5 Mins after....

Posts: 218 Arc User
edited November 2011 in Tideswell (East)
...the server goes online today, wild Vicious peons spawn at general summer, furiously opening packs in the hope that with their shiny new r9's they'll finally be able to take down QQme with a triple gank this weekend. b:chuckle
Wait...Wait...There will be large posterior wenches?! -Impatiens

youtube.com/NigoshiPwiRT - Blademaster PvP videos and TW
Post edited by Nigoshi - Raging Tide on


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  • Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    loldisguygotinQQme4daysagoandalreadyhates, pro brain washing by Man is pro
  • Posts: 581 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    QQme starting a pvp training so they can maybe be able to take down vicious...
    they have all the r9 stuff and cashers +12 and blablabla, but they need to improve their pvp abilities b:chuckle
  • Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Quite contrary actually, I don't hate vicious in the least, but I decided I'd incite some lyrical hemorrhage from some clearly hot blooded individuals for myself and others to read while at work, not much else going on here anyway.
    Wait...Wait...There will be large posterior wenches?! -Impatiens

    youtube.com/NigoshiPwiRT - Blademaster PvP videos and TW
  • Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Attentionwh*re much? b:shutup
  • Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    mhh last week, QQme ppl at SP were saying,"we will crush Vicious this week", "well get 1k back" etc etc etc.

    1st. Random BM that just failed with his own faction, got roflstomped by levi for weeks, WTF r u talking about?

    2nd. Random BM that joined qqme 1 weeks ago talk about Vicious CSers? Ofc u don't know the actual faction you are now.

    3rd. why do u talk **** about Vicious? i never saw u in TW till now, why all this hate?

    4th. We are Cube lovers, thats where u make dice tickets u know b:chuckle

    Whish to see u this week end. bye
  • Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    pointless thread is pointless ijs, if u wanna go read butthurt threads go read QQme forums about the tw's ijs. anyway, maybe ill finally go r9 this sale, if i stop being lazy lol

    Spell_Caster: "+1 Revenge or should I say...Nuff_Said?

    I troll worse than a blonde... and for your information, blondes are pro trolls."
  • Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    maybe ill finally go r9 this sale, if i stop being lazy lol
    agreed, i was thinking the same
    Wait...Wait...There will be large posterior wenches?! -Impatiens

    youtube.com/NigoshiPwiRT - Blademaster PvP videos and TW
  • Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    anyway, maybe ill finally go r9 this sale, if i stop being lazy lol

    Stop being lazy? Not trying to knock you personally, but it's a shame when playing the game at all isn't considered lazy. Or that this game, something you do during free time, would be considered work. b:shutup
  • Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    b:laugh It seems the "I R JOINING DA TOP 2 FAC I R PRO I R FLAME JOO NAO" mentality has gotten to a certain someone. It'll wear off eventually. I hope. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    b:laugh It seems the "I R JOINING DA TOP 2 FAC I R PRO I R FLAME JOO NAO" mentality has gotten to a certain someone. It'll wear off eventually. I hope. b:chuckle

    I actually thought the same thing... But he's right... ijs...

    You guys DO have way more r9 than we do... And more +12.

    Let the new kids talk trash. It's nice to see orange instead of green. ijs.
    Retired nonfactor archer.
  • Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I actually thought the same thing... But he's right... ijs...

    You guys DO have way more r9 than we do... And more +12.

    Let the new kids talk trash. It's nice to see orange instead of green. ijs.

    Really? I thought the exact oppositeb:surrender
  • Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    QQme is going to think Vicious has more R9. Vicious is going to think QQme has more R9. And unless someone decides they want to individually count and give us the total, can't we just call it even?
  • Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I actually thought the same thing... But he's right... ijs...

    You guys DO have way more r9 than we do... And more +12.

    Let the new kids talk trash. It's nice to see orange instead of green. ijs.

    You thinking that he's right and him actually being right are two different things. Please state how you came to this conclusion with legit evidence thanks.

    Like Tia said, one side will say one thing, and vice versa. If you want to throw that argument of QQ U HAZ MOER R9 around you should do an individual count.
  • Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    You thinking that he's right and him actually being right are two different things. Please state how you came to this conclusion with legit evidence thanks.

    Like Tia said, one side will say one thing, and vice versa. If you want to throw that argument of QQ U HAZ MOER R9 around you should do an individual count.

    I'm sorry let me fix this:

    Vici has more r9 archers and I'm jelly :(
    Retired nonfactor archer.
  • Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited October 2011
  • Posts: 1,416 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Everyone knows R9orGTFO has the most R9s on this server.
  • Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Everyone knows R9orGTFO has the most R9s on this server.

