been

    Yep, still working on it, been good, working a lot so I can't scan WC as I used to.
    huh wasnt it like >100%channeling ->back to the 90%?
    Aedrian if you have some unbound leftover channeling let me know. b:surrender

    Correct, it does that, but it also means I will be able to use some gear with less channeling and more HP, or my current target, get to instant with my R8 gun, since that one hits like a truck but has no -chan at all.

    And sure, will let you know.
    If you hit anything above 100% channeling during a spark (i believe is when it occurs, I could be wrong) it'll take you back down to 90%....but really, if a wizzy needs to triple spark then their weapon must suck balls (or their mag) :s

    Well, I am pure mag and my weapon does suck (Compared to +12 R9), but then again, since I use it mostly for pve and not for oneshooting people, you would be surprised how slow wizards can be compared to non CS / non high aps and very refined twitchys.

    Still, do some pve with me, lets do BH soon and you tell me if I am a fun partner.
    <"shameless self-bump :D" Alexenokin - Lost City>
    -102% channeling self buffed wizzie, ready to shoot ^.^ (And -107% on Demon Spark, **** refines, I got turbo)

    *WTB: -12~-18% chan stuff, pm me in here or in game for details*

  • Regenbogen - Lost City
    Regenbogen - Lost City Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    if a wiz with r9+12 tripples you better run...b:avoid

    get 74%(99% with tripple) channeling unbuffed which is even possible to obtain...
    (venomacer dont get channeling from spark so...QQ)

    why dont you just pay a cleric for red bubble that might be cheaper? xD
    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss
  • Must - Lost City
    Must - Lost City Posts: 555 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    How come I see Elayne in my avatar?

  • NyKage - Lost City
    NyKage - Lost City Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I have -12% channeling belt u can buy for birrions
  • Aedrian - Lost City
    Aedrian - Lost City Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    if a wiz with r9+12 tripples you better run...b:avoid

    get 74%(99% with tripple) channeling unbuffed which is even possible to obtain...
    (venomacer dont get channeling from spark so...QQ)

    why dont you just pay a cleric for red bubble that might be cheaper? xD

    Because RB is 5% slower, and does not give me the mega nuke damage that a 7 spark combo gives me on pve.

    Yes trolls, 7 spark combo with no apoths in less than 15 seconds, that is total rage destruction, got to love Demon BIDS (And its 1/5 chance of chi refill, you can't depend on it, but joy when it happens)
    <"shameless self-bump :D" Alexenokin - Lost City>
    -102% channeling self buffed wizzie, ready to shoot ^.^ (And -107% on Demon Spark, **** refines, I got turbo)

    *WTB: -12~-18% chan stuff, pm me in here or in game for details*

  • Regenbogen - Lost City
    Regenbogen - Lost City Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Because RB is 5% slower, and does not give me the mega nuke damage that a 7 spark combo gives me on pve.

    Yes trolls, 7 spark combo with no apoths in less than 15 seconds, that is total rage destruction, got to love Demon BIDS (And its 1/5 chance of chi refill, you can't depend on it, but joy when it happens)

    why do i imagine you tripplesparking...a sin poping up behind you...1shoting you...and you rage destroying your keyboard! D:
    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss
  • Aedrian - Lost City
    Aedrian - Lost City Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    why do i imagine you tripplesparking...a sin poping up behind you...1shoting you...and you rage destroying your keyboard! D:

    Because that is what happens to most arcanes on pvp areas.

    Reason why, I live on a pvp server yet can never be found on pvp areas.
    <"shameless self-bump :D" Alexenokin - Lost City>
    -102% channeling self buffed wizzie, ready to shoot ^.^ (And -107% on Demon Spark, **** refines, I got turbo)

    *WTB: -12~-18% chan stuff, pm me in here or in game for details*

  • HardToThink - Lost City
    HardToThink - Lost City Posts: 967 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    why do i imagine you tripplesparking...a sin poping up behind you...1shoting you...and you rage destroying your keyboard! D:

    That mental image made my day, i'll leave so trolls don't ruin it.
    Siggy from bellefleurs.
  • Aedrian - Lost City
    Aedrian - Lost City Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    that Mental Image Made My Day, I'll Leave So Trolls Don't Ruin It.

    Htt <3
    <"shameless self-bump :D" Alexenokin - Lost City>
    -102% channeling self buffed wizzie, ready to shoot ^.^ (And -107% on Demon Spark, **** refines, I got turbo)

    *WTB: -12~-18% chan stuff, pm me in here or in game for details*