An addition

Blueblade__ - Archosaur
Blueblade__ - Archosaur Posts: 50 Arc User
edited October 2011 in Suggestion Box
Players should be given an option for buying or making a house for them.Why not make 5 new instances with different backgrounds and different houses. Like in one it will be the background showing kinda etherblade and another Raging tide. The names will be like Etherblade Residential area. There will be many houses. This will make some sense to the game cause where do ppl in the game stay anyway? b:laugh

Also they can add fancy houses this will earn pwi more money. I havent yet thought about the stuff u can do in the house. So i am open to suggestions. This wont be bad cause ppl spend millions of fash that makes anyway so why not start houses?

Oh and im not a new player i started playing from december 2010 (just saying cause it doesnt say in my picture so im not a noob :) )
Post edited by Blueblade__ - Archosaur on