    Pro faction is pro b:dirty
  • Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Stop being lazy? Not trying to knock you personally, but it's a shame when playing the game at all isn't considered lazy. Or that this game, something you do during free time, would be considered work. b:shutup

    maybe i should clarify, im notorious within vicious to log in and then just stand there and doing nothing for about an hour just talking till i decide to log off and go do something else. honestly this game has little appeal to me so i rarely do anything inside it, unless ofc you catch me on the rare occasion someone forces me into a tt run or the even more rare delta run (yea *** u dylena im not running delta for another 2 months).

    @ belle, i can guarentee to you, vicious doesnt have (or atleast didnt have during the last two months of tw's) as many r9's as QQme thinks. yes we have more r9 achers, but by my count off the top of my head, our r9 people are actually pretty damn low.

    wtb more r9 from QQme plox QQ

    Spell_Caster: "+1 Revenge or should I say...Nuff_Said?

    I troll worse than a blonde... and for your information, blondes are pro trolls."
  • Posts: 719 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    OMG ... You people sooo fail at trolling.

    Those are not insults they are totally luke-warm-little-girl-hand-slapping-fight comments...

    *Heading back to the HL Server Symposium section where I heard they once made Chuck Norris cry with their put downs*
  • Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    OMG ... You people sooo fail at trolling.

    Those are not insults they are totally luke-warm-little-girl-hand-slapping-fight comments...

    *Heading back to the HL Server Symposium section where I heard they once made Chuck Norris cry with their put downs*

    all im saying is if you want full on flaming under the guise as "trolling" then your an idiot. wrong forum for that yo

    Spell_Caster: "+1 Revenge or should I say...Nuff_Said?

    I troll worse than a blonde... and for your information, blondes are pro trolls."
  • Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    maybe i should clarify, im notorious within vicious to log in and then just stand there and doing nothing for about an hour just talking till i decide to log off and go do something else. honestly this game has little appeal to me so i rarely do anything inside it, unless ofc you catch me on the rare occasion someone forces me into a tt run or the even more rare delta run (yea *** u dylena im not running delta for another 2 months).

    @ belle, i can guarentee to you, vicious doesnt have (or atleast didnt have during the last two months of tw's) as many r9's as QQme thinks. yes we have more r9 achers, but by my count off the top of my head, our r9 people are actually pretty damn low.

    wtb more r9 from QQme plox QQ

    I'm pretty sure that I do that during the rare times I'm online that's what I do entirely. Haven't done nirvana in months and delta in almost a year. yaaa....
  • Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    OMG ... You people sooo fail at trolling.

    Those are not insults they are totally luke-warm-little-girl-hand-slapping-fight comments...

    *Heading back to the HL Server Symposium section where I heard they once made Chuck Norris cry with their put downs*

    First: Flaming =/= Trolling.
    Second: Yes go back to HL forums please. That Chuck Norris thing you mentioned was just sooo lame.

    Third and most important:
    Sorry about this - http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1197551
    (The person responsible may not be truly from RT, but nontheless, the posts still say RT in it.)

    Believe me when I say that I now understand why you are so mad and making lame Chuck Norris jokes.
    However, please do also understand that acting like a moron isn't going to help you.

    You will never catch me. But if you do, someone else will take my place. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    OMG ... You people sooo fail at trolling.

    Those are not insults they are totally luke-warm-little-girl-hand-slapping-fight comments...

    *Heading back to the HL Server Symposium section where I heard they once made Chuck Norris cry with their put downs*

    ...who are you?
  • Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    OMG ... You people sooo fail at trolling.

    Those are not insults they are totally luke-warm-little-girl-hand-slapping-fight comments...

    *Heading back to the HL Server Symposium section where I heard they once made Chuck Norris cry with their put downs*

    Wait...Wait...There will be large posterior wenches?! -Impatiens

    youtube.com/NigoshiPwiRT - Blademaster PvP videos and TW
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Heading back to the HL Server Symposium section where I heard they once made Chuck Norris cry with their put downs*

    you just like it there because they have lots of butsecks.
  • Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited October 2011
  • Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    OMG ... You people sooo fail at trolling.

    Those are not insults they are totally luke-warm-little-girl-hand-slapping-fight comments...

    *Heading back to the HL Server Symposium section where I heard they once made Chuck Norris cry with their put downs*

    Sorry if not trolling isn't good enough of a troll for you. (Herp derp)

    Go back to your server, no one wants you here thanks. b:bye
  • Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    My shiny new r8 sin needs a faction. What do ya say, Vicious!? Can I has invite?
  • Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Nig u left deci! b:cryb:cry looks like nab vicious trolls r goin to troll ur thread. And they will troll my supr baaad speling like the y didd befor
  • Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Nig u left deci! b:cryb:cry looks like nab vicious trolls r goin to troll ur thread. And they will troll my supr baaad speling like the y didd befor

    Don't flatter yourself. b:bye


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